Stefano Gabuzzi

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Stefano Gabuzzi (* 8. August 1848 in Bellinzona , † 25. January 1936 in Daro (municipality Bellinzona)), freethinker , from a civil sex of Bellinzona, was a Swiss judge, military , journalist , politician , Ticino cantonal parliament , the State Council and Council of States of Free Democratic Party (FDP).


Stefano Gabuzzi was born as the son of the lawyer Luigi Gabuzzi of Bellinzona. He attended the Lyceum in Einsiedeln Monastery , earned his law studies at the University of Geneva and received his doctorate in Heidelberg in 1871. He then worked as a lawyer and author of writings on criminal law. From 1872 to 1876 he was secretary of the Ticino Grand Council. As a military man from 1910 to 1920 he was President of the Federal Military Court of Cassation and from 1920 to 1932 judge at the Appeal Court of the Canton of Ticino. He was one of the most important employees of the Democrazia of Bellinzona from 1867 to 1871 and in 1872 headed the Riforma federale , in which he worked for constitutional reform.

As a member of the Liberal Radical Party, he was a councilor in Bellinzona from 1870 to 1895, then a member of the Ticino Grand Council in 1885–1904, 1913–1917, 1918–1920; he was also a member of the respective cantonal constitutional council (1892 and 1921). As a State Councilor, he was director of the finance and military departments from 1905 to 1910 and a member of the Council of States from 1910 to 1920. He was one of the inspirers of the proportionalist compromise that the Federal Council sought in the name of peace after the Ticino putsch of September 11, 1890.

As a leading journalist he published: Essais sur les principes fondamentaux du droit pénal. (1868); Sulla iniziativa tributaria. (1895-1896); De la reforme de la procédure pénale tessinoise. Bellinzona 1893; Projet de Code de procédure pénale pour le canton du Ticino avec projets relatifs à la réforme de l'organisation judiciaire et de la constitution. Bellinzona 1894 and headed the Repertorio di giurisprudenza patria (1881-1936). In 1898 the University of Zurich awarded him a doctorate in honoris causa. He was 1875-1876 President of the Società Federale di Ginnastica Bellinzona and Colonel in the Swiss Army .


Individual evidence

  1. Stefano Gabuzzi Council of States on
  2. Marco Marcacci: Ticino putsch. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . February 10, 2012 , accessed April 17, 2020 .
  3. Stefano Gabuzzi President of the SFGB on
  4. Celestino Trezzini : Stefano Gabuzzi. Digitized In: Historical-Biographical Lexicon of Switzerland . Volume 5, Freiburg - Galmiz, Attinger Verlag, Neuchâtel 1929, p. 367.