Louis Pauwels

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Louis Pauwels (born August 2, 1920 in Paris , † January 28, 1997 in Suresnes ) was a French journalist and writer . Among other things, he was editor-in-chief of Combat magazine and headed the monthly magazine Marie-France . He later founded and directed the Revue Planète for six years , which was devoted to science, philosophy and esotericism. In 1970 he founded Figaro Magazine , which he chaired until 1993. Departure into the third millennium (French original title Le Matin des magiciens = Der Morgen der Magier , 1960, German first edition 1962) is one of his important literary works.


Pauwels pronounced his name "Povels" and also pointed out to Jacques Chancel in one of his radio programs ( Radioscopie ) that this was the correct pronunciation, even if the original pronunciation in Dutch was probably "Pôls".

Pauwels was raised by his stepfather Gustave Bouju, a tailor. He began training as a teacher (Instituteur) in Athis-Mons (1939–1945), which was interrupted by the war, and began a literary career in 1946 by publishing articles in several monthly literary reviews ( Esprit , Variété, etc.) ). He also helped found the organization Travail et Culture , an association to promote culture of the masses, which was close to the Parti communiste français . In 1948 he joined Georges Gurdjieff and was one of his supporters for 15 months, where he was also the editor of the magazine Combat and publisher of the daily Paris-Presse . He ran the Bibliothèque Mondiale (predecessor of Livre de Poche ), Carrefour , the women's magazine Marie Claire , and the magazine Arts et Culture and published several avant-garde novels during this time, albeit in a classic style. L'Amour monstre (Monstrous Love) was nominated for the Prix ​​Goncourt in 1955 and was quoted by Serge Gainsbourg in his Chanson Initials BB .

Le Matin des magiciens

Together with Jacques Bergier , whom he had already met in 1954 when he was still director of the Bibliothèque Mondiale , he wrote Le Matin des magiciens in 1960 (meaning: 'Dawn of the Magi' - title of the German edition: Departure into the third millennium ) and in 1970 die Continuation story L'Homme éternel (The Eternal Man). These works are full of inventions, such as the claim that Karl Haushofer was in Tibet . In it, he represents claims that Haushofer assumed an esoteric influence on Nazi ideology (based on the use of the swastika , the founding of the SS , membership in the Thule Society and the Vril Society, and contact with the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn ). However, these claims have been refuted by the work of Hans-Adolf Jacobsen .

On November 25, 1960, Pauwels interviewed Maurice Papon , the prefect of the Police de Paris , and drew a portrait of a " humanist philosopher" ("philosophe humaniste"); Papon had just published L'Ère des responsabilités (The Era of Responsibilities) a year before the Paris massacre on October 17, 1961. In 1961, he interviewed the writer Louis-Ferdinand Celine .


Together with Bergier and François Richaudeau , he founded the bimonthly magazine Planète in October 1961 , which was published until May 1968. In the same year it was reissued under the title Le Nouveau Planète . In addition, there were various studies that were published as the Collection Encyclopédie Planète , as well as the 17 Anthologies Planètes, which were compiled by Jacques Sternberg , who grouped texts by different authors on a given topic. The ufologist Aimé Michel was also part of Planète's editorial team . Through Le Matin des magiciens and Planète , Pauwels gained a high degree of popularity and created a receptive mood in France for paranormal and mysterious events, disappeared cultures and scientific problems.

The success of Planète magazine and the concept of fantastic realism prompted Pauwels to set up a small press agency, les Éditions Retz, which published two other magazines: Plexus , an erotic magazine, and Pénéla , a women's magazine, both of which appeared in the same format like Planète. The advertising became known through the slogan La première revue de bibliothèque ('The library's first magazine'). Planète saw editions in translations in ten languages ​​and accompanied famous debates of the 1960s such as La Guerre du Faux (War of Errors) by Umberto Eco . Some viewed the magazine as simply an intellectual and scientific fraud, while others (like Henri Laborit ) valued its anti-conformism and its contribution to a diverse society. The controversy is largely silent nowadays and Planète is seen as a high-quality magazine, whose information forgery, its esoteric and UFO mania and its defense of drugs have been largely offset by its contemporary editorial work and iconography.

She also went a long way in bringing writers such as Jorge Luis Borges , Daniel Keyes , Arthur C. Clarke , Robert Sheckley, and Fredric Brown to a wider audience.

From JDD to «Fig Mag»

Pauwels hired Planète in the early 1970s because he was tired of publishing in a way that had disappeared from the public eye in every respect, both in form (monthly) and in content (L'aventure Mysterieuse - Mysteriöse Adventure). in the following period he concentrated on a new magazine, Question de, which was devoted exclusively to spirituality. At the same time he edited articles for Le Journal du Dimanche (1975–76). In 1977 he took over the cultural department of Le Figaro , where he laid the foundation for Le Figaro Magazine , of which he was the editor until 1993. At the end of 1986, during the student protests against the Loi Devaquet (reform of the universities), Pauwels severed his ties to Le Figaro after he had certified the demonstrators with “mental AIDS ” (“sida mental”).

Together with Gabriel Veraldi and Rémy Chauvin, he was a founding member of the Marcel et Monique Odier Foundation for Psycho-Physics ( Geneva 1992) and in the same year became a founding sponsor of the Nouvelles, l'École du journalisme journalism school in Nice .


Pauwels turned back to Catholicism in 1981 after he had distanced himself from the faith during his time at Planète . Alain de Benoist ( Groupement de recherche et d'études pour la civilization européenne , GRECE) even wrote his book Comment peut-on être païen? ( How can one be a heathen ?, published in 1981 by Albin Michel). But in November 1982 Pauwels had a conversion experience in Acapulco .


Louis Pauwels was married to Suzanne Brégeon for the first time. With her he had a daughter, Marie-Claire Pauwels , who became a journalist herself and received the Prix ​​Roger-Nimier in 2003 for her father's biography (Fille à papa) . The son, François, became the owner of a fish restaurant (patron pêcheur) in Trouville and later a restaurant owner in Paris. Pauwels later married Élina Labourdette , with whom he adopted a daughter, Zoé.


  • Franchise 4: où sont les femmes? (Open Question 4: Where are the women?) 1945. J. Sylveire; P. Faucheux, Pierre Garrigues ; numéro unique, Paris, Curiosa.
  • Saint quelqu'un (Holy Anyone), Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 1946.
  • With Lanza del Vasto ; Julien Gracq : Cheval blanc (White Horse), 2 vol., Paris, 1947–1948.
  • Les Voies de petite communication , Paris, Editions du Seuil, coll. "Pierres Vives", 1949.
  • Et al .: Paris des rêves (Paris of dreams), Lausanne , Éd. Clairefontaine 1950.
  • Le Château du dessous (The Castle Below), Paris, Gallimard 1952.
  • L'Amour monstre , Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 1954, rééd. 1984 (second du prix Goncourt 1954).
  • Monsieur Gurdjieff: documents, témoignages, textes et commentaires sur une société initiatique contemporaine (Monsieur Gurdjieff: documents, testimonies, texts and comments on a contemporary initiation society) Paris, Éditions du Seuil 1954, rééd. Albin Michel, 1979/1995.
  • La Gloire de Sacha Guitry (The Glory of Sacha Guitry), ed CAL. 1961.
  • La femme est rare . (The woman is rare), Revue Planète , n ° 02. Editions Planète, Dec. 1961-Jan. 1962.
  • En français dans le texte. (In French in the text) with Jacques Mousseau , Jean Feller ; France-Empire 1962. Issued television interviews with well-known personalities.
  • Le Matin des magiciens. : introduction au réalisme fantastique. With Jacques Bergier . éd. Gallimard 1960. German first edition Departure into the third millennium. From the future of fantastic reason , Bern a. a. (Scherz Verlag) 1962, up to 1986 numerous reprints a. a. at Heyne.
  • L'Homme éternel. éd. Gallimard 1970.
  • La Roulette du Bon Dieu: incroyables mais vraies, 200 histoires. (The roulette of God's love: incredible but true, 200 stories) Pol Quentin, éd. Hachette 1971.
  • President Faust. Texts & poems from the television film by Pauwels and Jean Kerchbron ; ill. de gourmand. éd. Albin Michel 1974.
  • Blumroch l'admirable, ou Le déjeuner du surhomme. (Blumroch the Admirable, or Superman 's Breakfast) éd. Gallimard 1976.
  • Histoires magiques de l'histoire de France. (Magical Tales of the History of France), Guy Breton . éd. Albin Michel 1977, 2 vols.
  • Nouvelles histoires magiques. (New Magical Stories). éd. Albin Michel 1978.
  • Histoires extraordinaires. (Extraordinary stories) éd. Albin Michel 1980.
  • Nouvelles histoires extraordinaires. (New Extraordinary Stories) éd. Albin Michel, 1982.
  • Histoires fantastiques. (Fantastic stories) éd. Albin Michel, 1983.
  • Catalog de l'exposure Dali. (au casino de Knokke Le Zoute) (catalog of the Dali exhibition in Casino Knokke Le Zoute) Brussels , éd. de la Connaissance 1956.
  • François d'Assise. ( Francis of Assisi ) with Jean Feller; Jean-Pierre Grabet (photos), éd. Hachette 1958, coll. "Les reportages dans l'histoire".
  • Les cents plus beaux poèmes d'amour. (The Hundred Most Beautiful Love Poems) Louis Pauwels (ed.), Éd. Bibliothèque du Club de la femme 1960.
  • Le tout télévision. With Rogey Andrey; Michel Delain; Gérald Pechemez; Christian Quidet; éd. France Empire 1961. (21 portraits of television personalities).
  • Jean Giono… Regain. With: Maximilien Vox ; Jean Giono , éd. Club des amis du livre 1962.
  • Les Passions selon Dali . (The Passion according to Dalí) éd. Denoel 1968, ²2004.
  • Les Derniers Jours de la monogamie. (The last days of monogamy) With Laslo Havas. éd Mercure de France 1969.
  • Témoins de notre temps. (Witnesses of Our Time) With Lise Payette ; Laurent Bourguignon , éd. du Jour, Montréal / Canada 1971. Transcription of interviews with Louis Pauwels, Alain Bombard , Georges Simenon , Jean Rostand , Marguerite Duras , Marcel Achard , Hervé Bazin , Catherine Deneuve in Paris 1970. Broadcast on Télévision de Radio-Canada in: "D 'un jour à l'autre ".
  • Lettre ouverte aux gens heureux et qui ont bien raison de l'être. (Open letter to happy people and those who have good reason to be) éd. Albin Michel 1971. - Answer by: Paul Sérant : Lettre à Louis Pauwels sur les gens inquiets et qui ont bien le droit de l'être. éd. La Table Ronde 1972. & Jacques Sternberg : Lettre aux gens malheureux, et qui ont bien raison de l'être. éd. Eric Losfeld, coll. L'Extricable 1972.
  • L'Amour à refaire (love to repeat. Dossier Planète, 10 ans de recherches) with Wilhelm Reich ; Léo Ferret , éditions Planète 1971.
  • Pierre-Yves Trémois - rencontre: gravures, monotypes (PY. Tremois - encounter: engravings, prints) With Henry de Montherlant ; Jean Rostand , éd. Jacques Frapier 1971, rééd. Frédéric Birr, 1977.
  • La Confession impardonnable. (The unforgivable confession) éd. Mercure de France 1972.
  • Louange you tabac. (Tobacco Lounge) éd Trinckvel, 1972.
  • Ce que je crois. (Which I believe.) Montréal: Éditions La Presse; éd. Grasset 1974.
  • Françoise Adnet éd. Max Fourny (son époux): Art et industrie: Vilo 1977.
  • L'Arche de Noé et les naïfs. (Noah's Ark and the Naive [artist]) With Hélène Renard ; Myriam Sicouri-Roos ; Irena Polanec ; éd. Max Fourny: Art et industrie: Vilo 1977.
  • La fin du monde? : études et documents. (The End of the World?: Studies and Documents.) With Aimé Michel . éd. Retz 1977.
  • La Face cachée de la France. (The hidden face of France.), Vol. 1, éd Seghers 1978, coll. "Mémoire vive".
  • Comment devient-on ce que l'on est? (How do you become what you are?) Éd. Stock 1978. (Les Grands auteurs)
  • L'Apprentissage de la sérénité. (The teaching of seriousness.) Éd. Retz: Center d'étude et de promotion de la lecture 1978, coll. "Les encyclopédies du mieux-être", prix Chateaubriand 1978.
  • Monthly magazine Lire No. 41, 1979, "Littérature moderne - littérature française": with Albert Camus .
  • L'Homme et sa réalisation. (Man and his realization.) With Lanza del Vasto , Gustave Thibon , Maurice Genevoix etc.; entretiens recueillis par Éric Edelmann , éd. Beauschesne, 1980.
  • Le droit de parler. (The right to speak). Foreword by Jean-Edern Hallier . éd. Albin Michel 1981. (Collection of articles written between 1977 and 1981 for Figaro and Le Figaro Magazine .)
  • Romans. éd. Albin Michel, 1982. New edition of four older works.
  • Verlinde (les œuvres de) (The works of Verlinde) éd. Natiris 1983.
  • La liberté guide mes pas: chroniques, 1981–1983. (Freedom guide my steps.) Éd. Albin Michel 1984.
  • Lire Gustave Corcao . (Read Gustavo Corcao.) Essai 500 ex. éditions E, 1987. Homage to the Benedictine monks of Sainte-Madeleine .
  • Dix ans de silence: poésies. (Ten years of silence) éd. Grasset 1989.
  • Dali m'a dit. (Dali told me) éd. Carrère 1989.
  • Andrew Vicari. Vie et œuvres (Andrew Vicari. Life and Work - La Vigonade à Vicari) Daniel Curzi, éd. GEP 1989.
  • Le Mythe de l'objectivité (étude) (The Myth of Objectivity). Work for the l'Académie des beaux-arts at the public meeting of the five "Académies de l'Institut de France", October 22, 1991. Thème: "De l'information".
  • Les Orphelins (roman) (The Orphans) éd. de Fallois, 1994, Grand Prix du Roman de la Ville de Paris 1995.
  • 50 ans de Notre Histoire: 1945–1995 (50 years of our history), coll. "L'aventure du XXe siecle", éd. du Chêne, 1995, Alain Peyrefitte . Collection of articles from the Figaro , with: Raymond Aron , André Frossard , Jean d'Ormesson , Franz-Olivier Giesbert , Hélène Carrère d'Encausse , Jean François-Poncet , Georges Suffert , & al.
  • Lectures amoureuses de Jean-Jacques Pauvert (Amorous Readings by Pauvert), éd. La Musardine , 1996, rééd. 2001.
  • Les Dernières Chaînes. (The last chains) éd. du Rocher, Monaco, 1997. Posthumously.
  • Entretiens avec Louis-Ferdinand Céline (Encounters with LF Celine) - CD "Anthology Louis-Ferdinand Céline 1894 - 1961." With Albert Zbinden , éd. Frémeaux et ass., 2003.
  • Un jour, je me souviendrai de tout. (One day I'll remember everything) éd. du Rocher, 2005. Posthumous.



  • Monsieur Gurdjieff / Louis Pauwels; February 15, 1954, RTF, avec Pierre Lazareff, Jacques Bergier ...
  • Campagne électorale pour le référendum, you 11 au 17 September 1958: Interview on September 15. Document audiovisuel INA.
  • Interview with Michel Debré (Prime Minister), October 11, 1959, INA.
  • Visage à découvert: Guy Mollet - Louis Pauwels / Jean Farran. Interview, November 9, 1959, on the inauguration of Charles de Gaulle . Document audiovisuel INA / BNF.
  • Interview de Jean Cocteau à Saint-Jean Cap Ferrat, February 11, 1960, INA.
  • Un préfet philosophe Louis Pauwels; Jean Feller, Jacques Mousseau; November 25, 1960 ORTF.
  • En Français dans le texte. / Louis Pauwels, Jacques Mousseau / Jean Feller; Interviews 1960–1961.
  • Le fantastique: littérature et fantastique, interviews de Louis Pauwels, Jacques Bergier , Jean Ray , Thomas Owen et al., Jean Antoine, RTBF, 1962.
  • Introduction au Réalisme Fantastique / Louis Pauwels. Disque 33 T de 1963: conférence dans l'esprit "Planète" au théâtre de l'Odéon de Paris on November 20, 1962, avec Jacques Bergier, Jean Charon and Jean-Louis Barrault .
  • Le relais de l'Amitié. Louis Pauwels présente Jacques Bergier, 1963, Europe 1.
  • Les Encyclopédistes, ou l'inventaire du Savoir, ORTF, documentaire dans la série "Nouveau dimanche: images et idées", 1968 (INA 1975); réalisateur Jean-Charles Brochier, avec la participation de Louis Pauwels, Roland Barthes, Raymond Queneau, Pierre Naville, Alain Pons, Claude Tchou et Robert Mauzi.
  • L'Invité du Dimanche, premiere chaîne télévisée française, December 8, 1968.
  • En Toutes Lettres. Emission du 8 janvier 1969 sur la premiere chaîne télévisée française, à propos du roman de René Barjavel La Nuit des temps , avec la participation de Louis Pauwels, Jacques Bergier, Jean Ferniot, André Cayatte, Roger Chapelain-Midy et Pierre Cardin. Realization Pierre Viallet and Charles Chabou.
  • D'un jour à l'autre, été 1970, réseau français de Radio-Canada, intervieweuse Lise Payette. Diffusion d'une entrevue avec Louis Pauwels in Paris dated mars 1970. Recapitulation in the l'ouvrage "Témoins de notre temps", éd. du Jour, Montréal, 1971.
  • Format 30. Entretien avec Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier. Télévision canadienne française, January 1, 1971.
  • Radio Monte Carlo, topic "Le retour du diable", debat de Louis Pauwels avec Rouget, de l'Union Rationaliste, December 3, 1973.
  • Ouvrez les guillemets, thème "Les Gnostiques", January 21, 1974, ORTF, avec Bernard Pivot and André Bourin.
  • L'Invité d'un autre Monde, télévision française chaque samedi après-midi, 1974–1975. Louis Pauwels reçoit une personnalité hebdomadaire (Aimé Michel ...)
  • France Culture, émission Parti pris , February 5, 1976: obituary.
  • Apostrophes , February 6, 1976: critique du livre Blumroch l'admirable , avec Bernard Pivot (INA / BNF)
  • Louis Pauwels: autoportrait. Entretien avec l'auteur; intervieweuse Anne Andreu, réalisateur André Maurice, 1977, collection "L'Homme en Question", FR3 prod. (INA)
  • Louis Pauwels, series "L'Homme en Question", July 31, 1977, FR3. Paul Giamoli anime un débat autour de l'auteur. André Maurice and Guy Beligmann.
  • René Barjavel, series "L'Homme en Question", August 7, 1977, FR3. Anne Sinclair anime un débat où l'auteur est questionné par Louis Pauwels son ami, Raymond Castans , Pierre Démeron et Jean-Louis Ezine.
  • Apostrophes , June 5, 1981: thème "D'Est en Ouest", Edgard Morin, Simone Signoret & al. (INA / BNF)
  • Radioscopie (s) de Louis Pauwels par Jacques Chancel, 20 February 1978, 19 June 1980, 27 May 1981 (INA / BNF), 10 April 1987.
  • Louis Pauwels. Report on l'author; interviewer Michel Polac, réalisateur Maurice Dugowson , 1988, collection "Libre Echange", MK2 editions (Marin Karmitz prod.), M6 distrib.
  • France-Culture, émission radiophonique sur et avec Louis Pauwels, 19 May 1989.
  • Apostrophes / Bernard Pivot, Antenne 2, May 19, 1989, "La soirée des Magiciens". Louis Pauwels, Robert Merle, John Irving et Jacques Attali.
  • Émission télévisée 7 sur 7 , TF1, Anne Sinclair , June 4, 1989.
  • La philosophie du "Nouveau Planète" by Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier, 10 programs of the series "Par 4 Chemins", Radio-Canada, 9. – 21. June 1989.
  • Le Cercle de minuit / Laure Adler, Antenna 2, 1996.

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See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Découvrez Maurice Papon le préfet humaniste" , Rue89 , avec l ' INA , April 23, 2009.
  2. “C'est une jeunesse atteinte d'un SIDA mental. Elle a perdu ses immunités naturelles: tous les virus décomposants l'atteignent. ” Le Figaro Magazine, December 1986.
  3. ^ François Mauriac écrit dans un éditorial du Figaro , en 1954: "Il faut lire le livre terrible, composé de témoignages, that Louis Pauwels consacre à Monsieur Gurdjieff, le fameux mystagogue, l'homme qui avait report d'Orient une method pour tuer le moi, pour redevenir soi-même et pour posséder la terre, le sire du Prieuré d'Avon aux pieds duquel Katherine Mansfield, à bout de souffrances, est venue se coucher et mourir… Monsieur Gurdjieff! Quel personnage inventé ne pâlirait auprès de lui ! Quel roman noir atteignit jamais à la hauteur de cette histoire vraie? "
  4. Voir sur iberlibro.com . /
  5. Essay by Laslo Havas ( Le Rapport Havas ) and a novel by Pauwels ( La Confession impardonnable - The unforgivable confession). Introduced by an "Avertissement" from Josef von Ferenczy.
  6. radio-canada.ca. ( Memento of the original from April 12, 2005 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / radio-canada.ca


  1. Volume approx. 150 p., Format carré, 17 × 17 cm.
  2. A total of 64 issues appeared.
  3. Each volume comprised approx. 250 pages, approx. 30 volumes.
  4. In the 1960s, Salvador Dalí had long conversations with Pauwels in Portlligat . In it, Dali revealed himself and staged his intuition through images and gestures. Burning sections of a rational discourse, its raw truth provide that. The interviewer's questions are erased to illustrate the painter's whole surreal dynamic.

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