North Indian cyclone season 2007

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North Indian cyclone season 2007
All the storms of the season
All the storms of the season
Formation of the
first storm
May 3, 2007
Dissolution of the
last storm
November 16, 2007
Strongest storm Gonu - 920  hPa  ( mbar ), 130  kn  (240  km / h )  (3 minutes)
Deep Depression 11
Cyclonic storms 4 official, 6 unofficial
Severe cyclonic storms 4th
Total number of victims at least 4545
Total damage ~ $ 6.4 billion   (2007)
North Indian cyclone seasons
2005 , 2006 , 2007 , 2008 , 2009 ,
Tropical cyclone intensity,
according to India Meteorological Department
category Wind speed (3-min)
Knots ( km / h )

depression ≤27
Deep depression 28-33
Cyclonic Storm 34-47
Severe Cyclonic
Very Severe
Cyclonic Storm
Super cyclonic storm ≥120

The cyclone season in Northern India in 2007 was an event in the annual cycle of tropical cyclones . It has no official boundary , but cyclones tend to form in the Ind between the Horn of Africa and the Malay Peninsula between April and December, with two peak activity in May and November. The storm systems are subdivided into the two main sea areas according to the area of ​​their origin: the Arabian Sea west of the Indian subcontinent and the Bay of Bengal east of it.

On a long-term average, four to six storms form in this basin per season. The official Regional Specialized Meteorological Center in this basin is located in New Delhi and operated by the India Meteorological Department (IMD), while the Joint Typhoon Warning Center issues storm warnings aimed primarily at United States facilities . Storms that form in the Arabian Sea are given the abbreviation ARB in front of their sequence number; in the case of the systems emerging in the Bay of Bengal, the letter combination BOB is put in front.

The year 2007 brought an unusually active season for this pool; Up to this point in time, it was already the season with the most serious consequences in terms of property damage since records began. To date, the season in this regard has only been surpassed by the 2008 season. In the 2007 season, two cyclones of category 5 according to the Saffir-Simpson hurricane wind scale were observed for the first time since the name was introduced in this basin with the cyclones Sidr and Gonu . At least 4,545 people were killed by the effects of tropical storms and depression; the reported damage totaled $ 6.4 billion .


Depression BOB 01

Depression ( IMD )
BOB 01 2007.jpg
Duration May 3rd - May 5th
intensity 25 kn (45 km / h ) (3 minutes) , 998 hPa

An area of ​​disturbed weather formed east of the Malay Peninsula on April 26 . The system slowly consolidated and the Thai Meteorological Department (TMD) classified the system as a Tropical Depression in the Gulf of Thailand on May 1st . The system migrated westward, moved overland at Chumphon , crossed the Isthmus of Kra, and then entered the Andaman Sea . The system intensified slightly and was classified as a depression by the India Meteorological Department (IMD) late on May 3 . This then began to move north and crossed the coast of Rakhine State in Myanmar for the second time on the morning of May 5 . After landfall, the system weakened to a depression and the RSMC issued its final bulletin on the system.

While the tropical low pressure area passed over the isthmus of Kra, the TMD issued warnings of heavy rain and flash floods for the western provinces of Thailand . In Ratchaburi Province , civilian guards prepared to evacuate villages in the mountainous area on May 3. A day later, Prachuap Khiri Khan province was declared a disaster area after low-lying areas up to a meter high were flooded. In the provincial capital Prachuap Khiri Khan , a prison was flooded, so that the prisoners had to be taken to Ratchaburi. In Surat Thani province , landslides had brought traffic to a standstill. Numerous landslides also reported areas in other provinces. After the second landfall of the system in Myanmar, there was also heavy rainfall in northwestern Thailand.

Cyclonic Storm Akash

Cyclonic Storm ( IMD )
Category 1 cyclone
Akash 14 may 2007 0935Z.jpg Akash 2007 track.png
Duration May 13th - May 15th
intensity 45 kn (85 km / h ) (3 minutes) , 990 hPa

On May 13, the India Meteorological Department classified a depression over the central Bay of Bengal that formed and steadily intensified on May 10, shortly after the Joint Typhoon Warning Center issued a Tropical Cyclone Forming Alert . During the day, the JTWC upgraded the system to a tropical cyclone and named it 01B . On May 14, the IMD classified the system as a deep depression and six hours later as the first cyclonic storm of the season. Akash intensified further and, according to the JTWC, reached one-minute winds of hurricane strength on May 14. Early on May 15, Akash crossed the coast near the Bangladesh- Myanmar border . The storm quickly weakened overland. The name Akash was proposed by India and the word for sky in Hindi .

At least one fisherman was killed by Akash, but authorities recorded about 100 other fishermen missing after the storm passed. On land there was damage to the harvest as well as interruptions in the power supply. About 80,000 residents were evacuated before the storm arrived. Chittagong Port has been closed and all flights to and from the city have been canceled.

The third international cricket match between India and Bangladesh had to be dispensed with due to the heavy rain caused by the outer rain bands of the storm.

Super Cyclonic Storm Gonu

Super cyclonic storm ( IMD )
Category 5 cyclone
Gonu 04 jun 2007 0900Z.jpg Gonu 2007 track.png
Duration June 1 - June 7
intensity 130 kn (240 km / h ) (3 minutes) , 920 hPa

Gonu evolved from an existing area of ​​convection activity in the east of the Arabian Sea on June 1st . Due to good conditions at high altitude and a warm water surface, the storm intensified rapidly to its peak on June 3rd with sustained three-minute winds of 240 km / h. Gonu weakened because of drier air and cooler water, but when the cyclone hit the eastern tip of Oman late on June 5 , it was the strongest tropical cyclone that has hit the Arabian Peninsula on landfall . Storms of comparable intensity are otherwise rather rare in the Arabian Sea, because storms in this sea area are rather small and tend to dissolve quickly.

On the east coast of Oman, Gonu dumped heavy rainfall, which locally reached up to 610 mm and caused severe flooding. The cyclone caused $ 4 billion in property damage to the country (2007 prices; $ 5 billion today). The most serious natural disaster in this country killed 49 people in Oman. In Iran, 23 people died as a result of the storm. Property damage was reported in the amount of US $ 215 million (in 2007 prices; US $ 0 million in current prices).

Cyclonic Storm Yemyin

Cyclonic Storm ( IMD )
Tropical storm
03B 26 June 2007 0503Z.jpg Yemyin 2007 track.png
Duration June 21st - June 26th
intensity 35 kn (65 km / h ) (3 minutes) , 986 hPa

A low pressure area associated with a monsoon trough was first identified by the Naval Research Laboratory on June 17th in the Bay of Bengal. During the following days, the system developed a flickering deep convection near an exposed, ground-level circulation center that drifted through the open sea. Despite moderate to high vertical wind shear , the disturbance in Port Blair on the Andaman Islands on June 19 resulted in a decrease in air pressure of up to 2.7  mbar ( hPa ). The convection was around an increasingly better defined circulation center close to the ground, and the disturbance continued to consolidate with a favorable diffluence .

Early on June 21, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) declared the system to be a depression, some 430 km east-southeast of Kakinada in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh . A few hours later, the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) issued a Tropical Cyclone Formation Alert warning of one-minute winds of almost 55 km / h. The depression moved rapidly west-northwest towards the northern coast of Andhra Pradesh. A subtropical ridge in the north weakened the wind shear that had paralyzed the system up to that point and thus enabled further intensification. During the day, the IMD upgraded the system to deep depression. As the convection organized and the system moved over increasingly warm water, the JTWC began issuing regular storm warnings for Tropical Cyclone 03B.

The Deep Depression hit Kakinada early on June 22nd local time. The JTWC issued its final warning about the system a little later as it was beginning to weaken due to the effects of the mainland and wind shear. The next day, the IMD downgraded the system to depression as it moved over the Deccan Plateau . On June 24th, the RSMC issued its final warning even though the system had moved into the Arabian Sea. At least 140 people had been killed by the effects of the storm in India , and the storm had killed a further 21 people in the region around Pakistani Karachi by rain and strong winds associated with the foothills of the cyclone. The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) warned of heavy rain and gusts of wind from June 22nd.

The JTWC noted in its Significant Tropical Weather Outlook for the northern Indian Ocean on June 24th that strong monsoonal air currents near the surface contributed to the cyclonic activity of the system and that vertical wind shear was low and water surface temperature was sufficiently high. It warned that these factors could lead to rapid regeneration of the system. Early on June 25th, the JTWC issued a TCFA for this system for the second time. Shortly thereafter, both the RSMC and the JTWC resumed periodic warnings about the system.

When the depression moved north-west just off the Pakistani coast, it reached wind speeds of around 48 km / h and the surface air pressure in Karachi was recorded at 990 mbar around noon on June 25th. According to the PMD, the center of the system passed Karachi about 90 km away. As a result of favorable conditions and the presence of deepening convection, the system intensified again during the day to a deep depression. After further organization, the system made its second landfall at 03:00 UTC on the Makran coast between Ormara and Pasni in Balochistan in southwestern Pakistan. After reaching the mainland, the system began to slowly weaken and the JTWC issued its final warning late on June 26th.

The storm surprised two freighters, Al-Picaso and Lady Hamad , and four fishing boats about 100 nautical miles off Karachi. The Pakistani Navy rescued 56 sailors from the two freighters and 36 fishermen from the fishing boats. The heavy rain of the storm led to severe flooding in the Ketsch Valley , which also affected the city of Turbat and for which around 10,000 people had to leave their homes. At least 380 residents of Balochistan Province died as a result of the storm, an additional 250 deaths were caused by heavy rainfall in Sindh Province and 100 in North-West Frontier Province , and further rainfall that triggered the residual depth of the cyclone made rescue efforts difficult. At least ten districts in Balochistan and four districts in Sindh and thus at least 1.5 million residents of the two provinces were affected by the effects of the storm. Over 80 people were killed by the floods and flash floods in Afghanistan that the residual low caused.

The PMD referred to the Deep Depression in its warnings and analyzes as Tropical Cyclone Yemyin, which was the next name on the list of tropical cyclone names at the time, although the RSMC in New Delhi did not name the system in operation. In the follow-up analysis, however, the IMD upgraded the Deep Depression to the Cyclonic Storm and subsequently named it Yemyin .

Deep Depression BOB 04

Deep Depression ( IMD )
Tropical storm
04B 29 June 2007 0503Z.jpg Cyclone 04B 2007 track.png
Duration June 28 - June 30
intensity 30 kn (55 km / h ) (3 minutes) , 989 hPa

On June 28, a weather disturbance in the Gulf of Negalen that had occurred two days earlier, organized itself increasingly better. The India Meteorological Department as the responsible RSMC determined the formation of a depression at 00:00 UTC (05:30  IST ) southeast of Puri in the Indian state of Orissa . Three hours later, the IMD upgraded the system to "practically stationary" Deep Depression. The Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) issued a Tropical Cyclone Formation Alert shortly thereafter, noting that observations on the east coast of the subcontinent had shown a decrease in atmospheric pressure that corresponded to the state of development of the system. In addition, an anticyclone had formed at the height above the fault , which would keep the wind shear within a range favorable for the development of the system. During the day, the JTWC began issuing warnings as the system moved northwest n toward the coast of Orissa. The Deep Depression hit Pun early on June 29th. As the system moved inland, the JTWC stopped issuing warnings during the day. Early on June 30th, it was over Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh when the IMD downgraded the system to depression; six hours later, the RSMC published the final warning on BOB 04.

The Pakistan Meteorological Department warned for the first time on June 28th that the remaining depth of the system had the potential to carry heavy rain and strong winds to the four provinces of Pakistan and feared a worsening of the situation in the areas already flooded by cyclone Yemyin. In the warning of July 1, the PMD pointed out the high probability that the system would move westwards to the south of the Sindh province rather than north-west as originally assumed and regenerate over the Arabian Sea. The residual low was also mentioned in the JTWC's Significant Tropical Weather Advisory announced early July 2nd. After crossing the Deccan Plateau, the convection was southwest of the center in the Arabian Sea, but several centers of circulation were still over the Indian mainland, north-northeast of Mumbai . Eventually the circulation center was completely released, and a few hours later the JTWC no longer assumed the system would develop.

Lying over the west of India, violent thunderstorms combined with the remaining depth of the system brought heavy rains to Maharashtra and caused traffic disruptions in Mumbai and in the Amravati division northeast of Mumba through floods and strong winds. In Mumbai, 243 mm of precipitation was measured. At least 43 people were killed in the state and 14 more died from the effects of the storm system in Gujarat . Up to 462 mm of precipitation fell in the Bharuch district .

Deep Depression BOB 05

Deep Depression ( IMD )
Temporary cyclone north.svg
Duration July 4th - July 9th
intensity 30 kn (55 km / h ) (3 minutes) , 988 hPa

On July 1, the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) began tracking a developing fault in the northern Bay of Bengal. After the formation of a depression and a circulation center, the IMD explained the system to the depression and started issuing warnings; the system was at that time about 150 km southeast of Calcutta in West Bengal . According to the JTWC, the system was already overland in southwestern Bangladesh during the day . But the next day, when the Depression moved northwest across the Ganges Basin in West Bengal, the IMD upgraded the system to a Deep Depression. Early on July 6th, the westward moving system was near Bankura .

When the system eventually weakened over northern Chhattisgarh , it was downgraded to a depression by the IMD on July 7th. The IMD stopped issuing warnings following the weakening over Madhya Pradesh on July 8th. Early the next day, the system at Shivpuri , in the north-west of the state, re-intensified , so that the IMD took up storm warnings again, but during the course of the day the IMD finally issued its final warning.

The Depression brought heavy rainfall to Calcutta , where 16 people were killed. Within three days, about an amount of rain fell that usually corresponds to 20 percent of the entire monsoon season.

Deep Depression BOB 06

Deep Depression ( IMD )
Temporary cyclone north.svg
Duration August 5th - August 7th
intensity 30 kn (55 km / h ) (3 minutes) , 984 hPa

On August 5th, there was a low pressure area in the northwestern Gulf of Bengal, which organized itself into a depression 230 km east of Balasore . The depression formed immediately after monsoonal flooding killed over 200 residents in the area. The system deepened slightly and was upgraded to the Deep Depression before moving towards the coast of Orissa. The system moved on to the west-northwest, arriving north of Paradip at Cuttack by land early the next day.

On August 7, the Pakistan Meteorological Department warned that the system in the Arabian Sea would regenerate after it crossed Gujarat , but these predictions did not materialize.

Depression BOB 07

Depression ( IMD )
Temporary cyclone north.svg
Duration September 21 - September 24
intensity 25 kn (45 km / h ) (3 minutes) , 990 hPa

On September 21, the RSMC in New Delhi declared a depression 230 km south-southeast of Puri . The next day, the system reached Puri overland with wind speeds of 45 to 55 km / h without intensifying significantly.

Depression BOB 08

Depression ( IMD )
Temporary cyclone north.svg
Duration October 27 - October 29
intensity 25 kn (45 km / h ) (3 minutes) , 1004 hPa

Late on October 27, a weather disturbance about 600 km east-southeast of Chennai was classified as Depression BOB 08/2007. Early on October 29th, the system degenerated into a depression. The system led to heavy rainfall and strong wind gusts in Chennau, killing a total of 15 residents.

Deep Depression ARB 02

Deep Depression ( IMD )
Tropical storm
Cyclone 05A 01 nov 2007 0655Z.jpg Cyclone 05A 2007 track.png
Duration October 27th - November 2nd
intensity 30 kn (55 km / h ) (3 minutes) , 1000 hPa

On October 27, an area with a weather disturbance about 885 nautical miles east of Cape Guardafui , Somalia was classified as Depression ARB 02 by RSMC New Delhi. The next day, the Joint Typhoon Warning Center classified the depression as Tropical Cyclone 05A. A short time later, the RSMC upgraded the depression to a deep depression. The system did not develop any further, however, and degenerated into a depression on November 2, moving further west.

Very Severe Cyclonic Storm Sidr

Extremely severe cyclonic storm ( IMD )
Category 5 cyclone
Sidr 15 nov 2007 0655Z.jpg Sidr 2007 track.png
Duration November 11 - November 16
intensity 115 kn (215 km / h ) (3 minutes) , 944 hPa

A weather disturbance developed near the Andaman Islands from November 9th . It became increasingly organized after passing the islands south, and eventually the system was classified as Depression BOB 09 by the RSMC early on November 11th. At the same time, the Joint Typhoon Warning Center classified the system as Tropical Cyclone 06B. During the day, the system intensified into a deep depression that slowly moved northwest. The IMD upgraded the system to a cyclonic storm early on November 12 and named it Sidr . The cyclone began to intensify rapidly and continued to move northwest. Later that day, IMD upgraded Sidr to a severe cyclonic storm and early the next day to a very severe cyclonic storm.

After the storm intensified in a cyclone equivalent to Category 4 on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale , thousands of civil defense officers were mobilized in eastern India and Bangladesh. Mass evacuations were initiated for low-lying areas on the coast, although emergency shelters were only available for around 500,000 of the more than 10 million people affected. The IMD triggered cyclonic alarms for Orissa and West Bengal on November 14th. On the morning of November 15, cyclone Sidr reached three-minute winds of 215 km / h according to the information from the IMD and one-minute winds of 260 km / h according to the JTWC. its greatest intensity. Sidr officially crossed land around 5:00 p.m. UTC that day and still reached its peak wind speed. After the landfall, the cyclone weakened quickly and early on November 16 the IMD issued its last warning on Zyklon Sidr. The name Sidr was proposed by Oman and is the Arabic word for a tree belonging to the genus Ziziphus , namely the Ziziphus spina-christi.

In the post-season analysis, the JTWC gave Sidr a higher rating than in operations. Sidr was thus upgraded to a category 5 cyclone and for the first time two cyclones of this strength were observed in the northern Indic during one season.

Storm names

The names of the tropical cyclones in the northern Indic are used consecutively and only once, so that no names of particularly bad storms are deleted. The following names were used during the season:

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Impact of Cyclonic Storms and Suggested Mitigation Actions ( English ) India Meteorological Department . Archived from the original on January 16, 2008. Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved October 21, 2008. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. ^ IMD Cyclone Warning Services: Tropical Cyclones ( English ) India Meteorological Department . Archived from the original on May 29, 2009. Retrieved October 21, 2008.
  3. ^ Tropical depression in the Gulf of Thailand No. 8 ( 134/2550 ) ( English ) May 1, 2007. Archived from the original on May 3, 2007. Retrieved October 21, 2008.
  4. ^ Tropical depression in the Gulf of Thailand No. 10 ( 136/2550 ) ( English ) May 1, 2007. Archived from the original on May 3, 2007. Retrieved October 21, 2008.
  5. MCOT English News ( Memento of October 11, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
  6. MCOT English News ( Memento of October 11, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
  8. Depression turns into cyclonic storm: Port operation stopped ( English ) The New Nation. May 14, 2007. Retrieved April 25, 2012.
  9. ^ Cyclone alert ahead of final ODI ( English ) The New Nation. May 14, 2007. Retrieved April 25, 2012.
  10. NASA Earth Observatory: Tropical Cyclone Gonu ( English ) In: NASA . June 4, 2007. Archived from the original on October 30, 2008. Retrieved June 5, 2007.
  11. Significant Tropical Weather Advisory for the Indian Ocean 191800Z-201800Z ( English ) JTWC . June 19, 2007. Archived from the original on June 19, 2007. Retrieved October 23, 2008.
  12. Significant Tropical Weather Advisory for the Indian Ocean 191800Z-201800ZJUN2007 ( English ) Joint Typhoon Warning Center . June 20, 2007. Archived from the original on June 20, 2007. Retrieved October 26, 2008.
  13. Depression over Bay of Bengal (BOB 03/2007/01) ( English ) India Meteorological Department . Archived from the original on June 20, 2007. Retrieved October 23, 2008.
  14. a b Depression over Bay of Bengal (BOB 03/2007/01) ( English ) India Meteorological Department . June 21, 2007. Archived from the original on June 21, 2007. Retrieved October 26, 2008.
  15. a b Tropical Cyclon Formation Alert ( English ) JTWC . June 21, 2007. Archived from the original on June 21, 2007. Retrieved October 26, 2008.
  16. Deep Depression over Bay of Bengal (BOB 03/2007/03) ( English ) India Meteorological Department . June 21, 2007. Archived from the original on June 21, 2007. Retrieved October 23, 2008.
  17. WTIO31 PGTW 211500 ( Memento from June 21, 2007 on WebCite )
  18. Deep Depression over Bay of Bengal (BOB 03/2007/06) ( English ) India Meteorological Department . June 21, 2007. Archived from the original on June 22, 2007. Retrieved October 26, 2008.
  19. Tropical Cyclone 03B Warning Nr 003 ( English ) Joint Typhoon Warning Center . Archived from the original on June 22, 2007. Retrieved October 23, 2008.
  20. Depression over Marathawada (BOB 03/2007/09) ( English ) India Meteorological Department. June 23, 2007. Archived from the original on June 23, 2007. Retrieved October 23, 2008.
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  22. Storms in Karachi kill 200 people ( English ) BBC Online . June 24, 2007. Retrieved October 23, 2008.
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  25. ^ Significant Tropical Weather Advisory for the Indian Ocean 250000Z-251800ZJUN2007 ( English ) Joint Typhoon Warning Center . June 25, 2007. Archived from the original on June 25, 2007. Retrieved October 26, 2008.
  26. ^ Depression over Northeast Arabian Sea ( English ) India Meteorological Department . June 25, 2007. Archived from the original on June 25, 2007. Retrieved October 26, 2008.
  27. Tropical Cyclone 03B Warning Nr 004 ( English ) Joint Typhoon Warning Center . June 25, 2007. Archived from the original on June 25, 2007. Retrieved October 26, 2008.
  28. Tropical Cyclone 03B Warning Nr 005 ( English ) JTWC . June 25, 2007. Archived from the original on June 25, 2007. Retrieved November 2, 2008.
  29. ^ Special Tropical Weather Outlook ( English ) India Meteorological Department . June 25, 2007. Accessed on November 13, 2008.  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: dead link /  
  30. ^ Deep Depression Over Northeast Arabian Sea ( English ) India Meteorological Department . June 26, 2007. Archived from the original on June 26, 2007. Retrieved on November 13, 2008.
  31. Tropical Cyclone 03B Warning Nr 008 ( English ) Joint Typhoon Warning Center . June 26, 2007. Archived from the original on June 26, 2007. Retrieved on November 13, 2008.
  32. Tropical Cyclone 03B Warning No. 009 ( English ) Joint Typhoon Warning Center . June 26, 2007. Accessed on November 13, 2008.  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: dead link /  
  33. Tropical Cyclone 03B Warning No. 010 ( English ) Joint Typhoon Warning Center . June 26, 2007. Archived from the original on June 27, 2007. Retrieved on November 13, 2008.
  34. Pakistan Navy save lives of 98 persons ( Memento June 27, 2007 on WebCite )
  35. 10000 people homeless, as floodwater enters Turbat City ( Memento from June 27, 2007 on WebCite )
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  38. a b Pakistan flood toll rises to 240 ( English ) BBC News . July 3, 2007. Retrieved October 26, 2008.
  39. a b During the storm, the India Meteorological Department (IMD), officially authorized by the World Meteorological Organization to assign names to the Arabian Sea, did not give a name. However, the IMD assessed the system more strongly in the follow-up analysis and subsequently assigned the name Yemyin ( memento from August 10, 2007 on WebCite ) .
  40. ( Memento from June 26, 2007 on WebCite )
  41. ( Memento from June 28, 2007 on WebCite )
  42. ( Memento from June 28, 2007 on WebCite )
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  44. ( Memento from June 28, 2007 on WebCite )
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  46. WTIO31 PGTW 291500 ( Memento from June 29, 2007 on WebCite )
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  49. ( Memento from June 29, 2007 on WebCite )
  50. ( Memento from July 1, 2007 on WebCite )
  51. ( Memento from July 2, 2007 on WebCite )
  52. ^ Significant Tropical Weather Advisory for the Indian Ocean ( English ) Joint Typhoon Warning Center. July 2, 2007. Accessed on November 13, 2008.  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: dead link /  
  53. Heavy rains leave 43 dead ( English ) Independent Online (South Africa). July 2, 2007. Archived from the original on October 31, 2007. Retrieved November 13, 2008.
  54. ^ Rains claim 14 lives in Gujarat; Army mobilized
  55. ( Memento from July 6, 2007 on WebCite )
  56.  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: dead link /  
  57. ( Memento from July 6, 2007 on WebCite )
  58. ( Memento from July 6, 2007 on WebCite )
  59. ( Memento from July 7, 2007 on WebCite )
  60. ( Memento from July 9, 2007 on WebCite )
  61. ( Memento from July 9, 2007 on WebCite )
  62. ( Memento from July 10, 2007 on WebCite )
  63. Calcutta battered by monsoon rain
  64. ( Memento from August 8, 2007 on WebCite )
  65. Depression over southwest and adjoining southeast Bay of Bengal (BOB 08/2007/01) ( English ) India Meteorological Department . October 28, 2007. Archived from the original on November 15, 2007. Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved October 26, 2008. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
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  68. ( Memento from January 1, 2008 in the Internet Archive )
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  70.  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: dead link /  
  71. ( Memento from October 28, 2007 on WebCite )
  72. ( Memento November 2, 2007 on WebCite )
  73. RSMC TROPICAL CYCLONES NEW DELHI ( Memento from November 2, 2007 on WebCite )
  74.  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: dead link /  
  75. ( Memento November 11, 2007 on WebCite )
  76.  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: dead link /  
  77. Deep Depression over Southeast Bay of Bengal ( November 12, 2007 memento on WebCite )
  78. ( Memento from November 12, 2007 on WebCite )
  79. Tropical Storm "SIDR" Advisory No. Four ( English ) India Meteorological Department . November 12, 2007. Archived from the original on November 12, 2007. Retrieved November 12, 2007.
  80. Tropical Storm "SIDR" Advisory No. Seven ( English ) India Meteorological Department via November 13, 2007. Archived from the original on November 13, 2007. Retrieved November 12, 2007.
  81. ^ Cyclone forces Bangladesh evacuations ( English ) USA Today . November 16, 2007. Retrieved October 26, 2008.
  82. - National News Detail ( Memento of the original from November 22, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  83. Tropical Storm "SIDR" Advisory No. Twenty Eight Issued at 1500 UTC of 15 November, 2007 ( English ) India Meteorological Department . November 15, 2007. Archived from the original on November 15, 2007. Retrieved on November 2, 2008.
  84. Tropical Cyclone 06B (SIDR) Warning Nr 012 ( English ) JTWC . November 15, 2007. Retrieved on November 2, 2008.  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: dead link /  
  85. Tropical Storm “SIDR” Advisory No. Thirty issued at 2100 UTC of November 15, 2007 Tropical Storm “SIDR” Advisory No. Thirty issued at 2100 UTC of 15 November, 2007 ( English ) India Meteorological Department . November 15, 2007. Archived from the original on November 16, 2007. Retrieved on November 2, 2008.
  86. Very Severe Cyclonic Storm (SIDR) Crossed Bangladesh coast. (BOB 09/2007/34) ( English ) India Meteorological Department . November 16, 2007. Archived from the original on November 15, 2007. Retrieved on November 2, 2008.
  87. Cyclonic Storm (SIDR) weaken into a depression over Bangladesh and adjoining areas. (BOB 09/2007/37) ( English ) India Meteorological Department . November 16, 2007. Archived from the original on November 16, 2007. Retrieved on November 2, 2008.
  88. Best Track Indian Ocean ( English ) JTWC . 2007. Accessed on November 2, 2008.  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /

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