Otto Wulff

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Otto Wulff (2014)

Otto Wulff (born January 5, 1933 in Hennen , now the city of Iserlohn ) is a German politician ( CDU ) and has been the federal chairman of the Seniors' Union since 2002 .


Otto Wulff was born on January 5th, 1933 in Hennen / Westphalia, he is Protestant, married and has two children.

Wulff attended elementary school in Hennen and grammar school in Schwerte . He studied law, political science and political science in Bonn, Berlin and Paris. Otto Wulff has passed the first and second state examinations and received his doctorate on questions of antitrust and price law.

Wulff worked for Deutsche Bank from 1963 to 1998 , most recently as director.

Otto Wulff has been honorary professor for international development and finance law at the Ruhr University in Bochum since 1987 , where he is also chairman of the support association of the Institute for Mining and Energy Law and a member of the board of directors of the Institute for Development Research and Development Policy.


Otto Wulff on a poster for the 1976 Bundestag election

Wulff joined the CDU in 1953, on the day he graduated from high school, and was a member of the Iserlohn district council and its deputy district administrator from 1964 to 1969 . From 1970 to 1987 he was state treasurer and a member of the presidium of the CDU state association Westphalia-Lippe, which later became part of the state association of North Rhine-Westphalia.

From 1969 to 1990 Wulff was a member of the German Bundestag . After he had entered parliament in the federal elections of 1969, 1972 and 1976 via the state list of the CDU North Rhine-Westphalia, he won the direct mandate in the constituency of Märkischer Kreis I in the following elections . He was a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Finance Committee of the German Bundestag.

From 1980 to 1991 Wulff was President of the German Parliamentary Society . From 1983 to 1991 he was a member of the Council of Europe .

Otto Wulff has been a member of the federal executive board of the CDU in Germany since 1996 . Since 2002 he has been federal chairman of the senior citizens' union of the CDU in Germany .

In 2006/2007 he was a member of the basic program commission of the CDU in Germany.

In 2008 Otto Wulff, together with the federal chairman of the Junge Union , Philipp Missfelder MdB, led the initiative group “Cohesion of the Generations” of the CDU in Germany set up by the CDU chairwoman, Chancellor Angela Merkel .

Wulff is Honorary President of the German Parliamentary Society and an honorary member of the Council of Europe.


Numerous books and writings on issues relating to the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the development banks, international financial relations, the labor market policy of modern industrialized societies, age development and its social and legal consequences as well as the innovative capacity of aging societies.



Web links

Commons : Otto Wulff  - Collection of images, videos and audio files