Sense (flow)

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The sense at Jossa

The sense at Jossa

Water code EN : 2448
location Germany
River system Rhine
Drain over Franconian Saale  → Main  → Rhine  → North Sea
source near Oberwildflecken on Kreuzberg
50 ° 23 '7 "  N , 9 ° 58' 14"  E
Source height approx.  671  m above sea level NN
muzzle near Gemünden in the Franconian Saale Coordinates: 50 ° 3 '39 "  N , 9 ° 41' 28"  E 50 ° 3 '39 "  N , 9 ° 41' 28"  E
Mouth height approx.  154  m above sea level NN
Height difference approx. 517 m
Bottom slope approx. 7.5 ‰
length 69.4 km
Catchment area 622.57 km²
Discharge at the Bad Brückenau
A Eo gauge : 86.88 km²
Location: 49.2 km above the mouth
NNQ (1957)
MNQ 1954–2006
MQ 1954–2006
Mq 1954–2006
MHQ 1954–2006
HHQ (1967)
20 l / s
310 l / s
1.6 m³ / s
18.4 l / (s km²)
21.7 m³ / s
55.8 m³ / s
Discharge at the Mittelinn gauge (74.3% of the catchment area)
A Eo : 463.63 km²
Location: 22.8 km above the mouth
NNQ (1976)
MNQ 1951–2006
MQ 1951–2006
Mq 1951–2006
MHQ 1951–2006
HHQ (2003)
610 l / s
1.32 m³ / s
5.88 m³ / s
12.7 l / (s km²)
53.8 m³ / s
183 m³ / s
A Eo : 623.78 km²
at the mouth
7.7 m³ / s
12.3 l / (s km²)
Left tributaries Oberbach
Right tributaries Ziegelhüttengraben , Krechenbach , Schmale Sinn , Gronau , Jossa , Aura , Fliesenbach
Confluence of the Sinn (back) into the Franconian Saale (right)

Confluence of the Sinn ( back ) into the Franconian Saale ( right )

The Sinn is an approximately 70 kilometer long right tributary of the Franconian Saale in the German federal states of Bavaria and Hesse . It rises in the Rhön and flows mainly to the south. Its confluence with the Franconian Saale is just before its confluence with the Main . The upper course of the sense is also called the wide sense up to the reception of the narrow sense .


So far the name Sinn, originally Sinna, was traced back to the ancient Indian word sindhu , which means “river”. However, research on the names of bodies of water is increasingly deviating from this traditional interpretation. A derivation is proposed from the Urindo-European root * sent- 'go', which is well documented in both the Original Celtic and the Original Germanic. In all three languages, this becomes 'the walking', 'the flowing' (?), Ultimately simply 'river' again. Since the same meaning is found in all three languages, it cannot be determined from a linguistic point of view whether the meaning was ultimately named by Indo-Europeans living in Central Europe, by Celts or by Germanic AD.

Recently, the meaning has also been derived from the word * senia, which is said to be related to the noun * sania, which can be traced back to Celtic and Latin, for swamp, swamp forest, peat, reed bed. Against this derivation speaks u. a. that the spread of the word * sania is only assured in the area between the Alps and the Pyrenees.

Sinn gave their names to the communities Obersinn , Mittelinn , Sinntal and Burgsinn . The name was also transferred to the Schmale Sinn tributary .



The (width) sense rises in the Franconian Rhön at the foot of the Kreuzberg ( 927.8  m above sea level ), near the Oberwildflecken district , in the Weihersbrunnen . The source is located in a nature and water protection area . Water collects in several wet meadows and flows into the drain of a water container . Further secondary sources allow the young Sinn to grow into a large stream at a few hundred meters, which then runs through the forest to Oberwildflecken. At Zeitlofs on the Hessian-Lower Franconian border, the Narrow Sinn coming from the Dammersfeldkuppe ( 927.9  m above sea level ) flows into the northeast .

Partly accompanied by the Würzburg - Fulda railway line and crossed by a bridge on the federal motorway 7 below Riedenberg , the Sinn flows initially in a south-westerly and then in a southerly direction to Gemünden am Main , where it flows into the Franconian Saale , 700 meters before it flows into the Main .


Left tributaries Right tributaries
  • Rotgraben
  • Nickel trench
  • Oberbach
  • Mittelbach
  • Trockenbach
  • Milzbach
  • Roethbach
  • Laupertsgraben
  • Kretzengraben
  • Neubrunnengraben
  • Kohlgraben
  • Leitersbach


The villages along the Sinn include (viewed downstream) Oberwildflecken, Wildflecken , Oberbach, Riedenberg , Römershag , Bad Brückenau , Staatsbad Brückenau , Eckarts, Rupboden , Zeitlofs , Altengronau , Jossa , Obersinn , Mittelinn , Burgsinn , Rieneck , Schaippach , Gemünden


The sense at Burgsinn
Abfluss Abfluss


Chess flower near Obersinn


The occurrence of the extremely rare chess flower on the Sinn has been known since the 19th century . This plant occurs here between 160 and 250 meters in height in various meadow communities, especially in the wet meadows of the two adjacent nature reserves Sinngrund near Obersinn and Sinnwiesen von Altengronau .


In the sense come grayling , brown trout , brook lamprey , brook trout , loach , barbel , bream , perch , gudgeon , hazel , ruffe , salmon , arbor , bullhead , rainbow trout , roach and rudd ago. It is also worth mentioning that after a resettlement campaign in 1987/88, the European beaver is again at home in the catchment area of ​​Sinn and Jossa.

Nature reserves

The following nature reserves are located directly on the Sinn:

See also

List of rivers in the Franconian Saale river system

Web links

Commons : Sinn (River)  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b List of brook and river areas in Bavaria - Main river area, page 114 of the Bavarian State Office for the Environment, as of 2016 (PDF; 3.3 MB)
  2. Bavarian Flood News Service : Aquatic Yearbook Rhine Region 2006 , p. 120 (as of September 7, 2013)
  3. Bavarian Flood News Service : Aquatic Yearbook Rhine Region 2006 , p. 121 (as of September 7, 2013)
  4. level value Mittelsinn increased by outflow of the residual catchment area of 160.15 square kilometers, whose territory outflow of 11.8 l / s km² approximated by averaging the area drains of the adjacent 3 intermediate basins above the level Mittelsinn (sense), Part stone (Lohr) and Wolfsmünster (Frankish Saale )
  5. ^ Wolf-Armin von Reitzenstein : Lexicon of Franconian place names. Origin and meaning . Upper Franconia, Middle Franconia, Lower Franconia. CH Beck, Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-406-59131-0 , p. 46, 149, 171 ( 149, 171 # v = onepage restricted preview in Google Book search).
  6. With detailed justification Harald Bichlmeier, New etymological suggestions for two river names of the 'Old European Hydronymy': Elbe and Sinn, Shannon, San / Sjan, in: Krisch, Thomas / Niederreiter, Stefan (ed.): Files of the working group historical-comparative linguistics at the 40th Austrian Linguistics Conference, Salzburg, 22. ‒ 24. November 2013. Innsbruck: Innsbruck Contributions to Linguistics 2014/15, pp. 1–11, here: pp. 5–7 (printing in preparation). Albrecht Greule, Deutsches Gewässernamenbuch, Walter de Gruyter & Co. KG, Berlin / Boston, 2014, ISBN 978-3-11-019039-7 , p. 501, doesn't even mention this interpretation anymore.
  7. A word marked with * (a so-called asterisk) comes from a language that is not documented in writing, but has only been reconstructed linguistically with the help of related languages. For comparison: the above. The old Indian word síndhu is documented by written sources and is therefore not marked with an *.
  8. Harald Bichlmeier, p. 7f.
  9. Albrecht Greule, p. 501.
  10. see Harald Bichlmeier, p. 7, footnote 14.
  11. Fishing Association of Lower Franconia: Our Waters ( Memento of the original from September 25, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  12. ^ Arbeitsgemeinschaft Gewässerökologie Sinntal: The fish that make sense in words and pictures ( Memento of the original from April 20, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  13. Hessian Ministry for Environment, Energy, Agriculture and Consumer Protection: Hessian Spessart beaver habitat (Jossa and Sinn) ( Memento of the original from March 8, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  14. ↑ Species profile and stock situation of the European beaver in Hessen (PDF)  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /