List of the Municipios in the Department of Antioquia

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The Departamento de Antioquia consists of 126 Municipios . These are divided into a core city ( Cabecera Municipal ) and the surrounding area ( Resto Rural ). The surrounding area is further subdivided into so-called police inspections ( Inspecciónes de Policía Municipal ), smaller offices ( Corregimientos ), settlement centers ( Centros Poblados ) and homesteads ( Caseríos ). The following are the municipalities with their population figures from the census of the Colombian statistical office DANE from 2005, extrapolated for the year 2018.

local community Population 2018
Abejorral 18,991
Abriaquí 1,971
Alejandría 3,361
Amagá 30.181
Amalfi 22,567
Andes 47.003
Angelópolis 9,353
Angostura 11,040
Anorí 17,737
Anzá 7,601
Apartadó 195,069
Arboletes 43,416
Argelia 8,306
Armenia 3,945
Barbosa 52,395
Belmira 6,930
Bello 482.287
Betania 8,976
Betulia 17,726
Ciudad Bolívar 26,698
Briceño 8,673
Buriticá 6,495
Cáceres 41,012
Caicedo 8,396
Caldas 80,528
Campamento 8,915
Cañasgordas 16,737
Caracolí 4,519
Caramanta 5,308
Carepa 60.141
Carolina 3,512
Caucasia 120,479
Chigorodó 82.151
Cisneros 8,869
Cocorná 14,924
Concepción 3,194
Concordia 20,371
Copacabana 72,735
Dabeiba 23,068
Donmatías 23,709
Ebéjico 12,489
El Bagre 50,557
El Carmen de Viboral 48,498
El Peñol 15,746
El Santuario 27.273
Entrerríos 10,404
Envigado 238.221
Fredonia 21,142
Frontino 15,703
Giraldo 3,977
Girardota 58.030
Gomez Plata 13,266
Granada 9,881
Guadalupe 6.318
Guar 50,401
Guatapé 5,097
Heliconia 5,690
Hispania 4,885
Itagüí 276.916
Ituango 19,919
Jardín 13,516
Jericó 11,852
La Ceja 54,615
La Estrella 65,300
La Pintada 6,402
La Unión 19,413
Liborina 9,572
Maceo 6,611
Marinilla 55,798
Medellin 2,529,403
Montebello 5,825
Murindó 4,891
Mutatá 22,028
Nariño 17,891
Necoclí 67,359
Nechí 28,585
Olaya 3,341
Peque 11,321
Pueblorrico 6,675
Puerto Berrío 49,392
Puerto Nare 19.209
Puerto Triunfo 21,317
Remedios 31,333
Retiro 19,702
Rionegro 126.193
Sabanalarga 8,191
Sabaneta 53,914
Salgar 17,397
San Andrés 5,917
San Carlos 16,132
San Francisco 5,021
San Jerónimo 12,890
San José de la Montaña 3,436
San Juan de Urabá 26,646
San Luis 10,926
San Pedro de los Milagros 27,978
San Pedro de Urabá 32,063
San Rafael 12,819
San Roque 16,366
San Vicente 16,509
Santa Bárbara 21,591
Santa Rosa de Osos 36,991
Santa Fe de Antioquia 25,067
Santo Domingo 10,049
Segovia 41,711
Sonsón 34,339
Sopetrán 15,057
Támesis 14,224
Tarazá 46,343
Tarso 8,051
Titiribí 14,691
Toledo 6,651
turbo 172.314
Uramita 8.212
Urrao 46.508
Valdivia 23,931
Valparaíso 6.102
Vegachí 8,949
Venecia 13,184
Vigía del Fuerte 5,610
Yalí 8,577
Yarumal 48,556
Yolombó 25,231
Yondó 19,757
Zaragoza 31,884

Individual evidence

  1. Extrapolation of the population of Colombia on the official DANE website