Kilis (province)

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Province number: 79
Bulgarien Griechenland Zypern Georgien Armenien Aserbaidschan Iran Irak Syrien Edirne Tekirdağ İstanbul Çanakkale Yalova Balıkesir Bursa Kocaeli Sakarya Bilecik Kütahya İzmir Manisa Aydın Muğla Uşak Denizli Düzce Bolu Eskişehir Afyonkarahisar Burdur Antalya Isparta Zonguldak Bartın Karabük Çankırı Ankara Konya Karaman Mersin Niğde Aksaray Kırşehir Kırıkkale Çorum Kastamonu Sinop Samsun Amasya Yozgat Kayseri Adana Ordu Tokat Sivas Giresun Osmaniye Hatay Kilis Malatya K. Maraş Gaziantep Adıyaman Şanlıurfa Mardin Batman Diyarbakır Elazığ Erzincan Trabzon Gümüşhane Tunceli Bayburt Rize Bingöl Artvin Ardahan Kars Iğdır Erzurum Muş Ağrı Bitlis Siirt Şırnak Van HakkariKilis in Turkey.svg
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Kilis districts.png
Basic data
Coordinates: 36 ° 48 ′  N , 37 ° 7 ′  E Coordinates: 36 ° 48 ′  N , 37 ° 7 ′  E
Provincial capital: Kilis
Region: Southeast Anatolia
Surface: 1,412 km²
Population: 142,541 (2018)
Population density: 101 inhabitants / km²
Governor: Recep Soytürk
Seats in Parliament: 2
Telephone code: 0348
Features : 79
Website (Turkish)

Kilis is a Turkish province in southeast Asia Minor and lies on the border with Syria . Their capital is Kilis of the same name . It has been an independent province since 1995 by Law No. 550. Neighboring provinces are Gaziantep in the north and Hatay in the west. Kilis belongs to the Turkish part of the Kurd Dagh . Before the First World War , Kilis was economically and culturally connected to what is now the Syrian cities of Afrin and Aleppo .

Administrative division

The province is divided into four districts (districts, İlçe ), which are named after their main towns:

district Area 1
Population (2018) 2 Number of Units Density
(Ew / km²)
share (in%)
ratio 3
date 4.5
District ( İlçe ) Administrative headquarters
Elbeyli 238 6,526 2,607 1 4th 23 27.4 39.95 847 1995
Kilis Merkez 610 116.034 100,675 1 75 52 190.2 86.76 964 1995
Musabeyli 346 14,620 1,598 1 3 46 42.3 10.93 951 1995
Polateli 218 5,361 1,181 1 6th 16 24.6 22.03 962 1995
PROVINCE Kilis 1,412 142,541 4th 88 137 100.9 74.41 957 1995


1 Area 2014
2 Population update as of December 31, 2018
3 Gender ratio : number of women per 1000 men (calculated)
4th Ministry of Interior PDF
5Counties that were not formed until after Turkey was founded (1923).


The population consists mainly of Turks and Kurds .
At the 2011 census, the average age in the province was 24.9 years (national average: 29.6), with the female population being on average 1.6 years older than the male population (25.8: 24.2).

Results of the population extrapolation

The following table shows the annual population development at the end of the year after updating by the addressable population register (ADNKS) introduced in 2007. In addition, the population growth rate and the sex ratio (are Sex Ratio h. Number of women per 1,000 men d.) Listed.
The 2011 census found 124,452 inhabitants, almost 10,000 more than in the 2000 census.

year Population at the end of the year Population growth
rate (in%)

(women per
1000 men)
(among 81 provinces)
total male Female
2018 142,541 72,841 69,700 4.56 957 78
2017 136.319 69,352 66,967 4.20 966
2016 130,825 65,824 65.001 0.13 987
2015 130,655 65,407 65,248 1.46 998
2014 128,781 64,642 64,139 0.15 992
2013 128,586 64,346 64,240 3.43 998
2012 124,320 62,293 62,027 −0.11 996
2011 124,452 62.107 62,345 1.07 1004
2010 123.135 60,846 62,289 0.84 1024
2009 122.104 60,538 61,566 0.92 1017
2008 120.991 59,787 61.204 2.14 1024
2007 118,457 58,489 59,968 - 1025
2000 1 114.724 57,081 57,643 1010 79

1 Census 2000

Population of the counties

The values ​​from 2000 are based on the census, the remaining (2007-2018) are population figures at the end of the year, determined by updating the population register introduced in 2007 (ADNKS)

district 2000 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Elbeyli 7,992 6,714 7.146 6,842 6,688 6,391 5,943 6,491 5,982 5,852 5,722 5,325 6,526
Merkez 87,387 92.094 93,719 95.034 96,374 98,383 99.056 102,889 103,531 106.293 106,582 112,553 116.034
Musabeyli 13,895 14,161 14,561 14,653 14,550 14,196 13,873 13,775 13,962 13,359 13,308 13,251 14,620
Polateli 5,450 5,488 5,565 5,575 5,523 5,482 5,448 5,431 5,306 5,151 5,213 5,190 5,361
Total province 114.724 118,457 120.991 122.104 123.135 124,452 124,320 128,586 128,781 130,655 130,825 136.319 142,541

Individual evidence

  1. Türkiye Nüfusu İl ve İlçelere Göre Nüfus Bilgileri , accessed on April 23, 2019
  2. Kilis Province website (portrait of the governor) , accessed April 23, 2019
  3. Directorate General of Mapping İl ve İlçe Yüzölçümleri (PDF; 0.25 MB).
  4. Türkiye Nüfusu İl İlçe Mahalle Köy Nüfusu , accessed on April 23, 2019.
  5. (PDF; 1.4 MB).
  6. 2000 census (Turkish)
  7. MDS / Central Dissemination System from TÜIK (Eng./Turk.)