Music year 1504

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Music year 1504
Shawms - here on an illustration from the Syntagma musicum by Michael Praetorius - are musical instruments commonly used in the Renaissance. It was only with the development of the oboe in the Baroque era that the shawm was completely ousted from court music or from concerts.


  • Eloy d'Amerval is a canon at the collegiate church of Châteaudun in the north-west of Orléans (south-west of Chartres ).
  • In autumn Marco Dall'Aquila asked in letters to the leadership and the council of the city-state of Venice ( Serenissimi Principi and Sapientissimi Consiglio ) for a ten-year privilege to publish his not yet in print lute pieces himself, which he “with the greatest effort and not only medium-sized costs ”. He received the privilege on March 11, 1505, but does not seem to have made use of it.
  • Antoine Brumel was courted by the d'Este family in Ferrara from around the end of 1504 . He should be won for her famous and high-ranking court orchestra.
  • Marco Cara has been a lute virtuoso in the service of the Gonzaga family in Mantua since 1495 and until 1525 , who promoted artists of all kinds in his day.
  • Loyset Compère is prévôt (provost) at the collegiate church of Saint-Pierre in Douai until 1503 or 1504 . A document from those years shows that it is now baccalaureus utrisque juris (a degree of both rights).
  • Nicolaes Craen is the singing master of the “Illustere Broederschap” at the Church of Our Lady in 's-Hertogenbosch . In 1504 the canons of St. Donatian in Bruges tried to win Craen as the successor of Antonius Divitis , who in March 1504 left his office prematurely to St. Donatian. But you have no success with it.
  • Josquin Desprez , who has been conductor of the court orchestra of Duke Ercole I d'Este in Ferrara since the previous year , will receive his last salary on April 22nd . Strangely enough, the composer gave up his brilliant position after less than a year. The only explanation for this is his flight from the plague , which broke out in Ferrara in July 1503 and also leads to the departure of the court in September 1504. After a journey of more than a thousand kilometers, Josquin Desprez arrives at his former place of work Condé-sur-l'Escaut on May 3rd , after the chapter there has elected him provost ; he is referred to as monsieur le prevost messire Josse des pres . The position there is attractive to the former conductor not only because of his property there, but even more because of the good staffing of the church and the quality of the music there, which is only available from the cathedral in Cambrai and from Saint-Vincent in Soignies is exceeded. The provost here (according to a list from 1523) holds the secular power in the parish and is the superior of the dean , the treasurer, 25 canons, 18 chaplains, 16 vicars and six choirboys, plus some priests without benefices; A choir of vicars and choirboys usually takes part in the lavishly designed church services, so that up to 22 music-trained voices are available and up to six-part works can be performed. Josquin Desprez's successor in Ferrara is Jacob Obrecht .
  • Sixt Dietrich has been a choirboy at the cathedral choir in Konstanz (Kostnitz) since 1504 at the latest .
  • Antonius Divitis , who held the position of Master of Choirboys ( Zangmeester ) and Succentor (choir director) at St. Donatian in Bruges , gives up this position in March for unknown reasons and moves to Zeeland . Shortly afterwards he went to Mechelen , where he was appointed choirmaster and master of the choirboys at the St. Rumbold Church on April 4th .
  • Robert Fayrfax acquires in Cambridge the degree of Doctor of Music. He will receive the same honor in Oxford in 1511 .
  • After Josquin Desprez assumed the position of court conductor in Ferrara, Lodovico Fogliano reappeared in the pay lists of Duke Ercole I. d'Este's court orchestra in 1503 and 1504 .
  • Johannes Ghiselin is a member of the court orchestra of Duke Ercole I d'Este in Ferrara . When Josquin Desprez left Ferrara in the spring and Jacob Obrecht was won over for the post of maestro di cappella , it was - based on letters - probably Ghiselin who accompanied Obrecht to Ferrara in the autumn of 1504.
  • Nicolas Gombert may have been a pupil of Josquin Desprez († 1521) as early as 1504 , who since that year became provost in Condé-sur-l'Escaut, about 40 km away .
  • Paul Hofhaimer which since 1490 as court organist at the court of I. Maximilian operates with his master whose diets among others by Linz , Wels , Vienna , Augsburg , Ulm , Constance , feet and Freiburg traveled, moved ahead in 1504 by Passau .
  • Heinrich Isaac lived again mainly in Florence from 1502 to 1506 , where he made payments to the Santa Maria Nuova Hospital in 1502 and 1504 for his own pension and for his wife.
  • Jean Molinet has been a historiographer (chronicler) and court poet at the ducal court of Philip the Fair (reign 1482–1506) in Burgundy since 1482 . Here he is friends with musicians and composers such as Johannes Ockeghem , Loyset Compère , Verjus and Antoine Busnoys .
  • Jacob Obrecht , who may have stayed in Rome on his trip to Italy in 1503/04 , perhaps at the court chapel of Pope Julius II (term of office 1503–1513), traveled to Ferrara in September 1504 , although the plague broke out there in July 1503 which even led to the court moving out of town. There, after Josquin Desprez has given up the position and also left the city, he becomes his successor as court conductor.
  • Johannes Prioris , who may have been a member of the French court orchestra since the end of the 1480s, is verifiably Kapellmeister ( maître de chapelle ) of the court orchestra from 1503 to 1512 .
  • Pierre de la Rue and Alexander Agricola , who had accompanied their employers Archduke Philip the Fair of Castile from November 4, 1501 to November 8, 1503 on his journey to Spain, France, Austria and Germany, have returned to Mechelen . They are still members of the Archduke's Grande Chapelle .
  • On August 23, 1504, Crispinus van Stappen acquired the status of canon without being required to be present in Cambrai .

Vocal music




  • The San Lorenzo Palimpsest is created. It is a handwritten palimpsest on 111 sheets of parchment that contains lists of property purchases and rentals that are still legible today. On the other hand, a lettering from earlier times can be seen deeper below - although partly visible, but not decipherable with the naked eye. A collection of over 200 secular compositions has thus been preserved, half of which represent Unica and can only be found in this document. It gives an insight into the Florentine musical life of the Trecento . The transcript from the Ars nova era comes from a single source and brings together two to three-part polyphonic ballads , madrigals and caccias from half a century in Italian and French. It is a collection of pieces of music by well-known composers such as Jacopo da Bologna , Francesco Landini , Paolo da Firenze (approx. 1355–1436) and Antonio Zacara da Teramo (1350 / 1360–1416). In addition to some anonymous compositions, the music collection also contains works by the music theorist Ugolino da Orvieto (approx. 1380–1457) and the two respected Florentine musicians Giovanni (approx. 1360–1426) and his son Piero Mazzuoli are. The palimpsest is now kept in the archives of the Capitolo di San Lorenzo under the archive number Ms. 2211 in Florence .



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