Ennersbacher Moor

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Ennersbacher Moor nature reserve

IUCN Category IV - Habitat / Species Management Area

Dachsberg (Southern Black Forest) nature reserve Ennersbacher Moor Image 8.jpg
location Germany , Baden-Wuerttemberg , Waldshut district , Dachsberg (Southern Black Forest)
surface 20,018 ha
Identifier 3.176
WDPA ID 162956
Geographical location 47 ° 43 '  N , 8 ° 6'  E Coordinates: 47 ° 42 '40 "  N , 8 ° 5' 46"  E
Ennersbacher Moor (Baden-Württemberg)
Ennersbacher Moor
Setup date December 21, 1990
administration Regional council Freiburg

The Ennersbacher Moor nature reserve is located in the municipality of Dachsberg (southern Black Forest) in the Waldshut district .


The nature reserve was designated by ordinance of the Freiburg Regional Council of December 21, 1990 and has a size of 20.0181 hectares. It is listed under the protected area number 3.176. The CDDA code for the nature reserve is 162956 and corresponds to the WDPA ID .

Location and description

The Ennersbacher Moor nature reserve is located in the municipality of Dachsberg (southern Black Forest) in the Wolpadingen district with a total size of around 20 ha. The nature reserve includes raised bog and flat moor areas as well as parts of the adjacent forests as a habitat for rare and endangered animal and plant species. The area comprises two distinct vegetation areas:

  • On the one hand, the actual Ennersbach or Dachsberg moor in the south, which is an upland moor with forests on the edge of the moor,
  • on the other hand, to the north of it, the valley cut of the "Untere Langwies" and "Langwies" with a flat moor character.

The moor areas in the Ennersbacher Moor nature reserve show an abundance of various intact plant communities that is rarely found even in the moor-rich Hotzenwald . The spectrum ranges from fen communities, some of which are rich in base, some of which are poor in base, to wet, winding intermediate bogs to the Spirke nhochmoor, which in its central parts can be regarded as pure rainwater bog.

Protection purpose

The main protection purpose is the preservation of a raised bog, areas of low bog and parts of the directly adjacent forests with occurrences of rare and endangered animal and plant species and their communities.

Species inventory

The following species have been recorded in the Ennersbacher Moor nature reserve :

  • Taller plants / ferns
Andromeda polifolia (rosemary heather), Arnica montana (Berg-Wohlverleih), Carex davalliana (Davalls sedge), Carex echinata (star sedge), Carex flava agg. (Yellowsedgespecies group), Carex lasiocarpa (thread sedge), Carex limosa (mud sedge), Carex pauciflora (little-flowered sedge), Carex rostrata (beak sedge), Cicerbita alpina (alpine milk lettuce), Dactylorhiza maculata agg. (Species group spotted orchid), Dactylorhiza majalis agg. (Type group marsh orchid), Drosera rotundifolia (Sundew), Epilobium palustre (Epilobium palustre), Epipactis palustris (Marsh Stendelwurz) Epipogium aphyllum (cons Bart), Eriophorum angustifolium (Eriophorum angustifolium), Eriophorum latifolium (Broad cotton grass), Eriophorum vaginatum (bog cotton-grass), Galium uliginosum (bog bedstraw ), Listera cordata (heart two-leaf), Lycopodium annotinum (sprouting club moss ), Menyanthes trifoliata (fever clover), Nardus stricta (bog grass), Orthilia secunda (nodding wintergreen), Parnassia palustris (heart leaf), Platanthera bifolia (white forest hyacinth), Platanthera chlorantha (mountain forest hyacinth), Potentilla palustris (blood-eye), Rhynchospora alba (white beaked cornice), Sparganium angustifolium (narrow-leaved hedgehog), Trichosumhorum ces. (Species group turf rush), Trollius europaeus (globe flower), Utricularia minor agg. (Species group small water hose), Vaccinium oxycoccos agg. (Species group cranberry), Vaccinium uliginosum (common bogberry), Vaccinium vitis-idaea (lingonberry), Viola palustris (swamp violet)
  • Amphibians
Rana temporaria (common frog)
  • Dragonflies
Aeshna cyanea (blue-green damsel), Aeshna juncea (peat damsel), Cordulegaster boltonii (two-striped damsel), Libellula depressa (flat belly), Somatochlora alpestris (alpine emerald dragonfly), Somatochlora arctica (arctic emerald)
  • Reptiles
Lacerta vivipara (forest lizard)
  • Butterflies
Boloria aquilonaris (bog-Perlmutterfalter) Brenthis ino (brenthis ino) Clossiana selene (small pearl-bordered fritillary), Colias palaeno (bog-Gelbling) Erebia ligea (erebia ligea) Fabriciana adippe (high brown fritillary) melanargia galathea (chessboard) , Mellicta athalia (quail wheat butterfly butterfly)
  • Arachnids
Argyroneta aquatica (water spider)
  • Birds
Tetrao urogallus (capercaillie)

See also


  • Regional Council Freiburg (Ed.): The nature reserves in the Freiburg administrative region . Thorbecke, Stuttgart 2011, ISBN 978-3-7995-5177-9 , pp. 655-656

Individual evidence

  1. Map services of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation ( information )
  2. Data evaluation sheet NSG 3.176 - Ennersbacher Moor LUBW

Web links

Commons : Ennersbacher Moor nature reserve  - collection of images, videos and audio files