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Example of a Fluh: Grenchen Mountains with Wandflue - the continuation of the limestone cover can be seen in the background

The toponym Fluh stands for ' rocks , ledge , rock face , rock summit '.

Onomology, variants and distribution

The word comes from Old High German  fluoh and fluah , Middle High German  vluo and from it modern then also Fluhe , Flüh ( Swiss Standard German dim. Flühli ), also Flühe ( dim.Flüheli ) and Swiss German , more rarely Flueh and Flüo (in Valais ) or Flüe (dim. Flüeli , also Flieli ), more rarely Flüeh (dim. Flüehli ).

The word is common in the Alemannic south-west of the German- speaking area . It is characteristic of rock formations and rock peaks embedded in gentler forms, primarily made of limestone and is common in the Northern Limestone Alps from Switzerland to the Tyrolean region, and especially where the limestone either in the flysch in the north or in the central crystalline in the Kick south.




  • Hohenfluhalpkopf (1636 m), mountain in the Nagelfluh chain (Allgäu Alps) on the German-Austrian border.
  • Kanisfluh (2044 m), mountain range in the Bregenz Forest (Vorarlberg).
  • Mohnenfluh (2544 m), mountain in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg.
  • Rote Flüh (2108 m), mountain in the Tannheimer Mountains, a subgroup of the Allgäu Alps.
  • Sulzfluh (2818 m), mountain in the Montafon (Vorarlberg).


  • Äbeni Flue (also Ebnefluh , 3962 m), mountain in the Bernese Alps, natural border between the cantons of Bern and Valais.
  • Äbeflue (also Ebenfluh , 2490 m), ridge on the northwest flank of the Gärstenhorn, Canton of Bern.
  • Amselflue (2771 m), Canton of Graubünden.
  • Blackter Flue , part of the south ridge of the Mattjischhorn to Langwies in the Hochwang range, Plessur Alps, Canton of Graubünden.
  • Belchenflue (1099 m), mountain in the Swiss Jura, natural border between the cantons of Basel-Landschaft and Solothurn.
  • Bürenflue (727 m), mountain in the municipality of Büren, Canton of Solothurn.
  • Chastelenflue (740 m), near Arboldswil, Canton Basel-Landschaft.
  • Chüpfenflue (2658 m), Canton of Graubünden.
  • Eggflue (688 m), Canton of Basel-Country
  • Flueberg (935 m), near Wisen, Canton Solothurn.
  • Fluh (Wolhusen) (945 m), hilltop near Wolhusen, Canton of Lucerne.
  • Fluh (Welschenrohr) , rock face on the southern slope of the Rinderberg near Welschenrohr, Canton Solothurn.
  • Flüeh (Burgdorf) , sandstone flaming near the Schützenmatte in Burgdorf, Canton of Bern.
  • Flüela Schwarzhorn (3147 m), Canton of Graubünden.
  • Flüela Wisshorn (3085 m), Canton of Graubünden.
  • Flüeli (Bucheggberg) (673 m), highest point of the Bucheggberg near Biezwil, Canton Solothurn.
  • Geissflue (Rohr SO) (963 m), mountain in the Swiss Jura between the cantons of Basel-Land, Solothurn and Aargau.
  • Gislifluh (772 m), mountain in the Kettenjura, canton Aargau.
  • Grönfluh , mountain in the Central Swiss Prealps, Canton Lucerne.
  • Grosse Fluh , boulder in Steinhof, Canton Solothurn.
  • Gummfluh (2458 m), mountain in the Vaudois Pre-Alps on the border between the cantons of Bern and Vaud.
  • Hohfluh (Riederalp) , mountain near Riederalp, Canton of Valais.
  • Hornflue (Bernese Alps) (1949 m), mountain near Schönried Gstaad in the Bernese Alps, Canton of Bern.
  • Hornflue (Homberg) (967 m), rock face on Homberg north of Wangen near Olten and Rickenbach, Canton of Solothurn.
  • Iflue , rock face on the Iberig, a mountain of the Table Jura in the municipality of Untersiggenthal, Canton Aargau.
  • Mederger Flue (2674 m), Canton of Graubünden.
  • Moosfluh (Riederalp) (2340 m), mountain near Riederalp, Canton of Valais.
  • Mülibachflue , the steep face of Alp Planalp above Brienz, Canton of Bern.
  • Mumpferflue , between Mumpf, Stein and Obermupf, Canton Aargau
  • Mürrenfluh , steep face in Lauterbrunnen Valley, Canton of Bern.
  • Musflue (1756 m), mountain in the Central Swiss Prealps, Canton Obwalden.
  • Regenflüeli (1582 m), Berg in the Eigental, Canton of Lucerne.
  • Rigi-Hochflue (Hochfluh), a summit of the Rigi mountain range in Central Switzerland.
  • Rote Fluh , a wall section in the north face of the Eiger in the Bernese Alps, Canton of Bern.
  • Rotenfluh (also Rotenflue , 1571 m), mountain in the canton of Schwyz.
  • Ruessiflue (1943 m), mountain in the Central Swiss Prealps, Canton Obwalden.
  • Schartenfluh , mountain in the Basler Jura near Gempen, Canton of Solothurn.
  • Schauenburgerfluh , near Frenkendorf, Canton Basel-Country.
  • Schrattenfluh (2093 m), mountain ridge in the canton of Lucerne.
  • Schwändelifluh (1797 m), mountain in the Central Swiss Pre-Alps, Canton of Lucerne.
  • Sissacherfluh , mountain in the Ergolztal, Canton of Basel-Country.
  • Spitze Fluh (1658 m), summit in the Sigriswilgrat of the Emmental Alps, Canton of Bern.
  • Spitzenflüeli (709 m), mountain in the municipality of Büren, Canton of Solothurn.
  • Staldenfluh , steep face in Lauterbrunnen Valley, Canton of Bern.
  • Tiejer Flue (2781 m), Canton of Graubünden.
  • Wandflue (also Wandfluh , 1399 m), rocky edge of Grenchenberg near Bettlach, Canton of Solothurn.
  • Wandflue (Gastlosen) (2133 m), summit in the Gastlosen chain in the Freiburg Pre-Alps (Switzerland).
  • Wasserflue (also Wasserfluh or Wasserflueh , 866 m), mountain in the Swiss Jura.
  • Wegenstetter Fluh (708 m), lookout point near Wegenstetten, Canton Aargau.
  • Weissflue (also Weissfluh or Weissfluhgipfel , 2834 m), Plessur Alps, Canton of Graubünden.
  • Weissfluhjoch (2693 m), Plessur Alps, Canton of Graubünden.
  • Wisner Fluh , rock formation on the Flueberg near Wisen, Canton Solothurn.


  • Flüelapass (also Flüeler Pass , 2383 m), Alpine pass in the canton of Graubünden.
  • Wasserfluh (also Wasserflueh , 843 m), Canton St. Gallen.

Place names

  • Flüe , Maiensäss in the municipality of St. Niklaus in the Valais district of Visp.
  • Flüelen , municipality in the canton of Uri.
  • Flüeli-Ranft , village and place of pilgrimage in the municipality of Sachseln, Canton Obwalden.
  • Fluh (Kempraten) , historic property and former infirmary in the Kempraten district of the municipality of Rapperswil-Jona, Canton of St. Gallen.
  • Fluh (municipality of Bregenz) (also Bregenz-Fluh ), cadastral municipality of Bregenz, Vorarlberg.
  • Flüh , part of the political community Hofstetten-Flüh, Canton Solothurn.
  • Flühlen , village in the municipality of Luthern in the canton of Lucerne.
  • Flühli , municipality in the canton of Lucerne.
  • Hasliberg-Hohfluh , a village in the municipality of Hasliberg, Canton of Bern.
  • Hofstetten-Flüh , political municipality in the canton of Solothurn.
  • Isenfluh , until 1973 an independent municipality and today part of Lauterbrunnen, Canton Bern.
  • Lützelflüh , political municipality in the canton of Bern.
  • Ranflüh , part of the village belongs to the municipality of Lützelflüh, Canton Bern.
  • Rothenfluh , political municipality in the canton of Basel-Landschaft.
  • Rüdtligen-Alchenflüh , political municipality in the canton of Bern.
  • Zurflüh , former German name of the political municipality of La Roche, canton of Friborg.
  • Zwischenflüh , a village in the municipality of Diemtigen, Canton of Bern.

See also




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