Team squad of the NB I. Szabó László csoport 2013/14
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The list of team squads of the NL I. Szabó László csoport 2013/14 contains all players who were used at least once in the Hungarian NL I. Szabó László csoport 2013/14 .
The strength of the reported team squad was not limited. While Pénzügyőr Sport Egyesület and Zalaegerszegi Csuti Antal - Hydrocomp Sport Klub managed with 16 players each, 25 players competed at least once at Szombathelyi MÁV Haladás VSE. A total of 185 players were used, 53 of whom took part in all competitions. The best player in points was Gergely Aczél (Mátyásföldi Lawn Tenis Club) with 7.5 points from 9 games, Gergely Kántor (Aquaprofit NTSK) scored half a point less . With Luka Lenič , Arkadij Naiditsch (both Aquaprofit NTSK), Luke McShane (Budapesti Titánok Sportegyesület), Sándor Orgován (Mátyásföldi Lawn Tenis Club), Michal Mészáros (Szombathelyi MÁV Haladísórés) and Lászlóyes Nagybülsós made a total of six players %, with Lenič playing three games, Naiditsch two and the others named one each.
The tables below contain the following information:
No .: Ranking list number
Title: FIDE title at the beginning of the season (rating list from September 2013); GM = Grand Master , IM = International Master , FM = FIDE Master , WGM = Women's Grand Master, WIM = International Women's Master, WFM = Women's FIDE Master, CM = Candidate Master, WCM = Women's Candidate Master
Elo: Elo number at the beginning of the season (rating list from September 2013), if this number is in brackets, it is a national rating
Nation: Nationality according to the rating list from September 2013; AUT = Austria, CRO = Croatia, CZE = Czech Republic, ENG = England, GER = Germany, HUN = Hungary, MNE = Montenegro, ROU = Romania, RUS = Russia, SRB = Serbia, SLO = Slovenia, SVK = Slovakia, UKR = Ukraine, VIE = Vietnam
Mátyásföldi Lawn Tenis Club were deprived of 1.5 points in the competition against Budapesti Titánok Sportegyesület and Községi Sportegyesület Decs one point in the competition against Aquaprofit NTSK because of the use of players who were not eligible to play. The results actually achieved are taken into account for the individual balance sheets.
Unattended defeats are not taken into account in the individual balance sheets, victories without a fight are taken into account.