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Coat of arms of Banteln
Coordinates: 52 ° 4 ′ 5 ″  N , 9 ° 45 ′ 20 ″  E
Height : 92 m above sea level NHN
Area : 7.51 km²
Residents : 1496  (Nov. 30, 2016)
Population density : 199 inhabitants / km²
Incorporation : November 1, 2016
Postal code : 31028
Area code : 05182
Banteln (Lower Saxony)

Location of Banteln in Lower Saxony

Banteln in the Hildesheim district
Banteln in the Hildesheim district

Banteln is a district of the small town of Gronau (Leine) in the Hildesheim district in Lower Saxony .


Banteln is located in the Leinebergland east of the Weserbergland Schaumburg-Hameln nature park and the Leine flows through it. It is located south of Elze and southwest of Gronau. The Külf ridge , in which the Cölleturm observation tower is located, extends south.


Banteln can prove his minimum age with an imperial certificate. On April 18, 997, Emperor Otto III. the monastery of Essen an der Ruhr, the royal court of Brüggen with the villages of Banteln, Hemmendorf and Lehde. In 1039 the royal court of Brüggen, including Banteln, under King Heinrich III. passed on to the Gandersheim monastery as "Tafelgut" . Around 1200 the gentlemen von Bantelen are named as servants of the Reichsstift Gandersheim. Around 1367 the Lords of Dötzum took their place. In 1409 the Bishop of Hildesheim followed in the feudal lordship . In 1582 the family with Johann von Dötzum died out and Banteln went to Johann von Bennigsen .

In the Thirty Years War , the main Tilly army also devastated Banteln. Johann Lewin von Bennigsen began to rebuild his estates as early as 1629. Towards the end of the Thirty Years War, a school house and a schoolmaster are mentioned in Banteln. In 1675 the Abbess von Gandersheim enfeoffed the Lords of Bennigsen with the right of patronage over the church. In 1791 a fire destroyed a large part of the village. After a brief episode as part of the Kingdom of Westphalia with King Jérome , a brother of Napoleon , Banteln became electoral Hanover in 1813 and in 1815 it belonged to the Kingdom of Hanover . As early as 1853, the place received a stop on the new Alfeld – Hanover railway line . From 1866 the village belonged to the Prussian province of Hanover .

Origin of the place name

Old names of the place name are 997 Bantanon , 1043 Banthenem , 1149 Banthenheim , 1178 Bantenum , 1205 Banthenem , 1304 Bantenem , 1321 Bantelen .

Maybe the name belongs to the Old High German banz . Spanish banda for “strips on a river”, Lower Rhine bande, bende, end for “meadow” appear related . This word only appears in place names. This interpretation is, however, very uncertain and no convincing interpretation has yet been found.


In 1969, Banteln voluntarily joined the so-called small joint community of Gronau and in 1974 became a member of the joint community of Gronau (Leine) . In 1997 Banteln celebrated its 1000th birthday party. On November 1, 2016, Banteln was incorporated into Gronau (Leine) with four other communities.


City Councilor and Mayor

Since November 1, 2016, Banteln has been represented at the municipal level by the City Council of Gronau (Leine).

coat of arms

Coat of arms of Banteln
Blazon : Heraldic shield divided obliquely on the left by silver and blue ; above a red - armored and tongued black eagle head turnedto the right , below a silver crossbow shaft lying obliquely to the left. "
Foundation of the coat of arms: Banteln is attested several times during the 10th and 11th centuries as the property of the Ludolfingers . In memory of this, an eagle's head is placed in the upper field. The coat of arms of the von Bennigsen family , who once lived in Banteln and from which the Russian Marshal of the Wars of Liberation emerged, was combined with this in the left half . The crossbow shaft is proven in the coat of arms of those von Bennigsen and results from the coat of arms on the mill of Banteln.

Community partnerships

  • FranceFrance Brécey , municipality in Normandy / France , since 1992

Culture and sights

St. George Church
Bennigsen mill


  • Former Bantelner castle with park
  • Feldberger Chapel in the cemetery
  • Former mill on the Leine (today used to generate electricity)
  • St. George Church
  • Natural swimming pool (after the closure of the swimming pool in the same place, built from the wood of the Swiss pavilion from the Expo 2000 in Hanover)

Associations and associations

The Banteln music train took part in the Steuben Parade in New York. There is also a men's gymnastics club, the Banteln volunteer fire brigade, the reservist comradeship, the local homeland maintenance association and others.

Regular events

Every year in August, Banteln was the venue for the largest Boßel tournament in the southern district of Hildesheim, in which around 70 teams took part. The event was organized by MTV Banteln and the Banteln volunteer fire department .


Banteln has a train station on the Hanover Southern Railway . On the western edge of the town, federal highway 3 runs in a north-south direction, federal highway 1 runs about four kilometers north in an east-west direction.


In 1992, Banteln took first place in the district competition “ Our village should become more beautiful ”.


Sons and daughters of the place

People connected to the place

Web links

Commons : Banteln  - Collection of images

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Municipalities in Germany by area, population and postcode. (XLS; 4.4 MB) See: Lower Saxony, No. 1753 . In: Destatis website. Federal Statistical Office, December 31, 2015, accessed on November 23, 2019 .
  2. Population figures in the Leinebergland - Banteln community. (PDF; 4 kB) In: vennekohl.de. November 30, 2016, accessed November 23, 2019 .
  3. ^ Jürgen Udolph (research): The "place name researcher". In: Website NDR 1 Lower Saxony . Archived from the original on December 2, 2016 ; accessed on December 4, 2018 .
  4. Lower Saxony State Chancellery (Ed.): Law on the unification of the communities of Banteln, Betheln, Brüggen, Despetal, Rheden and the city of Gronau (Leine) as well as on the new formation of the Duingen area and the Leinebergland community, Hildesheim district . Lower Saxony Law and Ordinance Gazette (Nds. GVBl.). No.  22/2015 . Hanover December 15, 2015, p. 399–400 , pp. 17–18 ( digital copy [PDF; 278 kB ; accessed on June 29, 2019]).
  5. ^ A b Wilhelm Barner : Coat of arms and seal of the Alfeld district . Rebinding. Lax GmbH & Co. KG, Hildesheim 1998 ( digitized version of the text part of the first edition from 1940 [PDF; 10.0 MB ; accessed on June 10, 2019]).
  6. a b Coat of arms of the municipality of Banteln. (PDF; 62 KB) In: Website Samtgemeinde Gronau-Leine. Retrieved June 10, 2019 .