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Portal history | Portal Biographies | Current events | Annual calendar

| 10th century | 11th century | 12th century |
| 1010s | 1020s | 1030s | 1040s | 1050s | 1060s | 1070s |
◄◄ | | 1044 | 1045 | 1046 | 1047 | 1048 | 1049 | 1050 | 1051 | 1052 | | ►►

Heads of State · Nekrolog

Damasus II tomb
Damasus II becomes Pope for a few weeks .
1048 in other calendars
Armenian calendar 496/497 (turn of the year July)
Ethiopian calendar 1040/41
Buddhist calendar 1591/92 (southern Buddhism); 1590/91 (alternative calculation according to Buddha's Parinirvana )
Chinese calendar 62nd (63rd) cycle

Year of the earth-rat戊子 ( at the beginning of the year fire-pig 丁亥)

Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) 410/411 (turn of the year April)
Iranian calendar 426/427 (around March 21)
Islamic calendar 439/440 (June 15/16)
Jewish calendar 4808/09 (September 11th / 12th)
Coptic calendar 764/765
Malayalam calendar 223/224
Seleucid era Babylon: 1358/59 (turn of the year April)

Syria: 1359/60 (turn of the year October)

Spanish era 1086
Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) 1104/05 (turn of the year April)


Politics and world events



Date of birth saved

Exact date of birth unknown

Born around 1048

  • around 1044 to 1048: Géza I , King of Hungary († 1077 )


Date of death secured

Exact date of death unknown

Web links

Commons : 1048  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files