List of cultural monuments in Kleinzschachwitz

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The list of cultural monuments in Kleinzschachwitz includes all cultural monuments in the Dresden district of Kleinzschachwitz .


  • Image: shows a picture of the cultural monument and, if applicable, a link to further photos of the cultural monument in the Wikimedia Commons media archive
  • Designation: Name, designation or the type of cultural monument
  • Location: If available, street name and house number of the cultural monument; The list is basically sorted according to this address. The map link leads to various map displays and gives the coordinates of the cultural monument.
Map view to set coordinates. In this map view, cultural monuments are shown without coordinates with a red marker and can be placed on the map. Cultural monuments without a picture are marked with a blue marker, cultural monuments with a picture are marked with a green marker.
  • Dating: indicates the year of completion or the date of the first mention or the period of construction
  • Description: structural and historical details of the cultural monument, preferably the monument properties
  • ID: is awarded by the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony. It clearly identifies the cultural monument. The link leads to a PDF document from the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony, which summarizes the information on the monument, contains a map sketch and often a detailed description. For former cultural monuments sometimes no ID is given, if one is given, this is the former ID. The corresponding link leads to an empty document at the state office. The following icon can also be found in the ID column Notification-icon-Wikidata-logo.svg; this leads to information on this cultural monument at Wikidata .

List of cultural monuments in Kleinzschachwitz

image designation location Dating description ID
Apartment house in a corner and open development
Apartment house in a corner and open development Altkleinzschachwitz 1
around 1900 (tenement) representative building with an elaborate facade structure, architectural and urban significance 09216864
Malthouse: factory building of a former malthouse
Malthouse: factory building of a former malthouse Berthold-Haupt-Strasse 83
marked 1887 (factory building) striking historicizing factory building, enlivened by the structure of pilasters, risalit, elongated roof pike and high forge, important in terms of industrial history, of architectural significance and as one of the last preserved malting buildings in Dresden (next to Niedersedlitz and Pieschen) with a rarity 09216932
Apartment house in a corner and open development
Apartment house in a corner and open development Berthold-Haupt-Strasse 89
1890-1895 (tenement house) architectural significance 09216865
To the forest park: tenement house with restaurant in a corner and open development
To the forest park: tenement house with restaurant in a corner and open development Berthold-Haupt-Strasse 91
1901 (tenement) As a characteristic building from the turn of the century and a historic restaurant, it is of major architectural and local significance 09216866
Apartment house in a corner and open development
Apartment house in a corner and open development Berthold-Haupt-Strasse 93
around 1895 (tenement) Representative building from the turn of the century with elaborate facade design, curved gables to emphasize the corner situation, clinker cladding arches over the segment-arched windows, colored accentuated clinker clinking of the building edges and clinker frieze under the eaves, horizontal cornices between the floors, historical and urban value 09216867
Oppelsches Landhaus: Country house with garden
Oppelsches Landhaus: Country house with garden Berthold-Haupt-Strasse 109
1810/1820 (country house) Two-storey, five-axis residential building with late baroque and classicist facade elements as well as a gable roof, an attached, street-side transverse building (the plastering on the ground floor is worth mentioning here) and a south-west garden area, which is accessed through a terrace, which is significant in terms of building history, art, personal history and urban development 09216868
Rental villa
Rental villa Berthold-Haupt-Strasse 126
around 1900 (rental villa) Largely authentically preserved building structure with emphasized corner formation, significance in terms of building history 09216869
Residential house in open development, building that has been preserved from the construction period and has a historical value
Residential house in open development, building that has been preserved from the construction period and has a historical value Berthold-Haupt-Strasse 131
1920s (residential building) Largely authentically preserved building structure with emphasized corner formation, significance in terms of building history 09216871
Country style villa with fencing
Country style villa with fencing Berthold-Haupt-Strasse 143
around 1900 (villa) of architectural value 09216924
Rental villa with wooden loggia
Rental villa with wooden loggia Freischützstrasse 9
around 1895 (rental villa) architectural significance 09216872
Villa Theresiah: rental villa
Villa Theresiah: rental villa Freischützstrasse 13
around 1890 (rental villa) with wooden bay window, historical value 09216873
Residential house in open development
Residential house in open development Freystraße 1b
1920s (residential building) Largely authentic building from the 1920s with facade design typical of the period and significance in terms of building history 09216874
Apartment building in open development
Apartment building in open development Freystraße 5
around 1900 (tenement) historical value 09216875
villa Freystraße 7
around 1885 (villa) Building built in the style of the Semper Nicolai School, of architectural importance 09216876
Apartment building in a corner and in a semi-open development
Apartment building in a corner and in a semi-open development Hartungstrasse 2
2nd half of the 19th century (tenement house) historical and urban value 09216877
Apartment building in half-open development with a sloping corner
Apartment building in half-open development with a sloping corner Hartungstrasse 4
2nd half of the 19th century (tenement house) architectural significance 09216878
War memorial for those who died in the First World War
War memorial for those who died in the First World War Hosterwitzer Strasse
after 1918 (war memorial) Monument, consisting of a stepped pedestal, middle cross and two inscription steles with reliefs, significant in terms of local history 09216944
Town hall Kleinzschachwitz (formerly): Town hall and post office
Town hall Kleinzschachwitz (formerly): Town hall and post office Hosterwitzer Strasse 2
marked 1901-1902 (town hall) Erected as Kleinzschachwitzer town hall with municipal office, royal registry office, savings bank and imperial post office, after incorporation in 1921 only post office, distinctive and artistically highlighted corner building with historicizing clinker-sandstone facade, belongs next to the Blasewitzer post to the most representative examples in Dresden's urban area, architectural and historical artistically significant 09216879
Apartment building in open development
Apartment building in open development Hosterwitzer Strasse 4
around 1900 (tenement) representative, historicizing building with characteristic clinker-sandstone facade, significant in terms of building history, local history and social history 09217748
Single-family house with enclosure
Single-family house with enclosure Hosterwitzer Strasse 8
1935 (residential building) Traditionally designed building with a flat gable roof, enlivened by folding shutters, flush lattice windows and moderate loft extensions, particularly high-quality residential building from the 1930s with a balanced and well-proportioned cubature, accentuated by a few restrained but effective details, such as the entrance area, a modern, roofed, open extension to the Garden side etc., in addition, with an appealing and well thought-out arrangement of the window openings, due to his contemporary witness and the high-quality design, significant in terms of architectural history, as part of the overall work of Oswin Hempel, one of the more important architects of Saxony in the first half of the 20th century (architect of the Trachauer Apostle Church, striking villa buildings in and around Dresden, public buildings, etc.) and Wallot students also of artistic importance 09210261
Villa with enclosure
Villa with enclosure Hosterwitzer Strasse 19
around 1900 (villa) high-quality and largely authentically preserved testimony to the building culture around 1900, of building historical importance 09216880
Villa with enclosure
Villa with enclosure Hosterwitzer Strasse 21
around 1900 (villa) of architectural value 09216881
Villa with enclosure
Villa with enclosure Hosterwitzer Strasse 31
1930s (villa) High-quality and largely unadulterated evidence of the residential architecture of the 1930s, significance in terms of building history and the townscape 09216882
Corner tower and two openwork, brick garden dividing elements
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Corner tower and two openwork, brick garden dividing elements Hosterwitzer Strasse 42
1903 (tower and garden equipment) Remarkable villa property and garden architecture around 1900, significant in terms of building history, and in this form and in this state of preservation probably unique in Dresden 09216883
Villa with enclosure
Villa with enclosure Keppgrundstrasse 15
1899-1900 (villa) Distinctive building of late historicism around 1900, accents with tail gables, balconies, ornamentation, variety of materials, significant in terms of architectural, artistic and urban development history 09216884
Villa with garden house and enclosure
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Villa with garden house and enclosure Keppgrundstrasse 17
around 1905 (villa) Single-storey building with extended mansard roof with side bay window and loggia with tower-like roofing, boarded gable sides with elaborate door and window design on the side balcony opening, entrance area vaulted with pergola, significant importance in terms of building history and the street image 09216885
Villa with enclosure
Villa with enclosure Keppgrundstraße 18
1898 (villa) Well-balanced, late-classical building from the late 19th century, significant in terms of building and urban development history 09300115
Bridge over the Lockwitzbach
Bridge over the Lockwitzbach Kleinzschachwitzer Ufer
marked 1794 (road bridge) single-arch sandstone bridge over the Lockwitzbach , renovated with almost complete dismantling while preserving the historical vault and laying on a new carriageway slab, of significance in terms of traffic history 09216895
Villa with garden and retaining wall
Villa with garden and retaining wall Kleinzschachwitzer Ufer 30
around 1880 (villa) simple, classicist villa with a raised center and arched window openings on the main floor, corner blocks, plastered profiles and mirrors for structuring the façade, value in terms of building history and character of the townscape 09216886
Landhaus Lungwitz: Villa and enclosure
Landhaus Lungwitz: Villa and enclosure Kleinzschachwitzer Ufer 32
inscribed 1898 (villa) Elaborate building with rusticated basement, main floor and expanded mansard roof (clinker brick) with dormer windows, curved gables on the street side and triangular gables on the sloping corners as well as a balcony and rich facade decoration, fencing as a retaining wall with sandstone posts and wrought iron fence panels 09216887
Villa with garden
Villa with garden Kleinzschachwitzer Ufer 34
Early 20th century (villa) Simple two-storey building with an accentuated center through balconies and tower-like roofing, significance in terms of the history of the building and the townscape 09216888
Villa Waldhaus: Villa with park and fence
Villa Waldhaus: Villa with park and fence Kleinzschachwitzer Ufer 36
around 1900 (villa) Stylish villa with distinctive design, accented by half-timbered gables, historically and artistically significant as well as of value in terms of urban development history in connection with Kleinzschachwitz 09216889
Villa Belriguardo: Small villa building (today an annex)
Villa Belriguardo: Small villa building (today an annex) Kleinzschachwitzer Ufer 48
2nd half of the 19th century (outbuilding) Historicizing building with echoes of the Swiss house style, the rear tower building Italianizing, significant in terms of building and urban development history 09216890
Double villa and enclosure
Double villa and enclosure Kleinzschachwitzer Ufer 70; 70a
1862 (villa) Remarkable historicizing building, highlighted by corner towers (number 70) and a slightly younger extension wing, close to the Semper Nicolai School, with a porch over a polygonal floor plan (number 70a), both wings with a sandstone facade and above all the renaissance structure and ornamentation, the latter inside with parts of the original furnishings, the first on a substructure with gothic parapet, creatively demanding, historically and artistically significant and of rarity (wing with corner towers in this form probably only comparable to Forststraße 18, could be the same architect) 09216891
Villa with enclosure
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Villa with enclosure Kleinzschachwitzer Ufer 82
around 1900 (villa) Dignified historicizing, two-storey clinker brick building with a corner tower and representative facade structure, of value in terms of building history and the appearance of the town 09216894
Villa with enclosure
Villa with enclosure Kleinzschachwitzer Ufer 84
referred to in 1892? (Villa) Elaborately designed structure with corner tower, decorative framework and wooden glazed balconies as well as clinker decorative elements, significance in terms of the history of the building and the townscape 09216893
Apartment house in a corner and open development
Apartment house in a corner and open development Kurhausstrasse 1
around 1885 (tenement) with a sloping corner and balconies as well as a surrounding horizontal cornice, significance in terms of building history 09216896
Apartment building in open development
Apartment building in open development Kurhausstrasse 2
around 1885 (tenement) Two-storey building with expanded mansard roof, raised center on the street side and side balconies, plastered corner pilasters and horizontal cornices, historical value 09216897
Rental villa with enclosure
Rental villa with enclosure Kurhausstrasse 3
around 1885 (rental villa) Distinctive historicizing building with sandstone clinker facade, accents through crowned central projection, verandas and ornamentation, significant in terms of architectural, artistic and urban development history 09216898
villa Kurhausstrasse 4
before 1886 (villa) Distinctive historicizing building with an older core (before 1886), accents from the southern facade, wooden veranda, etc., significant in terms of architectural, artistic and urban development 09216899
Apartment building in open development
Apartment building in open development Kurhausstrasse 14
around 1910 (tenement) Stately structure with high loft and asymmetrical gable on the street side with bay window and balcony to accentuate the facade, architectural historical value 09216900
Apartment building in open development
Apartment building in open development Kurhausstrasse 16
around 1910 (tenement) Stately structure with indicated side risalits and a high loft with an asymmetrical facade, which is accentuated by window openings of different sizes and shapes as well as wooden folding shutters on the ground floor and an off-center entrance 09216901
Rental villa
Rental villa Kurhausstrasse 36
around 1900 (rental villa) representative plastered building with corner tower, side balconies (in sandstone and wood), ornamental framework and horizontal cornices to structure the facade and triangular gables, significance in terms of building history 09216902
Residential house with open development
Residential house with open development Kyawstrasse 9
1864 (residential building) former parish hall, significance of local history 09216903
Villa with enclosure
Villa with enclosure Kyawstrasse 15
around 1900 (villa) Corner building, characteristic late founding building with historicizing facade, significant in terms of building history and urban development history 09217734
Small villa with garden
Small villa with garden Kyawstrasse 23
around 1900 (villa) A largely authentically preserved appearance with a side staircase extension with a pointed spire, a flat, protruding hipped roof, with a painted frieze under the eaves, plastered corner cubes and various window formats to accentuate the appearance of the facade, historical value 09216905
Apartment house in a corner and open development
Apartment house in a corner and open development Kyawstrasse 27
around 1890 (tenement) Simple building with a sloping corner, extended mansard roof and wooden balconies, historically valuable 09216906
Villa with enclosure
Villa with enclosure Kyawstrasse 29
around 1900 (villa) characteristic villa building around 1900, striking jamb with ornamental framework, significant in terms of building history and urban development history 09217735
Small villa with corner arbor and enclosure
Small villa with corner arbor and enclosure Kyawstrasse 33
around 1900 (villa) characteristic building with historicizing clinker-sandstone facade, the corner arbor is one of the few in Kleinzschachwitz, significant in terms of building history and urban development history 09216907
Small villa
Small villa Kyawstrasse 35
around 1900 (villa) characteristic historicizing building with lateral veranda, horizontal plaster strips, clinker arches over the ground floor windows, significant in terms of building history and urban development history 09216908
Villa Sackmann: Villa with enclosure
Villa Sackmann: Villa with enclosure Kyawstrasse 37
marked 1890 (villa) representative building with an accentuating tower (reminds a little of Goetheallee 57), symmetrically designed, very elaborate clinker-sandstone facade of historicism, historically and artistically significant, also one of the most elaborate villas in Kleinzschachwitz 09216909
Villa with enclosure and garden plot
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Villa with enclosure and garden plot Meusslitzer Strasse 1
inscribed 1882 (villa) Three-storey building on a rectangular floor plan with an extended mansard roof and street-side porch on a polygonal floor plan (verandas and balcony), largely authentic appearance, therefore of architectural historical value 09216910
villa Meusslitzer Strasse 26
around 1875 (villa) Country house-like villa with a protruding gable roof and a raised center on the street side with a balcony and ornamental framework, which is of architectural importance 09216911
Coachman's or gardener's house, formerly part of Meußlitzer Strasse 37 and an enclosure
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Coachman's or gardener's house, formerly part of Meußlitzer Strasse 37 and an enclosure Meusslitzer Strasse 35
around 1895 (servants' residence) A largely authentically preserved clinker brick building with a curved gable facing the street as facade emphasis, corner blocks and horizontal cornice, architectural historical value 09216912
Villa with villa garden and enclosure
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Villa with villa garden and enclosure Meusslitzer Strasse 37
around 1895 (villa) distinctive historic clinker brick building with sandstone dividing elements, balconies and staircases, historical value 09216913
Villa with a large garden plot
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Villa with a large garden plot Meusslitzer Strasse 39
1915-1916 (villa) Stately, broadly laid out building on a rectangular floor plan with a raised center on the street side and a porch on a polygonal floor plan, rusticated ground floor with balconies and side staircase, wide roof overhang and sparing ornamental framework, typical example of the reform architecture prevailing around 1910, building historical value, as part of the construction of a steamship station in 1886 The development of villas and country houses in Kleinzschachwitz is also of importance in terms of urban development history 09216914
Apartment house in a corner and open development
Apartment house in a corner and open development Meusslitzer Strasse 45
2nd half of the 19th century (tenement house) Two-storey building with expanded mansard roof and sloping corner, horizontal cornices and differentiated window arrangements as accents of the facade, significance of the building history 09216915
Apartment building in open development
Apartment building in open development Meusslitzer Strasse 72
around 1895 (tenement) Design-demanding residential building from the end of the 19th century with a dominant central projectile with a high, curved gable and characteristic plaster, clinker and stone facade, significant in terms of architectural history 09216916
Putjatinhaus: Former children's school with an outbuilding
Putjatinhaus: Former children's school with an outbuilding Meusslitzer Strasse 83
1822-1823 (residential house) Erected by Prince Nikolaus Putjatin , unique in terms of design, building with a steep pitched roof down to floor level, based on Russian wooden house architecture, noteworthy in terms of building history and local history as well as artistically, also unique 09216917
Apartment building in half-open development
Apartment building in half-open development Meusslitzer Strasse 89
around 1900 (tenement) Simple three-storey building with a street-side clinker brick facade with horizontal dividing elements, significance in terms of building history 09216918
Residential house in open development (half-timbered building on the upper floor)
Residential house in open development (half-timbered building on the upper floor) Meusslitzer Strasse 94
1st half of the 19th century (residential building) Simple rural building with a high degree of authenticity, two-story with a gable roof, significant in terms of building history and urban development history 09216919
Rental villa
Rental villa Peter-Schmoll-Strasse 5
around 1900 (rental villa) simple two-storey building with plaster clinker facade and decorative framework, historical value 09216920
villa Peter-Schmoll-Strasse 7
around 1900 (villa) Simple structure on an irregular floor plan with a wooden veranda, loggias and decorative framework, interesting from an architectural point of view 09216921
Villa with enclosure
Villa with enclosure Peter-Schmoll-Strasse 9
marked 1906 (villa) Representative single-storey building with a high degree of originality, with a curved gable on the street side, elaborate stucco decor over the window and door openings and wooden verandas, significant in terms of building history 09216922
Outbuilding based on the design of a medieval castle
Outbuilding based on the design of a medieval castle Peter-Schmoll-Strasse 11
marked 1911 (outbuilding) massive plastered building with slender side tower, of architectural and local significance 09216923
To the Golden Crown;  Kronengarten: Gasthaus (former) with ballroom
To the Golden Crown; Kronengarten: Gasthaus (former) with ballroom Putjatinstrasse 11
around 1875 and later (inn) striking historicizing building with a high degree of originality, architectural and local history, probably also artistically significant 09216925
Residential and commercial building in a corner and closed development
Residential and commercial building in a corner and closed development Putjatinstrasse 14
1912 (residential and commercial building) Comparatively elaborate, solid plastered building with a sloping corner and tower top, corner balcony, side gables and large arched window openings on the ground floor and side house entrance, value that defines the building history and the street image 09216926
Residential and commercial building in a corner and closed development Putjatinstrasse 16
around 1910 (residential and commercial building) Typical architecture example of the time with asymmetrical facade design with corner bay, ornamental framework, accentuation of the ground floor through arched window openings, of importance in terms of building history and the street scene 09216927
Country house with outbuildings and park
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Country house with outbuildings and park Putjatinstrasse 26
1797-1800 and around 1870 (country house) Erected by Prince Nikolaus Abramowitsch Putjatin (client), originally a classicist building, through renovation around 1870 also elements of the Swiss house style, significant in terms of building history, artistic and local history as well as personal history 09216928
House and side building of a small courtyard
House and side building of a small courtyard Storchenneststrasse 5
marked 1861 (residential building) Gable-independent, simple, massive two-storey building in the appearance of the time of construction with a gable roof and wooden folding shutters on the evenly arranged windows on the ground and upper floors, largely authentic, interesting from an architectural perspective and of interest in terms of urban development history 09216929
Alexander Pushkin School;  65. Kleinzschachwitz primary school: school and gym
Alexander Pushkin School; 65. Kleinzschachwitz primary school: school and gym Zschierener Strasse 5
marked 1900 (school) School as a broad, two-storey building with a curved gable with a clock above the central entrance area, the facade is symmetrically structured, the architectural language of the building period is legible and has been preserved in its original form, a single-storey gym with a half-hipped roof, round-arched window openings and plaster strips, significance in terms of building history and local history 09216930
Sankt Hubertus: tenement house with fencing in a corner
Sankt Hubertus: tenement house with fencing in a corner Zschierener Strasse 19
1885-1895 (tenement house) Stately building with an accentuated corner (veranda with sandstone pillar on the ground floor, protruding bay window on the 1st floor and spire), originally a shop on the ground floor, sandstone decorative elements, value that defines the history of the building and the street image 09216931


image designation location Dating description ID
Apartment house in a corner and open development Altkleinzschachwitz 2
Country style villa
Country style villa Berthold-Haupt-Strasse 129

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Commons : Kulturdenkmale in Kleinzschachwitz  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files