Erwin Altenburger

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Erwin Altenburger (born November 3, 1903 in Mautern ; † February 7, 1984 in Vienna ) was an Austrian politician of the ÖVP .


The trained shoemaker was interested in politics early on and soon became involved with the Christian trade unionists . From 1927 he was a member of the trade union , and during the Nazi era from 1938 to 1945 he was politically persecuted and imprisoned. In 1947 he became Federal Minister in the Federal Chancellery without a portfolio and in 1955 was one of the two "contentious main negotiators" of the grand coalition for the social laws of the ASVG .

Altenburger's basic political orientation was Catholic social teaching . On his initiative, the FCG (fraction of Christian trade unionists in the ÖGB) was founded in 1951 to make the trade union federation dominated by the SPÖ more non-partisan.

His most important - and longest exercised - function was that of ÖGB Vice-President from 1948 to 1975. In these almost three decades and also as ÖAAB -Obmann, he exerted significant influence on Austria's social policy . Together with his long-time SP opponent Anton Benya , he shaped the social partnership that is so crucial for Austria's economic development .

Altenburger was awarded honorary membership of the Ö.kaV Rhaeto-Danubia Vienna in the ÖCV in 1948 and the K.Ö.St.V. Austro-Danubia Vienna in the MKV .


Individual evidence

  1. List of all decorations awarded by the Federal President for services to the Republic of Austria from 1952 (PDF; 6.9 MB)

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