Ruta 3 (Bolivia)

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Template: Infobox high-ranking street / Maintenance / BO-R
Ruta 3 in Bolivia
Ruta 3 (Bolivia)
Course of the Ruta 3
Basic data
Operator: Administradora Boliviana
de Carreteras
Start of the street: La Paz
( 16 ° 30 ′  S , 68 ° 10 ′  W )
End of street: Trinidad
( 14 ° 50 ′  S , 64 ° 54 ′  W )
Overall length: 602 km

Departments :

Ruta 3 Incachaca.jpg
Ruta 3 (left) at Laguna Incachaca northeast of La Paz
Course of the road
La Paz Department
Locality (000)  La Paz R2
passport (023)  La Cumbre
Locality (031)  Pongo Rinconada
Locality (037)  Pongo
Locality (043)  Unduavi
Locality (052)  Cotapata
tunnel (058)  San Rafael tunnel
Locality (094)  San Jose de Chicalulo
flow (094)  Río Elena
flow (095)  Río San Juán
Locality (095)  Yolosa
Locality (101)  Santa Bárbara
flow (101)  Río Vagante
Locality (105)  San Martin de Padilla
Locality (109)  Quenallata
Locality (112)  Challah
flow (126)  Río Choro
Locality (128)  Choro
Locality (131)  San Pedro de Caranavi
flow (134)  Río Quita Calzón
Locality (141)  Chojña
flow (162)  Río Yara
Locality (163)  Caranavi R26
Locality (215)  Bella Vista
flow (227)  Río Alto Beni
Locality (231)  Sapecho
flow (253)  Río Inicua
Locality (253)  Inicua
Beni Department
flow (281)  Río Quiquibey
Locality (284)  Quiquibey
Locality (301)  6 de Agosto
Locality (307)  Libertad Unida
flow (321)  Río Yucumo
Locality (322)  Yucumo R8
Locality (370)  San Borja
flow (372)  Maniqui River
Locality (375)  Tierra Santa
Locality (377)  Galilea
Locality (420)  Totaizal
flow (428)  Río Matos
flow (463)  Río Chevejécure
flow (482)  Río Cuberene
flow (487)  Río Apere
Street (502)  as a branch R24
Locality (509)  San Ignacio de Moxos
flow (570)  Río Tijamuchi
flow (585)  Río Mamoré
Locality (589)  Puerto Barador
flow (593)  Río Ibare
Locality (594)  Puerto Almacén
Locality (602)  Trinidad R9

The Ruta 3 is a national road in the South American Andean state of Bolivia .


The road has a length of 602 km and crosses the northern part of Bolivia from west to east, from the eastern edge of the Altiplano to the lowlands of the Río Beni . The road crosses the La Paz Department and the Beni Department . It begins in the west at the government metropolis of La Paz and ends in the east in the city of Trinidad , the capital of the Beni department. There it meets the national road Ruta 9 , which from here leads north to Guayaramerín on the border with Brazil and south-east to Yacuiba on the border with Argentina .

The routes from La Paz to Santa Bárbara , from Quiquibey to Yucumo , the 30 kilometers behind San Ignacio and from Puerto Baradero to Trinidad are paved. The rest of the route (around two thirds) is still gravel or dirt road, but is currently paved (as of 2018).


Until 2006, the first part of Ruta 3 from La Paz to Coroico consisted of the infamous Yungas Strait , which the Inter-American Development Bank named in 1995 as the "most dangerous road in the world". This section has been paved since 2006 and, from kilometer 54, has been replaced by a completely new road construction, which is only slightly longer than the original road, but significantly less dangerous than this.

The Ruta 3 was declared part of the Bolivian national road network " Red Vial Fundamental " by decree 25.134 of August 31, 1998 .

Route sections

La Paz Department

Beni Department

Web links