Reed breakage

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Reed breakage

IUCN Category IV - Habitat / Species Management Area

Schilfbruch Nature Reserve 03.jpg
location West of Uetze , Hanover region , Lower Saxony
surface 274 ha
Identifier NSG HA 196
WDPA ID 319066
Geographical location 52 ° 29 '  N , 10 ° 9'  E Coordinates: 52 ° 28 '34 "  N , 10 ° 8' 52"  E
Reed quarry (Lower Saxony)
Reed breakage
Sea level from 45.1 m to 62.1 m
Setup date 06/22/2000
administration NLWKN

The reed break is a nature reserve in the Lower Saxony municipality of Uetze in the Hanover region .

The nature reserve with the sign NSG HA 196 is 274  hectares in size. Most of it is surrounded by the nature reserve of the same name . The area has been under nature protection since June 22, 2000. The lower responsible nature conservation authority is the Hanover region.

The nature reserve lies between Hänigsen and Uetze. It provides a floodplain and swamp forests area under protection, the branched far from a man-made ditch system is crossed. The ditch system is also used to keep water in the area via dams. The Thöse flows through the area in a south-north direction. It flows through a near-natural, mesotrophic pond, which is surrounded by reed and reed stands . There are also other small pools in the nature reserve.

Oak-beech and oak-hornbeam forests can be found on higher, drier locations .

The forest stands are characterized by varying degrees of closeness to nature. So are partially featureless afforestation to find stocks, but in addition also stocks with high age diversity and a well-trained shrub and herbaceous layer and an intact soil structure. In many cases, a high proportion of old and dead wood can be found in the nature reserve .

In the east there is a local recreation area with two artificially created water areas, the Spreewaldseen and the Irenensee, bathing beach, camping site and weekend houses .

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Commons : Reeds  - Collection of images, videos and audio files