Corveystraße high school

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Corveystraße high school
Logo Gymnasium Corveystraße.png
founding 1968

Corveystraße 6
22529 Hamburg

place Hamburg-Lokstedt
country Hamburg
Country Germany
Coordinates 53 ° 35 '49 "  N , 9 ° 58' 9"  E Coordinates: 53 ° 35 '49 "  N , 9 ° 58' 9"  E
carrier City of Hamburg
student approx. 900
Teachers approx. 60
management Christian Krümel

The Corveystraße grammar school - often also Corvey grammar school for short - is a grammar school in Hamburg-Lokstedt . The school sees itself as democratic, healthy and creative and had the most new registrations of all Hamburg high schools with 195 fifth graders in the 2018/19 school year . The high school works with the teacher room system .


South and east wings of the renovated cruciform building; in front of it, bicycle parking and arcade (2019)
Back of the 12-class house (2019)

The school was originally founded as a primary school in 1963 and converted into a high school in 1968.

The grammar school was founded informally in 1968 - that year 110 students moved from the busy school on Curschmannstrasse to the newly built Kreuzbau. The building designed by Paul Seitz was completed in March 1963. The grammar school officially opened around Easter 1969. At that time the school had the youngest teaching staff of all Hamburg grammar schools.

The extension of a new 8-class house was completed in 1973. This year, 700 students have already been taught at the school. A little later work began on building another 12-class house. In 1974 a gym followed , in 1976 a sports field . In the same year, the first Abitur exams were taken at the school and an administration wing and a technical room wing for music and art were added.

Because the authorities did not provide the school with any funds for the extension of an auditorium until 1992, donations were asked from parents and sponsors under the motto “There is someone who can make 772 children happy - you!”. In November 1995 the DM 850,000 building was completed. Volker Bärwald, who introduced the subject of theater at the school, initiated the fundraising campaign and was the headmaster from 1980 until his death, was posthumously honored for his work in 2006 when the building was given the suffix Volker-Bärwald-Aula .

On April 4, 2018, a ceremony took place in front of invited guests on the occasion of the 50th anniversary. Furthermore, a school festival took place on July 2nd on the school premises and on July 3rd there was a parade of the whole school through the district. [1]

Building of the Gymnasium Corveystraße (as of 2019) :
  • sports ground
  • Caretaker's apartment
  • Volker Bärwald assembly hall
  • Administration wing
  • canteen
  • Staff room u. office
  • Cross construction
  • 8 class house
  • Science wing
  • 12 class house
  • Music and art wing
  • Gym
  • School profile



    As part of the focus on democracy, the school takes part in the junior elections and belongs to the network School without Racism - School with Courage . In addition, upper school students have been organizing the Lokstedt Talks once a year since 1990 ; Panel discussions to which politicians are invited. The school has been taking part in the Jugend debattiert competition since 2018 .


    The school organizes the Health Day once a year , during which high school students organize lessons for younger students on the subjects of alcohol and nicotine prevention, AIDS education and nutrition. For this concept, the high school was awarded the Hamburg Education Prize in 2013, which is awarded by the Hamburger Abendblatt and the Hamburger Sparkasse . The high school has its own medical service , where students volunteer to care for the sick and injured in emergencies. Through cooperation with the UKE , the Heinrich Pette Institute and the NCL Foundation , the students are given insights into medical research, work in the laboratory and corresponding job profiles.


    Theater education is a traditional focus of the school. In 1980, the grammar school was one of the first Hamburg schools where you can take a theater exam for your Abitur. In the fifth grade, German lessons are linked to theater lessons for all pupils; Information from the German class is implemented in a scenic way. A theater class is set up in each year , in which the pupils up to the 10th grade have theater lessons, produce plays together and present them to the school public. There are also theater groups for 5th and 6th grade students. From year 8 on, theater can be taken as a compulsory elective and in the upper school as a profile or optional subject. There is also a choir for the 5th and 6th grades and the school's own big band . In the Corvey Sound System group , the pupils learn to oversee the sound engineering of the auditorium events. Art classes are also closely linked to theater classes; for example, props or stage sets are worked on.

    foreign languages

    The first foreign language is English. In the sixth grade, all students choose either French or Latin as a second foreign language and must attend the lessons at least up to the 10th grade. From 2019, Spanish can also be chosen as a second foreign language. Spanish classes can also be taken as a third foreign language from the eighth grade. All languages ​​can be continued in the upper level. In French and Spanish classes, students are prepared for the DELF and DELE language certificates . In the tenth grade, Latin lessons usually end with the small Latinum . From the fifth grade is further an Italian- AG offered.

    Upper School (as of 2019)

    In 2009 the system of basic and advanced courses was replaced by the upper profile level . Since then, the grammar school has been cooperating with the Albrecht-Thaer grammar school in Stellingen and the Eidelstedter grammar school Dörpsweg. Students from the three schools can also select profiles from the other schools. Five main subjects are offered at the Corveystraße high school:

    • History and art classes are part of the media and society profile . Politics / Society / Economics (PGW) is also taught.
    • In the profile art and culture , various works in art and theater are developed in connection with the respective semester topic of the profile-giving subject history.
    • In MINT - Fit for the Future , computer science, physics - a subject of your choice that defines the profile - and philosophy are taught. As part of the physics class, there is also an internship in a laboratory at the University of Hamburg .
    • The health and nature profile consists of the subjects biology, chemistry and geography.
    • In the focus on Global Challenges - Future: Earth & Humans , content is increasingly taught in English. Components are geography, PGW and theater.

    In addition, each profile includes the science propaedeutic seminar subject . In addition to the profile subjects, the students can freely choose other courses. The only condition is that - among elective and profile subjects - there is at least one humanities, natural science, social science, sport as well as art, music or theater.

    Climate protection

    Since 2016, the high school has set itself the goal of reducing emissions caused by carbon dioxide by two percent annually. In 2010 a photovoltaic system was installed on the roof of the cross building. The energy gain can be read daily in the school cafeteria . The climate-neutral renovation of the high school's cross building was completed in 2019. The school's 12-class building was renovated in a climate-neutral manner by 2012.

    Poetry slam

    In 2016, the then student council initiated an internal school poetry slam , which was expanded into a competition for schools throughout Hamburg in the following years.

    Partner schools (as of 2019)

    The high school offers its students the opportunity to take part in various student exchanges . The school has or is currently in contact with the following foreign schools:

    Headmaster (as of 2019)

    Period of time from to) principal Remarks
    1968-1988 Eckhart Krause
    1988-1995 Volker Bärwald
    1995-1997 Ulrike Eickmeyer
    1997-1998 vacant Winfried Rangnick is provisional director of the school.
    1998-2014 Christel Hunter
    since 2014 Christian Krümel


    Web links

    Individual evidence

    1. ^ Andreas Dey: District schools are becoming increasingly popular . ( [accessed on August 26, 2018]).
    2. Our room concept. Corvey studies in cabinets. In: Gymnasium Corveystraße. Retrieved July 8, 2017 .
    3. a b c d Gymnasium Corveystraße (Ed.): 50 years Corvey Gymnasium . Hamburg 2018, DNB  1173211667 .
    4. Rainer Schneehorst: School Corvey street. Retrieved July 14, 2020 .
    5. You are decisive. Our focus: democracy. In: Gymnasium Corveystraße. Retrieved March 28, 2019 .
    6. You feel good. Our focus: health. In: Gymnasium Corveystraße. Retrieved March 28, 2019 .
    7. You are creative. Our focus: creativity. In: Gymnasium Corveystraße. Retrieved March 28, 2019 .
    8. Spanish: ¿Quieres hablar español? In: Gymnasium Corveystraße. Retrieved March 27, 2019 .
    9. Latin: Latine loquerisne? In: Gymnasium Corveystrasse. Retrieved March 27, 2019 .
    10. French: Parlez-vous français? In: Gymnasium Corveystraße. Retrieved March 27, 2019 .
    11. Ricki Rosendahl: Climate Protection Plan Gymnasium Corveystraße 2016. (PDF) 2016, accessed on July 19, 2017 .
    12. ^ Friederike Ulrich: Albrecht-Thaer-Gymnasium wins Eimsbüttler school slam. In: Hamburger Abendblatt. June 8, 2016, accessed on March 28, 2019 (German).