Wilhelm Nicolaisen

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Wilhelm Nicolaisen (* 4. March 1901 in Flensburg , † 23. January 1973 in Büsum ) was a German agronomist with research interests in the areas of plant breeding , the seeds being , of fodder crops , the catch crops and field vegetable growing and high school teachers.

Live and act

Wilhelm Nicolaisen, son of a master painter, studied agriculture at the University of Halle (Saale) after graduating from high school , where he graduated in 1924 as a qualified farmer . He then worked as a scientific assistant at the Institute for Crop Production and Plant Breeding at Kiel University. From 1926 to 1935 he worked as a scientific assistant or senior assistant at the Institute for Plant Cultivation and Plant Breeding at the University of Halle (Saale). During this time he was in charge of the plant breeding station there. In 1928 he did his doctorate under Theodor Roemer with a dissertation on the variety-specific behavior of the pea moth.

In 1933 he received the Venia legendi for the fields of plant cultivation and plant breeding with a paper on immunity breeding . In the same year he joined the NSDAP ( member no. 2,261,197) on May 1st , as did the SA . In addition, he was the propaganda and press officer of the National Socialist People's Welfare (NSV) and from 1933 gauobmann of the NSDAP for agriculture.

From 1935 Nicolaisen was professor and director of the institute for fodder production at the Prussian experimental and research institute for dairy farming in Kiel . At the same time he gave lectures on forage production at Kiel University. In 1942 he followed a call to the University of Königsberg . As the successor to Eilhard Alfred Mitscherlich , he headed the Institute for Crop Production there until 1945. As in Kiel he was also in Konigsberg preferably with issues of feed and catch crops . His most important publication from this period is the 1944 publication " The cultivation of fodder minced fruits ". During this time he was a lecturer at the University of Königsberg.

After 1945 Nicolaisen initially worked in private seed breeding businesses. In 1949 he followed a call to the newly founded University of Horticulture and Regional Culture Hanover ( integrated into the Technical University of Hanover as a faculty in 1952 ). Here he headed the Institute for Vegetable Growing as a full professor until 1966 and devoted himself to various topics in vegetable cultivation research, especially the location of field vegetable cultivation. In the 1950s he was instrumental in the creation of a German seed law .

Nicolaisen's most important publications in the field of vegetable growing include his comprehensive overview article " Feldgemüsebau " (Handbook of Agriculture 1953) and the publication " Die Gemüseanbaugebiete der Bundes Republik " (1955), which was developed together with Hans Dieter Hartmann and Werner Grumblat . In 1954 he published basic ideas on the scientific understanding of the field of crop production in the article “ About the tasks of crop research ”.

Nicolaisen was a long-time co-editor of the magazine "Gartenbauwissenschaft". Until 1963 he was chairman of the horticulture, fruit growing and viticulture committee of the research council for nutrition, agriculture and forestry. He was a much sought- after speaker at practice-oriented events in agriculture and horticulture. At the agricultural faculty of the University of Göttingen he gave lectures on field vegetable growing.


Nicolaisen has received several awards for his services to agriculture and horticulture, including the Great Golden Medal of the Central Association of German Vegetable, Fruit and Horticulture and the Max Eyth Medal in Silver from the German Agricultural Society. The Technical University of Munich awarded him an honorary doctorate in 1966 .


  • The pea moth Grapholitha (Cydia, Laspeyresia) sp., Its damage and its control with special consideration of the susceptibility of different types of pea . Diss. Natural science Fac. Univ. Hall 1928. - Zugl. in: Kühn-Archiv Vol. 19, 1928, pp. 196-256.
  • The basics of immunity breeding against Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Jens . Habil.-Schr. natural science Fac. Univ. Hall. - Zugl. in: Journal for Plant Breeding Vol. 19, 1934, pp. 1-56.
  • The cultivation of ground fodder crops (= work of the Reichsnährstand , vol. 71), Reichsnährstandsverlag Berlin 1944, new edition 1946 (as vol. 75).
  • Catch crop cultivation to strengthen the soil strength. Balance in the nutrient balance - demands of the time . In: Der Forschungsdienst Vol. 17, 1944, pp. 241-253.
  • Hafer, Avena sativa L. In: Handbuch der Pflanzenzuchtung, edited by Th. Roemer and W. Rudorf. Vol. 2: The breeding of the main grain types, Verlag Paul Parey 1950, pp. 224-228.
  • Field vegetable growing . In: Handbuch der Landwirtschaft, 2nd edition, edited by Th. Roemer, A. Scheibe, J. Schmidt and E. Woermann, Vol. 2: Plant cultivation, Paul Parey Berlin and Hamburg 1953, pp. 668-735.
  • About tasks of plant cultivation research . Kali letters (Büntehof), subject 3, volume 4, 1954.
  • W. Nicolaisen, HD Hartmann and W. Grumblat: The vegetable growing areas of the Federal Republic . Landwirtschaftsverlag Hiltrup near Münster = Agriculture - Applied Science; Horticulture Special Issue, No. 9.


  • Wilhelm Nicolaisen 60 years old . In: Mitteilungen der Deutschen Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft vol. 76, 1961, p. 306.
  • Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Nicolaisen 65 years . In: Saatgut-Wirtschaft Vol. 18, 1966, p. 138.
  • Professor Wilhelm Nicolaisen has died . In: Brief messages from the Faculty of Horticulture and Regional Culture of the Technical University of Hanover, vol. 21, 1973, No. 1, pp. 1–2.
  • Wilhelm Nicolaisen . In: Catalogus Professorum 1831-1981. Festschrift for the 150th anniversary of the University of Hanover. Verlag W. Kohlhammer Stuttgart et al., Vol. 2, 1981, pp. 213-214 (with picture).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Wilhelm Nicolaisen , entry in the Catalogus Professorum Halensis online, accessed on March 8, 2011