Amsoldingen Castle

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Amsoldingen Castle 2006

The amsoldingen castle is a castle from the 10th century in the town of Amsoldingen in the canton of Bern and is privately owned.


The exact origins of the castle are unclear. It seems that the Burgundian King Rudolph II. As provost of the canons Amsoldingen gave. In 1484 the Amsoldingen Monastery was abolished and incorporated into the Bern Minster Monastery. In 1496 the castle was sold to the Bernese citizen and merchant Bartholomäus May . After that, the castle changed hands several times, including several patrician families from Bern such as those of Erlach and von Tscharner and is still privately owned today.

The most famous lady of the castle was Elisabeth de Meuron .

See also

Web links

Commons : Schloss Amsoldingen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 46 ° 43 '37.3 "  N , 7 ° 34' 42.6"  E ; CH1903:  six hundred and ten thousand six hundred ninety-two  /  175101