Alluitsup Paa

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Alliutsup Paa (entrance from Alluitsoq )
Sydprøven Agdluitsup Pâ
Typical Greenlandic houses in Alluitsup Paa
Typical Greenlandic houses in Alluitsup Paa
Commune Kujalleq municipality
District Nanortalics
Geographical location 60 ° 27 '45 "  N , 45 ° 34' 6"  W Coordinates: 60 ° 27 '45 "  N , 45 ° 34' 6"  W.
Alliutsup Paa (Greenland)
Alliutsup Paa
Residents 202
(January 1, 2020)
founding 1832
Time zone UTC-3

Alluitsup Paa [ ˈaɬːuˌit͡sup ˈpaː ] (according to the old spelling Agdluitsup Pâ ; Danish Sydprøven ) is a Greenlandic settlement in the Nanortalik district in the municipality of Kujalleq .


Alltuitsup Paa is located on the southern tip of a small peninsula rich in lakes, which is part of the Tasikuluulik (Vatnahverfi) area. The place is at the entrance of Alluitsup Kangerlua , on the coast of which Ammassivik and the abandoned places Alluitsoq and Akuliaruseq lie.


Alluitsup Paa was founded in 1832 as Udsted . Part of the place belonged to the Danish Mission, another part of the Moravian Brethren .

In the 19th century the catechist Hanseeraq worked in Alluitsup Paa and a memorial was erected in his honor.

From 1911, Alluitsup Paa was a separate community in the colonial district of Julianehaab, to which numerous residential places belonged: Alluitsoq , Nuugaarsuk , Ammassivik , Ilivermiut , Sarfaa , Akuliaruseq , Illorpaat , Ippik and Kanajormiut . The municipality was part of the 3rd district electoral district of South Greenland.

A few meters north of the village, the Qarsorsat fishing station was built in 1910 . Qarsorsat had a fish house of around 150 m² and a house for the fishery manager. The half-timbered building had three rooms and measured about 60 m². There was also a storage shed, a bait shed and a petroleum house. Other people besides the fishery manager did not live in Qarsorsat and in 1920 the place was counted as part of Alluitsup Paa.

In 1919 a European and 216 Greenlanders lived in Alluitsup Paa, including the Danish fisheries manager from Qarsorsat, the Udsteds manager, a cooper, a midwife, a catechist, a reader, 32 hunters and eleven fishermen who made their living from fishing and seal hunting. There were 30 Greenlandic houses in the village, an apartment for the Udsteds administrator from 1832, a grocery store built in 1838, a bacon house with a cooperage from 1881, a powder house and a goat barn. The chapel, built in 1860, measured 50 m² and had a 21 m² classroom.

In 1925 a new church was built in Alluitsup Paa and the chapel was converted into a school. In 1930 the Udsteds administrator got a new house and a shop was built. The fish houses in Alluitsup Paa measured 183 m² in 1952. In 1957 a new school was built.

In the first half of the 20th century there were still around 250 people in Alluitsup Paa, but in 1960 there were already 418. In 1970 the number had risen to 565 people.

From 1950 to 2008 Alluitsup Paa was part of the Nanortalik municipality , since then the village has belonged to the Kujalleq municipality .


The residents of Alluitsup Paa live mainly from hunting and fishing and also work in the fish factory or in the craft sector. The school, the shop, the village administration as well as activities in the fields of service and tourism offer further job opportunities. The fish factory was closed in the meantime due to poor catches of shrimp and cod , but reopened in 2014. Mainly cod and crabs are processed. Tourism plays an essential role in Alluitsup Paa. Among other things, there is a hotel for tourists who want to visit the nearby thermal spring on Uunartoq .

Infrastructure and supply

Alluitsup Paa has three port facilities. The largest in the northeast is used for cargo ships and fishing boats, while the two smaller ones in the south are used for dinghies . The Alluitsup Paa heliport connects the village with the surrounding area by air. In 2015 it was also decided to create a 600 m long gravel runway for aircraft. There are several paved or gravel paths in Alluitsup Paa.

The power plant is located in the center of the village. It is considered to supply the place with more environmentally friendly energy generation methods, for example through the waterfall power plant in Qorlortorsuaq or through wind and solar energy. The nearby lake Amitsussaq supplies the place with drinking water, which is treated in the waterworks built in 1990. In 2017 the water supply network in Alluitsup Paa was fully expanded.

Garbage is dumped on the landfill in the west and some of it is burned. Wastewater is discharged into the sea and into the ground as there is no sewer system.

The residents are supplied with goods via a Pilersuisoq branch.


The church was consecrated in 2012 after the old church including the chapel from 1926 was set on fire on December 31, 2008 by a New Year's Eve rocket. The historic organ from 1847 was also destroyed.

The school in Alluitsup Paa was built in 1957 and closed in 2014 due to mold and is to be rebuilt. Classes have meanwhile been moved to other buildings. The school not only teaches the children from Alluitsup Paa, but also those from the shepherds' settlements in the area. The school has a sports hall, which is also used by sports clubs and functions as a youth club. In addition to a kindergarten, there is also a nursing home built in 1982.

The village office has been located in a former residential building built in 1961 since 1966. The service building includes a laundry, sanitary facilities, a workshop and a meeting room. A dedicated meeting building was restored after a fire in 2016.

In the center of the village is the fire station with a fire engine. Alluitsup Paa also has an infirmary. There is a soccer field and four cemeteries, one of which is currently in use.

Sons and daughters

Population development

Alluitsup Paa is relatively large. At the end of the 1970s, the place was one of the largest villages in Greenland together with Kangerlussuaq . Since then, however, the population has been falling steadily and has roughly tripled since then. Nevertheless, Alluitsup Paa is still by far the largest village in the municipality.

Web links

Commons : Alluitsup Paa  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Map with all official place names confirmed by Oqaasileriffik , provided by Asiaq
  2. a b Jens Christian Madsen: Udsteder and bopladser i Grønland 1901–2000 . Atuagkat, 2009, ISBN 978-87-90133-76-4 , pp. 42 f .
  3. ^ Ole Bendixen : Beskrivelse af Distrikterne i Sydgrønland: Julianehaab district. Bopladser i Julianehaab district. Udstedet Sydprøven . In: Georg Carl Amdrup , Louis Bobé , Adolf Severin Jensen , Hans Peder Steensby (eds.): Grønland i tohundredeaaret for Hans Egedes landing (=  Meddelelser om Grønland . Volume 60-61 ). tape 2 . C. A. Reitzel Boghandel, Copenhagen 1921, p. 512 ff . ( Digitized in the Internet Archive ).
  4. a b c Alluitsup Paa at
  5. Ny kirke åbner i Alluitsup Paa in Sermitsiaq
  6. Population figures Alluitsup Paa 1977–2020 at