Curzio Curti

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Curzio Curti (born April 15, 1847 in Cureglia , † April 28, 1913 in Lugano ) was a Swiss lawyer, politician , teacher , publicist and Ticino State Councilor of the Free Democratic Party (FDP).


Curzio Curti was born to Giuseppe Curti of Pambio and Ernesta Veladini. He attended the Lyceum in Lugano and later received his doctorate in law from the University of Basel . For a while he taught Italian literature, Latin and history at the lower grammar school in Lugano. In 1873 he was a co-founder and editor of the liberal newspaper Il Gottardo and in 1876 was entrusted with the reorganization of the cantonal archives, from 1877 he switched to the legal profession as a result of the "cleansing" of the civil service by the conservative government.

He was the first president of the Club Alpino Ticinese, founded on April 11, 1886 in Bellinzona . In 1890 he was elected to the city council of Bellinzona and was a radical member of the Ticino Grand Council and in 1892 a member of the Constitutional Council. In 1893 he was elected to the State Council, where he headed the interior, military and building departments. In 1901 he was appointed judge of the Court of Appeal , which he presided over from 1910.

Curti was one of the Settembristi who were brought to court in Zurich because of the Ticino putsch on September 11, 1890. He was a colonel in the Swiss Army .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Andrea Ghiringhelli: Giuseppe Curti. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . February 8, 2018 .
  2. ^ Curzio Curti Presidente del Club Alpino Ticinese (Italian)
  3. Marco Marcacci: Ticino putsch. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . February 10, 2012 , accessed April 18, 2020 .
  4. Celestino Trezzini : Curzio Curti. Digitized In: Historical-Biographical Lexicon of Switzerland . Volume 2, Cavadini - Daegerlen, Attinger Verlag, Neuenburg 1924, p. 656.