Thanhausen Castle

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The listed Thanhausen Castle is located in the district of the same name in the Upper Palatinate town of Bärnau in the Tirschenreuth district (Schloßplatz 1).


The Hofmark Thanhausen is first mentioned in 1215, when a Siboto de Tanhusen is mentioned as a witness to a document in Eger between Emperor Friedrich II and the Regensburg Bishop Konrad . Thanhausen has been considered a pertinence of the Electoral Palatinate Care Office Bärnau since the 15th century . In 1522 Hermann Thandorfer zu Thanhausen was run as a Landsasse . Between 1563 and 1570 his heirs are named here. Wolf Sigmund von Rosenau has been mentioned here since 1583, and in 1599 the guardian of his heirs. In 1607 Hans Wolf von Hildrieth resides here, in 1615 Albrecht Thoss (Doss) von Ehrbach , in 1624 the guardians of his seven children who are still underage. In 1627 Hans Christoph Thoss and in 1652 his widow Elisabeth Thoss are mentioned here, for whom Colonel Bartels swears the oath of the country.

On August 17, 1667, Georg Christoph Ritschel zu Reuth bought the property , which was designated as free property , from the Thoß's heirs . With this purchase a Salbuch was created, in which the legal status of Thanhausen was determined again. After that, the lower jurisdiction lay with the manor; the district judge zu Bärnau was responsible for maleficent criminal matters. The high and low wild bans belonged to the manor, but certain taxes had to be paid. The manorial rule was entitled to the best head in the event of death , in addition to which the subjects had to pay tithes, crowd services, field and daily wage work. On February 2, 1722, the property was purchased by the foster son Franz Heinrich Ritschel . In 1718 this was followed by Johann Wolfgang Christian Ritschel von Hartenbach . On February 4, 1722 Thanhausen was bought by Joseph Anton von Plankenheim at the same time as Gut Hermannsreuth and the noble Heimhof estate . With a purchase contract of May 16, 1737, Thanhausen and Heimhof were transferred to his son-in-law Philipp Anton von Boslarn . His widow Maria Franziska sold Thanhausen and the other goods on May 22nd, 1754 to Johann Maximilian Grill von Altdorf , chief forest master of the Bishop of Olomouc . After his death in 1767 he was followed by his son Johann Augustin Karl von Altdorf . Under him the legal status of Thanhausen was raised by the district judge zu Bärnau.

After the death of Johann Augustin Karl († on June 11, 1792), he was followed by his only daughter Josepha , who married the Upper Palatinate appellate judge Karl von Korb in 1806 . In 1807 the basic rights which were justified were repealed, but were granted again in 1814. The Thanhausen local court was formed for the manor district and what is now the Meierhof Heimhof, which was converted into a second class patrimonial court on November 30, 1818 .

Thanhausen Castle today

The former castle is a two-story, plastered solid building with a gable roof and a corner tower. The house has an arched gate with a pilaster structure . It was rebuilt in Baroque style after the fire of 1787. But already on September 14, 1631 the castle is said to have burned down for the first time during the Thirty Years' War by the Breda regiment due to an inattentiveness of a cook. An economic building also belongs to the listed property. This is a single-storey, plastered solid building with a hipped roof over a high basement. On it is the year 1780. The wall surrounding the property with a round arched gate dates from around 1800.

Mention should also be made of the former St. Joseph Castle Church, which was built by the Barons von Korb. It is a rectangular hall with a graceful onion-crowned east tower and an attached sacristy . The year 1791 can be found in the lintel. It was restored after a fire in 1893/95. The neo-Romanesque high altar has an altarpiece with a representation of St. Joseph and statues of St. Catherine and St. John Nepomuk. In the church there are still figures of Maria Immaculata, St. Joseph and St. Leonhard, a statue of the Sacred Heart and a cross. Under the gallery are tombstones of Georg Christoph Ritschel von Hartenbach auf Thanhausen from 1676 and a stone tablet with the coat of arms of the Plankenheimers and the year 1721.


  • Heribert Sturm: Tirschenreuth (= Historical Atlas of Bavaria, part of Old Bavaria. Issue 21). Commission for Bavarian State History. Verlag Michael Lassleben, Munich 1970, pp. 184-186.
  • Detlef Knipping, Gabriele Raßhofer: Tirschenreuth district (= Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation [Hrsg.]: Monuments in Bavaria . Volume III.45 ). Karl M. Lipp Verlag, Lindenberg im Allgäu 2000, ISBN 3-87490-579-9 .

Individual evidence

  1. Family research Kunz
  2. Freiherr von Breda ( Memento of the original from April 2, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Archive THANHAUSEN

Web links

Coordinates: 49 ° 48 ′ 9.8 ″  N , 12 ° 24 ′ 0 ″  E