Gate de 'Cenci

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Location of Tor de 'Cenci in Rome

Tor de 'Cenci denotes the 28th zone , abbreviated as Z.XXVIII, of the Italian capital Rome . In contrast to the Rioni, Quartieri and Suburbi, these are the more rural areas of Rome. It belongs to Municipio IX and has 29,089 inhabitants (2016). It is located in the southeast of the city outside the Roman A90 ring road and has an area of ​​6.7581 km².


Tor de 'Cenci was founded on September 13, 1961 by decision of the Commissario Straordinario. At that time the Ager Romanus was divided into 59 zones to which a Roman number was assigned and a Z was introduced. Six of them were completely outsourced to the newly founded municipality of Fiumicino and three others partially.


  1. (as of December 31, 2016)
  2. Delibera del Commissario Straordinario n. 2453 del 13 September 1961
  3. ^ De Franceschini, Marina .: Ville dell'Agro romano . L'Erma di Bretschneider, Roma 2005, ISBN 88-8265-311-0 .

Web links

Commons : Zona XXVIII - Tor de 'Cenci  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 41 ° 47 '10 "  N , 12 ° 26' 7.8"  E