Middle Weser Valley

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Middle Weser Valley
surface 469 km²
Greater region 1st order North German Lowlands
Main unit group 58 →
4th order region
(main unit)
583 →
Middle Weser Valley
Natural area characteristics
Landscape type Floodplain along with edge terraces
Geographical location
Coordinates 52 ° 30 '41.8 "  N , 9 ° 4' 54.2"  E Coordinates: 52 ° 30 '41.8 "  N , 9 ° 4' 54.2"  E
Middle Weser Valley (Lower Saxony)
Middle Weser Valley
Location of the Middle Weser Valley (Weser near Stolzenau)
local community Nienburg / Weser , Minden-Lübbecke
state Lower Saxony , North Rhine-Westphalia
View of the Weseraue from the Schluesselburg barrage
Mittelweser near Drakenburg, in the foreground the Weserwehr Drakenburg

The Middle Weser Valley is a 469 km² large, clearly north-facing part of the Weser lowlands of the River Weser in the north German lowlands between Porta Westfalica and the city of Hoya . It connects to the north of the much deeper notched Upper Wesertal and is replaced to the northwest by the much wider Verden Weser valley .

In its middle section, the Middle Weser Valley has only a very indirect valley character, as it is hardly bordered there by edge heights. Correspondingly, the natural area on the natural spatial single sheets (1: 200,000) 72 Nienburg (Weser) and 85 Minden is also simply called Mittelweser , although the adjoining Verden Weser Valley is also commonly included in the Mittelweser.

Most of the Middle Weser Valley is located in Lower Saxony , its southern quarter in North Rhine-Westphalia .


Where the actual Weser Valley (in the Weser Uplands ) ends with the Porta Westfalica between the Wiehen Mountains in the west and the Weser Mountains in the east at Weser.km 198 , the so-called Middle Weser Valley begins. Ten kilometers further north, at the waterway intersection , according to the definition of shipping, the Mittelweser begins and flows in the north German lowlands through Petershagen and Nienburg . The middle Weser valley by name ends at Hoya (Weser km 303.6), where the Middle Weser reaches the Breslau-Magdeburg-Bremen glacial valley . Regardless of this, the Verden Weser Valley also belongs to the Central Weser, which is not influenced by the tides, and the Lower Weser begins at Weser km 361.1 at the Hastedter Weir in Bremen and Unterweser km 0 (in terms of shipping technology) at Weser km 366.72.

As a natural spatial unit , the Middle Weser Valley, which consists of floodplain and river terraces, occupies a maximum of 10 km wide strip of land on both sides of the Middle Weser. It is assigned to the Dümmer-Geest lowlands and the Central Weser region. Particular attention should be paid to the nature reserves Weseraue and Schluesselburg barrage .

Natural structure

In the intro of the 7th delivery of the Handbook of Natural Spatial Structure Germany in 1961, there was still a text that, through the mapping of the book from 1960 and the individual sheets 1: 200,000 72 Nienburg (Weser) and 85 Minden (both, as well as the section in the manual, by Sofie Meisel ) had already become obsolete and still referred to the preliminary mapping from 1954. Originally, the unit under the name Schluesselburger Wesertalung was supposed to cover only the valley without terraces up to Liebenau with an area of ​​123.2 km². In the following description, however, the manual already refers to the current expansion.

However, the sheets of Nienburg and Minden had already defined and structured the valley much more extensively. Meisel divided the Weser valley in the direction of flow nominally only into an upper (371.1) and lower (371.0) section, the lower section being more than twice as long as the upper. However, since unit 371.0 is not only geomorphologically different due to the clearly narrowing edge heights of the northern part compared to the laterally hardly delimited southern part, on the one hand the peripheral terraces defined by Meisel also suggest a three-way division of the Central Weser in the direction of flow, the southern part of 371.0 summarized as the Middle Middle Weser. The middle and upper section of the Weseraue thus also corresponds to the Schluesselburger Wesertalung from the older version of the manual.

The following are the sections of the Weser upstream from north to south, the finer natural areas from west to east:

  • (to 58 Dümmer-Geestniederung )
    • 583 Middle Weser Valley
      • 583.0 Northern part: Lower Middle Weser
        • 582.01 Bückener Vorgeest (clearly left)
        • 583.02 Hoya clay plate (left)
        • 583.00 Northern section: Weser-Aue From Nienburg to Hoya (Weser km 258.5–303.6)
        • 583.03 Nienburg - Eystruper dune terrace strip (right)
      • 583.0 Southern part: Middle Middle Weser
        • 583.04 Stolzenauer Terrasse (left)
        • 583.00 southern section: Weser-Aue from Stolzenau to Liebenau (Weser km 228.6-258.5)
        • 583.05. Landesbergen terrace (right)
      • 583.1 Upper Middle Weser

Upper Middle Weser

The uppermost section of the Mittelwesertal beginning at the Porta Westfalica is clearly delimited to the west by the Lübbecker Lößland (533; unit Hartumer Lößplatte, 533.5), from Wietersheim by the Diepenauer Geest (582; subunits of the Rahdener Geest , 582.1), to the east by the Loccumer Geest (628), which ends abruptly at Ilvese to the north. Only in the southeast of Minden core city is the valley, initiated by the very small Minden Terrace, west to the gently undulating to their perpendicular Bastau lowlands (533.4) of the Bastau above and east of the county seat in the similar gently undulating, extending to the northeast Bückebergvorland (522). South of the Bastau lowland, the Rothenuffelner Loesshang (533.3) fills the narrow remaining space between the lowland and Wiehengebirge , south of the Bückeberg foreland, the western edge heights of the Kleinenbremener Basin (378.02) limit the Weser valley immediately north of the Weser Mountains to the east.

The Weser runs largely on the west side of its valley and only the east side is largely terraced with the Lahder terrace.

Middle Middle Weser

In the middle section of the Middle Weser valley, which begins at Ilvese immediately after the mouth of the Gehle , the landscape merges to the west into the Diepholzer Moorniederung (584) and to the east into the Hannoversche Moorgeest (622) - both of which have no significant differences in altitude. Only the clearly distant Kirchdorf-Uchter terminal moraine ( "Die Böhrde" ; 584.14; 85.2  m above sea level ) near Kuppendorf clearly dominates the Weser valley in the west, northwest of Stolzenau. To the southeast of the city mentioned, the even more imposing Rehburg Mountains (628.1; up to 161.4  m ) rise up at a similar distance near Bad Rehburg and not far from the Steinhuder Sea .

The Steyerberger terminal moraines (594.15; Eickhofer Heide ) to the north of Steyerberg come much closer to the Weser valley from the west, with the Heisterberg mountains up to 89  m high in the west, which directly connect to the Stolzenauer terrace beyond the Great Aue . They represent the southernmost tip of the Syker Geest (594) and are continued to the north by further partial landscapes of the same, which finally lock the valley and move the course of the Weser parallel to the east.

Lower Middle Weser

Sofie Meisel let the Landesbergener Terrasse merge to the north on the Hannoversche Straße from Nienburg to Langendamm into the Nienburg-Eystruper dune terrace strips, analogously to Blatt Nienburg the eastern neighboring units of Hannoverscher Moorgeest ( 622.01 Meerbach-Niederung in the south) and Aller-Talsandebene also change (627; subunit 627.10 Diensthoop-Heemsener valley sand area in the north). In the past, Nienburg's development also ended on this road to the south. Today the settlement of the city goes well beyond that, and especially the dune areas stretch south to Estorf .. Since north of Estorf and beyond the Weser, near Binnen , the Syker Geest with the 66  m high Klinkenberg is most evident immediately in front of the Große Aue on the left and Weser occurs and leads to the eastward shift or temporary north-east direction of the Weser, the north-south line Binnen-Estorf would be a comparatively natural valley section boundary, which also comes close to the original northern boundary of the "Schlüsselburger Wesertalung" from 1954.

As early as Nienburg, with the Meerbach flowing in from the right , the Weser again takes a northward course; Immediately to the east of the city, the Hannoversche Moorgeest in the northwest of the Husum-Linsburger Geest subunit (622.00) reaches heights of around 60  m near the Weser and thus towers over the Weser by around 40 m. On the left side, the heights of the Syker Geest are even slightly higher, which again leads to a noticeable valley character.


The most important tributaries of the Mittelwesertal flow into the Weser immediately at the beginning of the Nienburg section in the form of the Great Aue coming from the left, from the Ravensberger Hügelland beyond the Wiehengebirge and flowing below Liebenau, and the Meerbach from the right, coming from the Steinhuder Meer in Nienburg . The Führser Mühlbach (Husum-Linsburger Geest, Hannoversche Moorgeest; mouth from the right in Drakenburg ) and Bückener Mühlenbach (Syker Geest; mouth from the left above Hoyas ) come directly from the neighboring geest landscapes .

While in Stolzenau section opens no significant tributary, are in the East Westphalian, southern section of the northern seam in Ilvese , from right opens AEB and also from right coming in Petershagen opens Bückeburger Aue most important tributaries, followed by from a Wiehe mountain -Randsenke coming Bastau , which flows into Minden from the left, and the Ösper, which flows into Petershagen on the left .

The left tributaries Bückeberger Aue (south), Gehle (more northerly south), Meerbach (center) and Führser Mühlbach (north) accompany the Weser over longer stretches to the east before they flow.

For an almost complete list of all tributaries of the Mittelwesertal see also :

Political division

In the North Rhine-Westphalian district of Minden-Lübbecke , Porta Westfalica , Minden and Petershagen are located in the Middle Weser Valley; in the Lower Saxony district of Nienburg / Weser , the unified and integrated communities of Mittelweser , Steyerberg , Liebenau , Nienburg / Weser , Marklohe , Heemsen , Eystrup and Hoya belong to it Proportion of.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Landscape profile of the Central Weser Valley of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation ( information )
  2. ^ Emil Meynen , Josef Schmithüsen (editor): Handbook of the natural spatial structure of Germany . Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Remagen / Bad Godesberg 1953–1962 (9 deliveries in 8 books, updated map 1: 1,000,000 with main units 1960).
  3. The coarse-scale main unit map from 1954 drew the northern border at the mouth of the Old Weser (Weser-km 254.6).
  4. ^ Sofie Meisel: Geographical Land Survey: The natural spatial units on sheet 85 Minden. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1959. →  Online map (PDF; 4.5 MB)
  5. ^ Sofie Meisel: Geographical land survey: The natural spatial units on sheet 72 Nienburg (Weser). Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1959. →  Online map (PDF; 4.2 MB)
  6. Sheet 85 Minden, for no apparent reason, places the northern border of the Lower Middle Weser valley a little below the mouth of the Gehle to Buchholz; however, the northern trailing edge of the Loccumer Geest is even just a little further north than the mouth of the Gehle.
  7. GeoViewer of the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Raw Materials ( information )