Maťovské Vojkovce

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Maťovské Vojkovce
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Maťovské Vojkovce (Slovakia)
Maťovské Vojkovce
Maťovské Vojkovce
Basic data
State : Slovakia
Kraj : Košický kraj
Okres : Michalovce
Region : Dolný Zemplín
Area : 12.293 km²
Residents : 636 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 52 inhabitants per km²
Height : 106  m nm
Postal code : 079 01 ( Veľké Kapušany post office )
Telephone code : 0 56
Geographic location : 48 ° 34 '  N , 22 ° 8'  E Coordinates: 48 ° 34 '27 "  N , 22 ° 7' 40"  E
License plate : MI
Kód obce : 528579
Community type : local community
Structure of the municipality: 2 cadastral communities
Administration (as of November 2018)
Mayor : Lýdia Czapová
Address: Obecný úrad Maťovské Vojkovce
č. 155
079 01 Veľké Kapušany
Statistics information on

Maťovské Vojkovce (Hungarian Matyócvajkóc ) is a municipality in the east of Slovakia with 636 inhabitants (December 31, 2019) that the Michalovce District of, part kraj Košický , heard, and in the traditional landscape Zemplín lies.


The community is located in the eastern part of the Eastern Slovak Lowlands , right on the border with Ukraine , on the old river dike of the Uh . The center of the village lies at an altitude of 106  m nm and is seven kilometers from Veľké Kapušany and 31 kilometers from Michalovce .

Neighboring municipalities are Lekárovce in the north, Галоч / Halotsch (district Палло / Pallo , UA) in the east, Ruská and Budince in the south, Veľké Kapušany in the west and Bajany in the northwest.


Today's municipality was created in 1964 through the merger of the previously independent towns Kapušianske Vojkovce (until 1948 Slovak "Vajkovce"; Hungarian Vajkóc ) and Maťovce (Hungarian Matyóc , alternatively Mátyóc ). Both are cadastral communities to this day.

Kapušianske Vojkovce was first mentioned in writing in 1338 as Veychkoch , at that time as a property of the Vajkóczy family . In 1427 six porta were recorded in a tax register. In 1600 there were eight settlements in the village, towards the middle of the 17th century the village was depopulated and settled again in 1696. In 1828 there were 50 houses and 388 inhabitants.

Maťovce was 1,279 as Porchul mentioned ersturkundlich and then part of the territory of the castle Uzhgorod, from 1404 to possession of sex Perényi . In 1427 17 portals were recorded in a tax register. In the 18th century the village became almost deserted due to the flight of its subjects, so that there was only one household here in 1715. In 1828 there were 66 houses and 477 inhabitants. In the 19th century the Felföldi and Polányi families owned local estates .

Until 1918/1919 the places in Ung County belonged to the Kingdom of Hungary and then came to Czechoslovakia or now Slovakia. Due to the First Vienna Arbitration , they were again part of Hungary from 1938 to 1944.


According to the 2011 census, Maťovské Vojkovce had 626 inhabitants, including 522 Magyars , 57 Slovaks , two Roma and one Czech . 44 residents did not provide any information on ethnicity .

267 residents supported the Roman Catholic Church, 229 residents the Greek Catholic Church, 79 residents the Reformed Church and two residents the Evangelical Church AB. Five residents were non-denominational and 44 residents had no denomination.


  • Reformed Church of Tolerance in Kapušianske Vojkovce from the 18th century, rebuilt and expanded in 1879–1882
  • Greek Catholic Church in Maťovce from 1911


Freight station Maťovce ŠRT

In Maťovské Vojkovce there is the Maťovce freight yard on the Uzhhorod – Bánovce nad Ondavou railway (track change 1435 mm / 1524 mm) and the Maťovce ŠRT freight yard on the Uzhhorod – Haniska railway (1524 mm).

Individual evidence

  1. Slovenské slovníky: názvy obcí Slovenskej republiky (Majtán 1998)
  2. Results of the 2011 census (Slovak) ( Memento of the original from March 5, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Web links

Commons : Maťovské Vojkovce  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files