Peter Marx (actor, 1914)

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Peter Marx (born November 23, 1914 in Cologne , † February 2, 1978 in Berlin ) was a German actor .


Peter Marx was born in Cologne-Mülheim as the fifth child of a working-class family. In order to be able to fulfill his wish to become an actor, Peter Marx worked for many years in the Mülheimer Hafen, in the grain mill (Syberberg mill / Hefftsche art mill). With the money he earned, he paid for a visit to the evening university in the field of theater studies and his acting training with the state actor Josef Keim, who was also trained by Hans Christian Blech at the same time. In 1935, Marx passed the state entrance qualification for the stage. In 1936, he went into the first commitment to the theater Heilbronn, where he served as Hermann the robbers of Friedrich Schiller on stage. This was followed by the theater in Gelsenkirchen with the Ruprecht in Heinrich von Kleist -Stück The Broken Jug and then brought him Eugen Klöpfer to Berlin at the Volksbühne . In 1939 he was drafted into the Wehrmacht .

After the end of the war he was one of the first to be on stage again. From the Volksbühne he went to the Deutsches Theater on Schumannstraße and in 1950 Fritz Wisten signed him to the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm . Under the guidance of this experienced theater man, he developed more and more into a well-defined character actor. With him as artistic director, he went to the rebuilt Volksbühne on Luxemburgplatz in 1954. Outside of the GDR , too, he became a sought-after theater actor. In 1959 he played the beggar in The Great World Theater by Pedro Calderón de la Barca at the industrial festival in Wetzlar .

Between 1946 and 1951 alone, he participated in nine DEFA films. He made two films for Artur Brauner in 1948 and 1950. In 1951 Wanda Jakubowska signed the German for the Polish film Żołnierz Zwycięstwa . This was the first time an actor from the German Democratic Republic had received a foreign contract. In 1974 he played a works council alongside Günter Lamprecht in Peter Beauvais ' television film Rosenmontag . This film made him the first GDR actor to be cast in a West German production after 1961. Incidentally, he played in 1969 in Rendezvous with Unknown , in 1970 in the film Because I love you ... , in 1971 in KLK at PTX - Die Rote Kapelle and in 1977 in Ernst Schneller together with his daughter Manuela.

Peter Marx was married to Ursula Marx. The daughter Manuela Marx is also an actress.


  • 1946: Free Land
  • 1946: Somewhere in Berlin
  • 1947: Wozzeck
  • 1948: Morituri
  • 1948: The great mandarin
  • 1949: The bridge
  • 1949: The colored checkers
  • 1949: rotation
  • 1949: Our daily bread
  • 1949: The blue swords
  • 1950: Epilogue - The Secret of the Orplid
  • 1951: The last wages
  • 1952: His great victory
  • 1953: Anna Susanna
  • 1953: Żołnierz Zwycięstwa
  • 1956: The captain of Cologne
  • 1956: Nekrasov (TV)
  • 1957: Robbery of the Sabine Women (TV)
  • 1957: The Rats (TV)
  • 1958: quill "the parrot"
  • 1958: The finding
  • 1958: Rose Bernd (TV)
  • 1958: spiked animal "Jupp als Detective"
  • 1958: quill "Jupp in front of the court"
  • 1959: Spiked animal "Jupp puts it right"
  • 1959: Spiky "Jupp is patterned"
  • 1959: Spiked animal "Jupp versus Bundeswehr"
  • 1959: In the land of blue wonders
  • 1959: Model boys
  • 1959: Schneider Wibbel (TV)
  • 1960: Night duty (TV)
  • 1960: Spiky "The Golden Mouse"
  • 1960: step by step
  • 1960: What if ...?
  • 1960: Revolt of Feelings (TV)
  • 1960: chuckles (TV)
  • 1960: Educator in the exam (TV)
  • 1960: Treason of the Congo (TV)
  • 1960: An old fox and the bearing blocks (TV)
  • 1960: Told for the screen (TV)
  • 1961: barbed animal "Jupp helps pull"
  • 1961: Family Krüger (TV)
  • 1961: Magdeburg Diary (TV)
  • 1962: It's no wonder (TV)
  • 1962: Light on the fields (TV)
  • 1962: Night over Nuremberg (TV)
  • 1962: gas light (TV)
  • 1963: For Eyes Only
  • 1963: The patented bed business (TV)
  • 1964: The Lord von Finkenwerder (TV)
  • 1964: Wanted and found (TV)
  • 1966: The League of Red Heads (TV)
  • 1966: interrogation at Dorn (TV)
  • 1966: The Premium (TV)
  • 1966: The prosecutor has the floor: Der Rosenkavalier (TV series)
  • 1967: The Fall Up (TV)
  • 1967: Under the Wind of the Years (TV)
  • 1967: The Well Builder (TV)
  • 1967: Blaulicht - Night Patrol (TV series)
  • 1968: Routes across the country (TV five-part)
  • 1968: The Criticism (TV)
  • 1968: Krupp and Krause (TV)
  • 1968: The person next to you (TV)
  • 1969: Rendevous with unknown (TV)
  • 1969: Liberation of Europe: Battle for Moscow
  • 1970: Because I love you ...
  • 1970: So on earth too (TV)
  • 1970: Two letters to Pospischiel (TV)
  • 1971: KLK to PTX - Die Rote Kapelle
  • 1971: The Conspirators (TV)
  • 1971: Avant-garde (theater recording)
  • 1971: Der Sonne Glut (Saat im Sturm) (TV)
  • 1972: being an anvil or a hammer
  • 1972: When the pigeons rise (TV)
  • 1973: Rose Monday
  • 1974: When the Rosenkavalier comes (TV)
  • 1974: Between day and night
  • 1977: Ernst Schneller (TV)
  • 1977: The missing suitcase, ask Prof. Kaul (TV)


Radio plays


Web links


Individual evidence

  1. Marx, Ringelnatz - jubilation of the week . In: Junge Welt , November 19, 2014, p. 11
  2. Berliner Zeitung , September 11, 1951, p. 3
  3. Neues Deutschland , September 11, 1951, p. 4