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Under the hashtags #allesdichtmachen , #niewiederaufmachen and # lockdownfürimmer , 51 German-speaking actors and a director commented on ironic videos at the end of April 2021 on the governments' corona policy and media coverage on the topic. The action caused a stir in the media and a controversial debate.

Content of the videos

The various videos follow a uniform scheme. The actors are usually alone in a bright living room-like setting. They first introduce themselves with their real name or stage name and with their profession, which at the same time describes their role : as an actor . Then, in a satirical way , they take positions in which they describe a life marked by fear, envy and mistrust with extreme reduction in contact as desirable and call for the "measures of the federal government" enacted to protect against the corona pandemic , with which the German just as the Austrian can be meant to support unreservedly. Diverse social problems are ironically portrayed as successes: family violence as a result of school closings ( Felix Klare ), the psychological stress on children ( Kathrin Osterode ) and adults ( Vicky Krieps , Volker Bruch ) and the growing gap between rich and poor ( Nadine Dubois , Thorsten Merten ). The fact that divergent opinions appeared harmful ( Nina Gummich ) and the basic rights as a whole fell out of view ( Tina Maria Aigner ), that the theaters are empty ( Jens Wawrczeck ) and that long-established businesses have to close ( Kea Könneker ) is sarcastically presented as desirable. The COVID-19 pandemic itself is not the subject of the videos, even if the sole focus of all measures on the incidence value is indirectly addressed (Kathrin Osterode, Miriam Stein ). The fact that the actors themselves threaten to get applause from the wrong side with their action ( Christian Ehrich ) is caricatured with foresight, as is what they consider to be one-sided media coverage ( Jan-Josef Liefers ).

The escalation is most evident in Ulrich Tukur's contribution , who calls for “without exception every human place of activity and every trading place to be closed”: “Once we are in the body, and not just in the soul, starved and all dead, we also withdraw from the virus including his devious mutant baggage the basis of life. ”Liefers sarcastically thanks“ all the media in our country ”. These ensured that "no unnecessary critical dispute can distract us from agreeing to the sensible and always appropriate measures of our government." From a different perspective, Liefers words "(...) were used by all media in our country, which ensure that no unnecessary critical dispute to distract us (...) "exclusively related to the media defined in the second half-sentence. In a similar way, protective measures against COVID-19, such as wearing a mask or avoiding social contact, are also widely praised.

The videos are 48 to 172 seconds in length, with the majority of the videos lasting approximately one minute.


53 videos of the following 51 actors and the director Dietrich Brüggemann were originally on the site . The 23 videos marked with a cross ( ) are no longer available on the page - according to the official website, the lack of videos does not necessarily mean that the respective people distance themselves from them, but can also mean that they are unable to " to endure this shit storm ". No

Initiators and goal setting

In the imprint of the website of the campaign, Bernd K. Wunder (bourgeois Bernd Katzmarczyk) is listed as "Managing Director authorized to represent". In the past, he has come up with theses that describe the COVID-19 virus all in all as harmless, in July 2020 called proponents of a partial lockdown "face masks", compared the COVID-19 virus with the flu virus and used the term "Coronazi", which is used defamatory by corona deniers and "lateral thinkers". In relation to the magazine Focus , Wunder admitted to having mistakenly downplayed Corona as a kind of flu at first. He now thinks Corona is a dangerous disease. He rejected any closeness to right-wing circles and lateral thinkers and distanced himself from the AfD : “We are with all those who have got caught between the fronts. The frightened, the insecure and intimidated and those who have fallen silent. "

The actors Bruch and Liefers are also among the initiators; the idea for the campaign "came about in personal conversations with a group of filmmakers" in February, and the texts presented were "exchanged and edited". The Germany radio calls the film director Dietrich Brueggemann as a further initiator. Brüggemann criticized that German society was submitting to "absurd rules" - also in comparison to causes of death other than Corona or in an international comparison. The aim of the campaign was to reopen the "discourse space" for this. According to the participants, the aim was to "reopen and widen the discussion about the appropriateness of the corona protective measures and make voices heard that have not been heard before or that have not found a stage". Liefers sees the action as an “ironic and also Corona-compliant protest by people who at the moment couldn't find each other very well in their own way, including in the media, to which I will count myself for a certain time ".

In a statement that was added later on the action page, no relevance is claimed with regard to the specific Corona policy : "We also do not claim that we know better, nor that all measures are wrong."



The action was debated in many ways and overall received mixed, there was a variety of sharp criticism, but from some sides also strong support. Other voices rejected the protest action or its ironic-sarcastic form, but took the actors involved in protection.

Critics accused the campaign of mocking the measures taken to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. The videos were bursting with "mockery and cynicism" while there were no suggestions on how to protect the population from the virus instead. The videos contained messages as we know them from lateral thinkers: "The pandemic is scare tactics, the media are aligned, the federal government is authoritarian." Hugo Müller-Vogg attested the actors in Focus an "egomaniacal inner world". "The extent of human suffering and human engagement seems to have remained hidden from half a hundred well-known stage and television stars," said Müller-Vogg. In some cases, a proximity to the milieu of the corona deniers and the "lateral thinkers" movement was assumed. The philosopher and science journalist Svenja Flaßpöhler, on the other hand, in the broadcast Studio 9 of Deutschlandfunk Kultur, described the post-return criticism by her journalist colleagues as "twitter bubble-based reflex journalism". She herself warned against giving up civil liberties undiscussed by referring to the protection of health and life: "If we want to protect bare life in this absolute way, then we are no longer alive."

Several actors who were not involved in the project had previously expressed some harsh criticism of the action on social networks, which had been picked up in the media many times. Elyas M'Barek announced via Instagram that cynicism did not help anyone. Everyone wants to return to normal, and that will happen. In addition to cynicism, Nora Tschirner accused her colleagues of “boredom”. Christian Ulmen reminded the videos of the stories of the activist Ken Jebsen . Ulrich Matthes described the video campaign as "unsuccessful", he found it cynical. But he called the calls for professional bans "grotesque" and pleaded for disarming both sides and "to stay in conversation or to come back into conversation at all".

In a comment, Georg Restle showed understanding for the topics of the day "for the many who have been following the Corona rules in solidarity for months and feel mocked as a result". However, some reactions would "overshoot the mark". According to Restles, "this clumsy black-and-white thinking, with which we reflexively drive each other into corners, from which no one can get out, must finally stop."

Politically, the discussion about #allesdichtmachen quickly became an issue, as the project was euphorically received by representatives of the right-wing or right-wing conservative spectrum, which in Germany calls for a policy of measures that is as lax as possible. Hans-Georg Maaßen , for example, called the campaign “great”. The Bundestag member Joana Cotar from the AfD spoke of an "intelligent protest" and AfD parliamentary group leader Alice Weidel of a "great action that will hopefully make you think". At the other end of the political spectrum, left-wing politician Sahra Wagenknecht described the action as a “great playlist” on Twitter.

As a result, several of the participants had their videos deleted and stopped working on the campaign. Makatsch was the first to take this path and "clearly distanced himself from right-wing ideas". Other actors did the same and pointed out that the action had gone wrong. Katharina Schlothauer apologized if those affected or their relatives felt defamed or injured or if they had the impression that their suffering had been denied. “The videos that were made were misunderstood, may be misunderstood,” is how Folkerts justified their distancing. This in turn was Mathias Brodkorb by the SPD for incomprehensible. In the Cicero he commented: “No sensible person could do anything if idiots applaud him. That lies solely in the fortunes of the idiots themselves. But this framing still works perfectly in Germany. ”In the talk show 3 to 9 , the CDU chairman and candidate for chancellor Armin Laschet said that“ it is very bad that people who think differently are too careless the accusation of a right disposition would be raised. Of these 50 none is AfD, none is right-wing. "

Co-initiator Dietrich Brüggemann returned the accusation of mocking the Corona victims by, for his part, accusing the critics of the action via Twitter: “You are mocking the victims. You trample on those who are now suicidal. You spit on all those who have lost their existence. ”In an interview with n-tv , he also pointed out that the way society deals with corona deaths is fundamentally different from how one otherwise deals with avoidable causes of death. Instead of z. For example, to stop car traffic completely so that there are no more traffic fatalities, compromises have been reached: “We drive cars, but we have a speed limit. We drink schnapps, but not every day. ”But if the new paradigm of society is to prevent corona deaths“ at all costs ”,“ then the measures can never be enough, and we are criticizing that with this action ”. According to Brüggemann, society must at some point succeed in incorporating Corona "into our established, tried-and-tested relationship to death."

Brüggemann pointed out that some of those who withdrew videos had been pressured and threatened, but were still behind the action. According to her brother Ben Becker , Meret Becker received death threats. Garrelt Duin (SPD), member of the WDR Broadcasting Council, called for "consequences" for the actors involved, as they would have made themselves "impossible" as "representatives of the public broadcasters". He called “as soon as possible” to end the cooperation of the responsible bodies “also out of solidarity with those who really suffer from Corona and its consequences”. After Duin saw himself exposed to a shit storm, he deleted the tweet and found that the content of his tweet was excessive and inappropriate for his role as a member of the broadcasting council. In terms of content, he stuck to his criticism. Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) made the actors an offer to talk. He said he thought it would be a shame “if the impression were there that there weren't any controversial, deliberative discussions” that would have taken place in the Bundestag.

In the debate about #making it all up , the political scientist Ulrike Guérot speaks of a “homogenized media landscape” with regard to the corona measures. The artists wanted to draw attention to the hysteria in the discourse about the corona measures and to point out the social dangers of restrictions on fundamental rights. "I think that's completely legitimate," stressed Guérot. "And if you now say that if that is being appropriated by the right, then that must not be, then that is precisely the problem of our discourse today, because there is no longer any room for legitimate criticism."

Of the actors involved, Christian Ehrich explained their motivation in an interview with Hessenschau and Jan Josef Liefers in an interview with WDR and Radio Bremen.

The hashtags #allesdichtmachen , #niewiederaufmachen and # lockdownfürimmer became the most frequently used on Twitter in Germany on April 22, 2021 within a very short time .

Satirical adaptations

The opposite of the campaign was the hashtag #allenichtganzdicht , which, among other things, was initiated by Jan Böhmermann . Tschirner started the hashtag #allesschlichtmachen . On April 23, Lutz van der Horst posted a video on the Internet in which he attacked the actors with very similar stylistic devices: At the time, suffering from COVID-19, he presented himself in a bathrobe, thanked his colleagues for his illness and possible complications to come, invited her to his apartment for a glass of wine and ended his video with a violent coughing fit.

Medical reactions

The virologist Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit found words of praise ; he described the action as a "masterpiece that should make us very thoughtful". The virologist Hendrik Streeck also expressed understanding for #making it all up . Streeck sees very clearly in the action that politics has not managed to take everyone with them. The actors have “a point too. You say something about your situation with the perhaps somewhat cynical statements, ”said Streeck.

Among other things , the presenter Tobias Schlegl , who works full-time as an emergency paramedic , was critical of the nature of the action on Twitter. Under the hashtag #allemalneschichtmachen , the emergency doctor and blogger Carola Holzner criticized the action and called on the artists involved to stand up for a layer of reality in the rescue service or an emergency room. When asked about this, Jan Josef Liefers announced that he had already registered for a shift. A video that has since been withdrawn and ironically recommends "corona breathing" was particularly criticized in these circles, as this reminds of patients who suffered from acute shortness of breath. The board of directors of the German Foundation for Patient Protection, Eugen Brysch, said that anyone who makes fun of the corona protective measures shows no sympathy for 80,000 corona deaths, their relatives and people's worries. Health Minister Jens Spahn, on the other hand, criticized a “hyper morality” found on both sides, in which “the dead were instrumentalized” in order to end any debate.

Lisa Federle , emergency physician and co-initiator of the Tübinger Weg , which started in October 2020 , expressed understanding for the campaign. It is about “looking for another way, not just the way of closing up.” With the support of Jan Josef Liefers, she is working on a project that was abruptly ended when the “ Federal Emergency Brake” came into force , which is intended to enable children even in times of the pandemic to be able to exercise outside. In view of the disappointed hopes, Federle wondered whether some politicians might not have been afraid that another way of fighting the pandemic might have turned out to be a better solution. Regarding the hostility towards the protagonists of #allesdichtmachen, she said she found it very depressing, "how quickly you are pushed into some corner at the moment, in this heated situation, [...] and even partially threatened" - regardless of what you are specifically say.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Actors cause a stir - and receive praise and shitstorm. In: April 23, 2021, accessed April 25, 2021 .
  2. Alexander Krei: Liefers on protest campaign: "Otherwise there is little that connects us". In: April 24, 2021, accessed April 25, 2021 .
  3. a b website April 22, 2021, accessed on April 23, 2021 ( Internet Archive memento of April 22, 2021 at 6:26:56 p.m.).
  4. action page #allesdichtmachen , accessed on 29 April 2021st
  5. Moritz Dickentmann: "We do not deny Corona!": Now the man behind the bizarre protest video is speaking. In: April 24, 2021, accessed April 25, 2021 .
  6. Nadeschda Scharfenberg: Actors against Corona measures: All not quite tight? In: April 23, 2021, accessed April 24, 2021 .
  7. a b c Göran Schattauer: "We do not deny Corona!": Now the man behind the bizarre protest video is speaking. In: April 23, 2021, accessed April 25, 2021 .
  8. The head behind #allesdichtmachen: Did the actors play a corona downplayer into the cards? In: RTL, April 24, 2021, accessed on April 25, 2021.
    Moritz Dickentmann: Unsuspecting agents and scripts for the actors? What we know about how the celebrity craze started. In: Stern , April 24, 2021, accessed on April 26, 2021.
    Elizabeth Grenier: Controversy about the #allesdichtmachen protest action in Deutsche Welle , April 23, 2021, accessed on April 26, 2021.
  9. Nils Altland & Jochen Becker: #allesdichtmachen: Defiance and contrition among the creators of the campaign. In: April 23, 2021, accessed April 25, 2021 .
  10. Director Brüggemann on #allesdichtmachen: "Criticism must hurt". In: . April 23, 2021, accessed April 25, 2021 .
  11. a b c "We submit to absurd rules". In: April 24, 2021, accessed April 24, 2021 .
  12. a b Actors cause a sensation with the action "Close everything up". In: April 23, 2021, accessed April 24, 2021 . “Close everything up”: Youtube campaign meets with praise and criticism. In: NDR, April 24, 2021, accessed April 24, 2021 .
  13. a b “Close everything up” is so shabby that it hurts. In: April 23, 2021, accessed April 24, 2021 .
  14. a b Hugo Müller-Vogg : Comment on #allesdichtmachen Actors from the ivory tower: What a shabby, inhuman theater. In: . April 23, 2021, accessed April 25, 2021 .
  15. Martin Schmidt: Comment on #allesdichtmachen: Tasteless cynical. In: April 23, 2021, accessed April 25, 2021 .
  16. a b c Actors against Corona politics: Successful protest action or dam break? In: April 23, 2021, accessed April 24, 2021 . Liefers on WDR: #allesdichtmachen "satirical protest action". In: April 23, 2021, accessed April 24, 2021 .
  17. The day with Svenja Flaßpöhler. In: Deutschlandfunk Kultur . April 27, 2021, accessed April 28, 2021 .
  18. NDR: Ulrich Matthes on #allesdichtmachen: The action is cynical. Retrieved April 29, 2021 .
  19. " Everyone's nerves are on edge", April 26, 2021
  20. The opinion of Georg Restle, WDR, about the actor's campaign #allesdichtmachen. Commentary Georg Restle. In: Topics of the day., April 23, 2021, accessed on April 25, 2021 . Debate about #tackle everything "Are you still okay?" Tagesthemen commentator calls for an end to "clumsy black and white thinking". In: April 23, 2021, accessed April 25, 2021 .
  21. Actors withdraw their videos, April 23, 2021
  22. a b DerWesten- “Close everything up”: THIS video particularly upsets many - “Absolutely disgusting and inhuman”. April 27, 2021, accessed April 27, 2021 .
  23. Several actors distance themselves from their own action. In: The time. April 24, 2021, accessed April 24, 2021 .
  24. ^ Mathias Brodkorb: Neurotic Germany. In: April 23, 2021, accessed April 25, 2021 .
  25. Liefers adds, Laschet understands, Folkerts apologizes. In: April 24, 2021, accessed April 25, 2021 .
  26. Philippe Debionne: Dietrich Brüggemann from Allesdichtmachen: “You are a lynch mob”. In: Berliner Zeitung . April 25, 2021, accessed April 27, 2021 .
  27. "98 percent say 'thank you'" ,, April 25, 2021, accessed April 25, 2021
  28. Michael Hanfeld : Throw the delivery out at last! , April 26, 2021, accessed on April 28, 2021 .
  29. #allesdichtmachen: ARD Broadcasting Council urges consequences for the scene-Stars ,, April 23, 2021 accessed April 25, 2021
  30. Prof. Ulrike Guérot in the radio program "Interview" on Deutschlandfunk on April 24, 2021 ,, April 24, 2021, accessed April 24, 2021
  31. Christian Ehrich: "Is criticism of the content unjustified if it is applauded from the right?" ,, April 24, 2021, accessed on April 25, 2021
  32. #allesdichtmachen: Interview with Jan Josef Liefers WDR, April 23, 2021 Retrieved on April 25, 2021
  33. a b c actor Jan Josef Liefers on #allesdichtmachen. In: 3 after 9 . April 23, 2021, accessed April 24, 2021 .
  34. Kurt Sagatz: "A little ashamed of colleagues today". In: April 23, 2021, accessed April 25, 2021 .
  35. Corona-infected comedian Lutz van der Horst reacts to #allesdichtmachen with a satirical video. In: April 23, 2021, accessed April 24, 2021 .
  36. Corona action by actors "embarrassing". In: April 23, 2021, accessed April 25, 2021 .
  37. Virologist Streeck shows understanding for #making up everything. , April 26, 2021, accessed on April 28, 2021 .
  38. Well-known actors criticize corona politics: "This is art". In: April 23, 2021, accessed April 27, 2021 .
  39. Doctors on #allesdichtmachen: "You have crossed a limit - a pain limit". In: April 25, 2021, accessed April 25, 2021 .
  40. a b “I became more and more meschuggener. Interview with Jan Josef Liefers and Jens Spahn ”. In: Die ZEIT . April 29, 2021, accessed April 29, 2021 .
  41. Reply to #allesdichtmachen: Hospital staff asks actors to work in clinics. Accessed April 27, 2021 (German).
  42. Responses to # allesdichtmachenÄrztin: "You have crossed a limit". In: Deutschlandfunk, Die Nachricten., April 25, 2021, accessed on April 27, 2021 .
  43. Emergency physician Dr. Lisa Federle on her rapid test strategy. In: 3 after 9 . April 23, 2021, accessed April 24, 2021 .