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Pamialluk (tail)
Commune Kujalleq municipality
District Nanortalics
Geographical location 59 ° 56 '24 "  N , 44 ° 25' 12"  W Coordinates: 59 ° 56 '24 "  N , 44 ° 25' 12"  W.
Pamialluk (Greenland)
Residents 0
founding 1848
Time zone UTC-3

Pamialluk [ pamiaɬːuk ] (the old spelling Pamiagdluk ) is a desolate fallen Greenlandic settlement in the district Nanortalik in the kujalleq .


Pamialluk is located at the extreme end of the large island of the same name between the Torsukattak , the Anorliuitsup Imaa and the Pamialluup Kujatinngua . Pamialluk is located inside a long narrow bay. The name refers to the location on the island. 15 km to the northwest is Narsarmijit .


Pamialluk was founded as Udsted in 1848 . The place was originally part of the Moravian Brethren . In the summer the population moved to Nunarsuaq , where the Udsteds administrator had another apartment of his own.

From 1911 Pamialluk was a separate community, which still included the Narsarmijit and Anorliuitsoq residential areas . It was part of the 1st district electoral council of South Greenland.

In 1919 54 people lived in the village. At that time, there were eight residential buildings, an apartment built in 1865 for the Udsteds administrator, a bacon house built in 1848, a provisions shop from 1872, a cooperage with shop from 1898 and a 25 m² chapel. Most of these buildings were made of stone, only the grocery store and chapel were wooden. There were seven hunters, the Udsteds administrator and a catechist among the residents. The population lived almost exclusively from the seal hunt.

In 1923 Pamialluk was given up. Instead, the Udsted Aappilattoq was founded and the school band was moved there. In 1925, the municipality of Pamialluk was replaced by the municipality of Aappilattoq.

Individual evidence

  1. Map with all official place names confirmed by Oqaasileriffik , provided by Asiaq
  2. ^ Ole Bendixen : Beskrivelse af Distrikterne i Sydgrønland: Julianehaab district. Bopladser i Julianehaab district. Udstedet Pamiagdluk . In: Georg Carl Amdrup , Louis Bobé , Adolf Severin Jensen , Hans Peder Steensby (eds.): Grønland i tohundredeaaret for Hans Egedes landing (=  Meddelelser om Grønland . Volume 60-61 ). tape 2 . C. A. Reitzel Boghandel, Copenhagen 1921, p. 530 f . ( Digitized in the Internet Archive ).
  3. Jens Christian Madsen: Udsteder og bopladser i Grønland 1901-2000 . Atuagkat, 2009, ISBN 978-87-90133-76-4 , pp. 54 .