Rabenauer reason

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Coordinates: 50 ° 57 ′ 43 ″  N , 13 ° 37 ′ 7 ″  E

Relief map: Saxony
Rabenauer reason
Rabenauer reason; Hiking trail next to the river and the bridge of the Weißeritztalbahn .
The Rabenauer Grund in winter.

The Rabenauer Grund is up to 80 meters deep notch valley of the Roten Weißeritz in the Eastern Ore Mountains southwest of Rabenau in Saxony . It has been a nature reserve since 1961 .


Devil's pulpit
Mehnert Bank

The narrow valley section between the Rabenauer Mühle inn and the exit of the Weißeritz into the Döhlen basin near Freital-Coßmannsdorf is understood as the Rabenauer Grund . Upstream of the Rabenauer Mühle is the Spechtritzgrund , which leads to the former Spechtritzmühle and as a Kerbtal towards Seifersdorf to the Langen Grund , which is crossed by a railway bridge, continues as Seifersdorfer Grund to Seifersdorf. The name Oberer Rabenauer Grund is also common between Rabenau and Seifersdorf .

The reason offers bizarre rock formations and landmarks to which various legends and events are assigned. Some of these are explained and indicated on waymarks and signs (for example bridal bed, hermit rock, sermon chair, eye of a needle, ladder to heaven, gold stamp, mermaid dump, horse dump, flat meadow, trumpeter rock).

Confluent tributaries are the Borlasbach in the Spechtritzgrund, the Oelsabach near the Rabenauer Mühle, the Lübauer Gründel , the Langer-Grund-Bach and the Mittelgrundbach in the Seifersdorfer Grund. The slope of the Rote Weißeritz in the Rabenauer Grund is used to generate electrical energy in the hydroelectric power station of the same name , whose moated castle and cascades are a technical monument . Another hydropower plant is located in Seifersdorf and at the Malter dam.


The Weißeritztalbahn at Rabenau station.

A rafting company with wood from the surrounding forests was set up in 1521 and existed until 1870. During the Thirty Years' War , Rabenau residents, led by Pastor Anton Bodenhäuser, hid from the pillaging Swedish troops in the inaccessible Rabenauer Grund at the Predigtstuhl.

Ever since Freiberg miners made it accessible at the beginning of the 19th century and the opening in 1834, the valley has been a picturesque hiking and recreation area that landscape painters and romantics such as Adrian Ludwig Richter have already visited. His picture Bridal procession in spring is considered a representation of Rabenauer motifs. The rock shown in his picture Genoveva in the forest loneliness is the eye of the needle in the Rabenauer Grund. An old path crosses below the former dam of rock mill on the wooden bench near Specht Ritz woodpecker Ritz reason. Its importance goes back to the early Middle Ages. It is described by chroniclers as an important trade route. It led from Borlas over the Spechtritzer Steinbergweg into the valley, crossed the Weißeritz over a stone bridge that once existed and went up opposite the still existing forest path above the former rock mill.

The mills in the valley used the water from the Weißeritz; The Rabenauer Mühle was first mentioned in 1235 and the Spechtritzmühle, which was demolished in 2009, in 1562. The Spechtritzer rock mill was built in 1886/1888 on the valley meadows of the Kleinoelsa estate , called a cork mill in GDR times and demolished in 2008. The Seifersdorfer mill was first mentioned in 1501. For hikers, there is only one place to stop for refreshments in the Rabenauer Mühle and in Coßmannsdorf in the “Zum Rabenauergrund” inn, also known locally as the “Hemmschuhschänke”.

The Theler experimental tunnels were opened on behalf of the knight Conrad von Theler († 1361), who owned ore mines in the area after, according to legend, he hired a dowser to search for ore.

The ladder to heaven was laid out in 1893 by Franz Dietel from Coßmannsdorf and local friends from Rabenau. It once led over the hermit rock through the bastion on over 200 steps and an iron ladder to a bench built into the rock. From 1906 onwards, the ascent led up to the right after the fourth railway bridge. Since 1996 the Himmelsleiter with the section of the reason between the Somsdorfer Klamm and the Nixensteig to Lübau has been closed to hikers and left to nature in the nature reserve.

As early as 1894, Franz Dietel and other friends from home laid out the narrow path through the Somsdorfer Klamm with the steep ascent past the Teufelskanzel.

The narrow-gauge Weißeritztalbahn has been running through the Rabenauer Grund since 1882 . The route meanders in the Grund along the Weißeritz and crosses 17 bridges. It was raised because of the construction of the Malter dam between Spechtritz and Dippoldiswalde and is considered to be the oldest operating narrow-gauge railway in Germany. The hiking trail was laid out in 1896 from Rabenau to the Seifersdorfer Gasthaus zum Weißeritztal . Since June 15, 1914, it has been running from Spechtritz via Seifersdorf to the barrier wall of the Malter dam on parts of the former railway line.

The hydropower plant in Rabenauer Grund with the natural stone cascade was inaugurated in 1911.

In 1961, the Rabenauer Grund hosted the white water and canoe slalom world championships from Seifersdorf to Freital, organized by the municipality of Hainsberg .

In 1992 the Sagenweg was opened by the Heimatverein Rabenau, which connects the Predigtstuhl, the Bridal Bed, the Mehnert Bank, the White Bank, the Vogelstellige, the Paul-Stephan-Platz, the Grandfather Chair and the Konrad-Grüttner-Platz. Parts of the path were made accessible with the grandfather chair's viewing platform before 1834.

The floods of 2002 left enormous damage in the Rabenauer Grund. For the second time after 1897, the route of the narrow-gauge railway was almost completely torn away. The few houses in the valley were badly damaged and as a result either largely restored or demolished. The bottom was cleared with heavy equipment after the flood. In the process, the natural streambed of the Rote Weißeritz was partially destroyed; What remains is a uniform drainage channel. The subsequent clearing of the shore zone caused irreparable damage to the nature reserve. More old trees were removed despite protests by environmentalists in connection with the rebuilding of the narrow-gauge route in 2007.

Beginning in autumn 2007, the Saxon dam administration undertook the reconstruction of former weirs and the construction of fish ladders . The floods in June 2013 caused further damage. Particularly on the section between Rabenauer Mühle and Freital, the hiking trail was so badly destroyed that it could no longer be used. The repair was carried out from October to December 2013. The damage to the narrow-gauge railway was so limited that it could run again after a few weeks.


  • The Trumpeter Rock is a rock that protrudes near the former railway bridge in Seifersdorfer Grund. It is said of him that a Saxon trumpeter came with his horse from Oelsa during the Seven Years' War. He was pursued by the Austrian troops. When he stood on the rock above the Weißeritz and found no other way out, the horse and rider jumped across the river. Arrived on the other bank of the Weißeritz, he blew his trumpet in thanks for his life. However, one shot from the pursuers hit his trumpet. The trumpet is said to have been kept for a long time. In 1800 the rock is called Rabenstein.
  • The hermit basically once lived in a lonely hut, a hermitage . He is said to have buried huge treasures near his home. Only a pure virgin will be lucky enough to find and rescue her.
  • The bridal bed is a few steps away from the sermon chair. One of the daughters of the last knight of Rabenau Castle fell in love with the noble Junker Jeschko von Dohna. The hard-hearted father refused the young count's proposal. Then the count stole the daughter and celebrated a free wedding night with her in this hiding place in the rocks, forcing the father to bless the marriage covenant that had been made.
  • The Rabenauer Mühle used to belong to Rabenau Castle, which is said to have connected the two with an underground passage. Here two dwarfs guarded a large treasure, which is said to have been buried by the Rabenau knights. Only pure twenty year old virgins can lift this one. Often dwarfs are said to have visited the mill, which came to a standstill at the same time. Only when they disappeared through a door to the waterbed did the wheels start running again. A girl who wanted to raise the treasure and was hindered by her relatives fell into a fever and succumbed to it. At the end of the 18th century, part of the treasure was found and recovered with the help of necromancy.
  • The gold pestle in Specht Ritz ground next to the bridge to Lübauer reason was once visited by a man from northern Italy, he was "whale" called by the locals as he from the French-speaking Switzerland came. The latter sifted the water from the Weißeritz, which contained gold. Loaded with his riches, he returned to his homeland. In 1800 this place on the Weißeritz was called the Kleiner Nixentump.
Sermon chair
  • The Predigtstuhl below today's Rabenau district of Siedlung Waldfrieden served as protection for the locals who hid here with the Rabenau pastor Anton Bodenhäuser during the Thirty Years War in 1639, when the Swedes attacked Rabenau. He preached to them from the raised stone to give them a glimmer of hope in desperation.
  • In Nixentump near the Planwiese has always lived a good-natured water spirit. His daughters, two mermaids, lived with him. On full moon nights they bleached their clothes and linen on the Planwiese, danced and sang. They mingled with the peasant girls in the Lübauer Schänke, where the boys gladly asked them to dance. Some accompanied them to the pool, but could not go through it and see the damp palace.


The Weißeritz

Protected areas

Due to its high ecological value, the landscape of the Rabenauer Grund is protected by a large number of protected areas under nature conservation law. The species-rich forest communities and the structurally rich river bed of the Roten Weißeritz house an important bat habitat and offer a species-rich fish fauna.

In 1961 it was designated a nature reserve . A more extensive landscape protection area with the area name Tal der Roten Weißeritz surrounds the valley area.

The valleys of Roter Weißeritz and Oelsabach were registered as flora-fauna-habitat- area to the European Commission in 2005 and are therefore part of the European network Natura 2000. In addition, the natural area is a European bird sanctuary Weißeritztäler by regulation of the Dresden regional council (Provincial Directorate) of October 19, 2006.


In the Rabenauer Grund you can find forest vetch , nodule saxifrage , plane buttercup , high cowslip , large-flowered foxglove and black-growing goat clover . Particularly noteworthy are various fern species, among which Nordic striped fern , brown-stemmed striped fern and northern striped fern count. Sessile oak , hornbeam , common ash , bird cherry , winter linden , sycamore maple and norway maple , red beech and summer linden can be found as well as conifers.


Various dragonfly species, ground beetle species, wood-dwelling beetle species, the brown trout ( Salmo trutta fario ), roach ( Rutilus rutilus ), chub (Squalius cephalus) , eel (Anguilla anguilla ), the fire salamander ( Salamandra salamandra ) and bat species can be found and also native . Are to breed birds of Buchfink (Fringilla coelebs) , Tit (Parus major) and Blaumeise (cyanistes coeruleus) , Kernbeißer (Coccothraustes coccothraustes) , Mönchsgrasmücke (Sylvia atricapilla) , dipper ( Cinclus cinclus ), Wren (troglodytes troglodytes) , Zilpzalp (Phylloscopus collybita ) , Robin (Erithacus rubecula) , starling (Sturnus vulgaris) , nuthatch ( Sitta europaea ), graycatcher ( Muscicapa striata ), gray wagtail ( Motacilla cinerea ).


  • anonymous: Complete description of the Plauen and the Rabenauer reason . Gerlach, Freiberg 1875, p. 52-57 ( digitized version ).
  • Green League Osterzgebirge: NSG Rabenauer Grund. Series of nature reserves in the Eastern Ore Mountains. Dippoldiswalde 2015
  • Rudolf Schumann : The Rabenauer Grund near Dresden, its landscape, its plants. In: Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz (Ed.): Preservation of monuments, heritage protection, nature conservation. Successes, reports, wishes . Dresden 1936, p. 191-214 .
  • Rabenauer Grund Nature Park and the places Rabenau, Hainsberg, Somsdorf, Lübau, Spechtritz. 1955, 77 pages.

Web links

Commons : Rabenauer Grund  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ENSO AG: Hydropower plants ( Memento from February 12, 2017 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Georg Friedrich Hammer (1742): Renewed Andencken of the Rabenauischen Pastorum from 1539 to 1741 together with an appendix of their Pastorum zu Höckendorf, Seyfersdorf, Somsdorf, Ruppendorf and Possendorf, on the happy return from England, Holland, etc.
  3. Historical development of the Spechtritz district. In: rabenau.net. Rabenau city administration, accessed on November 17, 2013 .
  4. ^ The 1953 flood in Somsdorf. In: somsdorf-online.de. Retrieved November 17, 2013 .
  5. Verena Weiß: Rabenau and Freital are reminiscent of Canoe World Championships . In: Saxon newspaper . May 18, 2012.
  6. The hiking trail in Rabenauer Grund is still closed. (No longer available online.) In: weisseritztalbahn.com July 9, 2013. Archived from the original on June 9, 2016 ; Retrieved June 9, 2016 .
  7. Rabenauer Grund accessible - hiking trail has been renewed after flood damage. In: Dresdner Latest News. December 14, 2013, accessed June 10, 2016 .
  8. The gold is washed out of the surrounding granite layers by the flowing water and transported in the river towards the mouth, while it remains in places with a slight gradient for longer.
  9. Saxony pastors ' book
  10. Valleys of the Rote Weißeritz and Oelsabach. Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology, accessed on December 22, 2017 .
  11. Nature in the Eastern Ore Mountains Information on nature in the Eastern Ore Mountains: NSG Rabenauer Grund. Green League Osterzgebirge e. V., accessed on December 22, 2017 .
  12. Overview of the FFH area report in Saxony. Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), 2005, accessed on December 22, 2017 .
  13. Ordinance of the Dresden regional council to determine the European bird sanctuary "Weißeritztäler". Saxon State Chancellery, accessed on December 22, 2017 .