Franz Kemser

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Franz Kemser (born November 11, 1910 in Partenkirchen , † January 20, 1986 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen ) was a German bobsleigh driver . In 1952 he won the Olympic gold medal in the four-man bobsleigh .


Franz Kemser started for the SC Riessersee . At the 1938 world championship in the four-man bobsleigh, which was held in his hometown Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Kemser pushed Hanns Kilian's bobsleigh , together with Werner Windhaus and Bobby Braumüller they took second place behind the British bobsleigh driven by Frederick McEvoy . In 1939 Kilian won the German championship with Kemser, Windhaus and Lechner. At the World Championships in Cortina d'Ampezzo in 1939 Kilian won bronze together with Windhaus, Hans Schmidtand Kemser. Kilian, Kemser, Windhaus and Schmidt also won the first German four-man bobsleigh championship after the Second World War ten years later.

For the Olympic Games in 1952 , Franz Kemser qualified in the four-man bobsleigh with a bobsleigh that he himself steered. During the training runs in Oslo, his bobsleigh and the first German bobsleigh, controlled by Anderl Ostler, lagged significantly behind the heavier teams from the USA and Switzerland. The German team management then announced the second German bobsleigh and put the heaviest people in a bobsleigh. The bobsled in this way with Anderl Ostler, Friedrich Kuhn , Lorenz Nieberl and Franz Kemser then won ahead of the US bobsleigh by Stanley Benham and the Swiss bobsleigh by Fritz Feierabend . After the Olympic Games in 1952, weight limits were introduced for two and four-man bobsleighs. Like the other bobsleigh riders on his four-man bobsleigh, Franz Kemser received the Silver Laurel Leaf in 1952 .

In 1953, Kemser started as Anderl Ostler's pusher in the two-man bobsleigh and won the German championship. At the World Championships in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, the two took second place behind the Swiss Felix Endrich and Fritz Stöckli .


  • Bodo Harenberg (ed.): The stars of the sport from A-Z . Darmstadt 1970
  • Volker Kluge : Olympic Winter Games, the chronicle . Berlin 1994 ISBN 3-328-00631-1

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Individual evidence

  1. Volker Kluge, page 134, note 40