List of European explorers of Australia

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The list of European explorers of Australia includes the people who have contributed to the exploration of the coast and inland in the history of Australia . The Dutch Dirk Hartog (1580–1621) was the first European to set foot on the west coast in 1616. The major explorations of the country were completed in the 1870s.


Explorations by European explorers until 1812
  • 1606 Willem Jansz
  • 1606 Luiz Váez de Torres
  • 1616 Dirk Hartog
  • 1619 Frederick de Houtman
  • 1644 Abel Tasman
  • 1696 Willem de Vlamingh
  • 1699 William Dampier
  • 1770 James Cook
  • 1797-1799 George Bass
  • 1801-1803 Matthew Flinders
  • The discovery of Australia by Europeans took place gradually since the early 17th century. The first important discoveries go almost exclusively on Dutch sailor back, which on behalf of the Dutch East India Company (Engl. Dutch East Inda Company ) of Indonesia from time to much of a Dutch colony, to the southeast lying areas of the Indian Ocean and the Explored the Pacific . Between 1606 and 1697 , several Dutch expeditions mapped large parts of Australia's south and west coast. The original name New Holland goes back to these first Dutch discoveries . Predominantly interested in the spice trade, at that time the Dutch did not have any extensive interest in colonizing Australia.

    Early marine explorers along the coast of Australia:


    Individual evidence

    1. ^ Australian Bureau of Statistics Official Yearbook of the Commonwealth of Australia 1985

    See also: List of Explorers