List of provincial roads in the province of Zeeland

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The list of provincial roads in the province of Zeeland is a listing of the provincial roads (Dutch: provinciale because) in the Dutch province of Zeeland .

The provincial roads have an N number. But there are also unmarked provincial roads. There are two classes of provincial roads with an N number. The provincial roads of the first order in the province of Zeeland have three-digit N-numbers that begin with the number 2 , those of the second order in Zeeland begin with the number 6 .

The maximum speed allowed in built-up areas is 50 km / h. Outside built-up areas it is usually 80 km / h.

First order provincial roads

The course of the road is usually indicated from north to south and from west to east.

No. course
N 251 N 253 - Aardenburg - State border - ( N 410 in the province of East Flanders , Belgium )
N 252 Boerengat - N62- Wulpenbek - N62- Sluiskil - Sas van Gent - N 683 - State border - ( N 474 in the province of East Flanders , Belgium )
N 253 ( N 376 in the province of West Flanders , Belgium ) - State border - Sint Anna ter Muiden - State border on the southwestern roadside - State border at one point on the northeastern roadside - Sluis - N 251 - Draaibrug - Oostburg - N61in Schoondijke
N 254 Middelburg - N 661 - A58- N 662 - Nieuwdorp - N62- N 667 - A58- N 665 - Eindewege - 's-Heer Hendrikskinderen - A256/ N 256 / N 289 in Goes
N 255 N57in Kamperland -West - Kamperland - N 256
N 256 N59in Zierikzee - Colijnsplaat - N 255 - Zandkreekdam - A256/ N 254 ​​/ N 289 in Goes
N 257 N59- Philipsdam - N 657 - provincial border - ( N 257 in the province of Noord-Brabant )
N 258 N62- Drieschouwen - Absdale - N 290 in Hulst
N 286 Stavenisse - Sint Maartensdijk - Scherpenisse - Poortvliet - N 659 - Tholen - N 656 - provincial border - ( N 286 in the province of Noord-Brabant )
N 287 N 288 in Westkapelle - Domburg - Oostkapelle - N57in Seeroskerke
N 288 N 287 in Westkapelle - Het Kustlicht - Zoutelande - Biggekerke - Koudekerke - Vlissingen - N 661 -A58
N 289 A256/ N 254 ​​/ N 256 in Goes - N 669 - N 670 - N 666 - A58- Biezelinge - A58- Schore - N 673 - A58- Kruiningen - N60- A58- Krabbendijke - Stationsbuurt - A58- A58- Provincial border - ({ N 289 in the province of Noord-Brabant )
N 290 N62in Terneuzen - Zaamslag - N 689 - Terhole - Hulst - N 258 - N 690 - Sint Jansteen - N 692 - Kapellebrug - State border - ( N 403 in the province of East Flanders , Belgium )

Second order provincial roads

The routes in italics are former provincial roads.

The course of the road is usually indicated from north to south and from west to east.

No. course
N 651 N 652 in Renesse - Noordwelle - N57in Serooskerke
N 652 N 652 - N57- Scharendijke - N 652 (round trip) - N 651 - Renesse - N57in Haamstede
N 653 N59in Serooskerke - N 655 - N 654 in Brouwershaven
N 654 N 653 in Brouwershaven - Zonnemaire - Noordgouwe - Heesterlust - N 655 - N59in Zierikzee
N 655 N 653 - Nieuwerkerke - Kerkwerve - N 654
N 656 N 657 in Sint Philipsland - Krabbenkreekdam - N 658 - Oud-Vossemeer - N 286 in Tholen
N 657 Sint Philipsland - N 656 - N 257
N 658 Sint-Annaland - N 656
N 659 N 286 - Oesterdam - N 289
N 660 N 288 in Koudekerke - Middelburg
N 661 N 254 ​​in Middelburg - N 288 - Vlissingen
N 662 A58in Oost-Souburg - Ritthem - N 254
N 663 N57in Vrouwenpolder - Veere - N57in Middelburg
N 664 A58- N 665 - Eindewege - 's-Heer Hendrikskinderen - A256/ N 256 / N 289 in Goes
N 665 Middelburg - N57- Arnestein - Nieuw- en Sint Joosland - A58- Lewedorp - N 254 ​​- 's-Heer Arendskerke - Heinkenszand - N 667 - Nisse - N 666
N 666 N62- 's-Heerenhoek - Borsele - N 665 - ' s-Gravenpolder - N 669 - A58- N 289 - Chapel - N 670
N 667 N 254 ​​- 's-Heerenhoek - N 665 in Heinkenszand
N 668 Wolphaartsdijk - N 254 ​​in 's-Heer Hendrikskinderen
N 669 N 289 in Goes - N 666 in 's-Gravenpolder
N 670 N 289 - N 666 - chapel - N 671 - N 673 in Yerseke
N 671 Wemeldinge - N 670 in chapel
N 673 Yerseke - N 670 - A58/ N 289
N 674 Cadzand-Bad - Cadzand - N 675 - Zuidzande - N 253 - Oostburg
N 675 Sluis - N 674 - Nieuwvliet - Groede - N 676 - N 677 in Breskens
N 676 Ferry port in Breskens - Breskens - N 677 - N61/ N 253 in Schoondijke
N 677 Schoneveld - N 676 - Breskens - Slijkplaat - N 678 in Hoofdplaat
N 678 N 677 in Hoofdplaat - Driewegen - Nieuwlandsche Molen - N61in Biervliet
N 681 N 682 in Wulpenbek-West - Wulpenpek-Nord - N 682 in Wulpenbek-Ost
N 682 N 252 - N 681 - Wulpenbek - N 681 - N62- Hoek near Terneuzen - N61- Zandplaat - Philippine
N 683 N 252 in Sas van Gent - Westdorpe -N62
N 684 Zaamslag - N 685 in Magrette
N 685 Magrette - N 684 - Vaartwijk - N 686 in Axel
N 686 Terneuzen - N62- Terneuzen -Süd - ... Interruption ... - Axelsche Sassing - N62- N 685 in Axel
N 689 N 289 in Kruiningen - Kruiningen harbor - Westerschelde - Perkpolder harbor - Walsoorden - Kloosterzande - Kuitaart - N 290 in Terhole
N 690 N 290 in Hulst - N 691 / N 692 in Clinge
N 691 N 690 / N 692 in Clinge - Nieuw-Namen - State border - ( N 451 in the province of East Flanders , Belgium )
N 692 N 290 in Sint-Jansteen - N 690 / N 691 in Clinge

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