François Pouqueville

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François Pouqueville, in the background Ioannina (Henriette Lorimier, 1830)

François Charles Hugues Laurent Pouqueville (born November 4, 1770 in Le Merlerault , Normandy , † December 20, 1838 in Paris ) was a French diplomat , doctor , philhellenic writer , explorer and historian .

First as a hostage of the Ottoman Sultan , later as Consul General of Napoleon Bonaparte at the court of Tepedelenli Ali Pascha in Ioannina , he traveled extensively to the Turkish occupied Greece from 1798 to 1820 .

Through his extensive diplomatic activities and his publications, he became a well-known founding father of the philhellenic movement in Europe and contributed significantly to the liberation of the Greeks and the rebirth of the Greek nation.

Youth: pastor and revolutionary

His special talent for writing showed from a young age. He began an exchange of letters with his younger brother Hugues and his sister Adèle, which they would carry on throughout their lives. The three have had a close relationship throughout their lives. His innumerable detailed letters to his siblings are still an extraordinary source for the details of the everyday life of a traveler, explorer and diplomat during the French Revolution , the First Empire under Napoleon and the restoration of the monarchy at the turn of the 1800s.

The church of Le Merlerault

François Pouqueville studied at the Collège de Caen before entering the seminary in Lisieux . He became a deacon and ordained a priest at the age of 21 . He then worked as a vicar in his home region of Montmarcé . Although he was initially known for his convictions as a young pastor loyal to the king, he was protected by his own parish when the uncontrolled revolutionary mob carried out purifying massacres of aristocrats during the reign of terror .

Like many young French aristocrats, Pouqueville began to support the emerging democratic movement. He was the secretary of the general assembly of Le Merlerault when it adopted the new constitution on July 14, 1793.

At the age of 23 he was assistant to the mayor (1793). In the events of the French Revolution he found his calling, which is why he resigned from the clergy and was a teacher in 1794 and a parish clerk in Le Merlerault in 1795. However, he remained a fiery Christian all his life.

Pouqueville in 1805 (Henriette Lorimier)

His turning away from the church, his clear speeches for the republic and his open criticism of the papacy made him the target of attack by the resurgent royalists in Normandy . Pouqueville had to hide again - presumably in Caen - until the royalist troops, which had been reinforced by Charette Chouan's gangs, at Quiberon in the emigre battle by the Republican army under Lazare Hoche and later during the siege of Toulon and in Paris by Napoleon Bonaparte had been defeated.

After François Pouqueville returned to Le Merlerault, he began training as a surgeon with the local doctor Nicolas Cochain, who had been his friend at the College of Caen. He later introduced him to his friend Antoine Dubois, who was a professor at the Medical Faculty in Paris and who was later a doctor to Empress Marie-Louise when she gave birth to Napoleon II in 1811 .

In 1797, at the age of 27, François Pouqueville moved from Le Merlerault to Paris (1797). Under Professor Dubois, he made rapid advances in medicine and surgery. When Napoleon was preparing the Egyptian campaign next year , Pouqueville was appointed by the Minister of State Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne as a participant in the accompanying Commission des sciences et des arts .

With dreams of fame and merit, François Pouqueville boarded the French fleet in Toulon , led by Bonaparte on its voyage to Egypt. On the way to Alexandria he saw the conquest of Malta and spent the days on board teaching the French soldiers and sailors the text of the Marseillaise , the new French national anthem.

Egypt: Bonaparte, Nelson and Pirates

Bonaparte visits the plague sufferers in Jaffa ( Antoine-Jean Gros , 1804)

In Egypt, General Kléber instructed Pouqueville after the first sea ​​battle at Abukir (1798) to negotiate with Admiral Nelson about the exchange of prisoners.

During meetings with key figures in the British Admiralty, he quickly developed a great respect for Admiral Sidney Smith , who spoke perfect French and was a brave, humane and honorable man. His meeting with Nelson, however, filled him with reluctance, as he lived up to his reputation for brutality and abomination in dealing with the French officers. Subsequently, Pouqueville spoke of him only under the nickname Bloodthirsty Cyclops .

After François Pouqueville had completed his mission and fell ill with a fever, which is why he was unable to continue his scientific research, Kléber recommended that he return to France for treatment. Pouqueville took the Italian merchant ship La Madonna di Montenegro in Alexandria , which sailed for Italy on October 26, 1798. Participants included Julien Bessières, Alexandre Gérard, Joseph Charbonnel and Jean Poitevin. As they approached Calabria , the ship was attacked by barbarian pirates . The French were captured and quickly separated from the rest when a frigate approached chasing the pirates. Part of the French was the leader of the pirates, Orouchs , which brought on his ship; Pouqueville met some of them later in Constantinople. Pouqueville and his companions convinced the captain of their boat to take them to Zakynthos instead of their home port of Tripoli . The boat changed course towards the coast of the Peloponnese , whereupon the ship was damaged in a storm. Short of supplies and threatened by further storms, the ship sought refuge in the bay of Navarino , where it was seized by the Turks.

Prisoner of the Turkish Sultan

Peloponnese: explorer and doctor

Greek Beauty (Princess Helene Soutsou) by Louis Dupré (1820)

Pouqueville was later taken to Tripolitsa , the capital of the Peloponnese, where he was held in the custody of the Pasha of Morea , Mustafa, as the Ottoman Empire was at war with France.

Mustafa Pasha received him with indifference, but protected him from the attacks of the Albanian soldiers who were guarding him in captivity and gave him decent accommodation. Soon after, the pasha was deposed and replaced by Ahmed Pasha.

When the new pasha learned that François Pouqueville was a skilled doctor, he treated him well. Eventually he made him the official doctor of his Paschalik after seeing how successfully Pouqueville had helped some members of his entourage. Pouqueville took advantage of the new situation and explored the surrounding region as well as ancient Greek sites. He stayed in Tripolitsa during the harsh winter of 1798/99.

Constantinople: prisons and harems

The Yedikule fortress today

In the spring the Sultan ordered Pouqueville and his fellow prisoners to be brought to Constantinople , where they were imprisoned for two years in the Castle of the Seven Towers ( Yedikule ).

In prison they met the staff of the French embassy, ​​who lived there in miserable circumstances and to whom the sultan, despite persistent requests from the British, refused the usual diplomatic treatment and did not allow them to stay in the embassy palace, which the British had appropriated, as promised. Pouqueville immediately went to the camp of the dying Adjutant General Nicolas Rozé, but could no longer save him. Rozé was a French agent in the Ionian Islands and was captured by Ali Pasha. A few years later, Pouqueville would take over Rozé's post in Ioannina.

François Pouqueville made friends with the French diplomat Pierre Ruffin (1742-1824), who had been imprisoned since the beginning of the Egyptian campaign. He treated him and gave him the nickname Nestor of the Orient . Through him he was able to deepen his knowledge as an orientalist . The two men corresponded long after their release from prison until Ruffin died in 1824.

As the jailers learned of Pouqueville's medical knowledge, he was given some freedom of movement soon after his arrival. He managed to secretly explore the area around the fortress and the Sultan's private gardens in Topkapı Palace . With the help of the sultan's gardener, who had become his friend, he even managed to get into the garden of the harem . Occasionally he was able to convince his guards to have him travel through the city of Constantinople and along the Bosphorus to the Black Sea to treat other French prisoners who were in a distant prison and who were seriously ill. At that time the plague was still occurring in the eastern Mediterranean regions . Pouqueville was determined to find the right treatment to combat this terrible disease. His observations, which he published as research work after his return to Paris, were widely recognized.

His written reports of these excursions were the first detailed descriptions of Constantinople and its diverse inhabitants, their way of life, customs and traditions. They were received with much astonishment and curiosity in Europe, as the gateway to Asia had remained practically unexplored by Western Europeans since the conquest of Constantinople in 1453.

Pasha (Michael Soutsos) by Louis Dupré (1825)

In prison, Pouqueville learned modern Greek from Daniel Kieffer, secretary of the legation . He translated Anacreon , Homer and Hippocrates and wrote several orientalist apologists such as Le Paria , a short burlesque poem, La Gueuséide in four cantos and as a sextet, and some simpler poems which he dedicated to Rose Ruffin.

Pouqueville kept a diary throughout his imprisonment. He wrote it in a secret code of his own design and was able to hide it from his guards by ostentatiously letting them find and confiscate other unimportant scriptures when they occasionally searched his cell. The secret journal was the basis for 600 pages of the first two volumes of his important book Voyage en Morée, à Constantinople, en Albanie, et dans plusieurs autres parties de l'Empire Ottoman , which he published in 1805 and which brought him fame and merit. The 300 pages of the third volume are dedicated to the remarkable experiences of his friends and fellow destinies, the future Baron and General Jean Étienne Casimir Poitevin de Maureilhan, the future General Joseph Claude Marie Charbonnel and the future Consul General Julien Bessières , after their release from prison had heard of Yedikule.

Contribution to the rise of philhellenism

Greek boy defends his injured father ( Ary Scheffer , 1827)

In 1798, when the Turks were held hostage in Ottoman-occupied Greece, François Pouqueville had uncomfortable feelings towards the Greeks whom he met in the company of his Ottoman guards. Like Lord Byron , who also became a symbol of philhellenism after his death in 1824 , Pouqueville was initially unclear about the sincerity of the Greeks.

Through his work in Tripolitsa as a doctor of pashaliks, his Turkish escorts gradually became more sparse and his frequent contacts with real Greeks led him to see their rich cultural background in a new light. The Greek social identity still seemed very lively to Pouqueville at the time, although it was suppressed by the seven generations of the occupation of Greece by the Ottoman rulers. A fiery pursuer of the humanism of the French Revolution, he soon developed a growing sympathy for the revival of Greek.

His position as a prisoner of the Turkish sultan prevented him from giving the oppressed population more than medical care. But his writings already clearly showed the awakening and support of an intellectual and emotional inclination in favor of the Greeks.

Pouqueville's observations from Greece in 1798 are the first manifestos of the Philhellenic movement at the beginning of the 19th century. With the widespread use of his books, his impulses soon spread throughout Europe, so that there was a constant trend among the greatest minds of this time to follow his paths through the newly rediscovered Greece. The rebirth of the ancient nation was followed by a war of independence over the next few decades and, finally, liberation along with the fall of the Ottoman Empire.

On July 24, 1801, after 25 months in prison in Constantinople, François Pouqueville was released at the request of the French government, which was supported by the Russian diplomats in Turkey. He returned to France.

«Quand il quitta les Sept Tours, Pouqueville était bien armé pour suivre les deux carrières de diplomate et de voyageur-archéologue dans lesquelles il allait acquérir une juste notoriété. »

"By the time he left the Seven Towers, Pouqueville was well equipped to begin his two careers as a diplomat and a traveling archaeologist, in which he would achieve legitimate notoriety."

- Henri Dehérain

Diplomat in Greece

Portrait of François Pouqueville ( Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres , 1834)

After his return to Paris he submitted his dissertation De febre adeno-nevrosa seu de peste orientali , in which he treated the oriental plague . Thanks to this work, he was nominated for the Prix ​​décennaux . These awards, created by Napoleon, were to be presented to artists, scientists and inventors every ten years by order of Napoleon by the Institut de France .

Still, Pouqueville focused on his interests in literature and archeology rather than medicine.

The publication of his first book Voyage en Morée, à Constantinople, en Albanie, et dans plusieurs autres parties de l'Empire Ottoman (journey through Morea and Albania to Constantinople and several other parts of the Ottoman Empire) in 1805, which he presented to the emperor was not only a great international success, but also contributed to the fact that he was appointed Consul General of Napoleon at the court of Ali Pasha by Janina . His knowledge of the region and the local languages ​​made him the ideal diplomatic agent for Napoleon and his Foreign Minister Talleyrand .

Pouqueville took the position which also allowed him to pursue further his studies on Greece.

Diplomat in Ioannina

Ali Pasha ( Louis Dupré , 1820)

At the beginning of his long stay in Ioannina, he was well received by the famous Ali Pasha . Pouqueville accompanied the Pasha on several excursions and enabled him to explore his home country Albania . In between, Pouqueville was accompanied by British agent William Martin Leake , who also showed great archaeological interest. Together they undertook archaeological research in Greece and identified several forgotten or unknown ancient sites. His diplomatic status also allowed Pouqueville to inquire all of Greece as far as Macedonia and Thrace .

He also wrote a diary in which he recorded in detail the observations and discoveries he made on numerous explorations throughout Greece and the Balkans during his 15-year tenure in Ioannina and Patras . In 1811 alone, he and his brother Hugues, who had also been appointed consul in Greece, examined and documented no less than 65 ancient sites in Epirus . In 1813 he discovered a stele with Akarnanian inscriptions in Actium , which he deciphered. Dated when Roman armies appeared in Greece (c. 197 BC), it contained a decree from the Senate and the People of Acarnania proclaiming that the brothers Publius and Lucius Acilius were their friends and benefactors be.

From 1805 the court of Ali Pasha was increasingly exposed to machinations of the great European powers , which had been suggested by the Pasha himself. For years, Pouqueville was the target of derogatory and biting criticism from English visitors to Ioannina such as Lord Byron with John Hobhouse and Charles Cockerell , who allowed themselves to be corrupted by the vicious conditions at the court in Ioannina, while Pouqueville showed righteous determination against the criminal abuse of power by Ali Pasha . In addition, the literary and political notoriety that Pouqueville had achieved through the international success of his first book dedicated to Napoleon, and which made him the forerunner of the emerging Greek revival in Europe, was an obvious reason for the resentment he had received from the English. However, after his visit to Ioannina, the English clergyman TS Hugues wrote, in contrast to Byron and Hobhouse, that he found him very decent, generous and humane and that he respected him as a scholar and man of the world, nor that the competition in which theirs is Countries found that it had only marginally reduced its hospitality and attention - an example of morality that was surprising in today's hate-driven world.

Ali Pasha hunting by the lake ( Louis Dupré , 1825)

After the Peace of Tilsit in 1807, Ali Pasha turned away from France and leaned on the English.

Pouqueville's philhellenic positions and his constant opposition to Ali Pasha's rule gradually made his situation more dangerous. After Pouqueville requested French troops to assist the Greeks in successfully defending Parga against Ali Pasha's murderous hordes, he often had to stay at his home to avoid Ali Pasha from having him murdered. As a result, every time he had official communication for the Pasha, his brother Hugues, who was then the French consul in Arta and who also witnessed Ali's atrocities throughout Epirus, had to deliver the letters for François.

François Pouqueville came to the following conclusion in his memoirs: “  C'était de cette manière que les Turcs, à force d'excès, prepared et fomentaient l'insurrection de la Grèce.  »(German:" In this way the Turks prepared and incited the Greek uprising through their own excesses. ")

Ali Pasha (1824)

Despite the continuing British efforts to maintain and strengthen the brutal Turkish oppression of the Greeks, the Pouqueville brothers succeeded through constant diplomatic efforts, as desired, to divide the Sultan and the Pasha and thus to start the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire, which enabled Greek nationalism to revive. A little later, the pasha fell out of favor with the Turks, and his severed head was taken to Constantinople.

With an impressive foreboding based on his excellent knowledge of the region and people, François Pouqueville also foresaw the recurring turmoil that divided the Balkans in modern history:

«Je dirai comment Ali Tebelen Véli Zadé, après s'être créé une de ces effrayantes réputations qui retentiront dans l'avenir, est tombé de la puissance, en léguant à l'Épire, sa patrie, l'héritage funeste de l'anarchie , des maux incalculables à la dynastie tartare d'Ottman, l'espérance de la liberté aux Grecs, et peut-être de long sujets de discorde à l'Europe »

“I will say how Ali Tebelen Veli Zade, after building such a horrific reputation for himself, which will continue to echo in the future, will lose power and his homeland in fateful legacy of anarchy, the Ottoman dynasty in immeasurable damage, the Greeks in the Hope for freedom and Europe perhaps in ongoing conflict issues. "

- François Pouqueville : Histoire de la régénération de la Grèce, Volume I, 1st chapter

Patras and the Greek War of Independence

Salona uprising 1821 (Louis Dupré, 1825)

After Napoleon resigned in 1815, Pouqueville left Ioannina. Until 1816 he was French consul in Patras , where he was soon replaced by his brother Hugues.

The brothers maintained increasing contact with the growing Greek resistance movement, which culminated in the proclamation of the Greek Revolution on March 25, 1821 in the chapel of Agios Georgios in Patras. In contrast to the British consul Green, who refused to help the Greeks and collaborated with the Turks, the French consul Hugues Pouqueville gave many refugees from all sides shelter in the consulate when the Turkish oppression raged. In his reports he later recorded these events and the extent of the devastation, which he described as horrific. Duke Étienne-Denis Pasquier , later Chancellor of France , wrote in his memoir: “All Greeks who failed to flee Patras were mercilessly slaughtered regardless of gender or age. Only a few unfortunate people found refuge in the house of the Consul of France, Monsieur Pouqueville. He saved them at the risk of his own life. This was the first example of the courageous self-sacrifice with which the French consuls fulfilled their duty ”( Duc d'Audiffret-Pasquier : Mémoires de mon temps. Mémoires du chancelier Pasquier. Partie 2, Restoration 2, 1820–1824 (Volume 5))

In the end, the foreign embassies that supported the Greeks had to leave the country. Pouqueville returned to France.

While enjoying his well-deserved retirement from the diplomatic service, François Pouqueville continued to devote himself fully to writing his many works. His commitment to the Greek independence movement resulted in the participation of the French navy in the Battle of Navarino on October 20, 1827, which ended the 360-year occupation of Greece by the Turks. And in 1828 French troops drove the Turkish occupation out of the Patras Citadel.

30 years earlier, François Pouqueville had been chained on the coast near Navarino and imprisoned by the Turks. Here he set foot on Greek soil for the first time. The pirate Orouchs, by whom he was captured and sold, later boasted about the catch to Ali Pasha when Pouqueville was still living in Ioannina. At first, the pirate had been well rewarded by being given command of one of the ships from Ali Pasha. Although Pouqueville had forgiven him for the Pasha found a reason Orouchs later piles to make.

Back in Parisian society

Map of Greece by Barbié du Bocage , 1821


Back in France, François Pouqueville was elected to the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres in 1827 . He was accepted into the Institut d'Égypte , honorary member of the Académie nationale de Médecine in Paris, extraordinary member of the Académie royale de Marseille , member of the Ionian Academy in Corfu , member of the Bonn Scientific Society and Knight of the Legion of Honor (1811).

Philhellenic author

François de Pouqueville around 1811

While he was writing about ancient Greece in the numerous works and articles published at the time, François Pouqueville dealt in particular with descriptions of the oppression that the Greeks had to experience under Turkish rule, and testified to the crimes and atrocities that Ali Pasha and his murderous gangs contributed to Complicity of the Sultan and his English allies.

He described the daily life, the customs and traditions as well as the traditions of the Greeks in the Peloponnese as well as their economic and social situation. His observations became a witty inspiration for the cause of the Greek revolt. His faithful accounts of the dramatic events were quickly published and translated into numerous languages. Pouqueville's books had a decisive influence across Europe, which at the time was packed with revolutionary ideas.

His books also gave accurate, detailed descriptions of the geography, archeology, topography and geology of the areas he had toured and visited. His observations were widely recognized by later researchers, including the geographer Jean-Denis Barbié du Bocage , founder of the Société de Géographie and author of the excellent atlas, which was part of the book Voyage du jeune Anarcharsis en Grèce dans le milieu du quatrième siècle avant l'ère vulgaire by Jean-Jacques Barthélemy was attached. The maps of Greece produced by this collaboration and that of the topographer Pierre Lapie along with the publication of Voyage de la Grèce by Pouqueville (1824) were so detailed and complete that they were in use in Greece until the dawn of aerial photography and it partly to this day.

Pouqueville was awarded the Order of Redeemer by the Greeks for his services to her country .

The French poet Casimir Delavigne dedicated two of his Messéniennes to him , odes to the struggle for freedom.

The epitaph engraved in Pouqueville's tombstone records in French and Greek:

"Par ses écrits il contribua puissamment à rendre aux Grecs asservis leur antique nationalité"

"Through his writings he contributed effectively to the return of their ancient nationality to the subjugated Greeks"

Reception in the art scene

The Suliotic Women (Ary Scheffer, 1827)

Pouqueville became part of the Parisian nobility and was a frequent guest at many salons , for example at the Comtesse de Ségur , who staged him in her bestseller Quel amour d'enfant under the humorous pseudonym Monsieur Tocambel . He made friends with many artists and intellectuals of the time such as François-René de Chateaubriand , whom he had encouraged to visit Greece and Egypt as early as 1805, the physicists François Arago and André-Marie Ampère and Alexandre Dumas , who paid tribute to his Book about Ali Pasha.

The refugees from Parga (Francesco Hayez, 1831)

His chapter on the massacre of the Suliots committed by Ali Pasha in 1804, in the book Histoire de la Régénération de la Grèce, inspired the playwright Népomucène Lemercier to write Les Martyres de Souli ou l'Épire moderne , a tragedy in five acts (Paris 1825) , and the romantic painter Ary Scheffer for the painting Die Suliotischen Frauen (1827). His writings on the atrocities committed against the residents of Parga when the city was abandoned by the British in 1818 and left to the cruelty of Ali Pasha, was also the basis for an important painting by the Italian romantic painter Francesco Hayez .

Bronze medal with the portrait of Pouqueville by Pierre Jean David d'Angers

The portrait painter Henriette Lorimier (1775–1854) became his girlfriend soon after his return from Constantinople. She remained his partner until death. Since Pouqueville had been ordained, they could not marry. Henriette, who had lived with him since his return from Greece in 1817, nevertheless gave birth to two daughters, Cornélie and Eliza.

The painter Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres , a friend of the two, painted a portrait of him in 1834.

François Pouqueville died peacefully in December 1838 at the age of 68 in their shared domicile in Paris. His grave on the Cimetière Montparnasse is adorned by a sculpture created by his close friend Pierre Jean David d'Angers .


  • Voyage en Morée, à Constantinople, en Albanie, et dans plusieurs autres parties de l'Empire Ottoman. Paris 1805; Translated into numerous languages, published in German as a journey through Morea and Albania to Constantinople and several other parts of the Ottoman Empire. Leipzig 1805. Book online at Gallica .
  • Prisonnier ches les Turcs & Le Tigre de Janina. Romans et Aventures Célèbres. La Librairie Illustrée, Paris 1820
  • Voyage en Grèce. Paris 1820-1822
  • Histoire de la regeneration de la Grèce. Paris 1824. Original on Google Books .
  • Mémoire historique et diplomatique sur le commerce et les établissements français au Levant, depuis l'an 500 jusqu'à la fin du XVII siècle. Paris 1833
  • La Grèce . In: L'Univers pittoresque. 1835. Book online at Gallica
  • Trois Mémoires sur l'Illyrie
  • Mémoire sur les colonies valaques établies dans les montagnes de la Grèce, depuis Fienne jusque dans la Morée
  • Notice sur la fin tragique d'Ali-Tébélen. 1822


  • Tobias George Smollett: The Critical Review, Or, Annals of Literature. Book online at Google Books .
  • J. Rombault: François Pouqueville, membre de l'Institut. In: Bulletin de la Société historique et archéologique de l'Orne. 1887
  • Jules Lair: La captivité de François Pouqueville en Morée. In: Comptes-rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 1902, pp. 648-664. Full text
  • Jules Lair: La captivité de François Pouqueville à Constantinople, 1800–1801. In: Bulletin de la Société des antiquaires de Normandie 25, 1904.
  • Auguste Boppe: L'Albanie et Napoléon. 1914
  • Henri Dehéraub: Une correspondance inédite de François Pouqueville, consul de France à Janina et à Patras sous le premier Empire et la Restauration. In: Revue de l'histoire des colonies françaises 11, 1921, pp. 61-100.
  • Georges Castellan : Francois-Charles Pouqueville. The historian of the "renewal of Greece". In: Evangelos Konstantinou (ed.): European Philhellenism. European philhellenic literature up to the 1st half of the 19th century. Frankfurt u. a. 1992, pp. 17-26. ISBN 3-631-43909-1

Web links

Commons : François Pouqueville  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. ^ Professor A. Dubois loved Pouqueville like his own son. Years later, on December 13, 1810, François Pouqueville wrote to Ruffin: We were at odds over how friends it could be because I had thrown off my robe for the sword ... Dubois considered me to be his own glory and he got angry when I did became apostate. You can't imagine his really weird anger: “It takes twelve things to be a doctor. You have eleven. - And which one am I missing? - You don't know how to make money. - Abrenuntio , I told him. ” ( Une Correspondance inédite de François Pouqueville. Édouard Champion, Paris 1921.)
  2. After the conquest of Malta, the French - in a typical magnanimous gesture - released all prisoners in the local prisons. Among them was Orouchs, a well-known pirate who promptly traveled to the British fleet to be rearmed and to continue his criminal activities. Less than a year after his liberation in Malta, he attacked a merchant ship with Pouqueville as a passenger, which he captured and sold to the Turks. (François de Pouqueville: Notes biographiques, Voyage en Morée. 2009. pp. 6–7.)
  3. 17 years later, Pouqueville met Achmed Pasha again in Larissa, who had been exiled there. He brought him some financial help, but the former pasha soon died of starvation. (Henri Dehérain: Une correspondance inédite de François Pouqueville. Édouard Champion, Paris 1921.)
  4. ^ On peut lire dans M. Pouqueville une description exacte de Tripolitza, capitale de la Morée  " ( François-René de Chateaubriand : Itinéraire de Paris à Jérusalem (1811), German: "You can get an exact description of Tripolitsa from Monsieur Pouqueville, Capital of the Peloponnese, read up. ")
  5. In the afterword to Mary Shelley's The Last Man , Joyce Carl Oates wrote (Wordsworth Classics, 1826): It was very important to Mary Shelley to accurately describe the landscapes in her books. She wrote […] in a letter: “I am desperately looking for a book that describes the area around Constantinople in minute detail.” […] Her descriptions of the geography and military history of the city could be based on Pouqueville's descriptions, maps and illustrations in “Travels in the Morea , Albania and other parts of the Ottoman Empire ... etc "(1813, translated by Plumptre).
  6. " As the British labored to prevent Ali from forming in alliance with Napoleon, French interests were quietly being promoted in Janina by Their agent, François Pouqueville. ”( Miranda Vickers : The Albanian. A modern history. IB Taurus Editions, London 2001, German:“ While the British struggled to prevent Ali from entering into an alliance with Napoleon, French interests in Ioannina were promoted by Plenipotentiary Pouqueville. ")
  7. After Hobhouse repeatedly criticized Pouqueville's work, he finally wrote: “ Dr. Pouqueville's volume, being collected by himself during a long residence in the country, is deserving every attention. ”( Hobhouse : Hobhouse's Travels (London Morning Chronicle, January 18, 1822), German:“ The volume of Dr. Pouqueville, which was compiled by himself, who lived in the country for a long time, deserves the highest attention. ”)
  8. In fact (as their critics pointed out) both Byron and Hobhouse were to some extent dependent upon information gleaned by the French resident François Pouqueville, who had published in 1805 an influential travelogue entitled Voyage en Morée, à Constantinople, en Albanie .. .1798–1801 ”( Drummond Bone : The Cambridge Companion to Byron )
  9. From the mutual respect between François Pouqueville and the pastor Hugues a real friendship developed and soon afterwards they went on a journey through Greece together. Much later, after Pouqueville retired, TS Hugues visited him in France and stayed at his estate near Angers . (François de Pouqueville: Notes biographiques, Voyage en Morée. 2009)
  10. An editorial in the London Times noted: “ Mgr. Pouqueville, Mr. Holland, and Mr. Hughes, all describe Ali Pacha as a most perfect master of the art of dissimulation - as a cool, relentless villain, who, like 'our' Richard, 'could smile, and murder while he smiled ' ”(German:“ Monsieur Pouqueville, Mister Holland and Mister Hughes all described Ali Pascha as a perfect master of hypocrisy - as a cold, ruthless villain who, like' our 'Richard, could laugh and kill while he laughed. " )
  11. The anathema of the Parginotes' song or the hymn Funèbre sur Parga , which Népomucène Lemercier has translated into verse:
    O feu vengeur de la justice,
    Tonnerre du ciel irrité,
    Consume un Pacha détesté,
    Dévore l'Anglais, son complice,
    Et que tout opresseur pâlisse
    De tes coups sur l'iniquité!
    A remark by Népomucène Lemercier adds: “  Le diplomate lord Maitland tint envers les Grecs, trahis et livrés aux Turcs qui n'avaient pu les déposséder de Parga, une conduite bien opposée à celle du généreux lord Byron, dont l'âme et la lyre ont réhabilité l'honneur de la nation anglaise sur les plages Ioniennes.  »( Népomucène Lemercier , German:“ The English diplomat Lord Maitland showed towards the Greeks, who had been betrayed and left to the Turks, who tried unsuccessfully to take Parga, a behavior that was opposite to that of Lord Byron, whose soul and lyre die Honor of the English nation on the Ionian coast. ")

Individual evidence

  1. De ma solitude. Notes and diary of François de Pouqueville, 1795, not published
  2. ^ Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne: Mémoires de M. de Bourrienne, Ministre d'État; sur Napoléon, le Directoire, le Consulat, l'Empire et la Restauration . Vol. 2, 1830.
  3. ^ Alphonse de Beauchamp : Vie d'Ali-Pacha, visir de Janina, surnommé Aslan ou le Lion . Paris 1822, p. 89-90 ( text from Google Books ).
  4. … Philhellenism was a movement inspired from a love of classical Greece but was distinct from the equally popular antiquarian interest in the cultural products of classical antiquity. Philehellenism encompassed mobilization around the cause of the fate of modern Greeks, seen as the descendants of their putative classical progenitors, and included in its ranks Lord Byron and François Pouqueville. ”( Umut Özkinimli, Spyros Sofos : Tormented by History: Nationalism in Greece and Turkey. Columbia University Press, 2008)
  5. ^ " Byron had yet to die to make philhellenism generally acceptable " (William Plomer: The Diamond of Jannina . Taplinger Publishing, New York 1970. )
  6. By-the-bye, I rather suspect we shall be at right angles in our opinion of the Greeks; I have not quite made up my mind about them, but you I know are decisively inimical. ”( Lord Byron : Lord Byron's Correspondence, Letter to Hobhouse (1805))
  7. " For the references, I am indebted to Pouqueville (Voyage de la Grece) " ( John Cuthbert Lawson : Modern Greek folklore and ancient Greek religion: a study in revivals (1898))
  8. «  Grèce était alors peu connue et passait pour une province de la Turquie. Pouqueville prouva qu'il n'en était pas ainsi, que les Hellènes avaient conservé leur originalité et leurs espérances, il leur prédit le succès, il intéressa l'Europe et la France en particulier à leur futur soulèvement. In effect, on the date of 1805; il est donc fort antérieur au voyage de Chateaubriand, et il a un caractère d'exactitude qui compense bien le défaut d'éclat du style.  »(H. Duclos (ed.): Romans et Aventures Célèbres. Paris approx. 1820)
  9. ^ Henri Dehérain: Revue de l''Histoire des colonies françaises . Édouard Champion, Paris 1921.
  10. ^ "Nearly a century before Delphi was excavated, a French envoy to the court of Ali Pasha of Ioannina visited the sleepy little village that stood on the site of the ancient oracular shrine. Pouqueville enthused over the wealth of inscriptions he saw: marble slabs, pieces of walls, interiors of caves ... covered with dedications and decrees that should be studied and carefully copied (Voyages, 2nd ed., Iv, 113) "( Robert D. Lamberton : Plutarch (2001), German: "Almost a century before Delphi was excavated, a French emissary at the court of Ali Pasha von Janina visited the small sleepy village that was at the site of the ancient oracle. Pouqueville was enthusiastic about the wealth of inscriptions, which he saw: marble slabs, wall pieces, the inside of caves ... were covered with dedications and arrangements that should be studied and carefully copied. (Voyages, 2nd edition, IV, 113). "
  11. ^ Le Roy J. Halsey: The works of Philip Lindsey . In: Michigan Historical Reprint Series . ( At length, M. Pouqueville, during a long residence in the dominions of the late Ali Pacha, actually discovered the remains of sixty-five cities, quite able to speak for themselves. ).
  12. NW Fiske: Manual of classical literature and art - Archeology of Greek literature . Ed .: JJ Eschenburg. 4th edition. 1849, p. IV / 347 .
  13. David Brabis: Grèce . Michelin, éd. des voyages, 2006, ISBN 978-2-06-712283-3 ( Les consuls des principales nations européennes y sont accrédités, et le représentant de la France impériale, H. Pouqueville, y lutte d'influence avec son homologue anglais. ).
  14. ^ Henry McKenzie Johnston: Ottoman and Persian Odysseys: James Morier . 1823 ( Il trouva là Ali Pacha recevant deux Français, François Pouqueville et Julien Bessières ... Ali Pacha assura Jack qu'ils n'étaient pas la bienvenue, et il semblait être agacé parce que Pouqueville distribuaitement de la propagande françaitise, et recherçait la faveur des Grecs en leur donnant gratuitement des soins médicaux. ).
  15. ^ " (2) Acherusia: According to Pouqueville, the lake of Yanina, but Pouqueville is always out. (3) The celebrated Ali Pacha: Of this extraordinary man there is an incorrect account in Pouqueville's Travels. ”( Lord Byron : Childe Harold's Pilgrimage: Canto II)
  16. ^ William Plomer: The Diamond of Jannina . Taplinger Publishing, New York 1970 ( On Cockerell the brothers Pouqueville made a much less pleasing impression. Perhaps he thought they did not take enough notice of him, or perhaps because he was a little too English… ).
  17. John Murray (Ed.): Lord Byron's Correspondence . Kessinger Publishing, 2005 ( The absence of women permits Byron himself to adopt a feminized role, as in his letters home describing his flirtatious relationship with the Pasha, and noting Ali's admiration of his' small ears, curly hair, and his little white hands ) .
  18. ^ "In the same way, after murdering General Roze, who had treated him with uniform kindness, he submitted to the daily checks and menaces of Pouqueville, by whom he was replaced." ( Anonymous author : "The Edinburgh Review", 1818, German: "In the same style, after he had murdered General Rozé, who had treated him with uniform friendliness, he submitted to the daily controls and threats from his successor Pouqueville")
  19. ^ TS Hugues: Travels in Greece and Albania . London 1830.
  20. ^ Quelques mois plus tard, Ali Pacha osa faire assassiner le major Andrutzi, Grec au service de la France, qu'il avait enlevé sur un de nos bâtiments, et dont le fils et le neveu durent la vie à l'habile fermeté de M. Pouqueville, alors consul-général à Janina.  »( Victor Duruy : Histoire de la Grèce ancienne (Volume 1, 1826), German:“ A few months later, Ali Pascha had Major Andrutzi murdered, a Greek in the service of France, whom he had kidnapped from one of our ships and his son and nephew owe their lives to the skillful determination of M. Pouqueville, who at that time was consul general in Ioannina. ")
  21. ^ «  De plus, le fameux pacha de Janina, Ali de Tebelen, auprès de qui Napoléon a un consul, Pouqueville, est de plus en plus hostile à la France: il est juste en face de Corfou et peut empêcher l'île de se ravitailler sur la terre ferme. À son habitude, Napoléon tempête et menace. À titre d'exemple, cette lettre du 15 mars 1811 au ministre des Affaires étrangères qui est maintenant Maret: Mon intention est de déclarer la guerre à Ali Pacha si la Porte ne peut réussir à le retenir dans le devoir. Vous écrirez la même chose à mon consul près d'Ali Pacha afin qu'il lui déclare que la première fois qu'il se permettra d'empêcher l'approvisionnement de Corfou, et refusera le passage aux bestiaux et vivres destinés pour cette place, je lui déclarerai la guerre. Facile à dire ou à écrire. Un jour, Pouqueville se retrouvera en prison…  "( Yves Benot : La démence coloniale sous Napoléon, German:" Furthermore, the famous Pasha of Janina, Ali of Tepelena, with whom Napoleon had a consul, Pouqueville, is increasingly hostile to France: He is located exactly opposite Corfu and can forbid the island to stock up on supplies on the mainland.As usual for him, Napoleon rages and threats - for example in this letter dated March 15, 1811 to the Foreign Minister, currently Maret : It is my intention to declare war on Ali Pasha if the Sublime Porte does not manage to control him. Write this to my consul at Ali Pasha so that I can give him the first attempt to prevent supplies to Corfu or the Prohibit the transport of cattle and food with destination there, will declare war. Easily said and written. One day Pouqueville will find himself in prison ... ")
  22. ^ Hugues Pouqueville, ne au Merlerault le 8 mars 1779, fut pour son frère François un appui très précieux à Janina. Il fut nommé successivement vice-consul à Prévéza en 1811, à Arta en 1814, consul à Patras en 1821 et à Carthagène en 1829.  ”( Henri Dehérain : Une correspondance inédite de François Pouqueville (Paris 1921), German:“ Hugues Pouqueville, Born in Merlerault on March 8, 1779, he was a very valuable help to his brother François in Ioannina. He was first appointed Vice Consul in Preveza in 1811 and then transferred to Arta (1814). In 1821 he became consul in Patras and in 1829 in Cartagena . " )
  23. " To confirm my opinion, I will only refer to the last and most impartial observer of the modern Greeks: doctor Pouqueville. Dr Pouqueville had the means to gather on Morea information far more exact than those given by the travelers who preceded him, and consequently his testimony must be admitted today as decisive. ”( Thomas Thorton : The present state of Turkey. Vol. II, 1812, German:“ To confirm my opinion, I will only quote the last and highest observer of the modern Greeks: Doctor Pouqueville. He was able to provide information about Morea, which are far more accurate than those of the previous travelers. Consequently, today his testimony must be recognized as authoritative. ")
  24. With the departure of the French from the Ionian Islands and from Dalmatia as well there was little point in maintaining a consul at Jannina, so Pouqueville, after all his trying times, asked if he might be moved and was rewarded with a transfer to Patras ”( William Plomer : The Diamond of Jannina (Taplinger Publishing, New York 1970), German:“ After the French withdrew from the Ionian Islands and also from Dalmatia, there was no longer any reason to have a consul in Ioannina. Pouqueville asked after all the difficult time, whether he could be transferred. He was rewarded with a transfer to Patras. ")
  25. Maize Patras n'existait plus; Yousouf, pacha de Serrès, appelé par le drogman du consulat anglais, Barthold, s'était précipité sur cette malheureuse ville, les bandes indisciplinées de Germanos avaient fui et, sauf 3,000 personnes qui devaient leur salut au dévouement du consuléroïque, MH Pouqueville, tous les habitants de Patras avaient péri par le fer ou dans les flammes. Instruits du sort de Patras, les habitants de la Béotie proclament l'insurrection.  »( Raoul de Malherbe : L'Orient 1718–1845: Histoire, politique, religion, moeurs, etc. Volume 2, German:“ But Patras no longer existed. Jusuf, Pascha von Serres, spurred on by the dragoman of the English consulate, Barthold, pounced on this unfortunate city, the undisciplined gangs of Germanos had fled and, with the exception of 3,000 people who owed their lives to the heroic sacrifice of the French consul, Monsieur H. Pouqueville, all the inhabitants of Patras died by sword or in flames When the inhabitants of Boiotia learned of the fate of Patras, they called for an uprising. ")
  26. On June 11, 1822, the Times published the text of the official protest note from the Greek Provisional Government: I send you the Protest which our Provisional Government, The Messenian Senate, has made against the British Consul at Patras, Mr Philip Green. At the moment when Mr. H. Pouqueville, the French Consul, was employed in defending the Christian old men, women, and children of this city from the ferocity of the Mussulmen, the former was attending to his own private interest in trade and currants . The following is an exact translation of this document: PROTEST addressed by the Greeks of Peloponesus to Philip Green esq. Consul of the mighty British Empire at Patras. - “Sir, the just motives which compelled us to take arms against the Ottomans, in defense of our lives and propertiy, of which they attempted to deprive us, have been explained to you in a letter of ours, dated 27 March. To this you replied through your own interpreter, Mr Barthelemy, that as long as the British Government would observe a neutrality in the contest, between us and the Turks, you would remain an indifferent spectator, without taking part with either the one or the other . Notwithstanding this declaration, we state, with great pain, that we have obtained uncontroversible proofs that your conduit has not been conformable to your profession of neutrality. From the commencement of the contest you have constantly observed all our motions and resolutions for the purpose of informing our enemies. When the packet-boat from Malta, commanded by Mr Hunter, arrived at Patras, you sent to Prevesa to urge the Captain-Bey to send immediate succor to the Turks at Patras; and the captain-Bey, in fact, dispatched a brig, a corvette and a galley. You also wrote to the Pachas assembled before Jannina who sent Yusuf Pacha and the Kihaya of Mahmoud Pacha, with a considerable land armament. And, moreover, you continued to send to the Turks shut up in the citadel of Patras, intelligence of every thing that passed by means of persons devoted to your interest. We have more than once summoned you to pay our countrymen the sums due to them in consequence of your late purchases. Although the credit has expired, you still persist in refusing the payment. [Green explained his refusal by saying that his belongings had been destroyed in the fire in Patras.] You have, besides, sent your brother and your interpreter, who conducted Yussuf Pacha hither and acquainted him with the places by which he could most easily enter the citadel: you prepared and communicated yourself to the Turks the distinctive sign of the cross by which the Greeks recognize each other, that the Turks might attack us more advantageously under this disguise. Finally, you advised the Turks to light in the City of Patras that terrible fire by which all the goods in private houses, and the warehouses of the Company of Merchants have been destroyed. Immediately after the conflagration, the city was pillaged by the Turks and more particularly by those attached to your person. Thus, you have violated the rights of nations, and followed a conduct contrary to that prescribed by the declaration of neutrality made by your government and yourself. You have occasioned losses amounting to several millions; you have exposed several Christians to death and captivity. By these presents we protest against you, in order that, at a suitable time, you may be called upon to render an account of all the disasters occasioned by you in contempt of the laws. Calamata, April 26 (May 8), 1822. (Signed by the notables of the Christian people of Peloponesus.) ”
  27. ^ " There were eight European consulates, and the two consuls who played important roles were those of France and Britain. Pouqueville, the french consul was philellene, while Green the british consul was philoturk. Philoturk was also the english governor of Ionian islands who forbade Ionian subjects to take part in the battles between greeks and turks. ”( Spyridon Trikoupis : History of Greek Revolution (London 1857), German:“ There were eight European consulates. The two consuls that played the most important roles were those of France and Great Britain. Pouqueville, the French consul, was philhellen, while Green , the British consul, was Philo-Turkish. The English governor of the Ionian Islands, who forbade Ionian citizens to take part in the fighting between Greeks and Turks, was also Philo-Turkish. ")
  28. As a further account of the cruelty and wickedness of Lord Maitland, High Commissioner in Corfu, and the British in Greece at that time in general, a minutes of the House of Commons dated June 10, 1822 were printed in the Times : Sir R. Wilson begged to call the attention of the honorable Under Secretary for the Colonial Department to a transaction which he was informed had recently taken place in the Ionian Islands. He would state the facts as they were represented to him, in order that, if false, they might receive a contradiction, and that if they should appear to be true, the persons who had suffered from the conduct of the British Government in the Ionian Islands might, if possible, obtain some redress. It was represented to him, that a Greek, of the name of Berouka, aged 76, his wife, three married daughters, and their children, forming altogether a family of 15 or 16 persons, had, after the massacre of Patras, from which they had escaped through the intervention of the French Consul, M. de Pouqueville, taken refuge in the island of Ithaca. These persons lived there in quiet until March last, when an order came from the Lord High Commissioner, directing them to depart out of the Ionian Islands. The unfortunate Greeks represented that they had, during their residence in the island, always conducted themselves in a proper manner, and entreated that they might be permitted to stay. The order for their departure was, however, iterated. The family next requested that they might be allowed to delay their departure until the sea which at that time was crowded with corsairs, should be in some degree cleared of these pirates; but even this indulgence was not conceded to them. The result was that almost immediately after they had set sail, they were attacked by an Algerine corsair, and after a short resistance, during which the old man was desperately wounded in the face, captured, carried into Algiers, and sold for slaves. He had received his information from the most respectable sources, and believed it was strictly correct. Mr Wilmot responded that no information regarding the Berouka family had reached the Colonial Department, he further objected to the production of another statement, and said that an investigation should be made ...
  29. Dans ces derniers temps, messieurs, le monde entier a retenti du dévouement de nos consuls. Plusieurs d'entre eux, victimes de leur générosité, n'ont conservé, au milieu de leurs habitations en flammes, que le pavillon blanc, autour duquel Turcs et Chrétiens avaient trouvé asile. Ils auraient besoin d'indemnités, et je ne peux leur offrir que des secours bien insuffisants. Ainsi, ... M. Pouqueville qui a tout perdu à Patras, aura trois mille francs.  »( François-René de Chateaubriand : Opinions & Discours. (Volume 14, Paris 1852)., German:“ The whole world, gentlemen, has recently heard of the selflessness of our consuls. Several of them, victims of their generosity, have kept only the white flag of their houses in flames, around which the Turks and Christians had found asylum. They should receive a severance payment and I can only give them insufficient help. Therefore ... will be Monsieur Pouqueville, who had lost everything in Patras , received three thousand francs. ")
  30. ^ M. de Pouqueville, the Consul of France in the Morea, arrived on the 6th at Milan, from Florence. The noble conduct of this faithful and intrepid servant of his Most Christian Majesty has obtained him the most flattering reception from Ministers, Ambassadors, and Consuls of his majesty at Naples, Florence, and Milan. The Pope having met him at the Villa Albani, designed to honor with his benediction the preserver of so many thousands of Christians; and it is not doubted, that if his voice could be heard at the Congress of Verona, it would induce Sovereigns to interest themselves in the cause of the Greeks. M. Pouqueville is said to be going to Marseilles. ”( Morning Chronicles (London, September 28, 1822), German:“ Monsieur de Pouqueville, French consul in Morea, arrived in Milan on the 6th from Florence. The noble conduct of this devoted and intrepid servant of her most Christian majesty made him very good Flattering reception of the Ministers, Ambassadors and Consuls of the Majesties in Naples, Florence and Milan. The Pope, when he met him at the Villa Albani, was gracious enough to bless him as the Savior of many thousands of Christians; and there is no doubt that it is would lead, if his voice were heard at the Verona Congress, that the Highnesses would take care of the Greek cause. Monsieur Pouqueville is to travel on to Marseilles. ")
  31. General Makriyannis: Memoirs (Excerpts) . In: Rick Μ. Newton (Ed.): The Charioteer . No. 28 , 1986.
  32. Académiciens depuis 1663. In: Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Retrieved July 18, 2012 (French).
  33. ^ Monsieur Pouqueville, dans son ouvrage substantiel et rempli de faits, a établi les mêmes vérités.  »( François-René de Chateaubriand : Note sur la Grèce, Itinéraire de Paris à Jérusalem , German:" Monsieur Pouqueville established the same truths in his substantial work full of facts. ")
  34. On n'exagère pas en que affirmant Pouqueville parle de tout: il fait découvrir une nouvelle fois les moeurs et le caractère des habitants qu'il rencontre; il décrit leur physionomie, les arts, l'histoire, la religion, l'industrie, les langues (il y ajoute une digression sur la langue schype ou albanaise avec des tableaux de déclinaisons), pour parler enfin de la gastronomie, mais aussi de la numismatique, de la minéralogie, de la flore et de la faune (et plus précisément de l'ichtyologie, de l'ornitologie, de l'entomologie, des plantes médicinales), de la marine marchande… cette liste est loin d'être complète. Bien avant Fauriel il traduit et interprète des chansons populaires. L'ouvrage contient des statistics sur la population et le commerce, des listes sur l'importation et l'exportation, voire même des tableaux du clergé et de ses income.  »( Katja Jaeckel : L'engagement philhèllene et l'image de la Grèce dans la littérature française de 1770 à 1830. In: Alfred Noe: The Philhellenism in West European Literature 1780-1830. (Amsterdam 1994), German:“ Man exaggerates not when one says that Pouqueville speaks of everything: through him, the customs and characters of the residents he meets are rediscovered. He describes their physiology, art, history, religion, industry, languages ​​( He adds an excursus on the Skipetarian or Albanian language with a table for declining) to finally speak of the kitchen, but also of numismatics, mineralogy, flora and fauna (more precisely ichthyology, ornithology, the Entomology, medicinal herbs), the merchant fleet ... this list is far from complete. Well before Fauriel, he translated and interpreted folk songs. The work contains statistics on the population and the H andel, lists of imports and exports, even tables of the clergy and their income. ")
  35. ^ Pouqueville's 14 years residence and travels in Greece will constitute the next number of the Journal of Voyages and Travels. Every man of letters knows the great importance of his work, and the value of the author's researches. The French booksellers gave a larger sum for the copy-right, and it has excited a greater interest in France than any book on Greece since the appearance of the work of Abbé Barthélémy. "(Advertisement in the Morning Chronicles , London, December 9, 1820, German:" Pouqueville's fourteen-year stay and travels in Greece will be the subject of the next issue of Journal of Voyages and Travels. Every educated man knows the importance of his work and the value of his research. The French book sellers gave a considerable sum for the right to the text, and it has attracted more attention in France than any other book on Greece since the publication of Abbé Barthélémy. "
  36. The country was the first Ottoman province to wrestle its independence from its Muslims masters, and a 'modern' nation-state was established almost forty years before the Italian Risorgimento for which it was an inspiration. De Pouqueville's story of the Greek revolution of the events 1740-1824 was translated into Italian in 1829 and not surprisingly published in Piedmont where it exercised considerable influence on Italian nationalists. "( Paul Sant Cassia, Constantina Barda : Cambridge Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology. (Cambridge 2006), German:" The country was the first Ottoman province that was able to achieve independence from Muslim masters. A 'modern' nation state almost became Created forty years before the Italian Risorgimento for which it was the inspiration. De Pouqueville's story of the Greek Revolution and events from 1740 to 1824 was translated into Italian in 1829 and was - no surprise - published in Piedmont, where it made considerable influence the Italian nationalists. ")
  37. ... le Voyage de la Grèce, de Pouqueville, était l'ouvrage le plus remarquable dans ce genre qui eût été publié depuis la renaissance des Lettres  " ( Charles Benoît Hase : Recherches biographiques. François de Pouqueville (2009), German: " The trip through Greece by Pouqueville was arguably the most notable work of its genre that has appeared since the Renaissance of literature. ")
  38. «  Installée dans la tour Tzanetaki, une belle exposition permanente retrace l'histoire du Magne par le biais de textes, de dessins, de photos et de croquis des lieux établis par de nombreux voyageurs ayant parcouru cette région entre les XVIe et XXe siècles, dont le littérateur français, François Pouqueville (1770–1838), author du Voyage en Morée.  »( Guide Michelin , 2006, German:“ A beautiful permanent exhibition that is set up in the Tzanneto Tower takes up the history of Mani, represented in texts, drawings, photos and map sketches of the region that were created by various travelers who made this Region between the 16th and 20th centuries, including the French writer François Pouqueville (1770–1838), author of Voyage en Morée . ")
  39. ^ On chante maintenant dans tous les salons de la capitale ma Parguinote, extraite de mon Voyage, qui est gravée et mise en musique  " ( François Pouqueville : Letter to Ruffin of April 14, 1820, German: "At every salon in the capital sings you now have my Parguinote from my Voyage , which has been set to music and is now a song. ”)
    This song, called Dernier chant des Parguinotes , was published in 1824 by the Académicien Népomucène Lemercier under the title Hymne Funèbre sur Parga and set to music by F. Regnault. «  On trouvera le texte original de cette belle lamentation sur la ruine des Parguinotes, dans le troisième volume, page 420, des 'Voyages en Grèce' de M. Pouqueville. Je l'ai traduite presque en un même nombre de vers, persuadé que la mesure du temps doit s'accorder avec la mesure du rythme des pensées.  »( Lemercier : Notice. Népomucène Lermercier (Paris 1824), German:“ The original text of this wonderful lament about the ruins of the Parginotes comes from the third volume, page 420, of the Voyages en Grèce by Monsieur Pouqueville. I have it in the same number Transferring verses, convinced that the tempo has to match the rhythm of the thoughts. ")
  40. ^ «  M. Pouqueville m'a mis sur la voie d'une foule de recherches nécessaires à mon travail: j'ai suivi sans crainte de me tromper celui qui fut mon premier guide aux champs de division. Tous two nous avons visité les ruines de la Grèce lorsqu'elles n'étaient encore éclairées que de leur gloire passée. Tous deux nous avons plaidé la cause de nos anciens hôtes, non peut-être sans quelque succès.  »( François-René de Chateaubriand : Etudes historiques , German:“ Monsieur Pouqueville showed me the way to an insane amount of clarifications that are necessary for my work: I followed him without fear of being misguided, him, who was my first guide through the fields of Sparta. Together we both visited the ancient ruins of Greece when they were only illuminated by their past glory. We two stood up for the cause of our former hosts, perhaps not without some success. ")
  41. Mais il a été établi par les expertes recherches de M. de Pouqueville qu'il (Ali Pacha) était issu d'une souche locale, et non pas d'une origine asiatique, comme il le prétendait.  »( Alexandre Dumas : Ali Pasha, German:" Through the scholarly research of Monsieur de Pouqueville, it became generally accepted that he [Ali Pascha] comes from a local tribe and not from an Asian tribe, as he claims. ")
  42. ^ Hugh Honor: Romanticism . Icon Editions.
  43. ^ Roberto JM Olsen: Ottocento: Romantism and Revolution in 19th Century Italian painting . Philip Wilson Publishers, 2003.