Manga de Dokuha

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Manga de Dokuha ( Japanese ま ん が で 読 破 , Ger. "Reading through with Manga / Comics") is a manga edition by the East Press publishing house in which well-known literary works are implemented in comic form. The purpose of the series is to bring important literary works closer to a class of readers who either would otherwise not read or know them. The series attracted special attention because the literary works also include political works such as the communist novel Kanikōsen , Karl Marx ' Das Kapital or Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf . Some volumes have also been translated into English.


Manga de Dokuha was started by East Press to introduce young Japanese to classical literature through the manga format. The individual titles are edited and written by Maruo Kōsuke, drawn by the artist collective Variety Art Works, and are often sold in convenience stores such as 7-Eleven . By July 2008, the first 17 titles in the series had sold over 900,000 times. The average sales of the individual titles were around 35,000 copies.

The US manga platform JManga translated 14 titles from Manga de Dokuha into English: Drawn , The Capital , The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde , Ginga Tetsudō no Yoru , Gorin no Sho , Ich der Kater , Seton Dōbutsuki , Sutta Nipata , Arabian Nights , The Metamorphosis , The Journey to the West , In Search of Lost Time , The Art of War and Oku no Hosomichi . The US publisher One Peace Books published Don Quixote , The Great Gatsby , Moby-Dick , Ulysses and The War of the Worlds on September 1, 2012 as part of its Manga Classic Readers series . The Canadian publisher Red Quill Books also published an English translation of the manga on Das Kapital in 2012 .

Major titles

Kanikōsen and Das Kapital

One of the first titles in the series was Kobayashi Takiji's novel Kanikōsen from 1929, which has also been translated several times into German - as March 15, 1928: A Japanese Worker Tale in 1932, as a shrimp fisherman in the GDR in 1958 and most recently as The Factory Ship in 2012 The book tells from a left perspective of the crew of a shrimp fishing ship and their exploitation by capitalists. While around 5,000 copies of the novel had previously sold per year, in 2008, on the 75th anniversary of the author's death, it became an unexpected bestseller with 507,000 copies. The manga version of Manga de Dokuha appeared in the previous year and sold more than 200,000 times. In response to the success of the Kanikōsen manga with its communist theme, the publisher also decided to adapt Karl Marx 's treatise Das Kapital as a manga. This shows the Marxist and anti-capitalist principles using the fictional cheese factory owner Robin, who feels guilty for having exploited his workers and for having betrayed his father's socialist principles. Editor Maruo explained the success with “I think that in Marx people are looking for answers to the problems of a capitalist society. Obviously, the recent global crisis suggests that the system is not working properly. ”The East Press edition of Das Kapital sold 6,000 copies in the first few days of its publication.

The renewed success of the novel and manga on Kanikōsen and Das Kapital were often related to the rise in the popularity of left-wing literature in general in Japan, as well as the Great Depression from 2007 and the rise in membership of the Communist Party of Japan . According to Toeda Hirokazu, Professor of Literature at Waseda University , “Kanikōsen is discussed and analyzed every time a critical social problem arises - social inequality, poor working conditions, incorrect product information, arbitrary killings. This is a characteristic of the 'Kanikōsen' boom and symbolizes or reflects all those negative aspects of modern Japan. ”Unionist Asao Daisuke said,“ The situation of the workers in the book is very similar to that of modern temporary workers : the short-term contracts , working under strict surveillance, violence by supervisors, widespread sexual harassment and pressure against unionization are all things that today's Japanese encounter every day. "Anti-poverty activist Hashimoto Kosuke said of the book's popularity:" I think that many young people in Japan are afraid of the future, and that fear sometimes leads to anger. Reading comics might just be the beginning. ”According to Katada Kaori, a lecturer in sociology at Hōsei University ,“ Poverty has been a growing and visible problem for some time, but now people are looking for answers as to why it is returning. That's why they turn to these books. "

My fight

The manga version of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf (Japanese わ が 闘 争 , Waga Tōsō ) was published in October 2008 and was a small commercial success with 45,000 copies sold. However, it also sparked a controversy, as the Free State of Bavaria holds the rights to the original work and announced: "It seems difficult to us to imagine that a comic would be the appropriate means to deal with the content of Adolf Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' to critically analyze in the appropriate manner “, but that one cannot take action against it because of the Japanese legal situation. Bavaria's former representative in Japan, Obata Toshio, said: “Even 60 years after the war, National Socialism is a sensitive issue in Germany. Did East Press have any discussions about this before it was released? Did it take into account the differences in how the manga medium is viewed in Japan and Germany? ”Maruo defended the publication with“ 'Mein Kampf' is a very well-known book, but only a few have read it. We think that this gives an insight into the person Hitler, his way of thinking, which led to such a tragedy, although he is dismissed as a 'monster'. ”The manga in turn stimulated the debate in Germany whether the quasi-ban of the book should be lifted . Spiegel Online criticizes this in contrast to Tezuka Osamu's Manga Adolf , in which Hitler is caricatured as a “roaring Fatzke, whose monstrously distorted facial expressions seem frightening to ridiculous”, here “the drawings of Hitler's self-love [unbroken] and […] that [Exhibit] a picture that he designed of himself ”and that Hitler is“ hardly demonic ”, but presented as a“ sympathetic figure ”.

Single title of the Manga de Dokuha

title Author / compiler ISBN Release date
Drawn Dazai Osamu ISBN 978-4-87257-810-2 July 2007
Kokoro Natsume Soseki ISBN 978-4-87257-811-9 July 2007
Pushed out Shimazaki Tōson ISBN 978-4-87257-812-6 July 2007
Rashomon Akutagawa Ryūnosuke ISBN 978-4-87257-834-8 October 2007
Crab fisherman Kobayashi Takiji ISBN 978-4-87257-836-2 October 2007
Crime and Punishment Fyodor Dostoevsky ISBN 978-4-87257-835-5 October 2007
war and peace Leo Tolstoy ISBN 978-4-87257-867-6 November 2007
Darakuron and Hakuchi Sakaguchi Ango ISBN 978-4-87257-868-3 November 2007
Ginga Tetsudō no Yoru Miyazawa Kenji ISBN 978-4-87257-866-9 November 2007
Shayo Dazai Osamu ISBN 978-4-87257-890-4 January 2008
The Karamazov brothers Fyodor Dostoevsky ISBN 978-4-87257-889-8 January 2008
Gakumon no Susume Fukuzawa Yukichi ISBN 978-4-87257-909-3 March 2008
Red and black Stendhal ISBN 978-4-87257-910-9 March 2008
Bushido: the samurai's code of honor Nitobe Inazō ISBN 978-4-87257-908-6 April 2008
The transformation Franz Kafka ISBN 978-4-87257-911-6 April 2008
Meian Natsume Soseki ISBN 978-4-87257-933-8 May 2008
King Lear William Shakespeare ISBN 978-4-87257-932-1 May 2008
Thus Spoke Zarathustra Friedrich Nietzsche ISBN 978-4-87257-972-7 August 2008
fist Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ISBN 978-4-87257-974-1 August 2008
Night flight Antoine de Saint-Exupery ISBN 978-4-87257-973-4 August 2008
Divine Comedy Dante Alighieri ISBN 978-4-7816-0002-4 October 2008
The dancer / the ballet girl Mori Ōgai ISBN 978-4-7816-0003-1 October 2008
The Prince Niccolò Machiavelli ISBN 978-4-7816-0004-8 October 2008
My fight Adolf Hitler ISBN 978-4-7816-0011-6 October 2008
Dogra Magra Yumeno Kyūsaku ISBN 978-4-7816-0012-3 October 2008
The demons Fyodor Dostoevsky ISBN 978-4-7816-0022-2 December 2008
The capital Karl Marx ISBN 978-4-7816-0021-5 December 2008
The wretched Victor Hugo ISBN 978-4-7816-0024-6 January 2009
The sickness to death Søren Kierkegaard ISBN 978-4-7816-0023-9 January 2009
The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald ISBN 978-4-7816-0081-9 March 2009
Moby-Dick Herman Melville ISBN 978-4-7816-0080-2 March 2009
Don Quixote Miguel de Cervantes ISBN 978-4-7816-0082-6 March 2009
The real story of the Ah Q Lu Xun ISBN 978-4-7816-0083-3 March 2009
Ulysses James Joyce ISBN 978-4-7816-0084-0 April 2009
The capital . Volume 2 Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels ISBN 978-4-7816-0124-3 April 2009
Hagakure Yamamoto Tsunetomo ISBN 978-4-7816-0125-0 May 2009
In Search of Lost Time Marcel Proust ISBN 978-4-7816-0085-7 May 2009
The merchant of Venice William Shakespeare ISBN 978-4-7816-0168-7 June 2009
About the origin of the species Charles Darwin ISBN 978-4-7816-0167-0 June 2009
Sore kara Natsume Soseki ISBN 978-4-7816-0200-4 July 2009
Pandora no Hako and Villon no Tsuma Dazai Osamu ISBN 978-4-7816-0201-1 July 2009
Communist Party Manifesto Karl Marx , Friedrich Engels ISBN 978-4-7816-0208-0 August 2009
The robbers from Liang Shan Bog Shi Naian ISBN 978-4-7816-0207-3 August 2009
Macbeth William Shakespeare ISBN 978-4-7816-0221-9 September 2009
The Sorrows of Young Werther Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ISBN 978-4-7816-0220-2 September 2009
The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson ISBN 978-4-7816-0241-7 October 2009
A Christmas Carol Charles John Huffam Dickens ISBN 978-4-7816-0242-4 October 2009
Aru Ahō no Isshō Akutagawa Ryūnosuke ISBN 978-4-7816-0275-2 November 2009
Gorin no Sho Miyamoto Musashi ISBN 978-4-7816-0274-5 November 2009
Nihon Shoki Toneri-shinnō ISBN 978-4-7816-0277-6 December 2009
Kojiki Ō no Yasumaro ISBN 978-4-7816-0276-9 December 2009
Kōshoku Ichidai Otoko Ihara Saikaku ISBN 978-4-7816-0314-8 January 2010
The story of Prince Genji Murasaki Shikibu ISBN 978-4-7816-0313-1 January 2010
Thousand and one Night Compilation ISBN 978-4-7816-0326-1 February 2010
Analects Confucius ISBN 978-4-7816-0325-4 February 2010
I the hangover Natsume Soseki ISBN 978-4-7816-0347-6 March 2010
Byōshō Rokushaku Masaoka Shiki ISBN 978-4-7816-0348-3 March 2010
The dream interpretation and

Lectures to introduce psychoanalysis

Sigmund Freud ISBN 978-4-7816-0364-3 April 2010
The war of the worlds Herbert George Wells ISBN 978-4-7816-0363-6 April 2010
Sutta Nipata unknown ISBN 978-4-7816-0379-7 May 2010
Heart sutra unknown ISBN 978-4-7816-0380-3 May 2010
The art of war Sun Tzu ISBN 978-4-7816-0382-7 June 2010
Analects . Part II Confucius ISBN 978-4-7816-0381-0 June 2010
Souvenirs entomologiques Jean Henri Fabre ISBN 978-4-7816-0423-7 July 2010
Seton Dōbutsuki Ernest Thompson Seton ISBN 978-4-7816-0422-0 July 2010
Conversations with Goethe in the last years of his life Johann Peter Eckermann ISBN 978-4-7816-0443-5 August 2010
humanly, all-to-humanly Friedrich Nietzsche ISBN 978-4-7816-0444-2 August 2010
The journey to the West Wu Cheng'en ISBN 978-4-7816-0459-6 September 2010
Kama Sutra Vātsyāyana ISBN 978-4-7816-0458-9 September 2010
Kokushikan Satsujin Jiken Oguri Mushitarō ISBN 978-4-7816-0470-1 October 2010
The antichrist Friedrich Nietzsche ISBN 978-4-7816-0469-5 October 2010
Old testament Compilation ISBN 978-4-7816-0471-8 November 2010
New Testament Compilation ISBN 978-4-7816-0472-5 November 2010
The book of tea Okakura Kakuzo ISBN 978-4-7816-0522-7 December 2010
Commentarii de Bello Gallico Julius Caesar ISBN 978-4-7816-0523-4 December 2010
Pillow book Be Shonagon ISBN 978-4-7816-0534-0 January 2011
Tsurezuregusa Yoshida Kenko ISBN 978-4-7816-0548-7 February 2011
Analytical Psychology and Psychology of the Unconscious Carl Gustav Jung ISBN 978-4-7816-0547-0 February 2011
From the social contract or principles of constitutional law Jean-Jacques Rousseau ISBN 978-4-7816-0578-4 March 2011
Hyakunin Isshu Compilation ISBN 978-4-7816-0604-0 March 2011
Hamlet William Shakespeare ISBN 978-4-7816-0579-1 March 2011
Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms Chen Shou ISBN 978-4-7816-0594-4 April 2011
Discours de la méthode René Descartes ISBN 978-4-7816-0593-7 April 2011
Oku no Hosomichi Matsuo Basho ISBN 978-4-7816-0605-7 May 2011
The lady of the camellias Alexandre Dumas ISBN 978-4-7816-0606-4 May 2011
The duty to be happy Alain ISBN 978-4-7816-0607-1 June 2011
On Liberty John Stuart Mill ISBN 978-4-7816-0608-8 June 2011
Critique of Pure Reason Immanuel Kant ISBN 978-4-7816-0634-7 July 2011
Yotsuya Kaidan unknown ISBN 978-4-7816-0633-0 July 2011
from the war Carl von Clausewitz ISBN 978-4-7816-0636-1 August 2011
Egyptian Book of the Dead unknown ISBN 978-4-7816-0635-4 August 2011
Records from the basement hole Fyodor Dostoevsky ISBN 978-4-7816-0668-2 September 2011
resurrection Leo Tolstoy ISBN 978-4-7816-0669-9 September 2011
Fathers and sons Ivan Turgenev ISBN 978-4-7816-0671-2 October 2011
Iliad and Odyssey Homer ISBN 978-4-7816-0670-5 October 2011
The wealth of the nations Adam Smith ISBN 978-4-7816-0690-3 November 2011
Paradise Lost John Milton ISBN 978-4-7816-0689-7 November 2011
The structure of "Iki" Kuki Shūzō ISBN 978-4-7816-0693-4 December 2011
Mirror, sword and gem Ruth Benedict ISBN 978-4-7816-0694-1 December 2011
1984 George Orwell ISBN 978-4-7816-0726-9 January 2012
One life Guy de Maupassant ISBN 978-4-7816-0727-6 January 2012
Constitution of Japan various ISBN 978-4-7816-0744-3 February 2012
Leonardo da Vinci's notebooks Leonardo da Vinci ISBN 978-4-7816-0745-0 February 2012
Laozi Laozi ISBN 978-4-7816-0747-4 March 2012
Kaitai Shinsho Sugita Genpaku ISBN 978-4-7816-0746-7 March 2012
Shōjo Jigoku Yumeno Kyūsaku ISBN 978-4-7816-0769-6 April 2012
Anna Karenina Leo Tolstoy ISBN 978-4-7816-0768-9 April 2012
Self-contemplations Marcus Aurelius ISBN 978-4-7816-0785-6 May 2012
The history of Japan Luís Fróis ISBN 978-4-7816-0784-9 May 2012
Heike Monogatari unknown ISBN 978-4-7816-0786-3 June 2012
Emile or about education Jean-Jacques Rousseau ISBN 978-4-7816-0787-0 June 2012
Yume Jūya Natsume Soseki ISBN 978-4-7816-0820-4 July 2012
Tsugaru Dazai Osamu ISBN 978-4-7816-0821-1 July 2012
Two years of vacation Jules Verne ISBN 978-4-7816-0832-7 August 2012
Autobiography by Heinrich Schliemann Heinrich Schliemann ISBN 978-4-7816-0831-0 August 2012
Remon Kajii Motojirō ISBN 978-4-7816-0849-5 September 2012
Futon Tayama Katai ISBN 978-4-7816-0850-1 October 2012
Yoakemae Tōson Shimazaki ISBN 978-4-7816-0851-8 November 2012
Man'yōshū Compilation ISBN 978-4-7816-0852-5 December 2012
Beneath the wheel Hermann Hesse ISBN 978-4-7816-0923-2 January 2013
Science as a profession and politics as a profession Max Weber ISBN 978-4-7816-0924-9 February 2013
Apology Plato ISBN 978-4-7816-0956-0 March 2013
Une season en fer Arthur Rimbaud ISBN 978-4-7816-0957-7 April 2013
The earl of Monte Christo Alexandre Dumas ISBN 978-4-7816-0959-1 May 2013
Napoleon Genkōroku unknown ISBN 978-4-7816-0958-4 June 2013
Tōno Monogatari Yanagita Kunio ISBN 978-4-7816-0960-7 July 2013
Risshō Ankoku Ron Nichiren ISBN 978-4-7816-1071-9 September 2013
Shiji Sima Qian ISBN 978-4-7816-1096-2 November 2013
Zen no Kenkyu Nishida Kitaro ISBN 978-4-7816-1121-1 January 2014
theory of relativity Albert Einstein ISBN 978-4-7816-1147-1 April 2014
A study in scarlet Arthur Conan Doyle ISBN 978-4781612348 July 2014

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Tomoya Ishikawa: Manga 'Mein Kampf' gives Hitler a new audience . In: Asahi Shimbun . September 30, 2009. Archived from the original on October 2, 2009. Retrieved on October 14, 2009.
  2. Novels under manga cover: Convenience stores go literary . In: Yomiuri Shimbun . July 25, 2008. Archived from the original on August 2, 2008. Retrieved October 14, 2009.
  3. ^ Creator> Variety Art Works . In: JManga . Archived from the original on May 13, 2013. Retrieved December 18, 2013.
  4. One Peace Books to Re-release Crayon Shin-chan Manga in US . In: Anime News Network . April 11, 2012. Retrieved December 18, 2013.
  5. Capital in Manga! In: Red Quill Books. Accessed February 21, 2015 (English).
  6. a b Demetriou, Danielle: Das Kapital turned into a manga comic . In: The Telegraph . November 18, 2008. Retrieved October 14, 2009.
  7. 'Das Kapital' comic has mass appeal . In: The Japan Times . December 24, 2008. Retrieved October 14, 2009.
  8. ^ A b Leo Lewis: Karl Marx goes manga in a Kapital comic strip . In: The Times . November 18, 2008. Retrieved October 14, 2009.
  9. a b c McNeillDavid: A revolutionary reworking for Marx's 'Kapital' . In: The Independent . 20th November. Retrieved October 14, 2009.
  10. CB Liddell: Red star rising: With global capitalism on ropes, communism gains in Japan . In: Metropolis . January 17, 2009. Retrieved October 14, 2009.
  11. a b Manga Version of Hitler's Mein Kampf Sells 45,000 ( English ) In: Anime News Network . September 6, 2009. Accessed February 21, 2015.
  12. a b Stefan Pannor: "Mein Kampf" as a comic: Learning with Hitler. In: Spiegel Online. October 2, 2009, accessed February 21, 2015 .