Luigi Colombi

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Luigi Colombi (born August 10, 1851 in Bellinzona ; † December 18, 1927 there ) was a Swiss lawyer , politician and publicist . He was the Ticino Grand Councilor and State Councilor of the Free Democratic Party (FDP).


Luigi Colombi was born in Bellinzona, the son of the printer and publisher Carlo Colombi. He studied in Bern and Heidelberg and obtained a doctorate in law. After a practice in Bellinzona he was appointed Secretary of the Court of Appeal (1875-1890). From 1895 to 1900 he was a substitute judge. From 1894 to 1896 he was a member of the expert commission for the first draft of a Swiss penal code ; He had previously presided over the international congress to improve the prison system in Lugano .

As a Radical Councilor of State (1890–1905), he headed the justice, police and military departments. He was also a member of the Ticino Grand Council (1905–1927) and from 1909 to 1910 of the City Council of Bellinzona. He was asked to join the Governo di Pacificazione (Peace Government) and carried out extensive modernization work. After the unrest of September 11, 1890, he tried to persuade the Federal Council to break off the processes in connection with the corruption cases in the Ticino elections of 1889. He had undertaken to settle the dispute between the cantonal bank and the state that had broken out because of the embezzlement of canton treasurer Luigi Scazziga (1890).

He was editor, together with Stefano Gabuzzi , of the Repertorio di giurisprudenza patria , collaborator of the Journal des tribunaux and the Semaine judiciaire of Lausanne . As director of the party newspaper Il Dovere (1905-1919) he was a correspondent for dozens of newspapers at home and abroad. He was a lieutenant colonel in the Swiss Army . The University of Zurich has awarded him an honorary doctorate for his services in the field of law .


  • Manuals per Funzionari, Municipi, Sodalizi e Cittadini. 1892.
  • Esecuzioni fallimenti e ipoteche. 1892.


  • Andrea Ghiringhelli: Luigi Colombi. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . January 13, 2004 , accessed December 29, 2019 .
  • Obituary. In: Il Dovere , Bellinzona December 20, 1927.
  • Inserto speciale. In: Il Dovere , Bellinzona, September 1987.

Individual evidence

  1. Celestino Trezzini : Luigi Colombi. Digitized In: Historical-Biographical Lexicon of Switzerland . Volume 2, Cavadini - Daegerlen, Attinger Verlag, Neuenburg 1924, p. 604.