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Cintruénigo municipality
Cintruénigo - Iglesia de San Juan Bautista
Cintruénigo - Iglesia de San Juan Bautista
coat of arms Map of Spain
Cintruénigo coat of arms
Cintruénigo (Spain)
Finland road sign 311 (1994-2020) .svg
Basic data
Autonomous Community : NavarreNavarre Navarre
Province : Navarre
Comarca : Ribera Navarre
Coordinates 42 ° 5 ′  N , 1 ° 48 ′  W Coordinates: 42 ° 5 ′  N , 1 ° 48 ′  W
Height : 395  msnm
Area : 37.34 km²
Residents : 7,903 (Jan 1, 2019)
Population density : 211.65 inhabitants / km²
Postal code : 31592
Municipality number  ( INE ): 31072
Website : Cintruénigo
Basilica de la Purísima Concepción

Cintruénigo is a small town and municipality ( municipality ) with a total of 7,903 inhabitants (January 1, 2019) in the extreme southwest of the autonomous community of Navarre in Spain .

Location and climate

The place Cintruénigo is located on the east bank of the Río Alhama approx. 20 km (driving distance) west of the city of Tudela at an altitude of approx. 395  m . The climate is temperate to warm; Rain (approx. 495 mm / year) falls mainly in the winter half-year.

Population development

year 1857 1900 1950 2000 2018
Residents 2,679 3,959 4.211 5,694 7,823

Because of the rural exodus as a result of the mechanization of agriculture , the abandonment of small farms and the resulting lower demand for labor in rural areas, the population of the small town has increased significantly since the middle of the 19th century.


Cintruénigo was and still is the center of an agricultural area. About a third of the community area is used for agriculture (olives, wine, asparagus, grain, etc.). In the second half of the 20th century, smaller industrial companies (furniture, canning, etc.) emerged and the service sector also developed.


Celts or Celtiberians , Romans , Visigoths and even the Moors left no traces on the area of ​​the municipality and even for the Middle Ages there are no archaeological or written sources. Probably only from the 14./15. In the 19th century, families from the surrounding mountain regions settled here.


  • The most important attraction of the place is the three-aisled , star-vaulted hall church of San Juan Bautista from the 16th century; the western yoke with the unadorned facade was not added until the 19th century. Noteworthy is from bricks bricked, but overall very elaborately designed upper floor of the bell tower (Campanario) small with its corner towers and a central lantern . The eye-catcher inside are the three altars in the choir area , of which the middle one was built in the years after 1525 and is dedicated to John the Baptist .
  • The Ermita de la Purísima Concepción (also called Basilica ), built in the 17th century, is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception of Mary; It is a single-nave classicist building made of bricks with fields of fist-sized pebbles in Mudéjar technique and optics on a hill on the outskirts.
  • Several aristocratic palaces in the village are adorned with stone coats of arms.

Web links

Commons : Cintruénigo  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Cifras oficiales de población resultantes de la revisión del Padrón municipal a 1 de enero . Population statistics from the Instituto Nacional de Estadística (population update).
  2. Cintruénigo - climate tables
  3. Cintruénigo - population development
  4. ^ Cintruénigo - Economy
  5. Cintruénigo - History