Starship Enterprise / Season 2

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Season 2 of Starship Enterprise
Spaceship Enterprise black.svg
Episodes 26th
Country of production United StatesUnited States United States
First broadcast Sep 15 1967 - March 29 1968 on NBC
first broadcast
1972 - 1974 on ZDF (17 episodes)
1988 on Sat.1 (8 episodes)
1999 on DF1 (1 episode)
◀   Season 1 Season 3   ▶
Episode list

The second season of the US television series Spaceship Enterprise was first broadcast on US television in the 1967/68 season on the US broadcaster NBC . The German channels ZDF and Sat.1 broadcast them in German for the first time in 1972-74 and 1988, with the exception of one episode that was first broadcast in German on television on DF1 in 1999 .


( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German language first broadcast (D) Director script Production
30th 1 Space fever Amok Time Sep 15 1967 Jan. 12, 1974 Joseph Pevney Theodore Sturgeon 34
Spock behaves strangely and emotionally, without revealing the reason he knows, and therefore asks Kirk for a vacation on his home planet Volcano. Kirk cannot grant him the vacation at first because the Enterprise has to attend an important diplomatic appointment on Altea VI. Only when McCoy realizes that Spock's behavior could be fatal, Kirk approves the flight to Vulkan. Spock now confides in Kirk that he is in the Pon Farr, the volcanic rut . Although Starfleet Command insists that the Enterprise fly to Altea VI first, Kirk sets course for Vulkan. Arrived there, accompanied by Kirk and McCoy, Spock is expected by his wife T'Pring, whom he had promised him years ago. In order to finally win T'Pring for himself, Spock still has to duel as part of Vulcan tradition. T'Pring chooses Kirk as his opponent. Spock wins the life and death duel in an arena. T'Pring then admits that she only chose Kirk as Spock's opponent in order to spare the originally intended Vulcan Spong, with whom she is actually in love. Kirk, however, did not actually die, but survived McCoy's injection. After the fight, Spock's Pon Farr is over.
31 2 The Temple of Apollo Who Mourns For Adonais? 22 Sep 1967 Nov 4, 1972 Marc Daniels Gilbert Ralston 33
The Enterprise is approaching a planet and is suddenly attacked by an energy field that appears in the form of a giant hand and holds the Enterprise captive. Responsible for this is a man on the planet who introduces himself to the Enterprise team as Apollo , son of Zeus , and rules from a temple on Mount Olympus . Apollo demands from visitors to be worshiped and obviously has superhuman abilities that he uses to subjugate people. He takes away team member Carolyn Palamas as his wife as the team searches for the energy source for their strength. The team discovers that Apollo's powers temporarily dwindle when provoked, and tries to use this to their own advantage. Apollo wants to make Carolyn the mother of a new race of gods and make his life so perfect. At Kirk's instructions, Carolyn breaks up with Apollo, who is bitter about it. He disappears after the Enterprise has phased out his temple from orbit, which was his source of energy.
32 3 My name is nomad The changing 29 Sep 1967 July 1, 1972 Marc Daniels John Meredyth Lucas 37
The Enterprise is attacked by an alien probe and shaken violently. The bridge crew manages to communicate with her and beam her on board. She is about one meter tall, can hover around in the ship and introduces herself as a nomad. Nomad calls it his mission to destroy undesirable biotic developments and has therefore already destroyed millions of living beings in a planetary system. Obviously, Nomad is well-disposed towards Kirk only because Nomad confuses him with his Creator because of damage, whom he - like himself - therefore considers perfect. Spock conducts a Vulcan-style thought-amalgamation with Nomad and learns that the Nomad probe, which was once sent from Earth, was damaged by a collision with another probe in space and its programming was changed so that it is now on Destruction of imperfect life aims. Kirk tells Nomad that he, Kirk, is not his creator. Nomad no longer accepts Kirk as creator and tries to return to his place of origin earth and continue his mission there. Kirk tells Nomad that he was wrong about his creator and therefore imperfect. Nomad's circuits threaten to be overloaded as a result, so that the crew beams him into space shortly before his explosion.
33 4th A parallel universe Mirror, mirror Oct 6, 1967 Feb 22, 1988 Marc Daniels Jerome Bixby 39
Kirk, McCoy, Scott and Uhura, as an away team on a planet, received a rejection of their request to the local Halkanians for Dilithium crystals. When beaming back to the Enterprise, a transporter accident beamed the team to the Enterprise in a parallel universe. There the Enterprise crew belongs to the so-called empire, which does not act peaceably but warlike to achieve its goals. Brutal and barbaric customs prevail: the murder of superiors is a common method of advancement and misconduct is followed by the pain-causing discipline method of agony simulation. The four have difficulty playing the roles their alter egos normally fill, which have been beamed onto the Enterprise in this world. Kirk, as captain of the Enterprise in the parallel universe, delays the implementation of a devastating attack on the Halkanians. Because he arouses suspicion in parallel Spock, he is threatened with an imminent execution. The four of them secretly and collaboratively prepare their beaming back into their universe and are able to defend themselves against attempts by the enemy crew members. Finally, the enemy Spock helps them beam back so that he can get his four missing crew members back.
34 5 The hour of knowledge The Apple Oct 13, 1967 Feb. 15, 1988 Joseph Pevney Max Ehrlich , Gene L. Coon ;
Idea: Max Ehrlich
An outside team led by Kirk is exploring the previously unexplored planet Gamma Trianguli VI. One after the other, team members die from poison, lightning strikes and an explosion. An unknown force prevents the team from beaming back. The team recruits a chaser named Akuta who belongs to a small race of perfectly healthy humanoids who worship a god named Whale. Whale is at the same time the artificial energy source stuck in the rock, which hinders beaming and which wants to force the Enterprise, which it regards as an enemy, to crash onto the planet by means of a suction jet. Whale is also responsible for the fact that Akuta's conspecifics do not yet know anything about love, reproduction and killing. When two of them watch Chekov kissing and are thereby influenced contrary to Wals sense, Wal instructs the people to kill the away team. But they fail because of their own inability and the resistance of the team. Spock tells Kirk that it would be a violation of the Supreme Directive to eliminate the local god. Nevertheless, with the help of the Enterprise, Kirk ensures that whale is permanently out of action by phaser fire. The Enterprise is then free again. Before the away team beams back on board, Kirk calls on the locals to live independently and in freedom and to reproduce.
35 6th Planet killer The Doomsday Machine Oct 20, 1967 June 24, 1972 Marc Daniels Norman Spinrad 35
Following an emergency call, the Enterprise discovers the Federation spaceship Constellation, damaged and drifting in a field of rubble. This was caused by an immensely large, weapon-like robot destroying several planets for the purpose of self-preservation. The Constellation's only survivor is its commander, Commodore Decker; he's beamed to the Enterprise. The weapon, which has a huge maw, also attacks the Enterprise, which is damaged and has to leave the Constellation wreck. When the weapon prepares to destroy more planets with millions of inhabitants, Decker forcibly takes over command from Spock in order to be able to attack the weapon. Phaser bombardment against the weapon proves to be completely ineffective. When the Enterprise threatens to be destroyed by the weapon, Kirk distracts the weapon with the now poorly repaired Constellation. Because of Decker's high risk behavior, Spock snatches command from him again. Decker breaks out of his custody and steers a hijacked shuttle into the throat of the gun, where he kills himself. At that moment the weapon loses some energy. In order to extract a lot more energy from the weapon, Kirk then steers the Constellation into the weapon. This is paralyzed according to plan; Kirk is beamed onto the Enterprise at the last second.
36 7th The haunted castle in space Catspaw Oct. 27, 1967 Dec. 1, 1973 Joseph Pevney Robert Bloch 30th
One man is beamed back dead by a three-man away team exploring an alien planet, while the other two, Scott and Sulu, are missing. Although a strange voice tells the Enterprise to leave, Kirk, Spock and McCoy beam down to find the missing. They encounter three ghost-like witches on the surface before they come to an eerie castle and are captured by Korob, who runs the castle with a woman named Sylvia. Sylvia used telekinesis to transform Scott and Sulu, whom she made to work for her, into mindless puppets, and this soon happened to McCoy too. In addition, she can transform into other beings. She explains to Kirk that a so-called transmutator, which is shaped like a wand, gives her shape. She now needs the content in the form of will and asks Kirk for it. Kirk shows her his will by caressing her. Sylvia quickly realizes that Kirk doesn't love her at all, only takes advantage of her, and has him locked up again. Korob frees him and Spock and tells them that Sylvia has a great greed for stimulation and destruction and that he wants to protect her from her. Eventually it turns out that the castle and Sylvia and Korob were just illusions that the two created with the magic wand. Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Sulu and Scott return to the Enterprise.
37 8th The trained ruler I, Mudd Nov 3, 1967 Aug 26, 1972 Marc Daniels Stephen Kandel 41
The Android Norman suddenly takes control of the Enterprise and steers it to a strange planet. He leads an outside team around Kirk into a room from where Kirk's well-known Harry Mudd rules over 200,000 androids that are on the planet and were programmed by Mudd himself. The androids, which also include many androids, some of which are the same in the shape of pretty women, are able to offer people everything they need for life, just like in the land of milk and honey. Soon Mudd has the rest of the Enterprise crew brought to the planet through his androids. The androids, whom Mudd regards as slaves, suddenly rise up against him and do not want to let him fly away with the Enterprise. They are against the spread of humans in their galaxy and want to rule humans from now on. Spock and Kirk realize that the androids are controlled by Norman. With the aim of paralyzing him, Mudd, Kirk and his Enterprise colleagues behave illogically and confusing, for example they lie or mock a dead person. Due to the irrational behavior of the people, the androids fail, Norman's circuits overload and burn through. The Enterprise crew leaves Mudd on the planet to reprogram the androids.
38 9 metamorphosis Metamorphosis Nov 10, 1967 Nov 17, 1973 Ralph Senensky Gene L. Coon 31
Kirk, Spock and McCoy are transporting the sick Nancy Hedford, who is in urgent need of treatment, in the direction of the Enterprise when the shuttle is forced onto a different course by an unknown force and is forced to land on a planetoid. There the four meet Zefram Cochrane, who once invented the warp engines and had to make an emergency landing here. He should have been dead 150 years. Since contacting the Companion, Cochrane has been consistently young and healthy. The Companion does not want to leave the four out because he considers human contact to be necessary for Cochrane. As Hedford's condition worsens, Kirk and Spock try unsuccessfully to fight the Companion to escape. Spock creates a way to communicate with the Companion. Kirk argues to the Companion that his race needs freedom to exist. The way the Companion communicates with Cochrane makes it clear that a love relationship exists between the two. Kirk awakens the insight in the Companion that because of the diversity he cannot understand the human way of loving. The Companion then reunites with Hedford shortly before she died of her illness. Cochrane stays with her on the planet while Kirk, Spock and McCoy return to the Enterprise.
39 10 Journey to Babel Journey To Babel Nov 17, 1967 16 Sep 1972 Joseph Pevney DC Fontana 44
The Enterprise is on its way to the planet Babel and carries over 100 participants to a conference on the admission of the planet Koridan into the Federation. This also includes the Vulcan ambassador Sarek. He and his human wife, Amanda, are Spock's parents. When the Tellarite ambassador is found murdered, Sarek, with whom he had previously quarreled, comes under suspicion of murder. During the flight, the Enterprise is followed by an unknown spaceship. After Sarek suffers a repeated heart attack, Spock agrees to help him with a blood donation for the vital operation. However, Spock withdraws this promise after Kirk failed as captain due to an assassination attempt. Spock makes this decision because of his Vulcan sense of duty to the people on the Enterprise. Amanda is against Spock's decision. He must therefore choose to follow his volcanic or human side. In order to let Spock carry out the blood donation anyway, Kirk takes command again with great pain and is able to repel the attacks of the alien spaceship, which then self-destructs. The operation with blood donation is successful. The assassin commits suicide. He and the alien spaceship turn out to be Orionic.
40 11 In the name of the young Tiru Friday's Child Dec. 1, 1967 Feb. 1, 1988 Joseph Pevney DC Fontana 32
An away team with Kirk, Spock and McCoy is on the planet Capella IV to negotiate with the Capellans there over mining rights for an important mineral. The atmosphere in the conversation is tense because a Klingon negotiator named Kras also requests mining rights and a fourth team member is killed by the Capellans as a result. The Capellan Maab sympathizes with Kras and seizes control of the Capellan tribes with armed force. In doing so he kills the previous leader Akaar and thus becomes a leader himself, i.e. H. Tiru. Kirk prevents Maab Akaar's wife from murdering Eleen, who is heavily pregnant with the child who is destined to be the future Tiru. The away team flees with her from Maab and his entourage. Some of the pursuers are incapacitated in a rock fall, which Kirk and Spock deliberately cause. The Enterprise under Scott's command is indisposed by a fake emergency call. With McCoy's help, Eleen gives birth to her child, which she now rejects by tradition, and leaves it shortly afterwards to surrender to her imminent death. Kirk and Spock fight off attacks by Kras and Maab's fighters, also with the help of the Enterprise. Maab dies in the process. Eleen then takes over the leadership of the Capellan family until their newborn son is old enough.
41 12 How time flies The Deadly Years Dec 8, 1967 Feb. 29, 1988 Joseph Pevney David P. Harmon 40
An Enterprise field team finds the residents of a research station on the planet Gamma Hydra IV aging rapidly. One part of the people has already died of old age, the other part also dies of it a little later. The members of the away team soon begin to age rapidly and therefore threaten to die in a few days. Chekov is strangely spared, Spock ages more slowly. Spock identified the radiation emanating from a comet as the cause of the disease. Commodore Stocker lets Spock examine Kirk's qualification for service in view of the fact that his executive is restricted due to increasing senility. Kirk refuses to admit that he is incapacitated, despite his growing old age. The hearing reveals that Stocker is taking command from Kirk. Then Stocker lets the Enterprise set course for a space station and negligently fly through the neutral zone, threatened by the Romulans. Based on Chekov's behavior on the planet, Spock, Kirk and McCoy recognize that adrenaline is effective against radiation and thus against the disease of aging. This is then cured in those who have not yet died. Kirk can thus take command again and use a daring ruse to avert the danger posed by the Romulans.
42 13 Deadly clouds obsession Dec 15, 1967 July 29, 1972 Ralph Senensky Art Wallace 47
Several Enterprise Redshirts are killed on one planet by contact with a suddenly appearing cloud. It's the same cloud that Kirk knows from his time on the Farragut spaceship, on which he served eleven years ago. At that time, the Farragut's captain and other crew members died from contact with the cloud. Kirk now accuses himself of firing too late at the cloud and neglects an important mission of the Enterprise because of the hunt for the cloud. The cloud soon leaves the planet and flies into space, where the Enterprise has to break off the pursuit because of the too high speed. One recognizes that the cloud is an intelligent living being and feeds on blood plasma , not least because its victims lack all red blood cells and because Spock, whose blood is composed differently, survives contact with the cloud undamaged. Enterprise Ensign Garrowick, son of the Farragut captain, makes self-reproaches similar to Kirk's after confronting the cloud. However, both of them soon recognize these allegations as unjustified, since phaser fire obviously does not stop the cloud. The cloud flies to a planet close to its former contact with the Farragut. There, Kirk and Garrowick lure the cloud with blood plasma and destroy it in a targeted manner with a matter-antimatter explosion.
43 14th A wolf in sheep's clothing Wolf In The Fold Dec 22, 1967 Feb 8, 1988 Joseph Pevney Robert Bloch 36
During a vacation on the planet Argelius II, Scotty meets the beautiful woman Kara. After she was stabbed, Scotty is under high suspicion of murder. During Scotty's subsequent interrogations on the planet, two other women are stabbed to death in Scotty's presence, one of them being Syvo, the telepathic wife of Prefect Jaris. In all three cases, Scotty has blood or the weapon in his hands immediately after the crime, but he cannot remember the actual crime. After the third killing, the investigation continues on the Enterprise at Kirk's instigation. With the help of the enterprise computer, the suspicion of an unknown, disembodied being falls and earlier feminicides become known, including those on the planet Rigel IV. The man Hengist comes from there is. Because of this connection, suspicion falls on him shortly before he tries to escape and surprisingly dies. He was apparently ruled by the disembodied being who now ruled the enterprise computer after his death. Spock then gives the computer an unsolvable arithmetic problem, which causes the being from the computer to return to Hengist's body. Kirk and Spock then beam this into space to render the being harmless.
44 15th Do you know Tribbles? The Trouble With Tribbles Dec 29, 1967 23 Sep 1972 Joseph Pevney David Gerrold 42
On the Enterprise and the K-7 space station, the small fur animals "Tribbles" multiply very quickly (→ main article) .
45 16 Master of the Slaves The Gamesters Of Triskelion Jan. 5, 1968 14 Mar 1988 Gene Nelson Margaret poor 46
When Kirk, Chekov and Uhura want to beam down to the planet Gamma II, they suddenly disappear and find themselves on the alien planet Triskelion. There they are under the rule of the slave owner Galt, who acts on behalf of certain providers. Galt is able to punish the subordinates with painful obedience collars. Each of the three is assigned a different slave who is supposed to train him with the aim of later being a successful slave and being sold to a slave owner. When Kirk defeats his opponent in an exhibition match and thus shows his strength against the suppliers, the three are made slaves. The suppliers place bets on the slaves to entertain themselves. Kirk's trainer is the slave Shahna, to whom he teaches the values ​​of a life in freedom and love that were previously alien to her. When the three broke out of their cells, Galt disciplined them with the collars. Meanwhile, the Enterprise has found Triskelion. The utilities show Kirk that they exist deep underground in a brain-like form. Kirk can convince them of a bet that involves a much more spectacular fight. Kirk wins the fight against three attackers for life and death, so that he achieves freedom for himself and his crew and that the providers raise the slaves to be freer individuals.
46 17th Epigones A piece of the action Jan. 12, 1968 July 8, 1972 James Komack David P. Harmon , Gene L. Coon ;
Idea: David P. Harmon
Many years ago, the Federation starship Horizon visited the planet Jota, which was then home to a pre-industrial indigenous civilization, and left behind a book about the Chicago underworld of the 1920s. As a result, the local civilization developed into a society similar to that presented in the book, which is characterized by crime and armed violence and therefore threatens to sink into anarchy. Kirk's mission on behalf of the Federation is to repair the damage to the locals. After Kirk is beamed to the planet with Spock and McCoy, they are imprisoned by the gang boss Bela Okmyx because Kirk refuses to deliver him weapons from the Enterprise to fight his competitors. Bela's competitor Jojo Krako also fails with this request to Kirk. Kirk, Spock and McCoy break free and set about pitting Krako and Bela against each other. Kirk poses as a rival gang boss who works for the syndicate called Federation. With the help of the Enterprise, he can demonstrate the power of the Federation to the Jotanians. With this and with the announcement that the Enterprise will carry out annual checks, Kirk can get the Jotanians to stop using the book and thus stop the mutual fighting.
47 18th The hole in space The Immunity Syndrome Jan. 19, 1968 3rd June 1972 Joseph Pevney Robert Sabaroff 48
The Enterprise investigates the sudden destruction of the Federation starship Intrepid, which carried hundreds of Vulcans, in the Gamma-7A star system. Arriving at the place of disappearance, the Enterprise discovers a huge structure in space that resembles a hole in space and in which no stars are visible. The closer the Enterprise gets to the core of this dark zone, the more energy is lost on board and the weaker the crew members become physically and mentally. McCoy predicts that the crew will soon die with this development. The Enterprise is in a gravitational pull, is pulled further and further to the core of the hole and threatens to be destroyed there like the Intrepid. In the core of the hole is a huge, amoeba-shaped, gelatinous being that feeds on energy in bursts and threatens to enlarge due to the impending cell division. Spock flies with a specially prepared shuttle into the interior of the being. He instructs the Enterprise by radio about the possibility of destruction. Because this is incomprehensible due to interference, the Enterprise cannot implement it. That's why the Enterprise flies into the amoeba. Because this has a negative energy charge, Kirk detonates a charge of antimatter and thereby destroys the amoeba, but nothing happens to Spock or the shuttle.
48 19th The first war A Private Little War Feb. 2, 1968 7th Mar 1988 Marc Daniels Gene Roddenberry ,
idea: Jud Crucis
On a planet with a pre-industrial culture that Kirk visited 13 years ago, Spock is injured by a gunshot. Kirk and McCoy return to the planet with the aim of determining how this could be possible given the low level of development of the local people. There Kirk first wants to find the man Tyree, who belongs to the local mountain people and whom he knows from earlier. Kirk is seriously injured by a specimen of the wild animal species Mugato and shortly afterwards healed by Nona, Tyree's wife, with psychic abilities. Kirk suspects that the villagers are being supplied with weapons by Klingons in breach of contract, and this suspicion is soon confirmed. Much to McCoy's refusal, Kirk tries to strike a balance between the mountain people and the villagers by supplying the mountain people with firearms of the same type. After Kirk saved her from death in a Mugato attack with his phaser pistol, Nona tries to kill the villagers with it, but is killed by them. As a result of this event, Kirk changes his decision to the effect that he does not supply the mountain dwellers with firearms but with slingshots.
49 20th Mind seeks body Return To Tomorrow Feb 9, 1968 Dec 29, 1973 Ralph Senensky John Kingsbridge 51
An alien voice belonging to the non-physically existing being Sargon sends Kirk, Spock, McCoy and the scientist Ann Mulhall to a planet. Sargon and two other conspecifics exist there only in the form of energy in urns and are the last representatives of a species that explored space long before humanity, but then almost went under. Now these three beings want to temporarily take over the bodies of Kirk, Spock and Mulhall in order to prepare their future existence in android form. After Sargon has exemplarily taken possession of Kirk's body, Kirk decides that for research purposes it is worth the risk to grant the beings their wish. They grant their wish on the Enterprise. Sargon is in Kirk's body, Enoch is in Spock's body, and Sargon's lover Thalassa is in Mulhall's body. Kirk's body cannot take the possession by Sargon and therefore, like Thalassa later, takes possession of the Enterprise. Enoch wants to stay in Spock's body permanently, as this is the only way he can experience sensual pleasures. Since Sargon is against Enoch's plans, they deceive him and destroy him after he leaves Spock's body. Finally, Sargon and Thalassa explain to the crew that they are no longer pursuing their plan.
50 21st Stencils of violence Patterns Of Force Feb 16, 1968 July 25, 1999 Vincent McEveety John Meredyth Lucas 52
Kirk and Spock infiltrate looking for one missing an alien planet where conditions such as in Nazi Germany rule (→ main article) .
51 22nd Stone and dust By Any Other Name Feb 23, 1968 Nov 11, 1972 Marc Daniels DC Fontana , Jerome Bixby ;
Idea: Jerome Bixby
Following an emergency call, the Enterprise is at the planet Kelva. The emergency call turns out to be a trap for the crew, as the Kelvaners forcibly take over the Enterprise and prepare it for the early kidnapping. Since their own spaceship has been destroyed, the Kelvaners want to fly back to their homeland, the neighboring Andromeda Galaxy, with the Enterprise . When the outside team around Kirk and Spock, imprisoned on the planet, tries to flee, the Kelvan leader Rojan has a Redshirt executed as punishment . After the Enterprise, on which the field team has now been brought back, has broken through the intergalactic energy barrier between the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy using Kelvan technology, Rojan has the Enterprise crew members transformed into fist-sized polyhedra because he no longer needs them. The only exceptions to this are Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Scotty. Since the Kelvaner on board the Enterprise are no longer capable of their psychic abilities, the four try to exploit their weaknesses and can thus bring them closer to being human. Kirk makes Rojan understand that by the time they arrive in their homeland in 300 years, they will have become strangers to their relatives, and so moves him to return with the Enterprise and offer the Kelvaners a home in Federation territory.
52 23 The year of the red bird The Omega Glory 1st Mar 1968 21 Mar 1988 Vincent McEveety Gene Roddenberry 54
The Enterprise discovers the Star Fleet spaceship Exeter in orbit of the planet Gamma-IV. An away team with Kirk, Spock, McCoy realizes that the crew died of crystallization. Following an entry from the ship's doctor's log, the team beams to the planet and comes into contact with Captain Tracey, the last survivor of the Exeter. He and the team can no longer leave the planet, because only the planet protects them from the outbreak of the disease that leads to deadly crystallization. Tracey has McCoy research the peculiarity of the locals to be very long-lived due to the cycle of the so-called "year of the red bird". Tracey has fought against the highest directive on the planet on the side of the so-called Kohms, who enslave their enemies, the so-called Yangs. He has Kirk and Spock locked up with two yangs, but they can free themselves. From McCoy, they learn that as a result of an earlier war, the locals became so long-lived and also developed immunity to the disease. All visitors to the planet become immune, but not long-lived, so that they can safely leave it. Eventually they learn that the Yangs and the Kohms once waged a cold war against each other, similar to that on Earth. Kirk assures them that the laws of democracy apply to both sides.
53 24 Computer M5 The Ultimate Computer March 8 1968 July 15, 1972 John Meredyth Lucas DC Fontana ,
idea: Laurence N. Wolfe
Federation researcher Dr. Daystrom developed the M5 computer system, which is used to control a spaceship without any human help. M5 is subjected to a practical test on the Enterprise, only Daystrom and a 20-person hull crew remain there, including Kirk. While Spock is intrigued by the M5, Kirk has concerns about whether the M5 is suitable for the job. The first test M5 undergoes is when it comes into contact with an approaching enemy spaceship; this goes as planned with false hits. But when the Enterprise then unexpectedly encounters an ore freighter, M5 immediately destroys it with photon torpedo bombardment. This is how Daystrom recognizes that the M5 has a defect. M5 cannot be switched off at first and protects itself, whereby M5 also kills a Redshirt. Soon four spaceships are approaching the Enterprise, including the Lexington, on which Captain Wesley also works, who has ordered the practical test of M5. M5 attacks the ships, some of them are unable to maneuver and people die there too. This forces Wesley to order the destruction of the Enterprise. Kirk convinces the M5 computer, which Daystrom programmed with its own thought structure and mentality, of the knowledge that murder is illegal. As a result, M5 switches itself off and commits suicide. This avoids the danger to Enterprise and Wesley's ships.
54 25th bread and games Bread and Circuses 15th Mar 1968 Jan. 26, 1974 Ralph Senensky Gene Roddenberry , Gene L. Coon 43
The Enterprise finds debris from the long-missing spaceship Beagle and locates signs of life on a nearby planet similar to 20th century Earth, which may have come from the Beagle's crew. Kirk, Spock and McCoy, beamed to the planet in search of them, meet townspeople there who live under the power of the proconsul Claudius Marcus. Its adjutant is Merrick, the former captain of the Beagle. In their captivity the three come together with the escaped slave Flavius. Merrick and his crew once surveyed the planet and were not allowed to leave it to avoid being murdered by the locals. Those who opposed the locals died and the others now live in a society modeled on the Roman Empire , where gladiator fights are common. The proconsul tries to force Kirk to order the rest of the Enterprise crew to beam down. Since Kirk refuses, Claudius Marcus wants to have him publicly executed. However, he and Spock and McCoy can beam onto the Enterprise in time. Both Flavius ​​and Merrick, who has grown weary of Claudius Marcus, as well as the Enterprise, which Kirk had previously secretly instructed, help them escape.
55 26th A planet called earth Assignment: Earth 29 Mar 1968 Sep 2 1972 Marc Daniels Gene Roddenberry, Art Wallace ;
Idea: Art Wallace
The Enterprise traveled near Earth in 1968 for research purposes. Suddenly the agent 194 with the code name Felix Seven Rock beams himself on board and claims to come from an extraterrestrial planet and to be on an important mission to save the earth. Kirk distrusts him and puts him in arrest, from which he soon escapes and beams himself to an office in New York City . He wants to prevent a nuclear war from breaking out on earth and tries to contact two agents who have already been assigned for this purpose, but who die in a car accident. Seven Rock beams to the McKinley missile base, where the Americans will shortly launch a nuclear missile. Just before the start countdown runs out, Seven Rock can secretly manipulate the rocket. Kirk and Spock follow Seven Rock to the missile base, where they are both arrested. Mrs. Roberta, assigned to the two dead agents, beams Seven Rock to her office and prevents Scotty from beaming Seven Rock to her in the Enterprise. Kirk and Spock escape their custody and are also beamed into the office by Scotty. There Kirk gives up his suspicion of Seven Rock only at the last second by allowing him to detonate the rocket with its special computer just before it would have caused damage on Earth.

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