Blankenburg Castle (Bern)

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Blankenburg Castle (south view).
Blankenburg Castle (north view).

The Blankenburg Castle is a castle in the village of Zweisimmen , Canton of Bern , Switzerland , and an architectural monument of national importance. It was the seat of the governor of the Obersimmental district .

The castle is first mentioned in 1329. At that time it was owned by the Lords of Düdingen and in 1371 came to the city of Freiburg in Üechtland . During the Burgdorf War it was conquered by Bern in 1383 and has been the Bernese official seat ever since.

In 1767 the castle burned down and was replaced by foreman Niklaus Hebler from 1768 to 1770 with a baroque wing structure, which according to the instructions of the authorities should be commodity, but not too spatios . The medieval substructures and taking into account older masonry an entirely new residence was built for the here Kastlan called bailiff . The L-shaped structure consists of a two-storey corps de logis and a single-storey side wing that surrounds the raised castle courtyard. To the south is a large terraced garden. The former horse barn is part of the castle.

Blankenburg Castle today has the appearance of a late baroque Bernese campaign . Only the double covered outside staircase is reminiscent of public and government building by reflecting a reflection of the former town hall staircase in Bern.


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Commons : Blankenburg Castle  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 46 ° 32 '20.7 "  N , 7 ° 23' 16.1"  E ; CH1903:  596100  /  154200