Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology

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AustriaAustria  Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
Austrian Authority
BMK logo srgb.svg
State level Federation
Position of the authority Federal Ministry
Headquarters Vienna 3 , Radetzkystraße 2
Authority management Leonore Gewessler , Federal Minister
for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
Budget volume EUR 5.03 billion (2020)
Leonore Gewessler , Federal Minister for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology

The Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology ( BMK for short or Climate Protection Ministry ) is the Federal Ministry of the Republic of Austria responsible for transport policy , environmental protection, energy, applied research and technology development . The authority previously known as the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology has been using its current name since January 29, 2020, when it took over the environmental agendas from the Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism .

Seat of the Federal Ministry in Vienna


From 1896 to 1918, the railway agendas, previously for the kingdoms and states represented in the Reichsrat (Austrian half of the empire) of Austria-Hungary in the Imperial and Royal Ministry of Commerce, were overseen by the Imperial and Royal Ministry of Railways .

After a brief separate Ministry of Transport, from 1923 until the end of the First Republic, trade and transport were run as a joint ministry.

At the beginning of the second republic a separate transport ministry was created again. Contrary to what the wording suggests, this was only responsible for sub-areas of transport, namely railways, post offices, shipping and regular road traffic, and from 1950 also for aviation. The Ministry of Commerce was responsible for other road traffic (also for aviation until 1950) , with responsibility for road construction from 1966 transferred to the newly established Federal Ministry for Buildings and Technology .

With the entry into force of the Federal Ministries Act 1973 , the Ministry of Transport took over the majority of the road transport agendas from the Ministry of Commerce, namely

  • Motor vehicle and road police matters ,
  • Matters relating to commercial passenger and freight transport, including the commercial transport of goods in pipelines, with the exception of matters relating to water pipes and
  • Matters relating to the transport of people and goods in company traffic.

The responsibility for road construction remained with the Ministry of Construction; When this was dissolved in 1987, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs was responsible for it.

It was not until 2000 that the Ministry of Transport became responsible for matters relating to federal roads, in particular matters of road construction; Matters of the companies that are entrusted by federal law with the construction and maintenance of federal highways and are therefore comprehensively responsible for traffic. At the same time, responsibilities for hydraulic engineering were transferred from the Ministry of Economics to the Ministry of Transport.

For longer years, namely 1950–1956, 1966–1970 and 1984–1996, the Ministry of Transport was also responsible for the nationalized companies .

From 1950 to 1973, matters relating to the electricity industry were also the responsibility of the Ministry of Transport.

From 1996 to 2000 the Ministry of Transport was merged with the Ministry of Science.

In 2020, the Ministry of Transport was merged with the Environment Department (which has been part of Agriculture since 2000) and also took over the energy agendas from there. In return, responsibility for post and telecommunications was transferred to the Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Regions and Tourism .

Period Ministry of Economics / Building Ministry of Transport Ministry of Science
1896 Ministry of Commerce Ministry of Public Works Ministry of Railways
1918 State Office for Trade and Commerce, Industry and Buildings State Office for Transport
1920 Federal Ministry for Trade and Commerce, Industry and Buildings Federal Ministry of Transport
1923-1938 Federal Ministry for Trade and Transport
1945 State Office for Industry, Commerce, Trade and Transport
1945-1949 Federal Ministry for Trade and Reconstruction Federal Ministry of Transport
Federal Ministry of Electrification and Energy
1949-1956 Federal Ministry of Transport and Nationalized Enterprises
1956-1966 Federal Ministry for Transport and Electricity
1966-1970 Federal Ministry for Buildings and Technology Federal Ministry of Transport and Nationalized Enterprises
1970-1984 Federal Ministry of Transport Federal Ministry for Science and Research
1985-1987 Federal Ministry for Public Economy and Transport
1987-1994 Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs
1995-1996 Federal Ministry for Science, Research and the Arts
Art Affairs from the Ministry of Education
1996-1997 Federal Ministry for Science, Transport and Art
Public Economy to the Ministry of Finance
1997-2000 Federal Ministry for Science and Transport
Art Affairs to the Federal Chancellery
2000-2007 Federal Ministry of Economics and Labor Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture
2007-2008 Federal Ministry for Science and Research
2008-2014 Federal Ministry for Economy, Family and Youth
2014-2018 Federal Ministry for Science, Research and Economy Federal Ministry for Science, Research and Economy
2018-2020 Federal Ministry for Digitization and Business Location Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Research
since 2020 Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology


The Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology is responsible for:

  • General matters of climate and environmental protection.
    • General climate protection policy.
    • General environmental policy.
    • Coordination in all areas of environmental protection.
    • General matters of pollution control.
    • Affairs of the environmental advocacy.
    • General environmental impact assessment matters.
    • Matters of measurement, evaluation and documentation in the field of environmental protection and environmental control.
    • Research in the field of environmental protection, insofar as it does not fall within the scope of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.
    • Education, training and further education of the staff of the public environmental protection administration.
    • Matters of environmental promotion with the exception of urban water management and water ecology.
  • Waste management; Remediation of contaminated sites.
    • This also includes, in particular, matters of substitute performance for waste within the meaning of Sections 2 and 3 of the Waste Management Act 2002 (AWG 2002), insofar as these do not fall within the scope of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism (Section LZ 7).
  • Species protection matters.
  • Matters of nature and landscape protection as well as natural caves.
  • General matters of protection from ionizing radiation.
    • Matters of poisonous traffic.
  • Matters of the energy sector, insofar as they do not fall within the scope of the Federal Ministry for Digitization and Business Location. This also includes in particular:
    • Matters of the electricity industry and its planning, the promotion of electrification and matters of the management of electrical energy.
    • Heavy current right of way.
    • Nuclear energy affairs.
    • General nuclear coordination affairs.
    • Control and management measures for coal, crude oil and natural gas
  • Transport policy.
    • This also includes in particular the transport policy issues of hydraulic engineering with regard to waterways.
  • Transport affairs relating to railways, shipping and aviation.
    This also includes in particular:
    • Regulation of access to the railway infrastructure (network).
    • Ship calibration.
    • Shipping-specific matters of hydraulic engineering with regard to waterways.
    • Air traffic control, aviation weather service.
    • Advertising matters for the transport of people and goods.
  • Automotive and road police affairs; Accident research.
  • Affairs of federal highways.
    • This also includes matters of road construction in particular.
  • Matters of the companies that are entrusted with the construction and maintenance of federal highways by federal law.
    • This also includes, in particular:
      The administration of the federal government's share rights in the Autobahn and Schnellstraßen-financing-Aktiengesellschaft, as well as in the Alpen Straßen Aktiengesellschaft and the Österreichische Autobahn- und Schnellstraßen Aktiengesellschaft, as long as the federal government is a shareholder in these companies.
  • Hydraulic engineering matters with regard to the navigable rivers Danube, March and Thaya from the state border in Bernhardsthal to the confluence with the March and other waterways as well as water supply and sewerage, insofar as they do not fall within the sphere of activity of another federal ministry; Management matters for the Marchfeld Canal.
  • Matters of commercial passenger and freight transport, including the commercial transport of goods in pipelines, with the exception of water pipe matters.
  • Matters relating to the transport of people and goods in company traffic.
  • Matters of the Austrian Federal Railways, including the construction and management of federal buildings and real estate which are dedicated to the purposes of the Austrian Federal Railways; Matters relating to the administration of the federal government's share rights in other railway undertakings and in the rail infrastructure finance company; Matters of companies that exist for matters of rail infrastructure as long as the federal government is a shareholder.
  • Affairs of the Council for Research and Technology Development.
  • Matters of economic-technical research, insofar as they do not fall within the scope of the Federal Ministry for Digitization and Business Location.
    • This includes in particular the affairs of the Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH and the Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft with limited liability, in each case in agreement with the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy.
  • Matters of industrial property protection, in particular of patents and utility models, including matters of patent attorneys and their professional representation and the protection of designs, brands and other trade names.
  • Space affairs.


The Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology is structured as follows.

  • Federal Minister for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
    • Cabinet of the Federal Minister
  • State Secretary
    • Office of the State Secretary
  • Secretary General
    • Secretary General's Office
    • Investment management
    • Section I: Presidium and International Affairs
      • Chief Digital Officer
      • Compliance, Risk and Quality Management
      • Training matters and personnel development
      • EU Danube Region Strategy
      • Revision and EU financial control
      • Department of Presidium 1: Personnel and Organization
        • Ministerial Office Directorate
        • Stubenbastei office and Untere Donaustraße
      • Department of Presidium 2: Communication
        • Protocol and event management, translation service
      • Department of Presidium 3: Law and Coordination
      • Department of Presidium 4: Information and Communication Technology
      • Department of Presidium 5: Budget, Controlling and Support
        • Support center
        • Site support and facility management
      • EU affairs and international affairs
        • Department K 1: EU affairs and international affairs infrastructure
        • Department K 2: Travel and external costs, tolls, traffic and the environment
        • Department K 3: EU Affairs and International Affairs Innovation
        • Department K 4: Combined Transport
    • Section II: Infrastructure planning and financing, coordination
      • Staff unit mobility transition & decarbonisation
      • Logistics coordination office
      • Department FC II: Finance and Controlling
      • Infrastructure Department 1: Infrastructure Financing - Railway Economic Affairs
      • Infra 2 department: Infrastructure planning
      • Infra 3 department: Local and regional public transport (ÖPNRV)
      • Infra 4 Department: Total Traffic
    • Section III: Innovation and Technology
      • IÖB coordination
      • Technology transfer office
      • Department FC III: Finance and Controlling
      • EU coordination, innovation and technology
      • Information and documentation
      • Department I 1: Policy matters
      • Department I 2: Research and Technology Funding
      • Department I 3: Energy and Environmental Technologies
      • Department I 4: Mobility and Transport Technologies
      • Division I 5: Key Technologies for Industrial Innovation: ICT; Production and Nanotechnology
      • Division I 6: Space Affairs
    • Section IV: Transport
      • Accessibility department
      • SMV department: Traffic safety management
      • Railway group
        • Department E 1: Legistics, EU and international affairs, railways and pipelines
        • Department E 2: Supreme Railway Authority Approval for Infrastructure and Vehicles
        • Department E 3: Supreme Railway Authority Approval for Operation and Traffic
        • Department E 4: Supreme Railway Authority Supervision
        • Department E 5: Technology
        • Department E 6: Supreme Cable Car Authority
      • Infrastructure Procedures and Road Safety Group
        • Department IVVS 1: Planning operation and environment
        • Department IVVS 2: Road Safety and Safety Management Infrastructure
          • Road Safety Observatory
        • Department IVVS 3: Legal area federal highways
        • Department IVVS 4: EIA procedure for land transport
      • Road transport and automotive group
        • Department ST 1: Automotive
        • Department ST 2: Legal area road traffic
        • Department ST 3: dangerous goods
        • Department ST 4: Road passenger and freight traffic
        • Department ST 5: Technical automotive engineering
      • Department W 1: Shipping - Law
      • Department W 2: Shipping - Technology and Nautical Science
      • Department W 3: Federal waterways
      • Aviation Group - Supreme Civil Aviation Authority
        • Department L 1: Strategy and International Affairs
        • Department L 2: Aviation Legal Matters
        • Department L 3: Aviation Infrastructure
        • Department L 4: Safety Management and Air Traffic Control
    • Section V: Waste Management, Chemical Policy and Environmental Technology
      • Assistant to the section head
      • Department V / 1: Company waste law, waste shipment and control
      • Department V / 2: Waste and Contaminated Sites Law
      • Department V / 3: Waste management planning, waste treatment and remediation of contaminated sites
      • Department V / 4: EDM program environment
      • Department V / 5: Chemical Policy and Biocides
      • Department V / 6: Waste avoidance, recycling and assessment
      • Department V / 7: Corporate environmental protection and technology
      • Department V / 8: Radiation Protection
    • Section VI: Energy
      • Staff area for international energy matters
      • Assistant to the section head
      • Department VI / 1: Energy Policy and Energy-Intensive Industry
      • Division VI / 2: Energy - Legal Matters
      • Department VI / 3: Renewable energies, electrical energy and district heating including combined heat and power
      • Department VI / 4: Security of supply and energy law
        • Section VI / 4a: Implementation of the Energy Law
      • Department VI / 5: European Energy Policy
    • Section VII: Climate and environmental protection
      • Assistant to the section head
      • Budgetary Unit
      • Department VII / 1: Coordination of Climate Policy
      • Department VII / 2: Clean Mobility
      • Department VII / 3: Sustainable Finances and Location Policy
      • Department VII / 4: Energy Efficiency and Buildings
      • Department VII / 5: Innovative Technologies and Bioeconomy
      • Department VII / 6: EU Coordination Climate and Environment
      • Department VII / 7: National parks, nature and species protection
      • Department VII / 8: Sustainable Development and Natural Resources
      • Department VII / 9: International Environmental Affairs
      • Department VII / 10: General coordination of nuclear affairs
      • Department VII / 11: Plant-related environmental protection, environmental assessment and air pollution control

Business areas

The Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology has the following subordinate departments.

The Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology has the following participations.

The BMK is also 100% represented in the Presidium of the Climate and Energy Fund. Furthermore, the fall E-Control and the Council for Research and Technology Development in the jurisdiction of the BMK.

Federal Minister


  • Thier Martin: Administrative culture and administrative structure change in the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) compared to the XXII. and XXIII. Legislative period. Diploma thesis, University of Vienna, Vienna 2009 ( othes.univie.ac.at PDF).


  • Alfred Micholitsch : Light and strength for Austria: 2 years of rebuilding the energy industry , ERP - Mission for Austria , Federal Ministry for Energy and Electrification (publisher and publisher), Vienna 1949.
  • Alfred Micholitsch: Report 1960–1965 , Federal Ministry for Transport and Electricity (Ed. And Publishing House), Vienna 1965.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Federal Finance Act 2020. (PDF) Federal Ministry of Finance, accessed on June 21, 2020 (page 550).
  2. performance of business the top federal, Federal Law Gazette no. 120/1946
  3. Federal Act on the Reorganization of the Area of ​​Activity of the Federal Ministry of Trade and Reconstruction and the Federal Ministry of Transport and Nationalized Enterprises in Aviation Matters, Federal Law Gazette No. 244/1950 last page .
  4. Federal Law Gazette No. 379/1973, § 13 Z 14 -16
  5. Federal Ministries Act Amendment 2000, Federal Law Gazette I No. 16/2000 .
  6. ^ Federal Ministries Act 1986. Accessed on January 29, 2020 .
  7. Business division of the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology. (PDF) Retrieved February 22, 2020 .
  8. ^ Subordinate departments of the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology. Retrieved January 29, 2020 .
  9. Direct holdings. Retrieved February 22, 2020 .

Coordinates: 48 ° 12 ′ 38 ″  N , 16 ° 23 ′ 9 ″  E