Holidays in Italy

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Public holidays in Italy are decided by the Parliament of Italy in Rome and apply, with the exception of city ​​or community patronage festivals, in principle nationwide. As far as Whit Monday is concerned, there is an exception for South Tyrol . There are also state memorial days in Italy.

Legal holidays

date designation Italian name annotation
- All Sundays The first Sunday in November is also National Unity Day (Giornata dell'Unità Nazionale e delle Forze Armate)
January 1st New Year Capodanno
6th January Epiphany Epifania also Epifania del Signore
April 25 Liberation Day Anniversario della Liberazione d'Italia also Liberazione dal nazifascismo, liberation from Nazi fascism, end of the German occupation in 1945
- Easter Monday Lunedì di Pasqua also called Pasquetta or Lunedì dell'Angelo
1st of May Labor Day Festa del Lavoro also Festa dei lavoratori
2th of June day of the Republic Festa della Repubblica Establishment of the Italian Republic in 1946
15th of August Assumption Day Assunzione di Maria usually called Ferragosto
November 1st All Saints Day Ognissanti
December 8th Immaculate conception Immacolata Concezione
25 December Christmas Nascita di Gesù or simply Natale
December 26th Stefanstag Giorno di Santo Stefano
- Remembrance day of the city patron Festa del Santo Patrono In South Tyrol , Whit Monday (Lunedì di Pentecoste), which is not a public holiday in the rest of Italy, is celebrated as a public holiday instead .

After the end of World War II and the monarchy, the holidays were redefined by a law of May 27, 1949. With a law of March 5, 1977, the religious holidays of the Three Kings, St. Joseph's Day (March 19), Corpus Christi , Ascension Day and Peter and Paul (June 29) were abolished in order to increase labor productivity as part of the austerity policy due to the poor economic situation increase. The feast of the Magi ( Epifania ) was reintroduced in 1985. Father's Day is March 19 (based on the Roman Catholic church festival of St. Joseph ( San Giuseppe ) as the head of the Holy Family); Mother's Day the second Sunday in May. In addition, every city, every place has the holiday of its own holy patron saint.

State memorial days

State memorial days, which are set by law or by decree, are generally not work-free (unless they fall on a weekend). The following list does not claim to be complete (as of 2018).

date designation Italian name Note
(legal basis: law no./year)
January 7th National Flag Day Giornata nazionale della Bandiera Official on January 7, 1797 in the Cispadan Republic (671/1996)
January 27th International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust Giornata della Memoria (211/2000)
February 9 National Apallic Syndrome Day Giornata nazionale degli stati vegetativi (Decree, 2010)
February 10th Remembrance day for the refugees from Istria , Fiume and Dalmatia Giorno del ricordo degli istriani, fiumani e dalmati especially to the Foibe massacre (92/2004)
February 11th Lateran Treaties Patti lateranensi Founding of Vatican City , settlement of the conflict between Italy and the Holy See (February 11, 1929)
21st of February Days of Braille National giornata del Braille (126/2007)
March 11 European Day of the Victims of Terrorism Giornata europea in ricordo delle vittime del terrorismo (European Parliament, 2004)
17. March National Unity Day, Constitution, National Anthem and National Flag Giornata dell'Unità nazionale, della Costituzione, dell'inno e della bandiera Proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy 1861 (222/2012)
March 21st Memorial day for the Mafia victims Giornata nazionale della memoria e dell'impegno in ricordo delle vittime delle mafie (20/2017)
March 23 Oncological Prevention Day Giornata della prevenzione oncologica (Decree, 2001)
March 24th Reading Promotion Day Giornata nazionale per la promozione della lettura (Decree, 2009)
25th March Dante Alighieri Day Giornata nazionale dedicata a Dante Alighieri (Dantedì) (Decree, 2020)
27th of March World Theater Day Giornata nazionale del Teatro (Vienna, 1961)
4. April Day of the people with spinal cord injury Giornata nazionale della persona con lesione al midollo spinale (Decree, 2008)
April 6th Day of the Victims of the Earthquake and Natural Disasters Giornata alla memoria delle vittime di tutti gli eventi sismici e calamità naturali (225/2011)
May 4th Epilepsy Day Giornata nazionale dell'epilessia (Decree, 2002)
5th of May Day against pedophilia and pedopornography Giornata nazionale contro la pedofilia e la pedopornografia (41/2009)
May 9 Europe day Giornata d'Europa Generally in the EU
May 9 Remembrance day for the victims of terrorism Giorno della memoria dedicato alle vittime del terrorismo Anniversary of the murder (1978) of Giuseppe Impastato and Aldo Moro (56/2007)
May 11th Organ Donor Day Giornata per la donazione degli organi (Decree, 2000)
May 18 Folk music day Giornata nazionale della musica popolare (Decree, 2004)
3rd Sunday in May Day of the Cancer Sufferers Giornata nazionale del malato oncologico (Decree, 2006)
25. May Palliative Care Day Giornata nazionale del sollievo (Decree, 2001)
June 1st Sports day Giornata nazionale dello Sport (Decree, 2003)
14th June World blood donation day Giornata nazionale per la donazione del sangue (Decree, 2003)
2nd Tuesday in June Innovation day Giornata nazionale dell'innovazione (Decree, 2008)
8th August Day of the memory of the victims of Italian workers abroad Giornata nazionale del Sacrificio del lavoro italiano nel mondo Among other things, the mine disaster in Bois du Cazier near Marcinelle, Belgium, 1956 (decree, 2001)
the 9th of September Day of the Fallen Sailors Giornata della memoria dei marinai scomparsi in mare until 2012 on November 12th (204/2012)
September 15th Day of school Giornata nazionale della scuola (Decree, 1996)
September 28th Four days from Naples Insurrezione popolare di Napoli contro i nazifascisti Successful uprising in Naples in 1943 (260/1949)
October 2nd National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Immigration Giornata in memoria delle vittime dell'immigrazione (45/2016)
October 3 Grandparents day Festa dei nonni (159/2005)
4th of October Francis of Assisi and Catherine of Siena , patron saints of Italy San Francesco e Santa Caterina, patroni d'Italia Proclaimed by the Pope in 1939 (132/1958)
4th of October Day of Peace, Fraternity and Dialogue between People of Different Cultures and Religions Giornata della pace, della fraternità e del dialogo tra appartenenti a culture e religioni diverse (24/2005)
5th October Day of the handicapped accessible building Giornata nazionale per l'abbattimento delle barrier archittetoniche (Decree, 2003)
9th October Remembrance day for the victims of environmental and industrial disasters Giornata nazionale in memoria delle vittime dei disastri ambientali e industriali causati dall'incuria dell'uomo (101/2011)
October 12th Columbus day Giornata nazionale di Cristoforo Colombo (Decree, 2004)
October 12th Remembrance day for victims of industrial accidents Giornata per le vittime sul lavoro (Decree, 1998)
October 24th United Nations Day Giornata dell'Onu international
November 4th National Unity and Armed Forces Day Giornata dell'Unità Nazionale e delle Forze Armate Armistice of Villa Giusti 1918 (decree, 1922; 54/1977)
November 9th Day of freedom and the memory of the fall of the Berlin Wall Giornata della libertà in ricordo dell'abbattimento del muro di Berlino (61/2005)
November 12th Day of Italian soldiers and civilians killed in peace missions Giornata del ricordo dei caduti militari e civili nelle missioni internazionali per la pace (162/2009)
21st November National Trees Day Giornata nazionale degli alberi (10/2013)
22nd of November National School Safety Day Giornata nazionale per la sicurezza nelle scuole (107/2015)
December 5th National Mental Health Day Giornata nazionale della salute mental (2004 decree)

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Official website of the Italian government, Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Office for the State Ceremonies: Presidenza del Consiglio, Ufficio del Cerimoniale di Stato, Festività e giornate nazionali I giorni festivi (on May 31, 2016)
  2. Law No. 260 of May 27, 1949
  3. Law No. 54 of March 5, 1977