Aksaray (province)

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Province number: 68
Bulgarien Griechenland Zypern Georgien Armenien Aserbaidschan Iran Irak Syrien Edirne Tekirdağ İstanbul Çanakkale Yalova Balıkesir Bursa Kocaeli Sakarya Bilecik Kütahya İzmir Manisa Aydın Muğla Uşak Denizli Düzce Bolu Eskişehir Afyonkarahisar Burdur Antalya Isparta Zonguldak Bartın Karabük Çankırı Ankara Konya Karaman Mersin Niğde Aksaray Kırşehir Kırıkkale Çorum Kastamonu Sinop Samsun Amasya Yozgat Kayseri Adana Ordu Tokat Sivas Giresun Osmaniye Hatay Kilis Malatya K. Maraş Gaziantep Adıyaman Şanlıurfa Mardin Batman Diyarbakır Elazığ Erzincan Trabzon Gümüşhane Tunceli Bayburt Rize Bingöl Artvin Ardahan Kars Iğdır Erzurum Muş Ağrı Bitlis Siirt Şırnak Van HakkariAksaray in Turkey.svg
About this picture
Aksaray districts.png
Basic data
Coordinates: 38 ° 26 '  N , 33 ° 52'  E Coordinates: 38 ° 26 '  N , 33 ° 52'  E
Provincial capital: Aksaray
Region: Central Anatolia
Surface: 7,659 km²
Population: 412,172 (2018)
Population density: 52 inhabitants / km²
Governor: Ali Mantı
Seats in Parliament: 3
Telephone code: 0382
Features : 68
www.aksaray.gov.tr (Turkish)
Landscape in Aksaray (2007)
Lake at Sarıyahşi in Aksaray (2016)
Aşıklı Höyük archaeological site in Aksaray (2010)
Tank farm under construction (2010)

Aksaray ( Turkish for white palace ) is a Turkish province in central Anatolia . The capital is the eponymous Aksaray . The province is bordered by the provinces of Konya in the west and south, Niğde in the southeast, Nevşehir in the east and Kırşehir in the north. The province is located in the dry highlands of Cappadocia and touches the second largest lake in Turkey, the Tuz Gölü (salt lake) , in the northwest .

Other names of the city from history are Nenessa (Nenossos), Şinakhatum-Şinukhtu, Garsaura, Kolonea-Arkhelais, Taxara, Şehri- Süleha and Piga Helena.


Like almost all Turkish cities in the region, the province has an Assyrian , Hittite , Phrygian , Persian , Byzantine and Seljuk history.

The young Christianity spread in the 2nd and 3rd centuries in Cappadocia , which also includes the Aksaray area. Difficult political circumstances, attacks and expulsions were the reason why many underground cities and churches were built in the area , especially by the Christians , in order to be able to practice their religion there. Cappadocia was one of the first early Christian centers. 3000 churches discovered to date in the region bear witness to this history. The area of ​​Cappadocia was declared a World Heritage Site and World Natural Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1985 .

With the Battle of Manzikert in 1071, the Aksaray region fell to the Seljuks under the leadership of Malik Ahmet Danischmend Gazi and became Turkish for the first time. In 1116 the city of Konya, 150 km away, became the capital of the Anatolian Seljuks. Under Kılıç Arslan II , today's city of Aksaray was founded in 1142 on the ruins of the city of Arkhelais. Many Turks from what is now Azerbaijan were settled in the region. Later families from the east of what is now Turkey settled here.

After the Seljuks were defeated in the Battle of the Köse Dağ in 1234 and the Mongols invaded Anatolia, the Seljuk rulers no longer had any governmental authority.

Under Ishak Pasa, the region came under Ottoman rule in 1470 until Mustafa Kemal Ataturk proclaimed the Turkish Republic on October 29, 1923 .

With a law passed in 1933, Aksaray became a district of Niğde Province . Aksaray never accepted this, as it was believed that due to the number of inhabitants, Aksaray had a higher status than Niğde. All parliamentarians sent by Aksaray to the Grand National Assembly submitted bills to recognize Aksaray as an independent province. A law submitted by Oğuz Demir Tüzün on April 1, 1964 was put to the vote, but was shelved for an indefinite period due to the rejection of an opposition MP from Adana Province . In 1971 the draft law was rejected again.

In the 1987 elections, the Aksaray MPs from Niğde again presented a bill, which was accepted on June 15, 1989 and made Aksaray a province after 56 years.

Administrative division


The province is divided into eight districts (also districts, İlçe ):

district Area 1
Population (2018) 2 Number of Units Density
(Ew / km²)
share (in%)
ratio 3
date 4.5
District ( İlçe ) Administrative headquarters
Aksaray Merkez 3,539 295.351 223.166 9 76 83 83.5 84.64 1,015 1989
Ağaçören 407 8,320 3,034 1 6th 27 20.4 36.47 1,016 1989
Eskil 1,701 26,648 17,414 2 17th 11 15.7 75.86 985 1989
Gülağaç 326 19.903 4,636 4th 20th 9 61.1 70.30 990 1989
Güzelyurt 285 11,761 2,826 3 11 8th 41.3 61.68 1.006 1989
Ortakoy 727 32.504 19,958 1 12 30th 44.7 61.40 1,051 1957
Sarıyahşi 210 6,801 4,260 1 8th 6th 32.4 62.64 1,021 1989
Sultanhanı 463 10,884 10,208 1 7th 1 23.5 93.79 959 2017
PROVINCE of Aksaray 7,659 412.172 22nd 157 175 52.5 79.51 1,013


1 Area 2014
2 Population update as of December 31, 2018
3 Gender ratio : number of women per 1000 men (calculated)
4th Ministry of Interior PDF
5Counties that were not formed until after Turkey was founded (1923).


There are 22 cities in the province. The following table shows the population at the end of 2018 and the corresponding counties and the number of city quarters. The Turkish statistics rarely list the population of the cities ( Belediye ), but rather that of the city quarters ( Mahalle ). Cities in bold are the main towns ( Merkez ) of the districts.

city in the district Number of
Ağaçören Ağaçören 6th 3034
Eskil Eskil 13 17,414
Eşmekaya Eskil 4th 2801
Demirci Gülağaç 4th 4280
Gülağaç Gülağaç 5 4636
Gülpınar Gülağaç 5 2838
Saratlı Gülağaç 5 2237
Güzelyurt Güzelyurt 4th 2826
Ihlara Güzelyurt 4th 2410
Selime Güzelyurt 3 2018
Aksaray Aksaray Merkez 48 223.166
city in the district Number of
Bağlıkaya Aksaray Merkez 4th 3114
Helvadere Aksaray Merkez 4th 2716
Sağlık Aksaray Merkez 3 2648
Taşpınar Aksaray Merkez 3 2838
Topakkaya Aksaray Merkez 4th 2948
Yenikent Aksaray Merkez 3 5479
Yeşilova Aksaray Merkez 3 4563
Yeşiltepe Aksaray Merkez 4th 2508
Ortakoy Ortakoy 12 19,958
Sarıyahşi Sarıyahşi 8th 4260
Sultanhanı Sultanhanı 7th 10,208


The 175 villages have a total of 83,272 inhabitants, an average of 476 inhabitants. Most of the villages are located in the central district ( Merkez ), namely 83. They have 45,371 inhabitants, which corresponds to a share of approx. 54 percent.
Of all the villages in the province, 22 have more than 1,000 inhabitants. The largest are located in the district of the district
capital : Kutlu (1,841), İncesu (1,726), Doğantarla (1,615), Sevinçli (1,611), Karaören (1,569) and Karacaören (1,512) have more than 1,500 inhabitants. The village of Güneşli , part of Eskil County, has 1,589 inhabitants.


In 1927, at the first census after the establishment of Turkey and the only one before the incorporation of Aksaray into the province of Nigde (see history), the province counted 127,031 inhabitants (60,407 men, 66,624 women).

At the 2011 census, the average age in the province was 27.9 years (national average: 29.6), with the female population being on average 1.4 years older than the male population (28.7-27.3).

Population at the end of the year

The following table shows the annual population development at the end of the year after updating by the addressable population register (ADNKS) introduced in 2007. In addition, the population growth rate and the sex ratio (are Sex Ratio h. Number of women per 1,000 men d.) Listed.
The 2011 census found 379,163 inhabitants, almost 17,000 fewer than in the 2000 census.

year Population at the end of the year Population growth
rate (in%)

(women per
1000 men)
(among 81 provinces)
total male Female
2018 412.172 204,792 207,380 2.43 1013 47
2017 402,404 200.233 202.171 1.44 1010 49
2016 396.673 197,362 199.311 2.63 1010
2015 386,514 192,688 193,826 0.59 1006
2014 384.252 191.091 193.161 0.38 1011
2013 382,806 190,540 192.266 0.76 1009
2012 379.915 188,945 190,970 0.29 1011
2011 378.823 187.892 190.931 0.35 1016
2010 377.505 186,956 190,549 0.16 1019
2009 376.907 187,633 189,274 1.70 1009
2008 370,598 183,953 186,645 1.23 1015
2007 366.109 180.007 186.102 - 1034
2000 1 396.084 195.822 200,262 1023 48

1 2000 census

Population of the counties

The values ​​from 1990 and 2000 are based on the population censuses, the remaining (2007-2018) are population figures at the end of the year, determined by updating the population register introduced in 2007 (ADNKS)

district 1990 2000 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Ağaçören 17,962 15,869 11,870 11,284 10,911 10,448 9,995 9,379 9,269 8,881 8,467 8,373 8,175 8,320
Eskil 22,110 28,952 26,286 25,517 25,962 26,073 26,227 26.202 26,178 25,984 25,929 26,179 26,333 26,648
Gülağaç 19,641 26,874 21,906 21,691 21,543 21,202 20,594 20,279 20,408 19,801 19,334 19,408 19,244 19.903
Güzelyurt 17.182 16,836 14,188 14,259 13,830 13,302 12,740 12,527 12,545 12,147 11,710 11,453 11,275 11,761
Merkez 189,256 236,560 244.036 251,628 259,469 262,581 266,962 270,528 273.999 278.171 283.063 293,631 289.778 295.351
Ortakoy 48,675 58,873 40,477 39,699 38,463 37,595 36,478 35,519 34,792 34,048 33.113 32,763 32.209 32.504
Sarıyahşi 11,573 12,120 7,346 6,520 6,729 6,304 5,827 5,481 5,615 5,220 4,898 4,866 4,833 6,801
Sultanhanı - - - - - - - - - - - - 10,557 10,884
Total province 326,399 396.084 366.109 370,598 376.907 377.505 378.823 379.915 382,806 384.252 386,514 396.673 402,404 412.172



  • Mercedes-Benz Türk A.Ş. Truck plant
  • Salt industry
  • Textile industry
  • Auto parts industry
  • Machine industry
  • Agriculture

Web links

Commons : Aksaray Province  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Türkiye Nüfusu İl İlçe Mahalle Köy Nüfusu , accessed on April 23, 2019
  2. Website of the Aksaray province (portrait of the governor)
  3. Aksaray Gov: İlimizin Tarihçesi. Aksaray Gov, accessed July 3, 2018 (Turkish).
  4. Directorate General of Mapping İl ve İlçe Yüzölçümleri (PDF; 0.25 MB).
  5. Türkiye Nüfusu İl İlçe Mahalle Köy Nüfusu , accessed on April 23, 2019.
  6. illeridaresi.gov.tr (PDF; 1.4 MB).
  7. a b Central Dissemination System from TÜIK Population of municipalities, villages and quarters , accessed on April 15, 2019
  8. 1990 census (Turkish)
  9. 2000 census (Turkish)
  10. MDS / Central Dissemination System from TÜIK (Eng./Turk.)