Being Human (British TV series)

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Television series
German title Being human
Original title Being human
Being Human title.jpg
Country of production United Kingdom
original language English (BE)
Year (s) 2008-2013
Touchpaper Television
length 58 minutes
Episodes 37 in 5 seasons ( list )
genre Drama , horror
idea Toby Whithouse
production Matthew Bouch
music Richard Wells
First broadcast February 18, 2008 (UK) on BBC Three
first broadcast
March 16, 2014 on ProSieben Fun

Being Human is a British television series broadcast by BBC Three . The concept of the television series was developed by Toby Whithouse . The first broadcast of the television series began on February 18, 2008. On March 10, 2013, the television series ended after 5 seasons and 37 episodes. In Germany, Being Human was broadcast in the original version with German subtitles on ProSieben Fun .


The cast of Being Human (left to right, Lenora Crichlow , Aidan Turner , Russell Tovey ) and the inventor of the television series, Toby Whithouse

The ghost Annie Sawyer, the werewolf George Sands and the vampire John Mitchell, only called "Mitchell", try to lead a normal, human life in their flat share . You have to live with the constant fear of being recognized or of not being able to control yourself anymore.


The first and fifth season each consist of six episodes, the second to fourth season each consist of eight episodes. The seasons aired in the UK from January to March each year from 2009 to 2013. However, the pilot was already shown on February 18, 2008 and was not repeated at the beginning of the first season in 2009.

season 1

George and Mitchell, werewolf and vampire in their twenties, are trying to lead normal lives in Bristol . They both reject their styles. George tries hard to separate the monthly transformation from his private life (he doesn't want to transform himself in the house, “ I'm not letting * this * invade here! ”), And Mitchell can not cope with the guilt that haunts every vampire, when he's sober for a while. When the two move into a new house, they discover that this is already inhabited by the ghost Annie. Annie became a ghost from falling down stairs. However, she neither remembers the details of her death, nor does she know why she is still on earth at all.

Annie is surprised that George and Mitchell can see and hear her. Since her death, a year ago, she was invisible to all people and could not be heard by them either. However, Mitchell explains to her that he and George, as werewolf and vampire, are supernatural creatures and that all supernatural beings can see and hear spirits. Annie is overjoyed to have finally found someone to talk to.

However, George is rather negative about his new roommate. He wants to lead a normal, human life and a ghost in the flat does not fit into it.

Mitchell immediately takes a liking to the cheerful and lovable Annie. He feels connected to it. Both experienced death. You both know The Men with Sticks and Rope. The men with sticks and ropes are demons. These wait for mortals after death to accompany those who were evil to Hell. This traumatic experience shared only by those who have passed away made Annie and Mitchell feel especially close. So Mitchell works with George to ensure that Annie can stay. After George's initial misgivings, George and Annie also become friends and don't want to miss each other anymore.

By being seen by George and Mitchell, Annie also becomes visible to people. She explains this by saying that she only became real because she was noticed and liked by George and Mitchell. (" But now just being recognized by someone, being liked and known. Looks like that's what makes you real" "- Annie in the pilot.)

Annie immediately tells Mitchell about her fiancé Owen. With this she had bought the house shortly before her death, in which Mitchell, George and Annie now live. She loved him very much and they both envisioned a bright future. Owen is also Mitchell and George's landlord. When he shows up there with his new girlfriend Janey Harris, Annie becomes jealous. It wasn't until much later that she had to admit to herself that Owens and their relationship wasn't as rosy as Annie initially believed. She also recalls the truth about her death: Owen thought she was having an affair. In his anger, he attacked Annie and pushed her down the stairs. Annie died and became a ghost.

Now Annie Owens tries to warn Janey's new friend. As a visible ghost, Annie visits them and explains to her that Owen murdered her. However, Owen can convince Janey that he does not see Annie and that this is just a hallucination, which is caused by the fact that Janey has a guilty conscience towards Annie.

Meanwhile, George has a new colleague named Nina. He is immediately enthusiastic about this. Nina also likes George and the two start a love affair.

Mitchell, meanwhile, has an appointment with his colleague Lauren Drake. He stays with her through the night. When the two sleep together, Mitchell can no longer control his thirst for blood and drinks Lauren's blood. To save the dying Lauren, he turns her into a vampire. After that, he leaves Lauren to his creator Herrick, who takes care of them. When Mitchell met Lauren again as a vampire, she changed completely. The once sweet and innocent girl has grown into a ruthless vampire who, even in old human friends, only sees the prey that supplies her with blood. Lauren is instigated by Herrick to induce Mitchell to drink blood again. So she kills his new date Becca in front of his eyes and sends him a video DVD showing how she murdered a person. Mitchell eventually manages to convince Lauren to stop drinking blood. However, Lauren returns to Herrick after a short time.

Meanwhile, Mitchell's creator Herrick has big plans. He wants to submit humanity to the vampires. To do this, he tries to create as many vampires as possible. Only a few people should be left. These are supposed to serve as food for the vampires. George, Mitchell, and Annie try to stop him but are captured while trying. However, it is Lauren who finally frees the three. She asks Mitchell if he can kill her. She no longer has her thirst for blood under control, but no longer wants to kill. In addition, the girl she once was has almost completely disappeared. Mitchell hesitates at first, but after Lauren's pleading again, he pokes a wooden stake in Lauren's heart. Before she dies, she explains to Mitchell that Herrick has to stop because Herrick wants to destroy everything.

After the warning doesn't work, Annie continues to try to stop Owen. This is initially unimpressed by Annie's attempts. However, when Annie tells him about all the other creatures that still exist next to her, he gets scared. Eventually Annie whispers a secret in his ear that only the dead know. This secret, unheard of by the audience, scares Owen so much that he finally turns to the police and seeks protection from vampires and werewolves. The police don't believe him, however, and Owen is admitted to a mental hospital.

After Owen leaves, a door appears out of nowhere right in front of Annie. This door is meant for Annie and through this Annie can go over to the afterlife. Before Annie can open the door, however, Herrick appears and stabs Mitchell. Fearing for her boyfriend, Annie doesn't go through the door, but helps Mitchell and goes to him at the hospital.

After he is healed, Mitchell prepares for the final fight against Herrick. However, in the end it is not Mitchell but George who fights Herrick as a werewolf. Herrick is torn apart by him in front of George's friend Nina. Before that, George inflicts another wound on Nina. This also makes them a werewolf.

season 2

Mitchell tries to get his life under one roof with his job. Annie tries to find a new meaning in life after solving the question of who she is. George tries to cope with everyday life with his "curse". Having difficulty killing the vampire Herrick, he pushes his girlfriend Nina aside. She needs him very much, because George has unwittingly made her a werewolf. So Nina first looks for consolation with Annie. She is the only person who knows that Nina is also a werewolf, and she supports her on her first night of transformation.

Meanwhile, the vampire Ivan comes to Bristol with his wife Daisy. The two want revenge for Herrick's death. At the same time, Mitchell's unusual way of life arouses Daisy's curiosity. She would love to get to know the werewolf Mitchell lives with. George is also attracted to Daisy. He starts an affair with her and revives Daisy's feelings for her daughter.

Nina has no inkling of George and Daisy's affair, but feels more and more pushed back by George. She also has a hard time coming to terms with the fact that she is now a werewolf too. She finally meets the priest Kemp. He is the head of the CenSSA (Center for the Study of Supernatural Activity), an underground religious organization that deals with supernatural creatures. Kemp promises her that the CenSSA can help Nina to get rid of her werewolf curse. However, he does not tell her that none of the werewolves survived the previous attempts. Nina leaves George and goes to CenSSA to take part in their experiments.

Meanwhile, Annie applies for a job as a waitress in a pub. She is hired straight away and begins a good friendship with the pub owner Hugh. Hugh falls in love with Annie, and when she goes out with guest Saul, Hugh is extremely suspicious of him.

After Herrick passed away, the Bristol vampire community had to reorganize itself. Herrick left a huge void. He was a member of the police force and bribed senior members. With Herrick's disappearance, the vampire crimes and thus the vampires are in danger of being exposed. In addition, the vampires murder without a leader, without further thinking about the consequences. There are more and more unsolved murders. Even the residents of Bristol notice that something is wrong here. Mitchell realizes that he must step in and succeed Herrick as the leader of the Bristol vampire community. To do this, however, he must earn the respect of the vampires.

Meanwhile, Annie struggles with the men with sticks and ropes. The men with sticks and ropes are demons who live in the intermediate world between heaven and hell and who take mortals to hell when they are evil. The men with sticks and ropes are angry that Annie did not go through the door that was supposed to take her to the afterlife, and they try to get it there by force. To do this, they use the doors of other ghosts who are supposed to pull Annie through her own door. Annie's new friend Saul is also trying to use them for their own purposes. However, Annie learns to close the doors of other ghosts again and to defend herself against the men with sticks and ropes.

In the meantime, Mitchell begins a love affair with the doctor Prof. Lucy Jaggat. It is his first great love after Josie in 1969. He has deep feelings for Lucy. However, Mitchell has no idea that this works for the CenSSA and believes that vampires are evil and that they must be destroyed. Lucy therefore has very ambivalent feelings towards Mitchell, on the one hand she loves him and does not want to harm him, on the other hand she believes that she has to kill him to protect humanity.

Meanwhile, George starts a relationship with his work colleague Sam. It quickly becomes clear that Sam, their daughter Molly and George want to move in together. At a parents' evening, however, George mistakes the time and begins to transform in front of Molly. He can get home in time. However, when they next meet Molly is very scared, she screams when she sees George. George then ends the relationship with Sam. Now it is clear to George that he really wants to get rid of his werewolf curse. Therefore, it doesn't take long for the returning Nina to convince him to also take part in the experiments of the CenSSA.

Annie is meanwhile invisible again and is very dissatisfied with this development. She also wonders if she can ever leave Earth again after not walking through her door. She desperately seeks help from the CenSSA.

Meanwhile, the CenSSA is doing everything in its power to destroy the Bristol vampires. Lucy and Kemp install a bomb in their meeting place. This explodes and kills all 30 vampires present. Only Mitchell survives, as his friend Ivan throws himself on him to protect him. When Mitchell learns that Lucy is behind the murders, he can no longer control his anger and bloodlust. Together with Daisy, who is mourning her husband Ivan, he commits a massacre on a train, in which 20 people die. This massacre is later only called the Box-Tunnel-20-Massacre.

Then Mitchell sets out to free Annie, George and Nina. He kills everyone he comes across. George and Nina are released. However, he comes too late for Annie's rescue, she was forcibly exorcised by Kemp and is now in the afterlife. When Kemp attacks Annie's friends, Annie pulls them over to her. The men with sticks and ropes are very angry that a living person has been dragged into the afterlife. They threaten to take Annie to hell.

Daisy, on the other hand, tries to wake up Cara Herrick together with the vampire.

season 3

George, Nina and Mitchell move to Barry Island in South Wales after the events of the second season . They buy a former bed-and-breakfast hotel and try to get back to their old lives.

However, Annie is still in the afterlife, she is being held alone in a room by the men with sticks and ropes. Desperate, she sends calls for help to Mitchell, George, and Nina. Mitchell decides to save Annie and goes over to the afterlife. There he has to face all his previous deeds as a vampire, most recently the murders in Box Tunnel 20. This is where 22-year-old Lia died. She explains to him that, according to a prophecy, Mitchell will be killed by a werewolf in just a short time. Only then can Mitchell free Annie.

Annie is enthusiastic about her savior Mitchell and falls in love with him. Mitchell also realizes that he sees Annie as more than just a good friend. The two start a relationship. This turns out to be extremely difficult, however, because Mitchell keeps his involvement in the Box-Tunnel-20 murders secret from Annie, while Annie tries to solve the same murders.

Meanwhile, Nina believes Mitchell committed the Boxing Tunnel 20 murders and anonymously blackens him to the police. Detective Nancy Reid visits Mitchell. She is investigating the case and would like to ask Mitchell some questions. Immediately after meeting Mitchell, she believes she found the killer in him. However, her boss keeps getting in the way of her investigation.

Meanwhile, the old vampires have also become aware of Mitchell. You want him to work for you. However, Mitchell wants to stay with Annie and refuses.

In the meantime, the young werewolf Tom and his father Anthony McNair come to Barry Island. They roam Great Britain in their caravan to destroy vampires.

Nina becomes pregnant by George. While she is initially critical of pregnancy, she is ultimately looking forward to the child. However, George and Nina are afraid that the baby will not survive Nina's monthly transformations into werewolf. In addition, none of them have ever heard from a child that two werewolves were conceived on a full moon night. In their concern, they turn to Tom and Anthony. Anthony told Tom that Tom was also the child of two werewolves. His mother died shortly after his birth.

Tom wants to help George and Nina. He has fallen in love with Nina and hopes to find a pack of werewolf in George and Nina that he can join. Anthony is against it. Nina finally finds out that Anthony is not Tom's biological father at all. Anthony killed Tom's parents on a full moon night. Tom survived, but his injuries also turned him into a werewolf. Anthony therefore took on Tom and raised him as his own son. When Tom finds out about this, he is angry at first, but later forgives his stepfather.

Meanwhile, Mitchell believes he has found the werewolves in Anthony and Tom who want to kill him. To get rid of this, Mitchell tells the vampire Richard about Tom and Anthony. Richard organizes werewolf fights in which he lets the werewolves fight against each other or against humans. However, Richard not only captures Anthony, but also Nina and George. Mitchell feels guilty and organizes a rescue operation with Annie and Tom, in which all werewolves are saved. McNair and Tom leave Barry Island without killing Mitchell.

Herrick shows up in a psychiatric ward without memory. Afraid that all other supernatural beings could be exposed with Herrick's exposure, Nina and George bring him home. George, Annie and Mitchell want to destroy Herrick immediately, but are stopped by Nina. She developed a friendly relationship with the memoryless Herrick.

Nancy Reid is ultimately certain that Mitchell committed the murders. She arrested him. Mitchell wants to break free, but Annie asks him to go to jail. She feels sorry for those who remained of the victims and wants them to feel that justice is victorious. Mitchell complies with Annie's request.

When Anthony and Tom return to Barry Island, Anthony realizes that Herrick was the one responsible for turning Anthony into a werewolf. Herrick had forced him to fight a werewolf in 1990. Anthony killed the werewolf. However, he sustained an injury that made him a werewolf. Now Anthony swears revenge. He wants to kill Herrick on a full moon night. However, Anthony dies trying.

When Nancy Reid enters the room with the dead Anthony, the Herrick present can no longer keep his thirst for blood under control. In a rush of blood, he kills Nancy Reid and regains his memory. Herrick recalls how George tore him apart as a werewolf and wants revenge for it. So he stabs Nina. He later frees Mitchell, kills all police officers and destroys any video tapes that could reveal the vampires. Herrick is later finally killed by Mitchell under a sunset.

Meanwhile, Nina is taken to a hospital. She and her unborn baby survived the attack.

In the meantime, Tom receives a letter from his late stepfather. In this Anthony asks Tom to stop the vampire hunt. He wants Tom to lead a normal, beautiful life. However, Tom wants to avenge the death of his stepfather and sets off to kill more vampires.

Meanwhile, Mitchell returns to Barry, where he asks George to kill him. He explains to him that otherwise incidents like the Box-Tunnel-20 massacre could happen again and again and that he doesn't want to hurt anyone anymore. George is doing him a favor. With the words "I do this because I love you", he pokes him a wooden stake in his heart. Mitchell replies "I know" and disappears.

Season 4

After Nina did not survive the vampire attack, George, Annie and Tom have to take care of Eve, which turns out to be more difficult than expected, because the old vampires are also interested in Eve. According to a prophecy, this is supposed to save mankind from the vampires and of course the vampires want to prevent that. When Eve is captured by some vampires, George saves them and dies in the process. Before doing this, he asks Tom and Annie to continue to take good care of Eve and to protect her.

A short time later Annie and Tom get a visit from the werewolf Leo, the ghost Pearl and the vampire Hal Yorke. While Leo dies soon and goes over to the afterlife together with the ghost Pearl, Hal stays with Annie and Tom. From now on he will also take care of Eve.

Alex Millar meets Hal Yorke on her vacation on Barry Island and falls in love with him. Hal also takes a liking to Alex, but he is afraid that he would no longer be able to control his thirst for blood with her and rejects Alex. Therefore, Tom spontaneously arranges the first date. When Alex and Hal want to meet again, Cutler intercepts them. Cutler is a descendant of Hal. Hal had killed Cutler's wife in 1950, and Cutler has sworn revenge ever since. So he kills Alex. This returns as a spirit.

Meanwhile, the future Eve appears to Annie, who tells her that in the future most people will be dead or live in concentration camps. She also learns from Eve that the world is ruled by vampires and that Hal will be their leader. Future Eve tells Annie to kill her so that future never happens. Annie obeys Eve and blows herself and the baby up, killing them both.

Annie's door appears again. Annie meets the adult Eve. She thanks Annie's brave step and says that through Annie's act the cruel world she has experienced will never occur. Eve disappears, but first explains to Annie that Mitchell, George and Nina are already waiting for them. With a smile on her face, Annie walks through the door that leads to her friends.

Hal, Alex and Tom decide to live together in Honolulu Heights from now on.

Season 5

Like Annie at the beginning, Alex has to come to terms with life as a ghost. Furthermore, Alex, Tom and Hal have to deal with the supreme power of the supernatural, the devil. He lives in the form of Captain Hatch in the Barry Grand Hotel, where Hal and Tom also work. Captain Hatch causes suicides among the hotel staff and tries to break up the supernatural trio (Alex, Hal and Tom). Because only a supernatural trio, consisting of a werewolf, a ghost and a vampire, can destroy the devil. The devil wants to prevent this.

In the hotel, the devil ensures that Tom and Hal clash again and again. Only much later do the two of them realize that the devil is responsible for the enmity of werewolves and vampires. The devil draws energy from the battles between werewolves and vampires, which makes him stronger and stronger. He also created the werewolves, vampires and ghosts to bring chaos to the world.

Meanwhile, Hal struggles with his constant thirst for blood. He is often irritable and aggressive. When he meets the girl Natasha in the Barry Grand Hotel, she offers Hal to drink from her to quench his thirst for blood. Hal accepts her suggestion. However, Natasha goes out with Tom, which makes everything very difficult. When Tom and Alex realize that Hal is thirsty for blood, they chain him up in the house (Honolulu Heights). The devil takes advantage of the situation. He bewitches Natasha so that she goes to Honolulu Heights and cuts her throat right in front of the chained Hal. Hal tries to save her. He breaks his bonds but can't do anything for Natasha, she is already dead. When Tom sees the dead Natasha he believes Hal murdered her. He sets out to kill Hal. Disappointed with Tom's allegations, Hal can no longer control his thirst for blood. He murders the entire clientele of a café and becomes the evil vampire he once was again. A fierce battle ensues between Hal and Tom. Through the energy that the devil draws from this fight, he is able to rise again and rule the world. Meanwhile, Alex meets the ghost of the dead Natasha. This tells Alex the real story. When Tom and Hal realize that they have been tricked by the devil, they decide to destroy him. However, the devil keeps throwing them into new dream worlds. In these all your wishes come true. Alex is no longer a ghost, but is still alive. Tom is married to his first love, Allison. The two are expecting a child. Hal is still human and can choose to die instead of becoming a vampire. This would redeem all of his future victims. However, Hal, Tom and Alex see through the game again and again and set out to destroy the devil. Finally they succeed. Since the devil made them ghosts, vampires and werewolves, this spell loses its effect. Hal, Tom and Alex are becoming human again. They finally seem to be able to live the way they want. Only a small origami werewolf in the closet of the house makes the suspicion arise again that something is wrong. The devil had also folded such a wolf in Tom's dream world.

In an additional scene, which is on the DVD of the fifth season, it is shown that Alex, Hal and Tom realize that they are in another dream world. You set out to destroy the devil.


Main cast

role actor Main role
Supporting role
Annie Sawyer Lenora Crichlow 1-4
George Sands Russell Tovey 1-4
John "Mitchell" Mitchell Aidan Turner 1-3
Nina Pickering Sinead Keenan 3 1-2
Tom McNair Michael Socha 4-5 3
Hal Yorke Damien Molony 4-5
Alex Millar Kate Bracken 5 4th
Dominic Rook Steven Robertson 5 4th

Supporting cast

role actor Supporting role
Number of episodes description
Herrick Jason Watkins Pilot ( Adrian Lester ), 1.01–3.08 14th Vampire and creator of Mitchell, policeman and leader of the Bristol vampire community
Seth Dylan Brown Pilot, 1.01–1.06 6th Vampire, Mitchell's rival and Herrick's subordinate
Lauren Drake Annabel Scholey Pilot ( Dominique McElligott ), 1.01–1.05 6th former nurse and friend of Mitchell. When Mitchell sleeps with her he can no longer control his thirst for blood and drinks her blood to save Lauren, he turns her into a vampire.
Owen Gregg Chillin 1.01–1.06 5 Annie's ex-fiance
Janey Harris Sama Goldie 1.01–1.05 4th the new friend of Owen
Cara Rebecca Cooper 1.01-3.05 5 initially a nurse who is later turned into a vampire by Herrick
Tully Dean Lennox Kelly 1.01–1.02 2 Werewolf and creator of George
Josie Clare Higgins , Charlene McKenna 1.05-1.06, 2.05 3 Mitchell's former girlfriend from the 1960s, who later meets him in the hospital.
Billy Josef Altin 1.05-1.06 2 As an orphan he is captured by the vampires and used as their blood supply. When he dies he becomes a ghost and contacts Annie.
Chaplain Mark Michael Begley 1.06, 2.07 2 The chaplain in the hospital
Priest Kemp Donald Sumpter 1.06-2.08 9 Priest and leader of the underground religious organization CenSSA, which deals with supernatural beings.
Hennessey Adrian Schiller 2.01, 2.07-2.08 3 Medium and employee of the CenSSA, however much more open to supernatural beings than other employees of the CenSSA
Ivan Paul Rhys 2.01-2.07 5 Vampire (since 1815) and husband of Daisy
Daisy Amy Manson 2.01-2.08 6th Vampire (since 1941) and wife of Ivan
Lucy Lyndsey Marshal 2.01-2.08 8th Employee of the CenSSA organization and Mitchell's friend
Lloyd Pinkie Mark Fleischmann 2.01-2.08 7th Scientific employee of the CenSSA organization
Hugh Nathan Wright 2.01-2.03 3 Owner of the pub Annie works in, friend of Annie
Saul Alex Lanipekun 2.01-2.02 2 Guest in Hugh's Pub, is used by the men with sticks and ropes to get at Annie
Sam Danson Lucy Gaskell 2.04-2.07 4th George's new girlfriend in season 2, mother of Molly
Molly Danson Molly Jones 2.05-2.07 3 Daughter of Sam, possibly medium
Anthony McNair Robson Green 3.01-3.08 4th Werewolf and stepfather of Tom McNair
Lia Shaman Lacey Turner 3.01, 3.08 2 one of the people Mitchell and Daisy murdered in the Box Tunnel 20 massacre
Adam Jacobs Craig Roberts 3.02, 4.05 2 Vampire (since 1980), brought home by George and Nina after the death of his father, main character in the spin-off television series Becoming Human
Richard Hargreaves Mark Lewis Jones 3.02, 3.04 2 Vampire, runs a vampire swinger club with his wife Emma
Emma Hargreaves Melanie Walters 3.02, 3.04 2 Vampire, runs a vampire swinger club with her husband Richard
Nancy Reid Erin Richards 3.06-3.08 3 Investigator responsible for solving the Box Tunnel 20 massacre
cooper Justin Salinger 3.06-3.07 2 Police pathologist trying to prevent the Box Tunnel 20 massacre from being investigated
Eve Sands Gina Bramhill 4.01-4.08 6th War child, daughter of Nina and George
Nick Cutler Andrew Gower 4.01-4.08 7th Vampire (since 1950) and neck rival
Fergus Anthony Flanagan 4.01-4.03 3 Vampire and police officer trying to cover up vampire activity
Leo Louis Mahoney 4.01-4.02, 5x06, prequel Hal 3 Werewolf who lived with Hal for 50 years
Pearl Tamla Kari 4.01-4x02 2 Geist, lived with Hal for 50 years
Regus Mark Williams 4.01, 4x03 2 Vampire archivist
Kirby James Lance 4.03-4.04 2 Mass murderer who returns as a ghost
Allison Larkin Ellie Kendrick 4.06, 5.06 2 Girlfriend of Tom (2012 & 2013)
Mr. Snow Mark Gatiss 4.07-4.08, prequel The Old Ones 2 The oldest known vampire (approx. 1100 BC), head of the old vampires and thus also head of all other vampires, they bring him offerings
Ian Crumb Colin Hoult 5.01-5.04 3 is made a vampire by Hal
Captain Hatch Philip Davis 5.01-5.06 5 Devil in a human body
Alistair Frith Toby Whithouse 5.01-5.06 4th Prime Minister
Alan Hamza Jeetooa 5.02, 5.04 2 former member of the Men in Gray, is turned into a vampire by Crumb and murders countless people with him

main characters

John Mitchell

John Mitchell ( Aidan Turner , pilot: Guy Flanagan ) is a vampire . He was born in Ireland on July 29, 1893. During the First World War he fought on the side of the British. There he met Herrick in June 1917, who made him a vampire. During the first four weeks as a vampire, Mitchell tries to avoid blood. But then he no longer has his thirst for blood under control. He kills his friend and corporal Arthur Hanley. Several years followed, during which Mitchell and his creator indulged in a real bloodlust. Mitchell and Herrick kill countless people and Mitchell becomes a hero among the vampires. These celebrated his bloodshed. In 1969, Mitchell meets Josie. Mitchell and Herrick take them hostage after killing several women. Josie immediately realizes that Mitchell, unlike Herrick, doesn't want to kill and speaks to him about it. Mitchell is enthusiastic about the brave young woman and convinces Herrick to let Josie go. Mitchell later begins a love affair with Josie and tries to renounce blood from now on. He succeeds sometimes better and sometimes worse. It is particularly difficult for Mitchell to resist the thirst for blood in crisis situations. Because by drinking blood, vampires can forget their bad feelings - hurt, sadness, guilt, etc. So Mitchell relapses again and again over the years and has to try again and again to keep his thirst for blood under control. His friends Annie and George help him in particular. Mitchell does not want to disappoint them. Mitchell is humorous, compassionate, and helpful. Whenever his friends are in trouble, he is there to help them immediately.

Annie Sawyer

Annie Sawyer ( Lenora Crichlow , pilot: Andrea Riseborough ) is a cheerful young woman who died prematurely and became a ghost. Before her death, 22-year-old Annie and her fiancé Owen bought a house to live there. However, Annie died a short time later in a fall down stairs and reappeared as a ghost. At the beginning of the television series, Annie has lived in the house for a year. She has not left the house or spoken to anyone, because she is initially invisible to them. In order to stay alone in the house, she scares away all future tenants by haunted the house and hiding their belongings. Only when the supernatural beings Mitchell and George move in and notice Annie does this become visible to humans. Annie is over the moon. Annie is usually in a good mood. She likes to talk a lot and has a great sense of justice. Annie is also always friendly and helpful. As a ghost, Annie can fling things and control electrical devices. In addition, she later learns to read auras and to feel people's feelings by simply touching them.

George Sands

George Sands ( Russell Tovey ), like Annie, was born in 1985. At first, George lives an unexciting life. He has an IQ of 156 and decides to study medicine. He also had a fiancée at an early age, but left her without saying another word when he was infected with the werewolf curse in 2007. His fiancée and both parents believe that George is dead. However, George's mother in particular never gives up hope of seeing her son alive again. Meanwhile, George withdraws further and further and lives a lonely life. Only when he is rescued from a vampire attack by Mitchell does he befriend him. The two take a job at the hospital and decide to move in together. In the newly rented apartment, Mitchell and George meet Annie, with whom they live together from now on. George is very structured, neat and tidy. However, he is often very clumsy when dealing with other people. But he compensates for this with his high intelligence. George is also a loyal friend and always helpful.

Nina Pickering

Nina Pickering ( Sinead Keenan ) is a tough young woman who works in the hospital with Mitchell and George. She is George's boss and initially has a rather bad impression of George. She gets to know him when he is being controlled by the werewolf in him. That makes him appear arrogant and clumsy at the same time. However, when Nina notices George looking after a patient in his spare time, she changes her mind about him. Suddenly she recognizes his lovable sides and falls in love with him. The two become a couple. However, this relationship is not entirely without consequences. George accidentally infects Nina with the werewolf curse. Nina is strong, tough and always tries to help other people. She is loyal to her friends.

Tom McNair

Tom McNair ( Michael Socha ) is a young werewolf. He lives in a trailer with his father, Anthony McNair, and hunts vampires. Together, the two have killed countless vampires whose teeth they hang on a chain as a trophy. Tom longs for a family and a werewolf pack. When he meets Nina and George, he immediately wants to form a pack with them. He also falls in love with Nina, who explains to him that she only loves George. Tom doesn't mind this much, however. He wants to continue to be part of their packs and protect them both. Tom is brave and a good fighter. Due to his nomadic life, however, he lacks education, which is more troubling for Tom than he would like.

Hal Yorke

Hal Yorke ( Damien Molony ) is a vampire. He was born in 1490 and is the son of one of 6 prostitutes. Hal himself doesn't know which of these prostitutes his mother is. However, he loves everyone equally. On September 8, 1514, he was made a vampire in a battle by a medic. In the following years, Hal is a cruel vampire. He kills countless people and is one of the "Old Ones", an organization of vampires that controls the other vampires and creates laws for them to which they must adhere. In 1955, Hal meets the werewolf Leo. Through him, Hal realizes that he actually doesn't want to kill anymore and doesn't want to be a member of the "old" anymore. He moves into a flat share with Leo and meets the ghost of Pearl there. The three have lived together in the shared flat for over 50 years. Hal does not drink blood during this time, but he never leaves the house and adheres to a strict daily structure that Leo gives him. In 2012, Leo finally fell ill. The three-person shared apartment turns to Annie. They hope this can help them get Leo back to health. However, Leo dies only a little later and goes over to the afterlife with Pearl. Hal stays with Annie. Hal is very structured and neat. He has a very elegant manner of expression and is always polite. However, when the vampire in him gets the upper hand, Hal is extremely brutal and cruel and has no empathy for his victims.

Alex Millar

Alex Millar ( Kate Bracken ) is a young woman. She has three younger brothers who she takes care of after her mother left the family. She meets the vampire Hal while on vacation in a café and flirts with him. Just as the two of them get into a closer relationship, Alex is killed by Hal's rival, Cutler. Since she died very young and there are still tons of unfinished business ahead of her, she returns as a ghost. She moves into Hal and Tom's apartment. Alex has a sense of humor, is quick-witted, courageous and helpful.

Dominic Rook

Dominic Rook ( Steven Robertson ) is the head of the "Men in Gray". These take care that the supernatural world is kept secret from humans. Rook keeps visiting people who have seen something supernatural. Rook advises them never to talk about these incidents again. For Dominic Rook, his job means everything. Without it, he feels useless and empty.



Thousands of years ago, two Asian brothers made a pact with the devil. This promised them an eternal life. However, from now on the brothers had to feed on human blood. They became the very first vampires. The oldest vampire in the series is Mr. Snow. All other vampires make offerings to him as soon as he comes to a new town. An entire village was once sacrificed to him. In addition, Mr. Snow is the leader of the old vampires (Old Ones). The old vampires are a vampire community whose rules and guidelines all other vampires must follow. They also ensure that crimes committed by vampires remain secret.

Most vampires kill people and drink their blood. Drinking blood is like an addiction to vampires. You can use it to suppress unpleasant feelings such as sadness. It also helps them not to think about their victims and to feel guilty about their deaths. Blood supplies from the hospital do not quench the thirst for blood. They lack life energy. To quench thirst, the blood must be drunk directly from the human vein. This makes it particularly difficult for vampires to refrain from drinking blood. Most vampires only manage to live without human blood for a certain period of time. Then they relapse again and start killing. Humans become vampires by drinking the blood of a vampire shortly before they die.

Vampires can only enter houses if invited. Religious symbols such as crosses, the Bible or a Star of David keep vampires away. However, if there is a special bond (love, friendship) between the owner of such a symbol and the vampire, the symbol is harmless to the vampire. Vampires can get out in sunlight, but they don't particularly like it and often wear thick clothing in sunlight. In addition, vampires cannot be captured on videos and photos. Vampires hate werewolves. They love to beat them up or put them in cages to make them fight humans and other werewolves.


Humans become werewolves when injured by a werewolf. On the next full moon night, they turn into a werewolf. Like vampires and ghosts, werewolves were created by the devil to bring chaos into the world. The transformation into a werewolf is incredibly painful for those affected. Once a werewolf transformation is complete, there is little left of the human personality. The werewolf will indiscriminately kill friends and family members when he gets around to it. The werewolf only spares or protects a person in a very intense relationship (including George and Nina). If a werewolf is angry, he can turn into a werewolf even outside of the full moon. Since the body cannot withstand the transformation at this point, the werewolf dies from the destruction of its organs. Werewolves can father children. However, Nina and George are the first werewolves to whom this happened. Your child is a person with light supernatural abilities. For example, the child can see ghosts.


People become ghosts when there is still a task on earth that they have to do. Often this happens when people die very young or their death is based on a very tragic event (e.g. murder). The task doesn't have to be positive. It may also be that the ghost has to do something negative, like frightening the unfaithful wife.

When a ghost has done its job, a door appears. If he goes through the door, he first comes to Purgatory (purgatory). There he has to face all his past deeds. Only then can he go to heaven or be taken to hell. If a ghost does not go through its door into purgatory, it will be chased by the demons of purgatory, the men with sticks and ropes. They try with all their might to pull the spirit into purgatory. To do this, they use the doors of other spirits or try to harness the people in the vicinity of the spirit for their own purposes. However, a spirit can learn to defend itself against the demons.

With a few exceptional cases, ghosts cannot be seen by humans. Only supernatural beings such as vampires, werewolves or media notice their presence. Spirits can read people's auras and thus recognize, for example, whether a person has a serious illness. When you touch other people you can read their thoughts and feel their feelings. They can also beam away. You can take away all the things that are not alive. For example, you can beam yourself away with a vampire, but not with a werewolf or humans, as they are still alive. Spirits can also move things via telekinesis . However, spirits must first learn all of these skills. You do not master this from the start.

Ghosts cannot take physical harm or be killed. However, if you destroy their surroundings and destroy the people they love, ghosts simply dissolve into nothing.


There are many different types of demons in Being Human. So there are demons who live on earth and create a succubus or incubus together with humans and demons who only exist in purgatory.

The men with sticks and ropes

The men with sticks and ropes cannot leave purgatory with a few exceptions. They bring the beings to hell who have done a lot of bad things in their lives and who also have no regrets in purgatory. All ghosts and vampires have seen these demons after their human death. For many of them, this is a traumatic experience that they don't like to talk about. If ghosts do not go through their door into purgatory, they are chased by the men with sticks. They feel cheated of a soul and try with all their might to bring the spirits back.

Although they only enter the earth in exceptional cases, the men can use sticks and ropes to communicate with people and spirits on earth. They do this particularly well with electromagnetic waves. This is how they talk to people over the radio or television. In the series, they contact Annie's friend Saul through presenter Terry Wogan . They influence this in such a way that he sexually harasses Annie. In doing so, they hope to unsettle and weaken Annie. It would be easier for her to get Annie into purgatory. In addition to communicating through television or radio, they can make themselves understood by posting news or articles in magazines or books.

If the electromagnetic waves are very strong or if the devil sends them, the men can use sticks and ropes to make a door appear. If this remains open, the men can stay briefly on the ground with sticks and ropes. When the door closes again, the demons dissolve into nothing.

Succubus / Incubus

The succubus (female) or incubus (male) is the child of a human and a demon. As soon as they touch another being, it feels incredibly attracted to the half-demon. If the sexual act occurs, the partner dies. Only vampires survive this because they are already dead. Often the half demons do not know about their fate and only realize much later what is wrong with them.

The devil

The devil is the leader of the demons. He is responsible for causing chaos and strife in the world. As the creator of vampires, ghosts and werewolves, he draws his energy from the centuries of conflicts and wars between vampires and werewolves. Only a supernatural trio consisting of a vampire, a ghost and a werewolf can defeat him. In 1911 such a trio, consisting of the vampire Hal Yorke, the ghost Emil Parsons and Catherine Glass, succeeded in capturing the devil in a human body. In 2013 the devil wants to use the conflict between vampires and werewolves to gain new strength and to rise again.


Production company Touchpaper Television approached screenwriter Toby Whithouse to develop a drama television series about friends buying a house. Although Whithouse wasn't enthusiastic about the idea, he designed three characters, George, John and Annie, for the television series. However, these three characters liked Touchpaper, which is why they started developing the project. After they incorporated the supernatural elements into the plot, the pilot episode was produced. In the pilot episode introduced Guy Flanagan Mitchell represents. Andrea Riseborough plays Annie in the pilot. Adrian Lester starred as the vampire villain Herrick and Dominique McElligott presented Lauren Drake . Only Russell Tovey (werewolf George) and Dylan Brown (Vampire Seth) were also seen by the pilot in the series.

Being Human Blog

In addition to the regular episodes of Being Human on the BBC Three TV channel, there was a Being Human blog. On this, the blog readers could find a lot of additional information, some of which was created exclusively for the blog. In addition, viewers were able to exchange ideas there about the series and the blog.

The following was found on the blog:

  • Additional scenes shot only for the blog
  • Extended and Deleted Scenes
  • 6 video prequels for the characters
  • Interviews with the performers, producers, musicians, etc.
  • Own website of the religious underground organization CenSSA with videos, photos etc. about ghost, vampire and werewolf sightings
  • Letters from the characters
  • Unfilmed scripts
  • Behind the scenes videos, photos and reports
  • The inventor of the series and some of the actors answer fan questions
  • Character emails with background information on the whereabouts of some characters.
  • news
  • Inventor Toby Whithouse's blog
  • Crafting tips
  • Video diary of the actors
  • Trailer
  • and much more background information

The Being Human blog post was written on December 15th, 2008 by Garret Keogh. The last blog entry was published on March 15, 2013. Garret Keogh was responsible for the blog for the first three seasons. Then Rebecca Denton took over this task. The Being Human Blog became the BBC Three's most popular website and one of the most successful blogs in the entire BBC .

Because of this success, the spin-off web series Becoming Human was finally shot. This was initially only shown on a blog on the Internet. The entire series was later broadcast on BBC Three following a regular Being Human episode .


United Kingdom

The pilot episode of the television series aired on February 18, 2008. It does not count towards the first season. To promote the first season of the television series, BBC Three created a blog on December 22nd that featured three videos that featured the main characters of the television series. The first season aired on January 25, 2009 and ended on March 1, 2009. Filming for the second season began in August 2009. The first episode of the second season aired on January 10, 2010. The season finale ran on February 28, 2010. On January 23, 2011, the broadcast of the third season began. The season ended on March 13, 2011.

On March 14, 2011, one day after the season finale of the third season, the television series was extended by a fourth. However, at the same time it was announced that Aidan Turner would leave the television series for the film project The Hobbit by Peter Jackson . The fourth season episodes aired from February 5, 2012 to March 25, 2012. Due to the unchanged ratings, the BBC extended the television series in March 2012 by a six-part fifth season, which began broadcasting on February 3, 2013. A little later, on February 7, 2013, it was announced that the television series would end after the six episodes of the fifth season.


From March 16 to April 13, 2014, the station ProSieben Fun showed the first and second season of the series in the original version with German subtitles. The third to fifth season was broadcast on ProSieben Fun from August 31, 2014. In Germany, Being Human is also offered online as video-on-demand by the providers Maxdome and MyVideo .

Awards and nominations


Royal Television Society:

  • 2009: Best Tape and Film Editing: Drama (Philip Hookway)
  • 2009: Best Special Effects

Writers' Guild of Great Britain:

SFX Awards :

TV Quick Awards:


TV Quick Awards:

  • 2009: Best New Drama ( Toby Whithouse , Colin Teague, Rob Pursey, Matthew Bouch)

Broadcasting Press Guild Awards:

  • 2010: Best Drama Series ( Toby Whithouse , Colin Teague, Matthew Bouch, Rob Pursey)

Irish Film and Television Awards:

  • 2012: Best Director Television Drama (Daniel O'Hara)

BAFTA Awards :

  • 2010: Best Drama Series (Rob Pursey, Toby Whithouse , Matthew Bouch, Colin Teague)
  • 2010: Best Original Television Music (Richard Wells)
  • 2011: Best Drama Series (Rob Pursey, Philip Trethowan, Toby Whithouse , Colin Teague)

Remake and spin-off


In January 2011, the US broadcaster Syfy began to broadcast a remake of the same name . It ran until April 2014 and consists of four seasons and 52 episodes. Sam Witwer , Sam Huntington and Meaghan Rath were in the lead roles .


In October 2010 it was announced that the BBC would produce a spin-off of the British television series under the name Becoming Human . The spin-off was introduced in the middle of the third season. It's about the adolescent vampire Adam, played by Craig Roberts . Production of the television series was discontinued after the first season.


In 2010, three English novels related to the television series were published. The novels are set in the second season. There is also an audio book for each book . The audio book The Road will be read by "Annie" actress Lenora Crichlow . The audio book Chasers will be read by "George" actor Russell Tovey and the book Bad Blood by Lucy Gaskell. Lucy Gaskell also starred in Being Human . She played a small supporting role, Sam Danson - George's ex-girlfriend.

Books (english)

# title author Published on ISBN
01 The Road Simon Guerrier February 4, 2010 ISBN 978-1-84607-898-9
02 Chasers Mark Michalowski February 4, 2010 ISBN 978-1-84607-899-6
03 Bad blood James Goss February 4, 2010 ISBN 978-1-84607-900-9

Audio books (english)

# title author Read by length Released on (Download / CD) ISBN (audio download) ISBN (audio CD)
01 The Road Simon Guerrier Lenora Crichlow 5 hours 38 minutes November 7, 2012/16. April 2013 ISBN 978-1-4713-0511-5 ISBN 978-1-62064-724-0
02 Chasers Mark Michalowski Russell Tovey 5 hours 18 minutes November 1, 2012/15. April 2013 ISBN 978-1-4713-0525-2 ISBN 978-1-4713-0528-3
03 Bad blood James Goss Lucy Gaskell 6 hours 45 minutes November 1, 2012/15. May 2013 ISBN 978-1-4713-0529-0 ISBN 978-1-4713-0530-6


In March 2011, a soundtrack for the television series was released. This was composed by Richard Wells . There are 24 songs from 1 & 2 on the soundtrack. Season. A season three soundtrack was released on May 25, 2013. The soundtrack is 48 minutes long. There are 25 pieces of music on the soundtrack.

Soundtrack season 1 & 2
# Track
1 Being human
2 Ancestors
3 Annie's theme
4th A wonderful thing
5 Box Tunnel Massacre
6th Gilbert's Door
7th Resurrection
8th Spread a Little Joy
9 Best Night Ever
10 It's coming
11 Leaving
12 Molly
13 Beautiful chaos
14th Blood Addicts
15th Someone Else
16 Catacombs
17th Lucky
18th A second chance
19th Vampire annihilation
20th Who's Laughing Now?
21st Holding On
22nd Annie's Door
23 Nina and George
24 Full moon
Season 3 soundtrack
# Track
1 Drawn Together
2 Time wasting
3 Thank you
4th Place your bets
5 Richard
6th Mitchell and Annie
7th Boy running
8th Sasha's Door
9 Gotcha
10 Breaking up
11 Wolf Shaped Bullet
12 Werewolf Attack
13 Awakening
14th Tit for Tat
15th Arrested
16 Intrigue
17th Graham's Death
18th Together
19th Chicken
20th It hurts
21st Big Secrets
22nd Dad's story
23 Rescue
24 You Made Me Human
25th Age Of Vampires

Web links

Commons : Being Human  - Collection of Images

Individual evidence

  1. Being Human . Retrieved December 31, 2013.
  2. Louisa Mellor: See what happens after the Being Human series 5 finale here . In: . April 15, 2013. Retrieved July 29, 2014.
  3. Jason Arnopp: Toby Whithouse Interview, Part One . In: . May 6, 2008. Retrieved February 9, 2013.
  4. Guy Flanagan plays Mitchell (The Vampire) . February 8, 2008. Retrieved September 11, 2014.
  5. Andrea Riseborough plays Annie (The Ghost) . February 8, 2008. Retrieved September 11, 2014.
  6. ^ Adrian Lester plays Herrick . February 8, 2008. Retrieved September 11, 2014.
  7. Being human. . Retrieved September 11, 2014.
  8. Rebecca Denton: ADDITIONAL SCENE: Dewi . In: BBC . February 7, 2012. Retrieved April 16, 2014.
  9. Garret Keogh: EXTENDED SCENE: DON'T KILL ANYONE TODAY . In: BBC . March 16, 2010. Retrieved April 16, 2014.
  10. Garret Keogh: DELETED SCENE: MITCHELL LOOKS AWFUL . In: BBC . March 8, 2010. Retrieved April 16, 2014.
  11. Garret Keogh: MITCHELL . In: . December 19, 2008. Retrieved April 16, 2014.
  12. Garret Keogh: MITCHELL'S INTERVIEW . In: . January 21, 2011. Retrieved April 16, 2014.
  13. Garret Keogh: PRODUCER PHIL ON BH3 . In: . March 26, 2010. Retrieved April 16, 2014.
  14. Garret Keogh: KNOW THE SCORE . In: . February 23, 2010. Retrieved April 16, 2014.
  15. CenSSA . In: . Retrieved March 31, 2013.
  16. ^ Rebecca Denton: S4 Files: Dear Eve . In: . February 10, 2012. Retrieved April 16, 2014.
  17. Rebecca Denton: 2 Weeks Earlier . In: . February 9, 2012. Retrieved April 16, 2014.
  18. Garret Keogh: BEHIND THE SCENES OF THE BH3 ARTWORK . In: . January 10, 2011. Retrieved April 16, 2014.
  19. Garret Keogh: BH2: STORY OF THE SERIES . In: . December 4, 2009. Retrieved April 16, 2014.
  20. Garret Keogh: TOBY WHITHOUSE ANSWERS YOUR QUESTIONS (PART 3) . In: . February 10, 2011. Retrieved April 16, 2014.
  21. #AskMichael (Mr Socha Speaks) . In: . February 28, 2013. Retrieved April 16, 2014.
  22. Last Rookileaks . In: . March 6, 2013. Retrieved April 16, 2014.
  23. Garret Keogh: COMIC CON 2010 . In: . July 23, 2010. Retrieved April 16, 2014.
  24. Garret Keogh: TOBY'S BLOG: TIME TO CLEAN UP . In: . February 16, 2010. Retrieved April 16, 2014.
  25. Garret Keogh: BH2: MAKE A BEING HUMAN PUMPKIN . In: . October 29, 2009. Retrieved April 16, 2014.
  26. Garret Keogh: BH2: AIDAN TURNER'S VIDEO DIARY . In: . March 4, 2009. Retrieved April 16, 2014.
  27. ^ Rebecca Denton: Annie, Tom and Hal Trailers. . In: . January 24, 2012. Retrieved April 16, 2014.
  28. Garret Keogh: WELCOME TO BEING HUMAN . In: . December 15, 2008. Retrieved April 16, 2014.
  29. Blog posts by year and month . In: . Retrieved April 16, 2014.
  30. Barry Pilling: I'M LEAVING BEING HUMAN . In: . Retrieved April 16, 2014.
  31. BECOMING HUMAN EPISODE ONE . In: . Retrieved April 16, 2014.
  32. TV Review: BECOMING HUMAN; for whom the school bell tolls . In: . Archived from the original on April 16, 2014. Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved April 16, 2014. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  33. Bernd Michael Krannich: BBC extends Being Human for season 4 . In: . March 14, 2011. Retrieved February 9, 2013.
  34. Carolin Neumann: Being Human: Is Aidan Turner dropping out because of The Hobbit? . In: . February 23, 2011. Retrieved February 9, 2013.
  35. ^ Rainer Idesheim: Being Human (UK): BBC orders 5th season of the mystery series . In: . March 26, 2012. Retrieved February 9, 2013.
  36. Bernd Michael Krannich: Being Human: British original discontinued with season 5 . In: . February 7, 2013. Retrieved February 9, 2013.
  37. Mario Giglio: Being Human: The British series original from March on ProSieben Fun . In: . February 5, 2014. Retrieved February 5, 2013.
  38. Being Human . In: . Retrieved April 15, 2014.
  39. ^ "Being Human": Third UK season on ProSieben Fun . In: . July 22, 2014. Retrieved July 22, 2014.
  40. Being Human . In: . Retrieved April 27, 2016.
  41. ^ Being Human Awards . Retrieved April 15, 2014.
  42. Garrett Keogh: NEW SERIES: BECOMING HUMAN . In: . October 26, 2010. Retrieved February 9, 2013.
  43. Bernd Michael Krannich: Being Human: British original discontinued with season 5 . In: . February 7, 2013. Retrieved February 9, 2013.
  44. ^ BBC Books Publishing a Three-Novel Tie-In to Being Human . Archived from the original on January 28, 2010. Retrieved October 30, 2010.
  45. Audio Go - The Home of BBC Audiobooks . Archived from the original on January 30, 2013. Retrieved October 30, 2013.
  46. Lucy Gaskell . Archived from the original on January 30, 2013. Retrieved October 30, 2013.
  47. being human soundtrack . Retrieved December 11, 2013.
  48. ^ Being Human Series 3 soundtrack . March 25, 2013. Retrieved December 11, 2013.