Route national 511

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Template: Infobox high-ranking street / Maintenance / FR-N
Route nationale 511 in France
N 511
Basic data
Overall length: 50 km

Regions :


Course of the road
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty Historical route until 1973 with today's names
Department of Savoie
Street as D 911
crossing D 1201 (formerly N 201 )
Locality Grésy-sur-Aix
Department Haute-Savoie
Locality Cusy
Department of Savoie
crossing D 912 (formerly N 512 )
Locality Le Châtelard
Locality École
Locality Sainte-Reine
passport Col du Frêne (950 meters)
Locality Saint-Pierre-d'Albigny
crossing D 1006 (formerly N 6 )

The N511 was a French national road from 1933 to 1973, running between the N201 at Grésy-sur-Aix and the N6 south of Saint-Pierre-d'Albigny. Their length was 50 kilometers.

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