Devin Peninsula Nature Reserve

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Coordinates: 54 ° 16 ′ 22.7 "  N , 13 ° 9 ′ 56.1"  E

Map: Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
NSG Devin Peninsula
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
View from the west of the NSG
Information board

The Peninsula Devin nature reserve is a nature reserve in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania about one kilometer southeast of the Stralsund village of Devin . The 106 hectare area on the banks of the Strelasund was designated on July 15, 1993. The aim of the protection efforts is to maintain a forest-free moraine landscape with small bodies of water, moors and grasslands that slopes steeply towards the water.

The state of the area is rated as good. The open country character is maintained through grazing and mowing. Loads in the area are based on its use as a local recreation area. The nature reserve can be entered on designated paths.


Human use in the area has been primarily as pasture for a long time. A brick factory was operated in the 19th century . The peninsula has been used as a training area since 1938: initially by the Wehrmacht and later by the riot police . During this time, the areas were grazed with 200 to 400 young cattle , which was continued with sheep from 1992 onwards . The Friends of Landscape and Nature Conservation Devin e. V. taking care of the protected areas.

Flora and fauna

The central part of the nature reserve is occupied by shrubby dry grass . Species worth highlighting there are meadow primrose , sand strawflower , sand carnation and comb grass . The surrounding area is adjoined by bushes that merge into cliffs and beach ridges with sea ​​mustard and beach melde . Seven orchid species have been identified in the area, including broad-leaved and stiff-leaved orchid as well as broad-leaved and swamp-sitters . Numerous species of butterflies live in the area, including the great fox , the plantain butterfly , the purple fire butterfly and the small peacock butterfly . The amphibian fauna is determined by ponds , marsh and frog and newt , slow worm and common toad , reptiles come forest lizards and grass snakes before. In the area of breeding among other Sand Martin , Meadow Pipit , Red-backed Shrike , Klappergrasmücke , Whitethroat , Bluethroat , Karmingimpel and Linnet .

Numerous water birds, such as cormorants , mute swans and white-tailed eagles , rest on the offshore Deviner hook.


  • Devin Peninsula 273 . In: Ministry of Environment Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Hrsg.): The nature reserves in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania . Demmler-Verlag, Schwerin 2003, ISBN 3-910150-52-7 , p. 210 f .

Web links

Commons : Devin Peninsula Nature Reserve  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. [1] Biotope arches with bushy dry grassland in the center of the Devin peninsula (PDF; 24 kB)
  2. [2] Biotope arch broom bushes Peninsula Devin (PDF; 19 kB)
  3. [3] Biotope arch active cliff on the northwest coast of the Devin peninsula (PDF; 20 kB)
Panoramic view of the Deviner Haken in the Devin Nature Reserve