Burgstall Weihenstefen

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Burgstall Weihenstefen
Burgstall Weihenstefen

Burgstall Weihenstefen

Creation time : around 1150
Castle type : Höhenburg in spur location
Conservation status: Burgstall
Standing position : Ministeriale
Construction: Unknown
Place: Deuerling- Hillhe
Geographical location 49 ° 1 '24.2 "  N , 11 ° 54' 52.6"  E Coordinates: 49 ° 1 '24.2 "  N , 11 ° 54' 52.6"  E
Height: 415  m above sea level NN

The Burgstall Weihenstefen refers to an abandoned hilltop castle in the municipality of Deuerling in the Regensburg district .


The former lord of the castle is Gozbertus des Wihensteten, documented around 1150, a ministerial of the wealthy bishop of Bamberg. The ministerial seat was one of a large number of similar seats in the area, all of which were abandoned in the 13th century.

The name Weihenstefen (Wihensteten) is derived from a chapel that fell into disrepair in the 16th century . Their location is believed to be above today's Willibaldhäusel. Its foundation walls are said to have been visible as late as the 19th century . Perhaps it stood near the castle stables and belonged to the Weihenstetten farm, which was abandoned by the 17th century at the latest.

Only the ditch exactly sunk into the rock indicates today that a spur castle could have stood on the eastern tip of a plateau above the valley of the Schwarzen Laber , between Eichhofen and Hillohe, only a few hundred meters south of the Egelsburg . Traces of buildings can no longer be seen on the rocky area, which is secured on three sides by steep walls and slopes. It is questionable whether the construction of the castle was able to survive the first, albeit very complex, fortification work.

The Burgstall Weihenstefen is part of the Regensburger Burgensteige. Immediately adjacent, only a few 100 meters away, is the Egelsburg Castle Stables , also in what is now the Deuerling municipality.


  • Hiking map Burgensteige part I, hiking in the land of castles, rivers and rocks. Through the valley of the Schwarzen Laber and the Naab valley

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