Wages place

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Wages place
City of wages
Coordinates: 52 ° 11 ′ 24 ″  N , 8 ° 41 ′ 19 ″  E
Height : 51–140 m above sea level NN
Area : 8.57 km²
Residents : 7079  (Dec. 31, 2003)
Population density : 826 inhabitants / km²
Postal code : 32584
Area code : 05732
Gohfeld Löhne-Ort Mennighüffen Obernbeck Ulenburgmap
About this picture
Location of Löhne-Ort in Löhne

Löhne-Ort (Low German: Leune ) is a district of the city ​​of Löhne in northeast North Rhine-Westphalia . Until it was founded on January 1, 1969, the place formed the municipality of Löhne and then received the addition of -Ort . Although it gives the city its name, Löhne-Ort is not its largest or most centrally located part.


Löhne-Ort, which has around 7,000 inhabitants, makes up the southwest of the Löhne urban area. Neighboring districts are Obernbeck in the north and Löhne-Bahnhof in the east. Herford - Falkendiek join in the south, Hiddenhausen - Schweicheln-Bermbeck in the southwest and Kirchlengern - Südlengern in the west .

The border to the west and north forms the Werre . The earliest settlements Löhne (-Dorf) and Falscheide were formed on their flood-proof terrace in the early Middle Ages . To the south the terrain rises steadily and is less suitable for arable farming. Up until the 18th century, this was where the common marrow lay , which was only increasingly populated later and is now occupied by the districts of Löhnerheide and Dickendorn . The district of Steinsiek is only partly in Löhne, the greater part of it belongs to Löhne-Bahnhof.

The Löhner Schulbach rises in the village and flows into the Werre after about 3 kilometers .

Martin Luther Church


  • 1150: the place is first mentioned as Lenithe .
  • Lutheran Reformation around 1550
  • 1697: Own parish , parish of Gohfeld with the farmers Löhne-Königlich and Löhne-Beck
  • 1843: Löhne-Königlich and Löhne-Beck form the municipality of Löhne in the Gohfeld district of the Herford district
  • around 1845: Construction of the Martin Luther Church in the village
  • 1847: Construction of the Cologne-Minden railway line immediately south of Löhne-Dorf
  • 1855: Construction of the Hanover West Railway , the village is now closely surrounded on three sides by embankments

On January 1, 1969, the municipality of Löhne becomes a district (as the Löhne-Ort district) of the newly founded city of Löhne.

In the 1980s and 1990s, the Löhner municipal politics, despite some citizen protests, practiced the almost without exception removal of the historical building fabric in the village.


  • Elementary School Löhne (-Süd)
  • Municipal secondary school wages


  • Evangelical Lutheran Church Congregation Löhne

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Official Journal of the Minden Government: Formation of Gohfeld Office and Landgemeinde Löhne. Retrieved February 2, 2014 .
  2. Topographical-statistical manual of the government district of Minden, components of the community of Löhne. (Digitized version) 1866, p. 12 , accessed on April 22, 2010 .
  3. Martin Bünermann: The communities of the first reorganization program in North Rhine-Westphalia . Deutscher Gemeindeverlag, Cologne 1970, p. 75 .