Alfredo Fraschina

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Alfredo Fraschina (born October 14, 1883 in Mauriac (Cantal) , † November 20, 1959 in Lausanne ) was a Swiss journalist , politician , Ticino Grand Councilor and State Councilor of the Free Democratic Party (FDP).


Alfredo Fraschina was born in Auvergne as the son of the engineer Camillo Fraschina von Tesserete . He was trained as a doctor and surgeon. As representative and secretary of the Ticino radical liberal party, he was a member of the constituent assembly (1921) and the Grand Council (1921–1922 and 1923–1925), as well as a member of the State Council from October 1922 to January 1923. He headed the departments for hygiene, labor and Military.

He was also president of the association of the Società liberali radicali ticinesi and directed its press organ Avanguardia from 1920 to 1923 , for which he later continued to write. He stubbornly set the paper on an anti-clerical course. He wrote tough attacks against the so-called pateracchio , the government alliance of political minorities (socialists, conservatives, agricultural politicians) established against the liberals. After leaving politics, he moved to Romont in 1932 and to Lausanne in 1949.


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