Tour de nature

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Tour de Natur 2016 at the Weser Tunnel

The Tour de Natur (TdN) is a two-week political event that has taken place in Germany every year since 1991 and promotes sustainable transport policy and lifestyle. The core of the event is a bike tour, which is accompanied by music, theater and acrobatic performances as well as discussions and actions.

Goals, content, forms of action

Tour de Natur: Street Theater 2005

The organizers and participants of the Tour de Natur are committed to various causes; This includes, among other things, a transport policy that takes greater account of environmental and climate protection, and the shifting of passenger and freight traffic from roads to railways. They are protesting against the planned privatization of Deutsche Bahn AG, against the construction of new highways and against the expansion of airports.

In line with its current focus, the Tour de Natur takes a different route every year. The TdN “core area” is historically located in Thuringia , Hesse and Bavaria ( Franconia ). The bicycle demonstration has also been rolling through Saxony , Saxony-Anhalt , Lower Saxony , Brandenburg and Berlin as well as the Czech Republic since 2002, and since 2013 through Baden-Württemberg , Rhineland-Palatinate and France .

The 150 or so participants ride the planned route on colorfully decorated bicycles, stopping at places relevant to transport policy or at selected companies. There they present their demands on transport policy as well as their ideas of a sustainable way of life by means of demonstrations, lectures, public discussions, street theaters or other forms.

The organizers record the implementation of various transport policy issues as successes, as well as their public relations work on a sustainable and socially acceptable transport policy and way of life.

Organization and self-image

Tour de Natur 2005

The Tour de Natur is organized by the participants themselves. This includes accommodation, meals and the preparation of public performances during the tour.

A young person in the Voluntary Ecological Year (FÖJ), who sat in the office of the sponsoring association, was also involved in the organization until September 2009 . The Green League Dresden / Upper Elbtal eV acts as sponsor. Until 2005, the Tour de Natur was organizationally part of the ADFC Thuringia (Erfurt).

Everyday life of the Tour de Natur

"Mampfmobil" 2006

The Tour de Natur is carried out as a registered demonstration march accompanied by police vehicles. All those who cycle along transport their luggage, musical instruments and juggling utensils themselves. A minibus comes along for the transport of large instruments, promotional materials and defective bicycles. The daily stages are between 25 and 60 kilometers long. The participants are fed by mobile kitchens with volunteer helpers who prepare exclusively vegetarian food , which has been vegan since 2007 .

The Tour de Natur tries to make all important decisions concerning the tour on a grassroots basis . For this purpose, all participants come together during the bike tour for at least the opening and closing plenary sessions . People of different age groups take part in the Tour de Natur.


Tour de Natur: the logo

In August 1991 Frank Tober from the Suhl district association of the Green League initiated the first bicycle protest against the Thuringian Forest Autobahn at short notice . The 30 or so participants wanted to make the population aware of the ecological and social consequences of the new motorway construction and to discuss environmentally friendly solutions. Due to the short-term planning, the first Tour de Natur still had a more private character: The cyclists stayed in gardens and catered for themselves.

Three times as many people took part in the second TdN edition in summer 1992 . In 1993 the ADFC Erfurt took over the sponsorship of the Tour de Natur. The association provided an office and staff that were financed with ABM, SAM and FÖJ funds. The regular tour preparation meetings took place in the “Green House” Erfurt until its closure. Until about 1997/98, the planned A 71 / A 73 motorways and the new ICE route Erfurt – Bamberg – Nuremberg met with broad resistance. The Tour de Natur was an important part of it and mobilized up to 300 cycling participants. When the construction work for the Thuringian Forest Autobahn began, many activists viewed their struggle as a failure, so fewer people came to the TdN. After the low in participants around the year 2000, the number of participants leveled out at 150 cyclists a day.

  • The main theme in 2006 was: “It's our turn”. The cyclists protested against the planned privatization of Deutsche Bahn and advocated a better, nationwide, inexpensive and citizen-friendly rail service .
  • The 17th edition of the Tour de Natur under the motto “Climate-friendly mobile ... we can afford it!” Took place from July 30th to August 11th, 2007 from Nuremberg via Erlangen , Bamberg , Schweinfurt , Würzburg , Aschaffenburg and Darmstadt to Offenbach am Main in Hessen . The total distance was 600 km. A total of around 200 people took part in the 13 days of the tour, around every fifth person was a child.
  • The Tour de Natur 2008 took place from July 27, 2008 to August 10, 2008. It led from Giessen via Kassel to Magdeburg . The motto was: "Active - environmentally friendly - unstoppable - the Tour de Natur ensures a great climate!"
  • The Tour de Natur 2009 began on July 27, 2009 in Magdeburg and ended on August 8, 2009 in Berlin. The motto was: "Off to Berlin for a climate-friendly transport policy!"
  • The Tour de Natur 2010 began on July 25, 2010 in Biblis and ended on August 7, 2010 in Lichtenfels. The motto was: "For the 20th time Tour de Natur active - environmentally friendly - unstoppable".
  • The Tour de Natur 2011 began on July 23, 2011 in Hamburg and ended on August 6, 2011 in Berlin. The motto was: "Active - environmentally friendly - unstoppable from Hamburg to Berlin, climate-friendly mobile".
  • With around 100 permanent participants and additional companions on the individual daily stages, the 22nd Tour de Natur led from June 22 to August 4, 2012 from Halle (Saale) via Berlin to Greifswald . The participants in the environmental tour visited several wind power projects, organic farms and collectives such as the ZEGG in Belzig. Stations were the Brodowin called eco - village , the hydrogen-biogas pilot-hybrid plant in Prenzlau , with which wind power can be stored as RE gas , and the energy village Feldheim. The demo participants protested against the lignite policy of the state government of Brandenburg, together with the citizens' initiative against the Stadtring Süd (BISS) and the mayor of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Franz Schulz against the planned extension of the A 100 city motorway in Berlin. There were cobblestones on long-distance cycle paths, bathing areas, discussion events, a children's circus and campfires. The tour was committed to the expansion of the Berlin – Szczecin railway line , as well as the construction of the Karnin Bridge and the reactivation of 39 kilometers of route, which would cut the travel time to Swinoujscie in half.
  • The 2013 tour took place from July 28th to August 10th on a route from Stuttgart via Würzburg , Frankfurt am Main and Gießen to Marburg .
  • The 2014 tour led from July 27th to August 9th from Bonn via Cologne and Düsseldorf through the Ruhr area .
  • The 2015 tour drove from July 25th to August 8th from Braunschweig through the Altmark and south around Berlin in the Lausitz to Groß Gastrose an der Neisse .
  • From July 23rd to August 7th, the Tour de Natur 2016 drove from Groningen to Kiel . The individual stations were Winschoten , Papenburg , Oldenburg (Oldenburg) , Brake (Unterweser) , Bremerhaven , Cuxhaven , Wischhafen , Itzehoe , Neumünster and Kiel. A special event was the crossing of the Weser Tunnel, which will one day be part of the Federal Motorway 20 . The district of Leer had banned this crossing. However, the administrative court in Oldenburg gave preference to the right to demonstrate and, by decision of July 27, 2016, allowed driving through the tunnel. The tour was widely reported in the press.
  • The 2017 tour led from July 29th to August 12th from Lörrach near Basel via Freiburg, Kehl, Karlsruhe, Heidelberg, Mannheim to Kaiserslautern. The right to drive on the Iffezheim barrage as part of the demonstration route on August 5th had to be fought for against the city of Lörrach as the competent assembly authority before the Freiburg Administrative Court.
  • The Tour de Natur 2018 led from July 21st to August 4th from Kassel via Göttingen south of the Harz Mountains towards Halle (Saale) and Leipzig .
  • In 2019 the tour ran from July 20 to August 4 from Hamburg via Lüneburg , Wendland , Schwerin and Rostock to Stralsund .
  • In 2020 , the tour should take place from July 25th to August 8th from Münster via Ahaus to Nijmegen in the Netherlands and on to the Ruhr area, the Hambach Forest and Cologne.

Web links

Commons : Tour de Natur  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Susanne Timm, Jens Hansen, report on the Tour de Natur 2012.
  2. Cycling for the Environment Article in: Neues Deutschland, Peter Nowak , July 30, 2012.
  3. Route of the 2016 tour
  4. Decision of the Administrative Court of Oldenburg to drive through the Weser Tunnel
  5. Nordsee-Zeitung , July 21, 2016, "Radlerdemo wants through the Wesertunnel", Nordsee-Zeitung, July 23, 2016, "Discussion about the A20 plans"
  6. ^ NWZ-Online , 27. July 2016, exception for bike tour?
  7. Nordsee-Zeitung , July 28, 2016, "First cycling demonstration through the Weser tunnel", Nordsee-Zeitung, July 30, 2016, "By bike through the Weser tunnel"