Gioachimo Respini

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Gioachimo Respini (born September 7, 1836 in Cevio , † April 10, 1899 in Locarno ) was a Swiss teacher , lawyer , politician , Ticino Grand Council , State Councilor and Council of States of the Christian Democratic People's Party (CVP).


Gioachimo Respini was born as the son of the notary and clerk Filippo Respini of Cevio and the Giuseppa Lucchini of Locarno. He obtained the primary school teacher license in Locarno. In 1852 he emigrated to Australia , where he worked in a mine until 1860 and then returned to Ticino. He studied law in 1862 at the University of Pavia , from 1863 at the University of Pisa and received his doctorate in law in 1865. He then did an internship in the office of Vittore Scazziga and opened his own notary and law firm in Locarno in 1867, and particularly distinguished himself in the stabilization process out. He took part in political life at an early age and became the head of the Ticino liberal-conservative party, which he led to power from 1875–1877. On October 15, 1876, he brought an attempt at a radical pronunciamento in Locarno to failure.

From 1875 to 1896 he was party president, with a brief interruption from 1891 to 1892. From 1867 to 1899 he sat in the Ticino Grand Council (1875, 1882, 1889 and 1892 President), in 1877 and 1890 for a short time in the Ticino State Council (1890 President). Member of the Constitutional Council in 1891 and 1892 and of the Court of Cassation, Council of States 1879–1885, cantonal president of the Piusverein ; Mayor of Cevio 1873-1890, prepared the material for the Storia politica del Canton Ticino published by Rodolfo Tartini .

As a Councilor of States from 1880 to 1885, he defended the autonomy and Italianità of the canton of Ticino and advocated a solution to the cantonal diocese question . In the Grand Council he defended the federalist idea and was one of the promoters of the correction of the Maggia River and he advocated the introduction of secret and communal voting, the adoption of the right of initiative and referendum, the choice of Bellinzona as a stable cantonal capital, the recognition of the freedom of teaching, the Construction of the Monte Ceneri railway line and the beginning of the reclamation of the Magadino plain .

His authoritarian stance led to a deterioration in the political climate in the canton and also deepened the differences of opinion within the liberal-conservative party, which split in 1896 into the moderate majority of the Giubiasches and the unyielding minority of the Respinians.


  • Attualità politiche ticinesi. Osservazioni del Cons. Avv. Giovacchino Resoii sul cosiddetto movimento giubiaschese. Simona, Locarno 1898.
  • Ex operibus. Il Ticino liberale-conservatore giudicato dalla sue opere. Tipografia cantonale, Bellinzona 1889.
  • with Rodolfo Tartini: Storia politica del Cantone Ticino. Origine e indole dei partiti 1798–1841. Artistica, Locarno 1904.


  • Piero Bianconi : La giovinezza di Gioachimo Respini. Armando Dadò Editore, Locarno 1981.
  • Erich Gruner : Federal Assembly. No. 1, Francke, Bern 1966, p. 754.
  • Sergio Jacomella: Profili di uomini nostri. , Grafica, Bellinzona 1957, pp. 23-33.
  • Christian Luchessa: Gioachimo Respini. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . March 12, 2010 , accessed December 10, 2019 .
  • Fabrizio Panzera: La lotta politica nel Ticino. Armando Dadò Editore, Locarno 1986; the same: Gioachimo Respini (1836–1899). In: Alberto Lepori, Fabrizio Panzera (ed.): Uomini nostri. Trenta biography di uomini politici. Armando Dadò Editore, Locarno 1989, pp. 25, 39-43.
  • Martino Signorelli: Storia della Valmaggia. Tipografia Stazione SA, Locarno 1972 pp. 139, 156, 166-171, 173, 174, 228, 356, 366.
  • Angelo Tarchini: Nel centenario della nascita di Giovacchino Respini. Grafica, Bellinzona 1937.
  • Celestino Trezzini : Gioachimo Respini. Digitized In: Historical-Biographical Lexicon of Switzerland . , Attinger, Neuchâtel, 1929, Volume 5. pp. 447-448.
  • Various authors: Atti del Convegno per il centenario della morte di Gioachimo Respini (1836–1899). Cevio November 13, 1999, in Risveglio , No. 105, numero 4, 2000, pp. 1-60.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Gioachimo Respini Council of States on
  2. Bellinzona Capitale stable on (Italian)
  3. Celestino Trezzini : Gioachimo Respini. Digitized In: Historical-Biographical Lexicon of Switzerland . Volume 5, Pictet - Resti, Attinger Verlag, Neuchâtel 1929, p. 587.